War God Supreme

Chapter 1084: One year's success...

Since the war, the entire Cangnan region is in flames of war.

Every major force has sent countless disciples and strong men to come to support, because if defeated by Nanyu, Canghai will not be guaranteed.

Moreover, if a few super powers in Canghai are defeated, the Nanyu Powerhouse floods into the Canghai like a locust. The resources of the Canghai belong to Nanyu. Such a thing, the Canghai Powerhouse never wanted to see it.

Some forces, big and small, also have indicators.

Each school sent disciples and strong men to the front line of the war to support them according to their forces.

Now, Nanyu has crossed the Cangming sea area of ​​the dividing line and has come to the Cangming Great City belonging to the Canghai Sea.

More than ten large cities in Canghai were occupied by Nanyu, and tens of millions of miles of resources fell.

The situation is getting more and more serious, each force has to increase the dispatch of disciples and strong men.

The Luofeng Mountain Range has also obtained the index. In the Luofeng Mountain Range, it is necessary to send disciples of ten martial arts strongmen, one hundred martial saints, one thousand martial emperors, and more than ten thousand martial kings to Sanjie Mountain.

Piaoyun Valley also has to send countless disciples to go.

Li Lingtian didn't want to be settled, so he had to let the Frost Palace Master and the Star Palace Master go.

Before leaving, Li Lingtian also gave the two countless magical medicines and some treasures, so that as long as the two did not encounter the God of War, they would not be in danger.

The two took hundreds of disciples, as well as the disciples below the Piaoyun Valley. A total of nearly two thousand disciples joined together with the other three forces in the Luofeng Mountain Range.

Despite the flames of war, the Luofeng Mountains were not attacked by Nanyu.

Because the Canghai and Nanyu are separated by Beiyunhai, and Beiyunhai comes over there as well as Qingwuhai, now Jiuzhong Mountain.

Hundreds of millions of miles away, it will not be affected naturally.

In Piaoyun Valley, the cultivation is as quiet as usual.

Time is also passing day by day.

One month passed, two months passed...

A year later, Piaoyun Valley is still a quiet practice, the battle report outside from time to time passed back to Piaoyun Valley.

Although Nanyu pressed hard, Bei Yunhai also fell, but fortunately the two sisters were not injured.

The powerhouses of Nanyu and Canghai have already spread the battlefield to the edge of the sea beyond tens of thousands of miles from Jiuzhong Mountain.

More strong people in Canghai gather at the edge of the sea area, and the strong people in Nanyu will not be allowed to cross the sea area and enter into Jiuzhong Mountain, because Jiuzhong Mountain is the biggest resource in Canghai now.

In Piaoyufeng Palace, Li Lingtian has not left the palace since the two sisters went to the battlefield.

Even half a year did not leave the room, the room was extremely quiet.

If Nangong Mingyue and Liu Yiyi were sure that Li Lingtian was still in the room, they thought Li Lingtian was no longer in Piaoyufeng.

In this year, Li Lingtian refined the remaining powers of Shenfeng and Tiancang Venerable, as well as the blood demon emperor and the heavenly demon holy king, which took half a year.

In half a year, all the breath and power in the body have been refined, and there is no trace of distraction.

Fortunately, there are the Five Elements Yuanshen and various means against the sky. If other people have been eroded and destroyed by these breaths.

Refining these breaths, Li Lingtian's cultivation practice also successfully broke through the fourfold heaven to reach the five-fold heaven of Wushen.

Now, Xiu Wei has reached the state of the completeness of Wushen Peak.

After refining these breaths and strengths, Li Lingtian realized the consciousness and consciousness of Shenfeng and Tian Cang Venerable, and their consciousness and consciousness merged with him.

Shenfeng didn't have much news, but the information of Venerable Heavenly Lord, which made Li Lingtian feel useful.

The consciousness of Venerable Celestial Master let him understand everything in the ancient battlefield ruins under the Emperor Shijia of the Cangzhou Tiancang Ayutthaya, and also know everything about Celestial Venerable.

Moreover, he was given a secret that he could not believe.

This Shenwu Continent, Wushen Jiuzhongtian is not the most powerful, because there is also a false **** realm above Wushen Jiuzhongtian.

False **** realm, above the martial god, under the true god.

These strong men are hidden in deep mountains and old forests, or hidden in places where the spirit of fairy spirits is closed, and they strive to achieve a higher level one day.

However, for thousands of years, Shenwu Continent has not surpassed the false **** realm.

Although these things are the information of the Celestial Venerable countless tens of thousands of years ago, there are indeed powerful people with false **** realm.

Even if there is no false **** realm, it does not mean that Shenwu Continent cannot have the opportunity to surpass the existence of Wushen.

Venerable Heaven is the strong man of the great consummation in the later period of the false **** realm.

Countless tens of thousands of years ago, the sum of the Shenwu Continents combined will definitely not exceed a thousand false **** realm strongmen, that was when the various resources were abundant tens of thousands of years ago.

Now, don't even imagine it.

However, Li Lingtian had a slight understanding of the realm above Wushen.

In the Shenwu Continent, the strongest who reached the completeness of the Wushen Nine Heavens, all strived to hit the one-trillion-pseudo-realm opportunity.

Because as long as it reaches a false **** realm, it can reach Shouyuan to five thousand years.

Pseudo-Shenjing does not have nine levels, nor nine levels and nine heavens, but is divided into three realms: early, middle, and late.

Every time you cross a small realm, it is equivalent to breaking through a big realm. It is difficult to make progress later.

And the power of each other is also very different.

At that time, the blood demon emperor made troubles in the Shenwu Continent, killing countless Wushen strongmen, and even killing hundreds of pseudo-Shenjing strongmen.

Finally, the first genius of Shenwu Continent, and the first super strong Celestial Venerable, came out and teamed up with the Phoenix Phoenix to suppress the Blood Demon Emperor, but the Heavenly Demon Saint King in the upper realm followed the Phoenix Phoenix to the lower realm and wanted to destroy the suppression. But they were suppressed by three people.

However, the blood demon emperor and the heavenly demon holy king were suppressed, and Heaven Cang Venerable and Shenfeng also paid the price. That is, they used their own lives to suppress. Only the **** Huang left the black hole and kept guarding against other people. Also looking for the strong against the sky to destroy the blood demon emperor and the heavenly demon king.

After the suppression of the Blood Demon Emperor and the Heavenly Demon Saint King by Nine-fold Mountain, it disappeared. For countless thousands of years, the Nine-fold Mountain also completely disappeared, and only the descendants of several false **** realms in Canghai knew.

Humans are all united in order to deal with the demons, and the news that Heavenly Cult Venerable and Divine Phoenix Divine Phoenix joined forces to suppress the Blood Demon Emperor and Heavenly Demon Saint King was blocked by the surviving Pseudo Divine Powerhouse.

There are not many people who know at all, only a few words on ancient books that are countless thousands of years later.

No one knows the real inside story anymore, just know that there is Jiuzhong Mountain.

The long river of time has made the Shenwu Continent forget Jiuzhong Mountain and Venerable Heaven.

As for the ruins of the ancient battlefield behind the Cangzhou Tiancang Great City, it is also the place where Venerable Heaven Cultivator has been cultivating. In order to suppress the blood demon emperor, he never left the land where he was repaired.

Because I will stay in Jiuzhong Mountain forever.

Li Lingtian was shocked at the thought of Venerable Tian Cang.

Descendants only knew that Heavenly Heaven Sovereign was the most powerful martial god, but did not know that he was the most powerful false god.

This is also caused by the fact that the Shenwu Continent's false **** realm is not in the world. No one in the Shenwu Continent knows that there is a false **** realm strongman, only that there is a Wushen, and the Wushen is the most powerful.

Know everything about Venerable Tian Cang and the treasures obtained in the ruins of the ancient battlefield.

Chaos measures the heavenly ruler, the Heavenly Emperor's chariot, are all the treasures that Heavenly Heaven Sovereign got in the ancient battlefield, but they left without a chance to refine.

As for the wind and thunder, the Heavenly Heaven Sovereign didn't even know.

The only explanation is that Heavenly Heaven Sovereign doesn't know that the wind and thunder will kill the god, and this treasure has not been found.

That orangutan was trapped when Venerable Heaven Cang left, because at that time he sensed that he would encounter an unexpected event, and never thought he was really right.

This orangutan helped Li Lingtian and let Li Lingtian grow up smoothly.

After understanding everything about Venerable Tian Cang and understanding Shenfeng's consciousness, Li Lingtian was relieved a lot.

The next time is to enlighten the solid state of the emptiness of the heavens.

The annihilation of heaven is the space supernatural power and the space supernatural power of the Phoenix family, but if you want to truly display the space supernatural power, only the gods and phoenixes double repair.

Li Lingtian didn't want to do this, but had to practice alone.

After practicing for a few months, the Great Void God's tactics have been of great help, but the emptiness of the sky is not cultivated.

In this year, Li Ling Tianxiu reached the peak of Wushen's Five Heavens.

Heavenly Emperor's chariot refinement, chaos measurement of heavenly ruler refinement, two treasures, even his current cultivation and knowledge, do not know what level it is.

However, he was able to exert a bit of power, barely able to use it.

The injury recovered and repairs rose sharply.

The only thing is that there is no enlightenment, but the pearl and the heavens vanish.

However, he must go out.

Because of the three super powers of Tianmen, Qingyang Sect and Canyang Valley, they sent disciples to Piaoyun Valley to invite Li Lingtian out of the mountain.

Li Lingtian could only shake his head when he got the news.

The three old guys of the three major forces know his strength, and now he is invited to go out of the mountain, it must be in great trouble.

And from this year's battle reports sent by the Frost Palace Master and others, the battle is getting tighter.

Canghai is not Nanyu's opponent at all. If Canghai no longer appears strong against the sky, Canghai will be completely reduced to Nanyu.

Going out of the border, not only for the battle in the Canghai, but also for the safety of the two sisters, they also have to find something.

The same magical material is also the material to open the dragon ring.

Moreover, such a battle, where the strong people gather, happens to be the best opportunity to find materials for the Sky Sword Formation Sky Sword.

More importantly, he has now reached a bottleneck in cultivation, and immortality cannot improve cultivation.

It can only be stuck in the place where Wushen's five-fold heaven peak is fully consummated~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qingyang Zong meets Ling Tian in Ming and Qing Dynasties. "

"Tianmen Qinghui, see His Excellency Ling Tian."

"Canyang Gufeng Qinglan paid a visit to His Excellency Ling Tian."

When Li Lingtian appeared in the Piaoyun Temple, the three martial gods of the Sixth Heavenly Power looked at Li Lingtian, and immediately saluted him.

At the same time, I was shocked, thinking I was wrong.

Could this young man be His Excellency Ling Tian, ​​the First Holy Pill Master of Shenwu Continent?

I felt puzzled in my heart, but all three were super-strong Wushen and all wise men, and they dared not be rude at this time.

Just in case the person in front of you is the legendary person. After being rude, you must offend people. Such a thing cannot naturally happen to them.



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