War God Supreme

Chapter 1080: 7 Leadership and Concentricity...


"Since the blood demon emperor attacked Ling Tian, ​​we dealt with the demon sage king, that is, we did not see the seven commanders and the concentric big devil."

"But at the time, the square couldn't be separated."

"Don't they get underneath when we are not paying attention."

The three old Canyang strangers were shocked when they heard Li Lingtian's words.

Looking around, I didn't see the concentric Great Devil and the Seven Commanders. In retrospect, the two disappeared during the war.

In that case, the square could not be separated at all, and the only thing was to enter underneath.

Suddenly, several people were discussing, and the look on his face was extremely ugly.

At the time of the war and the crisis, I didn't even think about it.

Now I want to come, if there are two more martial arts at that time, it must be easier to deal with the Heavenly Demon Saint King, so that the Heavenly Demon Saint King cannot escape.

"This should be."

"Sanyang Real Man, Your Excellency Canyang, Longyang Real Man."

"I think we still have to go down, otherwise we will let the concentric big devil and the seven commanders stay, and the troubles are endless."

"And, if the two are left behind, whether it is Canghai or Nanyu in the future, we have left hatred. Taking advantage of this opportunity, we will go down first and erase the two, otherwise we will have trouble in the future."

"Furthermore, this Jiuzhong Mountain is here, and the Canghai is about to be in chaos. My Valley of Clouds is also a fairyland of cultivation. Compared to here, it is still a far cry. In the Canghai, who do you think can stay here to practice? ?"

The look on Li Lingtian's face became solemn, and he looked at the three real people in Sanyang.

In this war, all the strong men were left, and all that remained were seriously injured.

But they all understand that such a magical place as Jiuzhong Mountain is definitely the object of competition from countless superpowers.

Jiuzhong Mountain is now in the world, competition is inevitable, but if several super powers in Canghai join forces to distribute peacefully, that is another way of saying it.

"Okay, let's go down first and solve the Big Devil and Seven Commanders."

"At that time, after we come up, we will deal with the matter here, otherwise people from the sea will come here to compete, which will cause an innocent casualty."

The old monster of Canyang first agreed that for Li Lingtian's words, he stood subconsciously on Li Lingtian's side.

Not to mention Li Lingtian's power and horror, nor to say that Li Lingtian was the first Holy Pill Master of the Shenwu Continent. Li Lingtian alone saved him, and he also had a life-saving grace. Although he had a strange temper, he had distinct grievances.

"fair enough."

"If you want to enter here, you have to see His Excellency Ling Tian."

Long Yang Zhenren also nodded his approval. Li Lingtian practiced the five elements of Taoism, which is similar to his Tianmen, and Li Lingtian is a rare demon in the Shenwu Continent. Having some relationships with such people has some benefits for his own Tianmen.

"Okay, after going down, the next three will deal with one, and the three lords will deal with one."

Li Lingtian agreed to come down, and immediately sacrificed the Divine Array.

The heavenly roulette also appeared, and all the scattered breath in the air was quiet.

After Li Lingtian reached Wushen's Fourth Heaven, he got the five elements of Heavenly Cult Venerable and the spirit of Shenfeng. The whole person knew more about heaven and earth, and Tiandao roulette also controlled more.

Now, if not for the concentric big devil and the Seven Commanders, he will definitely not mess up, but find a quiet place to practice for a while.

The gains this time cannot be overstated, but if you want to digest them for a while, it will not work.


"Boo hoo, hoo hoo."

"Whirring whirring."


Bursts of law were displayed, and a golden light radiated from the **** array.

There is also a mysterious breath on the heavenly roulette that is integrated into Li Lingtian's body. The mysterious breath on Li Lingtian's body is becoming stronger and stronger, and in a moment, the light on the Divine Array has exploded.

Li Lingtian's eyes kept looking at the Divine Array. At this time, with one hand, a mysterious array of breath shot towards the original destroyed altar.

Suddenly, a black hole appeared in the ruined altar without any movement.

But inside the black hole, exudes the blood demon gas and the demon power, as well as the silk five elements gas, and the noble spirit air.

Some mysterious coercion continued to radiate. Seeing such a situation, Sanyang Zhenren and others felt a sudden palpitations. Such a place is indeed dangerous. After all, this is the place to suppress the blood demon emperor.


Li Lingtian glanced at the real person of Longyang, and there was no embarrassment for the three people. After all, such a place is dangerous. It is really wrong to ask the three people to go first.

He knows the formation method and the method is strange. Although the cultivation base is inferior to the three Wushen Jiuzhongtian, at this time, he is stronger than the three.

After that, Liu Yiyi stretched out her hand, and Liu Yiyi pulled the Nangong Mingyue. The figure of the three entered the black hole without any hesitation, and disappeared into the black hole in a blink of an eye.

Seeing Li Lingtian like this, the expressions on the faces of the three real people were stunned, and they felt ashamed for a while.

A Wushen triple heaven, wrong, now it is Wushen quadruple heaven.

A Wushen Sizhongtian young man, who thinks of others everywhere, is indeed rare, not to mention a demon who is strong against the sky.

In the Shenwu Continent, the stronger the cultivation base, the less likely it is to take risks.

Unless it's prestige, but the young man in front of him is definitely not pretending to be pretentious, and he doesn't need to pretend to be pretentious anymore.

One person killed three Wushen Jiuzhongtian, one person killed Blood Demon Emperor, and one person defeated the Heavenly Demon Saint King, and such a strong man, the strength of which is placed here, also used what prestige. what.

The trio glanced at each other, and quickly spread out and flew down into the black hole.

Although everyone is seriously injured now, they can't let go like this, because there are two other guys here who don't erase it, which will threaten Canghai in the future.

This square, as well as the entire Jiuzhong Mountain, were built to suppress the Blood Demon Emperor and the Heavenly Demon Saint King.

All fairy spirits are used to suppress the two ancient powerhouses.

The square is also the center of the Jiuzhong Mountain. The altar and stone tablets are the key to absorbing the spirit of fairy spirits to suppress the blood demon emperor and the heavenly demon king.

In order to break up the battlefield, the seven commanders and these guys found out when Tengu swallowed the sun, taking advantage of the coldest air to destroy the battlefield, because this time, the time when the spirit of fairy spirit entered the battlefield was the least time.

But was interrupted by Li Lingtian, but who could think of this battlefield was freed by the blood demon emperor and the heavenly demon holy king.



Li Lingtian pulled Liu Yiyi, Liu Yiyi pulled the Nangong Mingyue, and quickly fell down.

The dark passage, I don't know how deep it is.

The three did not dare to let go, and could only let it fall.

The body shield protects the three people. The horrible blood fiendishness and demon power around them, as well as the spirit of the Kamikaze and the Five Elements, are getting stronger and stronger.

Feeling these breaths, Li Lingtian was excited and worried at the same time.

The excitement is that if you practice in this place, your cultivation will be an absolute improvement.

The worry is that if the concentric big devil and the seven commanders take away some things that should not be taken here, it will be bad for Canghai in the future.

At this time, he also sensed that Longyang and others were down.



Falling down continuously, I don't know how deep it is.

The further down, the more and more intense breath, the degree of richness, as if the deity is here.

This situation shocked Li Lingtian.

It seems that the blood demon emperor and the heavenly demon holy king, as well as Venerable Heavenly God and Shenfeng, their power is simply not imaginable.

Because all of their power has stayed here, after the passage of time, Xiuwei and breath have stayed here, but this place is closed and the breath has not drifted away.

If these guys don’t lose it, how powerful they are.

If these guys' cultivation practices are not lost, even if they are strong, they will be crushed and killed by the blood demon emperor.


At this moment, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed dramatically.

Because I found that the following two groups of breaths continue to grow stronger.

Through induction and experience, these two groups of breaths are the concentric big devil and the seven commanders. The two are absorbing the blood demon qi and the five elements qi here, and forcibly improve their cultivation.

Discovering this situation, Li Lingtian quickly stopped, suspended steadily in the black hole, looked at the two groups of breath below the kilometer, and the expression on his face was constantly changing.

Liu Yiyi and Nangong Mingyue also saw the following situation. If they did not rush to solve the following two, let them absorb the breath here, and maybe some terrible aberration will occur.


The three real people of Longyang also came to Li Lingtian and were shocked to see Li Lingtian stop.

The three of them are more powerful than Li Lingtian, but in the face of this black hole, they are very careful. Zhenyuan and the defense are covering themselves, and they do not understand the situation in other places.

"Lord Ling Tian."

The old monster of Canyang asked softly, I don't know what Ling Tian discovered.

"Look below."

Li Lingtian also said softly.

In fact, he must understand that when he waited for someone to come in, the two below knew it already.

It’s just a moment of practice, and I dare not easily do it.

"Is it the Great Devil and Seven Commanders."

"They should be both."

"I didn't expect the two to practice here."

The three real people of Longyang looked down to www.wuxiaspot.com~ and saw the two groups of breath, and immediately understood.

The look on his face kept changing, and at the same time, he looked at Li Lingtian. In this place, they are no longer like the top powerhouses of the four super powers, nor the four great respecters of Canghai.

This situation is clear to their hearts. Although Li Lingtian is only Wushen Quadruple Heaven, his strength is definitely not something they dare to easily ignore.

"The one on the left has absorbed the energy of the five elements, but he can't bear the energy of the five elements. Sooner or later, he will be exploded."

"The one on the right is swallowing the blood of the blood demon, I will solve it, and the three will deal with the seven commanders with all their strength, so as to avoid accidents."

Li Lingtian said lightly, his face calm.

After finishing speaking, Liu Yiyi was hidden at the edge of the black hole, and she glanced at Nangong Mingyue. The two looked at each other, and the terrifying power of the Phoenix suddenly broke out.



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