War God Supreme

Chapter 1066: 9 Top of the Mountain

When speaking, the real person of Longyang and the concentric big demon who are not far away are also the strong men staring at Nanyu. <-》

Now Jiuzhong Mountain is no longer the security of the Canghai, but the security of the entire Shenwu Continent.

yà let the contents of Jiuzhong Mountain forbidden to come out, the Shenwu Continent does not ào how many human beings are going to suffer, and the other strong people don’t ào the secret of Jiu Zhongshan, but now, it is already the secret of Jiu Zhongshan.

"Haha, haha."

"Sanyang, you are not in the current situation, you have no chance to protect yourself."

"It's still threatening the deity. When you arrive here, do you think you can stop us, you kànkàn air, when the tengu swallow the sun will come, when the time is the weakest, you want to stop us, that is Delusion."

"Sanyang, your Sanyang hunting fan is indeed powerful, but in front of us, it is vulnerable."

Qingmie laughed loudly. In the current situation, you don't have to think about it. Canghai's strength is simply not Nanyu's opponent. Nanyu's four Wushen Jiuzhongtian's Venerable.

Moreover, several Venerables in Canghai were calculated and injured by secret calculations, and even the old monsters of Canyang, one of the Four Great Venerables in Canghai, vanished.

The few respecters of Nanyu did not even have any injuries. Neither the quantity nor the strength were comparable to Canghai.

"Qingmei, Qingzhen, you are a person from Canghai, and have become a running dog of Nanyu. Do you have a face to face your ancestors and teachers?"

The real person of Longyang, except the Venerable who is not injured, the whole person is still as chic and elegant as ever, the appearance of the bones of the immortal wind, just like the ancient power.

"Huh, Qingzhe, Qingzhen, what else is verbose, kill them, and save hands later."

Qingzhen and Qingmei did not speak, but the Seven Commanders on one side spoke.

When speaking, the tone was extremely cold, and the look of the strong man on the side of the Canghai was disdainful.

"Do it yourself."

Qing Mei turned around and glanced at the Seven Commanders, but there was no objection at all, and there was no resistance to the Seven Commanders like this.

Immediately, Zhenyuan of the whole body started to move, and the figure flashed in front of Sanyang Zhenren.

The devastating attack bombarded Sanyang.



"Sanyang Flame Fan."

"Heavenly wind slashes."

Suddenly, the power of Wushen Ninefold Heavenly Sovereign burst out, trembling between heaven and earth, and the strong winds of destruction raged on the square.

The terrible coercion tore the space, and the space seemed to be destroyed at any time.

The two Wushen battles with the Nine Heavy Heavens together. During the battle between the two, Qingzhen also attacked the concentric big devil.

The two war groups pulled apart and the space began to tear apart.

The other Wushen Yaeten also joined the battle, each with his own opponent.

For a while, the endless war started.

This is not a communication between the powerful Wushen, but the fight between you and you.

Seven Commanders, flashing in shape, also attacked by Longyang.

In the square, only the old man in gray who started to stand beside the Seven Commanders did not start, but his eyes and consciousness stared at the war on the spot.



At this time, the old man in gray started.

The figure was like lightning disappeared into the air. When it appeared again, the old man in gray had appeared in front of a warrior of the Wushen Eightfold Heavens.

With a loud bang, Wushen Yazhongtian disappeared, and there was no suspense.

Wushen Yazhongtian, facing the venerable Wushen Jiuzhongtian, had no resistance at all, not to mention being attacked by the Jiuzhongtianshou.

The Canghai strong man is missing one more. After the old man in the gray clothes shot, he never moved again, but backed aside.

As if the hunter is generally staring at the battlefield, because he wants to find the best shot opportunity to kill in one blow.

Suddenly, the strong man in Canghai felt the threat of death. While facing the opponent's attack, he also worried about the sneak attack of Wushen Jiuzhongtian.


The war is still going on, and the old man in gray looks like a hunter.

At this time, the old man in grey clothes found another opportunity, and the figure disappeared while the figure flashed.

The figure appeared in front of a bunch of martial arts warriors, and the same destructive attack bombarded a strong seaman. The distance was only a few meters, and the speed of the sneak attack was extremely fast.

Wushen Jiuzhong Tian sneaked into Wushen Yazhong Tian, ​​absolutely spike.

Seeing such a situation, the strong people in the sea on the battlefield were shocked and grieved in their hearts, and the strong people in Nanyu were excited.

Because there is another Wushen Yazhongtian Canghai strongman was killed.

In this way, after all the destruction and the destruction of the Canghai Wushen Eightfold Heavens, all the strong men of Nanyu teamed up to kill the three Venerables of Canghai.



The old man in the gray coat showed an excited look, and the thrill of killing the God of War made him excited, and said a word coldly.

However, just as the devastating attack hit Chuqu, a crisis of death emerged in his heart, and this crisis made him feel bad.

But there is nothing wrong with it, and the Venerables here are all here, even Wushen Yaejeon can't threaten him, and now even the response is too late.

When his voice fell, the same sound rang in the air at the same time.




Hearing the sound and feeling that the crisis has come to the front, the old man in gray clothes withdrew his own attack with all his strength, and withdrew the real element of the show to protect himself.

However, it was too late.

Most of the attacked Zhenyuan was recovered, and the attacked Wushen Yazhong was thrown away with a muffled noise.

At the same time, the old man in grey clothes spurted out blood, and a screaming sound rang out.

The body threw chuqu down on the square fiercely.

In the square, although all the strong men are fighting, but the strong men here are the presence of Wushen Yaetian and Venerable level.

At the time of this change, the old man in gray clothes felt the change at the same time.

But Wan Wan did not expect that such a change would cause such consequences.

Although Wushen Yazhongtian escaped from death and died from death, he was also seriously injured.

Even if the old man in gray clothes withdrew most of the true yuan, but the attack of Wushen Jiuzhong Heavenly Lord was so powerful.

The injury is already fortunate, otherwise it will disappear.

The old man in gray was seriously injured and fell to the ground without knowing his life or death.

With this change, all major wars stopped, and the strong men on both sides separated again, looking at the center of the square.

When I saw the center of the square, the look on the faces of all the powerful people changed dramatically.

Because, there is a person standing in the center of the square, this person shocked the strong on both sides, as if they saw ghosts.

"Old Sun in the Sun!"

"Brother Canyang!"

"Brother Canyang!"

Nanyu's strong man exclaimed when he saw this man.

When the strong man in Canghai saw this person, he exclaimed, but with excitement and excitement, his eyes were wet.

I want a few Wushen Jiuzhongtians, but old monsters of several generations ago, although there is competition together, but even more than a thousand years have passed, even competition has emotions.

And now still standing comrades.

At first I saw the comrade-in-arms disappearing, but now I have seen this comrade-in-arms, and naturally I was overjoyed.

"Old monster, aren't you going away?"

"Brother Canyang, why are you?"

"Old Sun, you are not dead yet."

"What the **** is going on? We have also checked the scene, and you are all gone."


All of a sudden, the strong men in the square were shocked and curious.

Sanyang and Longyang, as well as the concentric big devil and other martial gods, all asked.

Although Nanyu's Qingmei and others did not speak, they were shocked and curious, and their expressions changed.

"Laozi almost died."

"Earthquake Eight Famine Arrays, Nine Heavens Ice Soul God Needle, almost killed Lao Tzu."

"Similarly, the extinction of the heaven and earth of Xianleqin also made me disappear, but the appearance of a person changed all this."

The look on the face of the old Canyang monster was plain, and he looked at some of the super powers in Nanyu.

There is not his Xianleqin in his hand, but a faint light, which has a breath of destruction and death.

It was horrified to see the strong of this light group, because it was a icy flame.

And the old man in gray clothes on the ground, there is a breath of ice flames.

The strong man present also understood that the old man in gray clothes was just attacked and was also injured by this ice flame, and the old man in gray clothes still had the breath of ice flames, which was constantly invading his meridians.


The old man in grey flashed a bit, and quickly retreated to the side of the Seven Commanders and others.

The palm of his hand kept covering his chest, and his face was full of pain.

It seems that the injury is not light, and the injury is still spreading.

"The lord said that he still governs his human body with his own way of life, but Lao Tzu does not have the Jiu Tian Bing Soul Acupuncture, but your situation is the same as that of Lao Tzu at the time."

The old monster of Canyang ignored the shock of the strong players present and continued to say lightly.

There was a cold look in his eyes.

I thought of being secretly calculated at that time, and now I am burning with anger, but this is not the time for anger.

"Who is this guy?"

"Is it also the Venerable of Wushen Jiuzhongtian?"

People like Sanyang and Longyang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are shocked.

Finally, after the words of the real person of Canyang fell, he couldn't help asking.

It is really unimaginable for a person to be able to rescue the old sun monster in such a scene.

And now looking at the appearance of the old monster in the canyon, not only is there no injury, but the cultivation base is more powerful than before. If there are any adventures encountered in this, it will be hard to die, and it will also make cultivation advanced.

This problem is not only true for Sanyang, but also for the strong guys in Nanyu.

Because they felt something was wrong, the four Venerables in Canghai were here, there could be no other Venerables.

Moreover, it is absolutely not simple to save the old monsters in Canyang. The important thing is that the strong man is on the side of the sea, which is not good for them.

Now, the most powerful Six Commander on his side is also injured and can't do it. The situation is reversed, which is really not good. .

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