War God Supreme

Chapter 1100: Chaos scale

A small ruler can make Li Lingtian so discolored, it is definitely not simple.

   I saw a huge change in the expression on my face, just like seeing ghosts and ghosts, and then my consciousness retreated, with a look of horror in my eyes.

  I don't know how long it took before Li Lingtian reacted.

   "Chaos measuring ruler!"

   said to himself, Li Lingtian looked at the small ruler blankly. He never thought that this small ruler was a measuring ruler with chaos.

   The treasures that can be called in this way are at least artifact-like, and they are also mysterious ancient artifacts.

   Such an obscure little ruler, without a little power, was able to have such a horrible name, which shocked him.

   Chaos, the ancient origin of heaven and earth, although whether the power of the origin really exists or not, this treasure that can have chaos commensurate is definitely not simple.

  I just don't know why there is such a powerful treasure in front of that throne.

   He also got the origin of the measuring ruler from ancient books. This measuring ruler is a powerful magic in ancient times and possesses the power to destroy the world.

   Black stands for night, white stands for day, black and white together, stands for yin and yang.

   Under a single blow, the sky, earth, night, and day are constantly changing.

   Let the attacked warrior enter the chaos of heaven and earth, and another world appears. In this world, the master who controls the sky is the master.

   However, the premise is to control the measuring ruler, and exert the power of the measuring ruler to its peak.

   More importantly, this chaotic scale has the ancient origin of heaven and earth. Under a single blow, any true energy and true energy will be dissipated.

  This is just a little introduction about the ruler in the legend, but no one has ever seen the power of the ruler, and no one has come up with a real law.

  Because the measuring scale of chaos has never been known, and naturally no one uses it.

   He did not expect that the small ruler in his hand was the legendary chaotic ruler from the ancient times, and, along with the ruler, there was also a carving, I believe it would not be worse.

   Besides, these few things are all in front of the throne. It should be said that the throne is the most important.

   But he did not know what this throne is.

   "Sovereign Heavenly God, with such a mysterious and powerful treasure, why didn't even get the wind and thunder to kill God?"

Li Lingtian said to himself, the wind and thunder will kill the gods, and outside the passage is the guardian of the orangutan. That is to say, Venerable Heaven Cang knows the palace inside the passage, and also knows the existence of the wind thunder and kills the gods, but can’t kill the wind thunder The God of Extermination is taken out.

   It seems that the origin of the wind and thunder is not simple, and even Venerable Heaven can't take it out.

  He didn't know whether the breath above the chaotic measuring ruler was the Celestial Venerable, but it can be seen that there was no five elements of the heavenly sovereign on the measuring ruler.

   Immediately, Li Lingtian took out the sculpture and looked carefully.

   The sculpture is crystal clear, like a crystal sculpture, this sculpture is like an ancient chariot.

   A faint atmosphere, a delicate that cannot be ignored.

   The consciousness moved, and a ray of consciousness swept towards the carving. After a long time, Li Lingtian's consciousness withdrew from the carving.

The look on   's face was calm, and there was no slight change. Because of this carving, his consciousness could never enter it, nor did he know what the carving was.

   But what is certain is that this carving is not an ornament, but a point that is so powerful that it cannot be detected by your own consciousness.

   It’s just that his own cultivation level is too low to enter the deepest part of the carving, otherwise he won’t even know the name of the carving.

  Collect the sculpture, meditate with his eyes closed, and wait until the spirit of consciousness is completely restored, Li Lingtian takes out the piece of the **** feather pill and enlighten it.

  I can't use several items I got, the only thing that can be used is Shenyu Pill, and Shenyu Pill.

   Neither chaos measuring ruler nor carving can be used, but fortunately, in general, this time the harvest is huge, eradicating the powerful of the Emperor Shijia.

   got the wealth of Emperor Shijia's family, and also got the artifact, but it was temporarily unavailable.

   The most important thing is that he saved Tang Qingyue himself, his own realm broke through, and there is a trace of Wu Sheng Zhen Yuan and Dao Yi in Huangfu Yuyan.

   Time, day by day, Li Lingtian's cultivation practices are slowly improving. Tang Qingyue and Huangfu Yuyan, Qingling and Ji Yi, the cultivation practices of the four are not high.

   But there is Li Lingtian's unique medicine, Xiu Wei rises linearly. Tang Qingyue and Huangfu Yuyan's Xiu Wei are going to break through Wu Wang to Wu Zong.

   Qingling's cultivation practice also got the King Wu. Ji Yi's cultivation practice was similar to that of Tang Qingyue. The cultivation speed was fast, and he quickly caught up. It was already the existence of the ninth-order martial king.

   What made Li Lingtian excited is that several of his powerful monsters were trained in the Shenlong Ring, and the anti-Tiandan was upgraded to the fifth and sixth grades, and Li Lingtian's Shenyu Dan.

   The colorful beast actually reached the fifth level and the seventh level, the Beasteye reached the sixth level, and the silver-winged dragon reached the sixth level and the fourth level. The more terrifying thing is Xiaobai.

  Xiaobai cultivated in the Dragon Spirit of Three Thousand Worlds. The power of Shenyu Pill, the combination of the two, directly raised his realm to the four-color true dragon.

It has also reached the sixth level, the four-color real dragon is directly the sixth-level, and it is also the lowest six-level. This is also because it has too little practice. If it is according to the power of the dragon family, if it reaches the four-color real dragon, it is directly seven. The order is there.

   But now it has reached the four-color true dragon. It can be practiced infinitely in the sixth rank. There is no bottleneck in the realm. As long as you work hard, it is very easy to reach the seventh rank.

  According to the dragon's rank, Xiaobai's rank should be a dragon, but Xiaobai itself is a real dragon, and it is the purest one of the dragon's blood.

   Its rank is completely beyond the rank of the dragon family. The rank is only a dragon, and it is only the sixth rank, but its strength has reached a terrifying level.

   If Li Lingtian does not display treasures, there are no killers, Li Lingtian may not be able to defeat Xiaobai.

   On this day, Li Lingtian released Xiaobai. There was no magical power in the room, and no movement at all.

   This made Li Lingtian depressed. Generally speaking, the sixth-order monsters came out, all of which were torn in space, but this little white came out as if it disappeared.

   thought in his mind, even if it is a breeze, there is a little wind.

   looked up, and his heart was horrified.

   blasted out of the body and quickly backed away, the true element of the whole body was also displayed, ready to issue a blow of destruction.


   Several people on the spacecraft found Li Lingtian's violent breath, and they thought what had happened.

   quickly came to Li Lingtian's room, and Long Da and Ye Feng also came.

   Tang Qingyue and Huangfu Swift, Qingling and Ji Yi, all looked at Li Lingtian's horrified look, and the woman in white opposite Li Lingtian.


   "Young Master."

"Big brother."

"Little Lord."

   Several girls and Ye Feng were stunned. Seeing this situation, they didn't know what to do.

"who are you?"

  Li Lingtian stabilized a little, but did not expect that when he was cultivating, some people entered into his room and they didn't know yet, what a powerful state and strength they want.

   Hearing this question from Li Lingtian, several people were dignified, and the true qi and true elements of the whole body were working. They also knew that the white woman was an uninvited guest.

  The woman in white did not speak, but she had a faint smile on her face, a charming smile.

For a while, the atmosphere above the spacecraft was strange, and there was no sound at all.

   "Big brother, look, she looks like you, it's exactly the same."

  At this time, Ji Yi was the first to discover this problem. The white woman in front of her is just a 16- or seven-year-old girl. Her white clothes are exactly the same as Li Lingtian.

   Even the charm of the eyebrows is the same, but this girl in white is still the girl who has no masculinity, but a little bit more heroic.

   Hearing Ji Yi's words, everyone carefully looked at the girl in white.

  Isn't this the female version of Li Lingtian? It's simply portrayed in a mold.

   Delicate petite body, peerless style, with a touch of noble temperament, an elegant elegance that does not eat fireworks on earth.

   "Is it?"

"I know."

   "Go away, who made you look like me."

  Li Lingtian also found out that this girl is completely her own mirror, but she has more charming and girlish temperament than her, and that petite and exquisite body.

   If it weren't for these, he would regard the girl in front of him as his mirror.

  I thought of something immediately, didn't I just call Xiaobai out, Xiaobai disappeared after it came out, but there were more girls in white.

   Moreover, he knew that there was a strange phenomenon in the ancient times, that is, the pet of the bloodline of the gods and animals that the owner kept~www.wuxiaspot.com~The humanoid form of phantom is almost similar to that of the owner.

  Because he followed his master for a long time, he accepted the master's living habits and some postures no matter what.

   Besides, he signed a friendly contract with Xiaobai. When Xiaobai was born, she was born with her own strength. Xiaobai has always followed her.

   Now that Xiaobai has been transformed, he is naturally similar to himself, except that he never imagined how Xiaobai had become, and he was exactly the same as himself.

   What he didn't even think of was that this was Xiaobai's intention.

   "Hey, I'm a girl. Is that how you bully girls?"

  Xiaobai saw Li Lingtian recognized her, and shouted that she would get away, and suddenly she was not convinced.

   figure is sweet and crisp, completely a peerless little beauty, almost the same as Ji Yi's temperament.

   This situation changed, and everyone present was blindfolded.

   At first Li Lingtian looked horrified, but now it has become this way, and listening to the tone of the girl in white, she is very familiar with Li Lingtian.

   Suddenly, many people looked at Li Lingtian, and there was a sense of unfriendlyness in his eyes.

   Treating a girl is so rude, isn't it a fight?

  Li Lingtian's face showed a bitter smile, this is what world.

   Then, he could only explain.

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