War God Supreme

Chapter 1093: The meaning of water, silver...

All the strong men gave up the original battlefield and completely exposed Jiuzhongshan in front of millions of Nanyu strong men.

This action also shocked Nanyu forces.

But what made everyone wonder is that the Nanyu forces did not take advantage of the Canghai strongmen to leave and enter the Jiuzhong Mountain, but mobilized all forces and flew toward the southwest.

Because they understand that if something happens in the southwest, they will get Jiuzhong Mountain, and they will be destroyed by each other. By then, not only will Jiu Zhongshan get it, but even all of them will be killed here.


The shocking sound of the sky was clear and clear, and the entire sea was destroyed.

Within 20,000 miles, the sea is turbulent, and countless sea beasts and fish are crazy and boiling, just like the end of the world.

The sky was originally cloudless, but now the sky is covered with blood and dark clouds.




Six figures quickly cut through the void and rushed towards the place of war.

Time is victory. If you reach it earlier, the chance of victory in this battle will be even greater.

The six Wushen Jiuzhong Tianqiang did not relax at all, and they fully showed their fastest speed. As long as they felt rushed to the place of war, they could have an additional chance to rescue Li Lingtian.

"Bloody sky?"

"No, this is the **** sword of the ancient artifact."

Seeing the **** sky thousands of miles away, the Taiqing people showed a horrified look on their faces.

The look changed dramatically, and his body was abrupt.

Five other Venerables of Wushen Jiuzhongtian were also horrified.

They are all Wushen Jiuzhongtian super powerhouses, and they are naturally clear to some strong people in the Cangnan region. They can’t understand this **** sky. This **** sky appeared when the blood-stained Great Sovereign exhibited the ancient **** sword. of.

The horror of the blood-stained venerable master is so terrible that, to date, Li Lingtian has not been killed.

From the sending of the message to the present, the time has passed for almost five minutes. Although the five minutes is not long, for the Wushen Powerful, many things can already be done.

The battle between the super powers decides the victory or defeat in an instant.

Blood Lord Sovereign is known as the second superpower in Nanyu. He didn't expect to face Li Lingtian, an ordinary martial arts strongman, who had not yet defeated him, and even used the most powerful killer weapon, the Bloody Sword.

"hold onto."

After seeing the blood-colored breath in the sky, the old monster in the Canyang changed his expression on his face.

The opening spoke lightly, and the strange shape disappeared into the sky, and the magical technique of a thousand miles was used.

Several other powerful players also cast teleports at the same time, quickly moving away in the direction of the war.

In my heart, I was expecting Li Lingtian to persevere in front of the Scarlet Sword. In this way, as long as he could persevere, the Supreme Bloodblood would consume the true yuan, and if they shot, they would also be able to kill the Supreme Bloodblood.

The other strong men also quickly came thousands of miles away, looking at the blood in the sky, they were shocked and scared.

The **** sky stained the space with blood red, and even the sea became blood red.

This is the power of the Scarlet Sword, the power of evil and evil, and unparalleled dominance.

The **** long sword of destruction was also cut down into the sea with the spirit of destruction.

"Five Elements of Taoism."

"The meaning of water, the anger of the galaxy!"

Below the sea, a hoarse voice sounded.

Suddenly, the Five Elements Taoism spread out in the air, and the Five Elements Taoism balanced the world. Just when the Five Elements Taoism appeared, the Water's Taoism became more prominent.

Among the five elements of Taoism, the water meaning is the weakest, but the weakest water meaning, when it meets the sea, it is ruined.

In front of the blade of the Scarlet Sword, the boundless waters boiled.

The sea of ​​water in a thousand miles became strange at this time. The sea water of the whole sea suddenly turned into a sea-shattering wave, just like a galaxy bombarded in the air.

The sea water in the Wanli Sea was evacuated, and the sea water in other places kept pouring.

Between the sea and the sea, there was a constant explosion, and the momentum was shocking.


The sea waves turned into the Milky Way, which caused thousands of waves, and the sea water in the thousands of miles greeted the **** sword.

The ruined blade and the soft seawater collided together, and the whole space shivered and torn.

The sea is full of sky, and within thousands of miles, the sky and sea are merging together. The three people Feng Qinglan and Nangong Mingyue also entered the waves of destruction.

The whole world seems to be the world of the sea, and the **** awns constantly destroy the sea.

However, the further back, the less powerful the knife.





The earth-shattering **** sword awn disappeared, and the sea within a thousand miles also landed.

At this time, the old monsters of Canyang and others also appeared in the sea water.

Under the unguarded, all were submerged.

"No traces of time and space."

"Nine Heavens Ice Soul God Needle."

Just as the sea landed, a figure in the sea rose into the sky.

At the same time, a voice came from this figure.


"Since it's here, leave it to the deity."

"Lord Bloodblood, stay here today."

"It's impossible to leave."


At the same time, the halal people and others also made a noise. At the same time, the devastating attack slammed toward the blood-stained Lord.

Suddenly, the six overbearing attacks bombarded the **** lord of the blood.

The look on the face of the Blood Lord greatly changed, and at the same time showed an unwilling look.

I did not expect that before the arrival of these old guys, I was still not able to kill Li Lingtian, but instead I was in a desperate situation.

Originally already injured, if faced with the six Wushen Jiuzhongtian strong men, he has no chance at all, and now he can only escape first.

If at ordinary times, he faced the Taiqing true person alone, or Venerable Ling Xia, or Guanyun true person, he would not be afraid.

But now, there is simply no war intention.

The strange shape disappeared, completely disappeared in the air.

Six devastating attacks have also failed.

The old monsters of Canyang and others came to Feng Qinglan and others, and there was a look of horror on their faces.

Unexpectedly, under such circumstances, the blood-blooded Venerable can still escape, it is hard to imagine.

However, it is no longer possible to chase it, because the strong power of Nanyu has arrived.

"His way of life also governs his body."

"I attacked this seat, did you want to go like this, there is no such simple thing in this world."

Li Lingtian's figure appeared in the air, and the blood on the corners of the person's mouth kept overflowing.

The look on his face was also pale and weak, but his eyes were revealing.


What the old monsters of Canyang and others did not expect was that Venerable Bloodcoat had already escaped, but at this time it fell out of the air.

The air of ice radiated from all over the body, which looked very ugly. At first glance, it was some kind of poisonous injury.

And the body continued to tremble like this, the body's icy air grew stronger and stronger.

There is still a trace of flame in the air of ice, and seeing this situation, several Venerable Gods of the Nine Chongtian were shocked.

However, Li Lingtian had already started his hands without waiting for the blood-stained Venerable to respond.

I saw that Li Lingtian stretched out with one hand, and a domineering sword appeared in his hand. When the sword appeared, a strange atmosphere broke out in the space. No one had seen this atmosphere, and I hadn't even heard of it.

Above the blade, there was also a blaze of flame, the slap was wide, and three feet long.

The pressure of ruining the world is tearing apart this space, and the true element in Li Lingtian's body is constantly being pumped away, completely entering the soldier's blade.

Ancient artifact!

"Ancient artifact!"

Looking at the soldier's blade in Li Lingtian's hand, the martial arts strongman on the scene exclaimed.

Ancient artifacts, that is a rare thing, even the Venerable of Wushen Jiuzhongtian, there is no such treasure.

The real strongman can only control ancient artifacts.

Wushen Jiutian, the master of the unique artifact, is nothing.

In the Shenwu Continent, not only cultivation activities, but also net worth and treasures, even if it reaches the Nine Heavens of Wushen, without ancient artifacts, the status is very different.

Li Lingtian has proud capital and is completely a Xeon.

They naturally did not know that the treasures exhibited by Li Lingtian were unique ancient artifacts, otherwise they would be even more shocked.


Sky, the sound of breaking the sky sounded.

The speed is extremely fast, like a meteor across the void.

"Heavenly Lord Venerable is here, stop for Venerable Lord!"

When the sound of breaking the sky sounded, a loud sound rang, and the sound shook the void, as if to disperse the space.

Hearing this sound, the old monster of the Canyang and others were shocked.

I didn't expect the other party to come so fast. Venerable Haotian came here, and Venerable Bloodclothed could not be killed.

Similarly, looking at Li Lingtian's domineering blade, the devastating flames and horror's powerful power made him feel desperate, but when he heard the sound from the air, he felt a glimmer of hope in his heart.

The first Great Venerable of Nanyu arrived. After the Great Venerable Haotian spoke, no one dared to act as Great Venerable Haotian. He basically said that he was saved.

"Huh~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian snorted coldly when the voice of Venerable Haotian fell.

This cold hum made people feel trembling.

Li Lingtian not only did not stop, but injected the true elements of the whole body into Bingblade more quickly.

This domineering sword is naturally the Emperor Chi tomorrow.

In the blink of an eye, the real yuan of the whole body entered the Chi tomorrow emperor, and Li Lingtian no longer had the slightest real yuan.

When Zhenyuan entered the Chitian Emperor, several of the Skyrim’s powerful terrorists had already arrived a hundred miles away. Seeing this situation, the blood-stained Venerable smiled on his face, even if Li Lingtian attacked him. It's too late.

The old monster of Canyang and other people also showed a trace of regret. Now, even if Li Lingtian attacks the Blood Lord, it is too late.

However, in the hands of Li Lingtian, Chi tomorrow emperor fell down fiercely. Chi tomorrow emperor cut down with blood flame and destructive power towards the **** lord. ()

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