War Emperor

Chapter 947: You are far behind me

Chapter 947: You are far behind me

The women in white all looked stagnant.

The strength of this human teenager also made her admire her.

"Ah, how could I lose to you." Not long after, the golden giant crawled out of the ruins, unwilling to say.

Now he is very miserable. Holding the handle, the face of the axe has exploded long ago, and his body is also dripping with blood. You can see the bright red flesh and dense bones in many places, and he is very unwilling.

"Why not? Can human beings have absolutely no power? The real ignorance is you. If you dare to mess around, don't blame me for ruthless action and kill you on the spot!"

Lin Han's eyes bloomed with divine light, like a reincarnation of an ancient emperor, full of a detached taste, he shouted.


The golden giant almost vomited blood.

They despise Lin Han as a frog at the bottom of the well, and now they are despised by Lin Han again, which is simply outrageous.

The other creatures' complexions also turned pale, this is simply a blow to all of them.

"Good boy, do you think that the Heavenly Bird Holy Land has only this ability, then you are very wrong, my old crane will teach you something!"

As soon as the voice sounded, Lin Han felt a strong wind hit, and then the dragon robe on his body was suddenly torn out by the sharp claws, and even the flesh was torn, and there was a fiery pain.

"Fast speed!" King Jin, Lao Lei and others were surprised. They only saw one shadow, and Lin Han was hit.

Fortunately, Lin Han drew a little away in time, otherwise a hole in his stomach would be cut open all at once.

"Who is it, those who hide their heads and show their tails, come out for me." Lin Han's face sank and he shouted coldly.

"Hey, it's my old crane, you don't even know where I am, you are too trash?" At this moment, a sharp laughter came from behind.

Lin Han turned his head and saw that there was a sturdy creature behind him, fluttering with wings, full of playful abuse.

"It's you?" Lin Han's eyes flicked a brilliant light. This is one of the few creatures in the Heavenly Bird Holy Land. He didn't expect that the speed would be so fast.

"Yes, how about letting Lao He come to ask you for advice?" Lao He quack laughed.

"Okay, I just want to see what you have in the Heavenly Bird Holy Land." Lin Leng Leng laughed and stood there and said.

Those creatures all sneered and said: "You kid, I'm afraid I don't know, Lao He's speed is the best in the world."

"Even if you have a strong physical body, it is useless. You will inevitably be torn to pieces by Lao He's claws."

The golden giant also grinned, knowing that Lin Han would definitely lose next.

The woman in white only shook her head gently.

She was unwilling to have a conflict with the people of the Guli dynasty, but now she can only take one step and see one step.

Lin Han injured Lao Jin, Lao He and other arrogant creatures, it is normal to be unconvinced.

"Haha, kid, you have a kind, as long as you can grab a feather of my old crane, I can handle it with you." The old crane quacked, and the figure was on the left side of Lin Han, on the right side for a while, On the front side, for a while on the back side, like a ghost, the speed is appalling.

King Jin and Ji Ke'er both looked solemn, how could they face the enemy at such a speed?

"Now that you know how powerful your old crane is, kneel down and give you Grandpa Crane a few bangs. When my pet, Grandpa Crane I can spare your life." Old Crane laughed and continued to change his position. .

Lin Leng Leng smiled: "If your so-called speed will only be like a beam jumping clown, if you show off here, don't smear my eyes here."

"You won't make a move, right, then I will make a move first."


As soon as the words fell, Lin Han also disappeared out of thin air, and then suddenly appeared behind the old crane, and stepped down against the old crane.


The old crane suddenly fell from the sky and fell to the ground fiercely, arousing large amounts of dust.

"What's going on?" The laughter of the people in the Heavenly Bird Holy Land suddenly stopped, one by one in a daze.

It took only a thousandth of an instant from Lin Han finished speaking to knocking Lao He down.

This makes them overreact, and it feels like a dream.

This speed seems even more terrifying than Lao He...

"Damn, what kind of sorcery are you performing?" Lao He also felt his mind bursting with stars, spinning around, his tongue drooping, and finally shouted angrily.

"Extreme speed? Ignorant beast, this is the real speed. You are too tender to play in front of me." Lin cold smiled, then pulled out a few hairs on its head, and said: "I can not only touch you now You can pull it out!"

"Ah, no, my hair." Lao He suddenly screamed like a pig, covering his head with his wings, almost crying.

Its most beautiful feathers are on the top of its head, which always makes it feel very cool.

Just like this, he was pulled out bald by Lin Han, making him want to chase Lin Han's nine streets with a knife, chopped into eighteen segments.

"The kid who killed a thousand knives, I'll fight it for you." Then, it broke free of Lin Han, yelling angrily as if it had the vengeance of killing its father, and striding on two slender legs, like an old duck. , Zhang Ya Wu Claw ran over.

At the same time, on its wings, there was a terrible silver light, revealing a strong wind force.

"That is the power of the blood of the old crane."

The creatures from the Heavenly Bird Holy Land couldn't help laughing grinning.

The power of the blood of the old crane is precisely the wind, which can even affect the space.

As long as it was put on display, even a person who was one realm higher than it would not be able to react, they felt that Lin Han would be finished next.

"The hillbilly who killed a thousand knives, if you pull out my hair, I will also pull out yours, and see if the old crane won't catch you to death." The old crane yelled wildly, full of cruelty.

"I said, don't be faster than me, you are still tender." However, Lin coldly smiled, then disappeared out of thin air, and reappeared in Lao He again, stepped down again, and pressed Lao He to the ground.

"How is this possible?" Lao He suddenly looked like a ghost, couldn't believe it, but he displayed the power of his bloodline, why is Lin Han faster than him?

Then it seemed to think of something, and lost its voice: "If you want to beat me in terms of speed, humans must at least have intermediate-level original combat technique footwork. Do you have intermediate-level original combat technique footwork?"

"Intermediate origin combat technique footwork?"

Those few creatures also gasped out.

This level of footwork, even in their sacred beast continent, is very rare.

Lin Han was shocked by their possession.

"Yes, old bald bird, you are far behind me in speed, let's get out of here." Lin Han laughed and kicked Lao He's head with one kick, making it bounce out of the neck like a ball. He also flew out with his body, smashed into a lake not far away, splashed a large amount of water, and was very embarrassed.

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