War God Supreme

Chapter 1132: Black Dragon King [...

The strongmen on the eighth floor of the Wanhua Holy Palace were killed one by one.

These strong men were almost killed by Li Lingtian's one move. Even if there were a few entanglements in two moves, in the end, they were not able to escape.

Although Li Lingtian always carried some suspects of sneak attacks, but this is also his means, a powerful means.

Even if it is a sneak attack, it also needs the strength of the sky.

Besides, reaching the Wushen Realm, there is no such thing as a sneak attack, because the Wushen Powerhouse has a strong sense and is unmatched. It is impossible to attack the Wushen Powerhouse.

Not to mention the sneak attack on Wushen Jiuzhongtian.

Moreover, this is also Li Lingtian's compulsion, because there are three people around him. These three people are completely lambs in front of Wushen Jiuzhongtian. If they don't pay attention, they will be destroyed by the strength of the Wushen strongman.

Therefore, he must kill in one blow, otherwise it will pose a threat to Zi Yin and Yun Xin.

However, in the past few days, the continuous killing of the super powers has also increased in strength and knowledge.

The realm of Wushen Seventh Heaven has been adapted. For Wushen Sixth Heaven and Seventh Heaven, for Li Lingtian, there is no big difference at all, at most, the strength has been improved by one grade.

"Twenty-one come in, how many more?"

Li Lingtian put away the storage bag, and another strong Hai clan was killed in his hand.

Looking into the distance, he asked faintly.

"Master has killed and killed a total of 17 before and after, as well as two demon clan sea clan strongmen, and two human warrior strong men."

Ziyin said with an excited look on his face.

Cultivation like hers, to be able to see Wushen Jiu Zhongtian being killed, is a matter of hardship.

And still watching the Wushen Jiuzhong Tianqiang from close quarters was killed.

It is his own master who is shot. In front of his master, whether it is a ninth-level ninth-level monster beast sea beast or the nineth-level heavenly martial arts strongman, it is a kill in one blow, and only a few strong anti-sky strongmen follow the master Zun battled a few moves, but it was better to be killed.

"Good, there are four."

"It's just that these four are not so good to deal with."

As soon as Li Lingtian was aware of it, he put out the Tiandao Roulette Festival, looked at the Tiandao Roulette, and said seriously, the expression on his face was also solemn.

"Any questions?"

Nangong Mingyue saw Li Lingtian's expression and asked.

Wushen Jiuzhongtian, level nine and level nine are all killed in front of Li Lingtian.

But the remaining four have made Li Lingtian so serious, there must be something wrong.

"Four people together."

There was a bitter smile on Li Lingtian's face, and he pointed the four red dots on the Tiandao roulette.

The four red dots have been together for a long time.

By now, even if it's stupid, I understand that the four guys have joined forces.

Otherwise, if the four strong men fight, someone must have left or fell, but the four people have been together, and the direction of movement is still the position of the node of the space-time channel.

If four people come to the node, it will be difficult to handle.

Because at that time, the four super powers were entrenched in the node, and it was impossible for him to open the space-time channel.

"Two morphed monsters and two strong human beings together?"

"It seems they are joining forces."

Nangong Mingyue naturally understands the concept of the four powerful beings together. The four martial gods Nine Heavy Heavens are together, even if Li Lingtian is even more powerful, it is not an opponent of the four martial arts Nine Heavy Heavens.

"We quickly go to the location of the space node."

Li Lingtian said, and then took the Nangong Mingyue four and flew in the direction of the space node.

Try to open the space-time channel and enter the ninth floor before the four strongmen come to the space node.



The sound of breaking the sky continued to sound, and for half an hour, the four came to the ninth floor to ban outside.

When he came here, Li Lingtian gave a sigh of relief and finally came here in front of the four strong men. Otherwise, when the few strong men came, it would be impossible for the four of them to enter.

Even if they go in, the four strong men will follow into it.

"Zi Yin Yunxin, you two are ready."

"I will open the space-time channel with your uncle."

Li Lingtian came to the ban and looked at the ban on the Crystal City.

It's generally the same as the outside. When I saw the sky above the roulette wheel, the four strong men had quickly flew towards this side.

Seeing the moving speed of the red dot, if it goes on like this, the opponent will come here in a moment.

Thinking of the other party's speed and looking at the roulette, Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue both felt lucky. Fortunately, they came one step early. If there is a slight delay, there is no chance to open the space-time channel into the ninth floor.


Both Ziyin and Yunxin both nodded and answered, ready to enter the space-time channel at any time.

"Heavenly Roulette, sacrifice!"

Li Lingtian watched that the two of them were ready, and his consciousness moved, and the Tiandao roulette spun up.

A decision was entered into the Tiandao roulette, and the Tiandao roulette suddenly started.


Just as Li Lingtian used the Tiandao roulette to determine the space nodes, a loud clatter appeared.

The moment this voice appeared, Li Lingtian felt bad.

Because when the Heavenly Roulette was opened, the advent of the Nine Palaces was touched, and the formation became a prototype.

The eighth floor of the Wanhua Holy Palace was restored to its previous appearance, and the formation disappeared.

The four strong men also felt the changes around them. After the world changed, the Wanhua Holy Palace was restored to its original state. The four people appeared outside the banned Baili, and they were far away from Li Lingtian.

With this change, Li Lingtian and his four did not expect it.

Wan Wan didn't think of the array that Tiandao Roulette exhibited. Finally, when using Tiandao Roulette to find the space node, the array would disappear. This was something Li Lingtian didn't expect.

The distance of a hundred miles is not a distance for the strongest of Wushen Jiuzhongtian.


The four strong men and Li Lingtian’s Nangong Mingyue were shocked.

Both Ziyin and Yunxin's faces were full of horror. I didn't expect such a change in the formation, so the four super powers appeared in front of them.

"Hey Hey."

Seeing the changes in front of him, Venerable Yunhai suddenly laughed.

Unexpectedly, this formation disappeared in this way, and Li Lingtian also appeared in front of them.

More importantly, these four crazy collectors of treasures and medicinal materials are indeed low-level warriors.

A Wushen seventh heaven, a Wushen fourth heaven, a Wudi seventh heaven, and a Wuzun threeth heaven, such a combination, for the Wushen nineth heaven, it is completely the existence of ants.

At first I thought how powerful the four were, but I never imagined that they were so weak.


Seeing the four super powers, Zi Yin began to tremble in her heart.

Although his own master is strong, the other party is four super strongs. If he is alone, his master does not take it at all, but the situation is not good now.

Fearful, he shouted.

"do not be afraid."

The look on Li Lingtian's face was so solemn that he turned his head to glance at Ziyin, with a soothing look in his eyes.

Now, he dare not dare to do anything at all, let alone exert the power of Shenfeng to open the space-time channel.

As long as you move, you will be found flaws by the other party, you will buy your own flaws to the other party, so it is simply to death.

While talking, look at the four strong men on the opposite side.

A sea clan, the ninth-level and ninth-level pinnacle is complete, holding a crab-like weapon in his hand, and his burly body looks very powerful.

There is also a demon clan, which is also the ninth-level ninth-level pinnacle consummation. It seems that it should be a black dragon.

Two human race gods of war, Jiuzhongtian pinnacles, the perfect powerhouse, such four super existences, no wonder they joined forces, the strength of the four is almost the same, it is impossible to kill each other.

"Human Juniors, give you a chance."

"Hand over the storage bag, open the space-time channel, you can die around you, otherwise the king will unload you eight."

Haitian strong crab sky shouted loudly, the burly physique was filled with terror.

When he speaks, he is also domineering, and he does not take Li Lingtian, a Wushen Qizhongtian human being, at all.

However, if they want to enter the ninth floor, they must rely on the youth in front of them.

"The four are all amazing strongmen, do you have to fight with this seat to survive?"

Li Lingtian spoke and said lightly.

The voice was extremely flat, and the expression on his face was calm. A calm and calm expression made the four superpowers feel shocked and puzzled. I don't know what Li Lingtian has the ability to calm and calm.

The four people in Yunhai naturally did not know that Li Lingtian's face was calm, but he was shocked in his heart and kept calculating.

In the face of such a combination, if you want to overcome it, it is simply impossible, and accidentally acting will disappear.

"Huh, every human junior, dare to talk to Ben Wang about the unsuccessful conditions."

The Black Dragon King snorted coldly, and suddenly a terrifying dragon power broke out, and the terrifying coercion bombarded Li Lingtian. Although he didn't want to kill Li Lingtian temporarily, he wanted to use the power of terror to convince Li Lingtian.


Li Lingtian looked at the coercion of the Black Dragon King, and suddenly waved with one hand, the Heavenly Demon domain burst out, and the power of the heavens and earth was also exerted. Two horrible coercion bombarded the coercion of the Black Dragon King.

"Boom~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There was a loud explosion, and the terror of the two bombarded them together.

Suddenly, Li Lingtian took a few steps back, and the Black Dragon King also took a few steps back, and the look on his face changed.

The other three strong men were shocked to see such a result.

How powerful is the Black Dragon King, the metamorphosis beast of the 9th-level and 9th-level pinnacle, and the power of the Black Dragon family, even if the three of them are not able to defeat the Black Dragon King.

And now, the coercion of the Black Dragon King is completely resisted by a young man of the seven gods of Wushen.

This result was beyond imagination. For a moment, the heart that despised Li Lingtian was also put away, and he dared not underestimate Li Lingtian.

[Chapter 12 is now, I beg you all kinds of votes! 】



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