War God Supreme

Chapter 1068: 6 Commander's Fall

Everyone focused their attention on the Seven Commanders, and it was forbidden to open it soon. The Nanyu Powerhouse was excited, and the Canghai Powerhouse was horrified.

However, at this time, the eyes of the old blame of Canyang looked far away.

At the same time, the original ugly face also changed.



The space is constantly shaking, and the mysterious atmosphere shakes the stele. The stele seems to be destroyed.

At this time, something changed in the air.

I saw that a silver-white light attacked the mysterious breath above the altar.

This silver-white light is not an attack and power, but a legal decision.



A crisp sound erupted, and the array of the Seven Commanders fell to the ground, and a spit of blood spurted out.

The situation of destruction in the air stopped at this moment.

The Seven Commanders cast the law to break the prohibition, but was interrupted by this light, and all the changes were suddenly broken.

With this change, all the strong men were stunned.

I didn't expect such a change in things, and the strong on both sides looked in the direction of that silvery white light.

Nanyu's strong men were all angry, and the ban was turned on just now, but they were interrupted out of thin air.

For a moment, a dozen pairs of eyes looked into the distance.

I saw a huge monster flying quickly in the air.

There are three figures standing on this huge monster.

As time passed, the figure of the monster was closer.

When he saw this monster, all the powerful men were shocked.

Pterosaur mad beast, Pterosaur mad beast of level nine.

On the pterosaur beast, two women and one man stood. The woman was extremely beautiful, and the man was dashing.

The young man dressed in white was interrupted just now.

I saw a picture in front of the young man, and there was a mysterious atmosphere on the picture.

Seeing the comers, the strong men of Canghai and Nanyu were all surprised.

Although the pterosaur beast is the ninth-order ninth level, which is equivalent to the Wushen Nine-Nine Heaven Powerhouse, but the real battle, the ninth-order ninth-level monster is not the opponent of the Wushen Nine-Nine Heaven.

And on the pterosaur beast, the cultivation of three people are very low, a triple sky, a double sky and a heavy sky.

This kind of cultivation practice is just ants in front of Wushen and Chongzhongtian.

It was such a lineup that destroyed the good things of the Nanyu Powerhouse.

"Who is he?"

"Is there such a low-level Wushen coming in Jiuzhongshan?"

More than a dozen martial arts strongmen, watching Pterosaur beasts suspended above the square, all secretly speculated in their hearts.

Only one person showed a happy look on his face.

The old monster in the sun is looking at the people above the pterosaur mad beast, the look on his face becomes excited.

"Ant ants, today the deity will not kill you, and vow not to be human."

"Dare to disturb the good things of Nanyu and make you regret coming to this world."

"Every low-level Wushen, come here to make trouble and find death."

"It won't dispel your hatred without breaking your bones."

"How come there are people from Wushen Yizhong and Chongtian coming to Jiuzhongshan?"

"You can also come to the top of the Kokonoe Mountain."

"Hey, isn't this coming to die?"


Suddenly, the strong men of Nanyu and Canghai all discussed.

Canghai strong man just feels a pity, just came here to die.

Wu Shen Ya Chong Tian is only here to die, not to mention the God of War.

The strong men of Nanyu are all angry, and they did not expect a low-level strong man to destroy their good deeds.

In the air, the breath gradually faded.

The sun slowly leaked out, and the coldness in the sky disappeared.

Forbidden to open, completely failed.

Just as all the strong men talked, the old monster of the Canang Yang spoke.

"Lord Ling Tian."

The old monster in the canyon looked at the young man above the pterosaur beast and shouted loudly, his face showing excitement.

Yes, Li Lingtian is above the Pterosaur Wild Beast, as well as Nangong Mingyue and Liu Yiyi.

The three found that something was wrong and hurried to the top of the Nine-Shan Mountain. When they came here, they saw that someone had reached the top of the Nine-Shan Mountain, and the prohibition had to be turned on.

Seeing this, Li Lingtian gave up the spaceship and allowed the Pterosaur Wild Beast to fly the three of them.

Before the prohibition of opening, cast an array of laws and interrupt the rule of the Seven Commanders.

The blame of the old monster of the Cannon, Ling Tian, ​​suddenly shocked the powerful in the square.

A Wushen Triple Heaven, who was called Your Lord by Wushou Jiutian Venerable such as the old monster of the residual sun, is too weird.

It is really unimaginable to ask a **** of war Wu Jiuzhong to politely address the other party.

Both Sanyang and Longyang are looking at the old monster of the sun, looking forward to the explanation of the old monster of the sun.

The Nanyu Powerhouse also felt that something was wrong.

"My Excellency Cannibal."

Li Lingtian nodded and responded lightly.

The expression on his face was calm and calm, and a cloud was light and gentle, and when he spoke, he stepped down step by step.

The pterosaur beast also slowly landed, but Liu Yiyi has been standing in the pterosaur beast sad, Nangong Mingyue followed Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian's tone and performance immediately shocked the strong players present.

The world is crazy, and Wushen Jiuzhongtian politely calls Santian the Lord.

This is okay, I didn't expect this triple-sky youth to care nothing, but just answered lightly.

"Who is your Excellency?"

The Six Commanders stood up. Although the look on their faces was ugly, they didn't start to look like they were going to die.

Obviously, Han Bingyan didn't let him lose his hands-on ability. Now the situation is strange, he can't do it without showing up.

Seeing the performance of the old monster in Canyang, and the calmness of Li Lingtian, and the fact that this young man just broke the prohibition, the Six Commanders felt something was wrong.

When you talk, you have to be more careful. In case this young man has any horrible background, they offend this young man, that is not a trouble.

"Who is this seat, there is no need to let you know."

"But this seat allows you to remember that this is the Canghai, and you will go to the south corner."

Li Lingtian walked step by step towards this side, and there was no slight change in the look on his face.

His eyes glanced at the square again. Although the look on his face was calm, he was shocked.

Because the stone monument in the center of the square has been loosened, and the battlefield has also been loosened.

If this continues for a long time, the battlefield and the stele will be automatically loosened, and maybe something will happen.

At the same time, seeing Canghai's concentric big devil standing on the side of Nanyu, he also understood what was going on.

The opponent now has five Goddess-level Martial Gods. On his own side, there are only three Martial Gods Ninefold Heavenly Venerables, and Longyang Real Man has no skill at all.

This comparison of forces really shocked him. The situation is not good.

"Damn, pretend to be a ghost."

The Six Commanders didn't expect the ash that slammed into a nose, and the anger suddenly skyrocketed.

A young man of Wushen Mietian was so arrogant that he lost his face, which was indeed abhorrent.

The whole body, the horrible real element works.

The icy flame of Han Bingyan has been suppressed together, without affecting the operation of the true element.

Suddenly, the terrifying energy on the square raged.

The power of the Six Commanders Wushen Jiuzhongtian broke out, and the terrifying coercion ran over to Li Lingtian.

The coercion, rolling like a thunder, rolled over Li Lingtian fiercely.

The look on the face of the old Canyang monster was surprised, but he didn't shoot it, because he wanted to see what horrible means Li Lingtian had.

This person was the first Holy Pill Master of the Shenwu Continent, and the character who refined the pill of immortality was conferred by the Pedestrian Guild.

There may be the Danshi Guild as the backstage. If it is the Danshi Guild as the backstage, the Danshi Guild will definitely not let a low-level Wushen strongman come out and rush, and this person is the Dandan Guild's first Dandao genius.

Even if there is no strongman protection, there must be some means of protection. When I think of this, I feel relieved and look forward to Li Lingtian.

"court death."

All the powerful people watched the horrible coercion rushing towards Li Lingtian, and had already thought of Li Lingtian's end.

But to everyone's surprise, Li Lingtian did not use exercises and defenses to resist.

And he said lightly, when the voice fell, he waved with one hand, but this wave.

Han Bingyan, who was originally suspended in the air, was weirdly out of the control of the old monster of the residual sun, and Han Bingyan went to the newspaper commander of the Six Commanders.

At the same time, Li Lingtian's fingers made a decision, and then his fingers flicked, and there was a muffled sound in the air.



There was a slight muffled sound, and the pressure in the air was scattered.

I saw that the six commanders spooked a spitting blood, and the true elements on his body were scattered. The pressure exerted on him also disappeared at this moment. The whole person was like a deflated balloon.


This was not over yet. The Six Commanders screamed loudly. The ice flame that had been suppressed in the body exploded. The Ice Flame that flew away from behind came to the Six Commanders.

The ice flame in the body and the ice flame in the body produced a terrifying feeling. Under the combination of inside and outside, the Six Commanders screamed as if they were being pumped out.



There was a bang, and a rumbling sound broke out in the body of the Six Commanders. At the same time, the ice flame ignited the imprisonment of the Six Commanders~www.wuxiaspot.com~In a blink of an eye, the smoke of the Six Commanders disappeared and was destroyed by the ice flame.

In all of this, the powerhouses present were terrified, as if they saw ghosts.

I didn't expect a martial arts triple sky, there is such a weird means.

Unexpectedly, a martial **** Mie Tian destroyed the most powerful Six Commanders by strange means.

The old monster of the Canyang is also shocked. He now understands that Li Lingtian had already calculated it when he gave him Hanbing Yan. At that time, he was destined to fall into the hands of Hanbing Yan.

At the moment, there was silence in the square.

The strange silence, the atmosphere is extremely depressed.

All the strong men were shocked. They looked at Li Lingtian and the Six Commanders of Destruction.



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