War God Supreme

Chapter 1121: The method of breaking the line [...

"The Wanhua Holy Palace never appeared in ancient human books."

"It should be the world of the demon clan, Bihai was originally the world of the sea clan and the demon beast."

"This time we crossed the Bihai to Tianmu, no one knew our trail, but we met strong enemies, these horrible monsters and sea beasts, countless human strongmen, all came here for the sake of Treasure in Huasheng Palace."

"We tore the space with the phoenix to open the space, attracted the space-time channel, broke the demon array, and entered the first floor, while the other monsters and powerful people stayed outside. What is the reason, you should know it ."

Li Lingtian nodded, the smile on his face became more and more intense.

Open up to analyze the meaning of the things that you and others have encountered, and finally connect the demon array and the space-time channel together.

"At that time, when you extinguished the ladle, there was a time-space channel."

"This is because you have just displayed space supernatural powers at the nodes of the space-time channel, nodes, space supernatural powers, enchantment, strength, and four points are indispensable."

Nangong Mingyue is extremely clever, Li Lingtian lightly breaks it, and she knows the reason.

Because the position of the two people happened to be the space-time channel at that time, recalling the situation at that time, you know the way to open the Wanhua Holy Palace.

"Yes, the prince was a fierce beast at that time. You and I used the power of the **** Phoenix and Phoenix, which is also demon spirit, and it is the power of space, the power of the **** of war, the breath of the demon race, the power of space, the node of space. It leads to the space-time channel."

"After we came in, the strong people outside did not have the power to break the space. Although they were not as strong as us, it was still possible to tear the space, but it did not lead to the space-time channel."

"The reason is that they don't have four points in one, so they can't attract the space-time channel to open the Wanhua Holy Palace."

Li Lingtian smiled and stood up, looking at the sky.

Finally, the range is controlled at the position of the node just encountered by Tiandao Roulette, and his eyes look at Nangong Mingyue.

Zi Yin and Yun Xin were completely numb, and Li Lingtian's talent was unparalleled, as if nothing could upset him.

Any thing can be found a solution, and now even the demon array has a slight grasp of the destruction.

These things, other people simply can not imagine.

Seeing that Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue were to use magical powers to open the space-time channel, the two quickly prepared to enter the space-time channel as soon as it appeared, because the time-space channel appeared too short.

"Shenfeng Power."

"Power of the Divine Phoenix."

"Phoenix cracks."

Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue looked at each other, and they both showed a smile, and they knew each other without knowing what they were thinking.

The power of Shenfeng and the power of Shenhuang were exhibited at the same time, and suddenly their figures burst into the air.

The two figures were transformed into Shenfeng and Shenhuang, and the power of sky-burning suddenly exploded from the space, just like the world was being burned.

The huge Divine Phoenix and Divine Phoenix floated in the air with flames, and a clear sound rang, and the Phoenix opened its air.

Shenhuang circled in the air, Shenfeng disappeared in space, but, at this moment, the space shivered with destruction.



In the space, there was a sound of torn cloth, and at the same time, a clear sound appeared.

The sky was ripped out of a crack, a mouth of a hundred miles in size.


In the air where Shen Ling, the incarnation of Li Lingtian, appeared, Shen Feng and Shen Huang were opposite each other, ten miles away.

The cracks in the hundreds of miles of space are tearing and growing, and they are getting bigger and bigger, but there is no space-time channel.

Both Ziyin and Yunxin sink in their hearts because there is no imaginary space-time channel.

Nangong Mingyue, Li Lingtian, the two also turned into deity.

The eyes looked at the fissures in the sky and devoured the fissures in the sky and earth to produce destructive power, but there was no space-time channel. This situation made the two feel a little disappointed.

There are no slight errors in analysis and calculation, but up to now, it has not achieved the expected results.

All of a sudden, all four looked at the air, and the atmosphere was extremely depressed.

Because this is hope, but the original hope is not seen now, and it is getting closer and closer to despair.

This feeling of falling from heaven to **** is uncomfortable.

"So it turns out."

At this time, Li Lingtian's voice sounded.

The voice fell, with one hand stretched out, a force of Divine Phoenix nodded toward the void.

The power of the **** phoenix engulfed the flame of destruction, which was bombarded towards the center of the crack.

Nangong Mingyue's three daughters were all startled when they saw Li Lingtian's actions.

However, in the following changes, the faces of the three people all showed excitement.


There was a muffled sound, and the power of the destructive **** Phoenix bombarded the crack, and a strange muffled sound erupted.

Just after the muffled sound, a ten-meter-sized multicolored halo appeared in the air. The multicolored halo continued to rotate. When this halo appeared, it was all excited, but it was almost exclaimed.

Space-time channel, space-time channel finally appeared.

The space-time channel that appeared outside the Wanhua Holy Palace appeared again.

The first time-space channel was opened by Li Lingtian and others unintentionally, but this time it was calculated by Li Lingtian.


Li Lingtian shouted, awakened the excited Ziyin and Yunxin, and suddenly, four figures flew quickly towards the space-time channel.



Just before the four entered the space-time channel, Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue were shocked at the same time.

After the shock, the four have entered the space-time channel.

One second after entering the space-time channel, the space-time channel disappeared.

The four landed on the ground, the expression on their faces was very happy.

However, the expressions on Li Lingtian's and Nangong Mingyue's faces were constantly changing. The two looked at each other and looked out.

Because, the moment they entered the space-time channel, they saw the outermost space-time channel of the Wanhua Holy Palace.

There is nothing surprising about the appearance of this situation.

The space-time channel here is opened, and the space-time channel outside is also opened.

Moreover, when the space-time channel opened, there were more than a dozen metamorphic monsters and metamorphic sea beasts, as well as the strong man of the human **** Wuzhong Jiutian from the time-space channel to the first floor.

"rest first."

Li Lingtian landed, pondered for a moment, and said to the three people, Nangong Mingyue and Zi Yinyunxin.

After talking, he sat on his knees, his eyes closed slightly, and the whole person fell into contemplation.

Seeing Li Lingtian's appearance, the three women did not speak. They knew that Li Lingtian was thinking about things and did not dare to be bothered. They also sat cross-legged and began to practice.

And the second layer is more powerful than the first layer. The practice in this place is a kind of enjoyment.

Li Lingtian closed his eyes and pondered, constantly thinking about the way behind.

In such a place, mentality, strength, and luck are indispensable.

As long as you are not careful, the four of you will be lost forever.

Like just breaking through, if something is wrong, it is impossible to open the space-time channel.

There are countless strong people outside. Just come one, and you and others will suffer.

I have nothing to do with Nangong Mingyue, but Ziyin and Yunxin will definitely not be spared.

In the War of Gods War, if the God of War wrestles the two when the dog jumps the wall, the two will vanish.

The spatiotemporal channel opens at the same time, as long as he does not open the spatiotemporal channel on the third layer, the spatiotemporal channel on the second layer and the spatiotemporal channel on the first layer should not appear, so this is an advantage against the sky.

However, everything is not determined. Only when the space-time channel is opened next time, if the channels of the first and second layers are also opened at the same time, then it will be determined that the space-time channel is in his hands.

I'm not sure now, I can only wait for the next time

I thought about everything in my heart, and I had a decision in my heart.


Li Lingtian opened his eyes, his eyes flashing.

There was a confident look on his face.

When Li Lingtian woke up, the three women of Nangong Mingyue also received merits. Seeing the confident look on Li Lingtian's face, the three people calmed down, because Li Lingtian's expression could determine their destiny.

"This is the second floor of the Wanhua Holy Palace. The aura here is several times stronger than the outside and suitable for cultivation."

"The stronger the Reiki, the better the quality of the medicinal materials."

"However, we can't stay here for too long, try to rush to the prohibition position of the third floor when those strong people come to the prohibition of the second floor, so that we have time to open the prohibition."

"We are now fifty miles apart from each other and search all the way."

Li Lingtian spoke and said his plan.

After listening, the three girls nodded in agreement with Li Lingtian's plan.

In fact, of the four people, Nangong Mingyue knows Li Lingtian's wisdom and strength, and generally will not veto Li Lingtian's decision.

Yun Xin is a junior, only Wu Emperor Realm. In front of a man like Li Lingtian, there is no right to speak at all. Whether it is strength or calculation, or scheming, it is not a world standard.

Zi Yin, a disciple of Li Lingtian, is a little girl in front of him. Li Lingtian has nothing to do with anything.

"Okay, that's it."

"The herbs and treasures here ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are definitely better than the first floor."

"If we enter the third floor, if the situation on the outer two floors is the same as the beginning, we will start cleaning from the third floor and remove all the herbs and treasures in the Wanhua Holy Palace."

Nangong Mingyue showed a smile on her face. With her ice and snow cleverness, she naturally understood Li Lingtian's thoughts. The gods and phoenixes were close to each other, and she certainly knew something about Li Lingtian's mind.

She knew that Li Lingtian was not sure about the space-time channel, and she only decided the next time depending on the situation.

If they can determine the nature of the space-time channel, they will have absolute control over the sky.

This advantage is completely cheating and will make people crazy.

[Yesterday’s monthly tickets reached one hundred, plus today, and a total of ten chapters have been updated. Friends throwing tickets if they have tickets. If there are more tickets, they will break out again tomorrow]



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