War God Supreme

Chapter 1087: Venerable Gathering

The Jiuzhong Mountain is as large as trillions of miles.

The entire mountain range is the spirit of fairy spirit, the spirit of fairy spirit is the best resource for martial arts cultivation.

Even in the thin fairy spirit, it is countless times better than the rich spirit. In the Cangnan region, there has never been a fairy spirit, at most it is a rich spirit.

In the Cangnan region, the Aura of the Canghai is the most intense, the blue sea is the most, and after that is the Qinghai Sea, followed by the Beiyun Sea, the worst aura is the Coral Sea, but this is the case, the Aura of the Coral Sea is also stronger than the Aura of Nanyu.

It's no wonder that Nanyu is competing for Canghai's Aura resources.

Now that Chonghai Jiuzhong Mountain appears, it is simply an endless treasure trove.

If you practice on top of this Jiuzhong Mountain and absorb the fairy spirit of Jiuzhong Mountain, you will definitely be able to increase the speed of martial arts cultivation by ten times.

Jiuzhong Mountain is trillions of miles in size, but there are four main peaks, each of which is five hundred miles high.

The four main peaks are separated by tens of millions of miles, and the four main peaks dominate the entire Jiuzhong Mountain.

Moreover, there are countless powerful monsters on the top of Jiuzhong Mountain, there are precious medicinal herbs, and the original seabed resources also appear on the top of Jiuzhong Mountain.

In other words, Jiuzhong Mountain gathers all the resources of the Qingwu Sea, the most powerful resources between heaven and earth, and amphibious resources.

If you have the resources of Jiuzhong Mountain, you can compete with the rest of Shenzhou.

The appearance of Jiuzhong Mountain made the Nanyu powerhouse attack the Canghai like crazy, and the powerhouses and forces of Canghai also wanted to get the resources of Jiuzhongshan. This time, it was a feast for the powerhouse.

However, the strong man of Canghai didn't dare to have civil strife at this time, because if the strong power of Nanyu wins, the forces and strongmen of Canghai will even occupy the original resources.

After more than a year of war, Beiyunhai in the Canghai has fallen.

The Canghai has fallen into a quarter, and the millions of strong men in Nanyu have all gathered above the sea beyond a million miles from Jiuzhong Mountain.

All forces in the Canghai are also gathered on the waters on the edge of the Jiuzhong Mountain.

Above the waters, there are hundreds of thousands of spaceships and warships. On the sea, there are warriors below Wusheng, and on the airships, they are all powerful.

The two forces are separated by a million miles, which seems far away, but for the Wushen Powerhouse, it is only half an hour.

If there is a real war, this world will be destroyed.

In the forces near the Jiuzhong Mountain, a camp with a size of a hundred miles is suspended in the air.

Countless strongmen gathered around the camp, ready to fight.

However, the power of the Nanyu powerhouse is fierce, and the power is terrifying, which makes the Canghai powerhouse feel a little sad.

Every strong man has a dignified look.

"This time, the strong power of Nanyu is coming aggressively. If the real war comes, the forces on our side are very different from Nanyu."

"And, it is said that the other four great respecters and the five great commanders of the other party are also here."

"The five commanders we managed to cope with, but the four great respecters are all Wushen Jiuzhongtian pinnacles."

In the center of the camp, in a huge spaceship hall, there are six strong men sitting in total.

These six strong men are promising.

The people who spoke were the old monsters of the canyon in the Canyon Valley. The other strong ones were the real people of Sanyang, the real people of Longyang, the Venerable Lingxia of the Canyon Valley, the Taiqing people of the Qingyang Sect, and the clouds of Tianmen. Real people.

The real people of Taiqing and Guanyun, as well as Venerable Ling Xia, have been closed for hundreds of years. If it were not for this war, they would not come forward at all.

The look on the face of the old monster in Canyang was solemn. This time the Nanyu strong attacked Canghai, and the situation was critical. If he was defeated by the Nanyu strong, Canghai would have no place to stand.

And after leaving Jiuzhongshan, he knew that Nanyu had already fought before the appearance of Jiuzhongshan, which was complicated.

A year later, he returned to his sect to heal and finally recovered his injury.

But now I know that the other party's forces are all dispatched, and I'm not shocked.

"With strength, we Canghai are not Nanyu's opponents, but the real battle, the three of our township treasures come out, the other party wants to defeat us, it is not so simple."

"The main thing is that we have to find a way to contain the five great commanders and the four great respecters."

"This is our biggest problem now."

Taizheng opened his eyes and said lightly.

There are countless treasures left in the Canghai, and the four super powers are treasures of township, and their power is shocking.

This is also the key that the four major forces can be saved after countless thousands of years, that is, there is a treasure of township, and the sect can be saved at a critical moment.

However, the other party's four great respecters and five leaders, a total of nine martial arts and nine heavy heavens, this number will be stronger than Canghai.

If you can contain the Nine Martial Gods and the Chong Tian, ​​there will be some chances of victory in the war.

The battles between the Venerables are all earth-shattering, even if you can't fight, you can escape, but you are worried that two fight one.

"The five great commanders are easy to say, the four great respecters are not easy to deal with."

"The strength of the three of us, there is no problem in dealing with each leader. When the time comes, Your Excellency Ling Tian should be able to contain a Venerable."

"Tianmen's Ziqing double swords, I believe it can also contain a Venerable."

"No one can hold back."

Sanyang real person opened his mouth and took over the topic. The look on his face was not so pretty.

Even if the following forces are not Nanyu's opponents, they will definitely not crash so quickly, and it is still possible to contain the powerful ones below.

Moreover, the forces of Canghai are constantly coming, and the local forces will certainly not let foreign forces invade.

The only thing is to contain the five great commanders and the four great respecters.

There are already six Venerables here, but the strength of the three of them can only deal with Nanyu’s three commanders. As for the Venerables of the other party, only Taiqing and Guanyun and Lingxia Venerable can deal with them.

But thinking of Li Lingtian, he can deal with one, even if he can't beat the other, he can contain one.

Coupled with Tianmen's Ziqing double swords, one can also deal with one. Tianmen's Ziqing double swords are Ziyun Fairy and Qingyun Daochang, the two are double compatriots, the masters are the masterpieces of the artifact Ziqing double swords, the famous martial **** The Eightfold Heavenly Power, under the joint force of the two, is definitely not inferior to Wushen Nineth Heaven.

"Ziqing Shuangjian can indeed contain a Venerable, but San Ling what you said, Lord Ling Tian, ​​what is your strength, I can't believe it without seeing it with my own eyes."

"Know that the other party is the Venerable of Wushen Jiuzhongtian Peak Great Consummation."

There is a trace of satisfaction on the face of Guanyun Real Man. The Ziqing Swords are the super genius of Tianmen. Although they just broke through the Wushen Eightfold Heaven, but the two joined forces. After the two swords are combined, they have some confidence in dealing with a Venerable Wushen Nineth Heaven .

But he heard San Yang and Canyang mentioned Li Lingtian several times, and he couldn't believe it.

To know that there is no such horror in the Canghai.

If he is really strong, he cannot be unaware.

"Senior Brother, this Lord Ling Tian, ​​cultivation is indeed not to be underestimated."

"The so-called first holy princess of the Shenwu Continent, although it is only the triple heaven of the Wushen, but the means are powerful and unmatched. Together with the heart devil, the six commanders and the Qingzhen Qingmei, they are all destroyed in his hands."

"Cultivation can't see anything, but it gives people the feeling that he can solve whatever strong man he meets, and the strong man will be strong when he meets strong."

"Last time Jiuzhongshan, if it wasn't for Lord Ling Tian, ​​we wouldn't be able to come back. Jiuzhongshan already belonged to Nanyu. We have already sent someone to invite Ling Tian. I believe it will be soon."

Real Man Long Yang explained that his brother doubted Li Lingtian's strength.

In his life, he didn't accept anyone, but only his own brother. After seeing Li Lingtian, he was also shocked. He didn't expect that there was such a terrible evil in this world.

"The First Holy Pill Master of Shenwu Mainland?"

"This name, some time ago, I seemed to have heard somewhere that the Danshi Guild should not arbitrarily grant such a title, but this time it was named the No. 1 Divine Martial Continent."

The expression on the face of Qingyang Sect's Taiqing man has also changed several times. Without seeing it with his own eyes, it is natural that he does not believe that a martial **** Mie Tian is so horrible.

"The others don't know."

"But the last time I was secretly counted by Jiu Tian Bing Sou, the Lord Ling Tian rescued him."

"I used the seven-pin quintessence panacea. In the end, I also got a quintessential mutated condensate panacea. Otherwise, I wouldn't fix it to improve so fast."

"It is not an exaggeration for the Dan Master who can refine the excellent mutated Elixir, known as the No. 1 Holy Dan Master in Shenwu Continent."

Sanyang blame the situation at that time. At this time, you must believe your comrades, otherwise you will be in chaos without the real start of the war.

"Let's wait until Your Excellency Ling Tian comes."

"Hopefully, Ling Tian will be here before the war."

When Longyang saw the situation in front of him, it was impossible for him to discuss a good solution.

Only after Li Lingtian arrives, make arrangements.

However, what a few Wushen Jiuzhong Tianzun had never imagined was that when they were discussing matters, Li Lingtian and others had already done work with the Nanyu strong.

Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue practiced the power of the gods and phoenixes in the spaceship, either by enlightenment exercises and supernatural powers.

The spacecraft quickly flew towards the Jiuzhong Mountain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just across the coral sea and into the waters of the Jiuzhong Mountain, I encountered a situation.


With a horrible muffled noise, the spaceship was almost shivered.

In this muffled sound, there was also terrifying coercion, as if the coercion of Tianwei kept crushing the spaceship.

The entire spaceship shook and shivered, and it was about to shatter at any time.

Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue are resting after their cultivation. This sudden coercion makes both of them feel horrified.

Looking at each other, between the flashing figure, he had already come out of the spaceship.

Between the spaceship suspended above the sea, a sky of devastating coercion constantly crushed the spaceship, the three Qinghui teamed up to resist the coercion, but there was no slight counterattack.



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