War God Supreme

Chapter 1139: False God Realm


At this time, a powerful demon burst out of the air.

With the breath of flames of destruction, the demon power saw a phoenix blasting the flames of destruction and arrogance towards the giant.

Phoenix is ​​a fire by nature, a noble fire, and extremely domineering.

When the flame of destruction had just arrived in front of the giant, it was resisted by the giant's instinctive defense, and a muffled noise erupted in the air.

The giant also blinked, his huge eyes looking to the side.

There was anger in his eyes because he didn't expect anyone to dare to attack him, which was an insult.

However, when he saw the divine phoenix in the air, the look on his face changed several times, and finally became excited. The corner of his mouth also showed an evil look.

"Hey, Phoenix family."

"I didn't expect that Shenwu Continent still has Divine Phoenix. This is the chance of the deity. You go back with the deity to be the concubine of the deity."

Actually looking at the **** phoenix in the air, hey laughed, his huge mouth opened, like a blood-red cave, looks terrifying.

It turned out that this Divine Phoenix is ​​Nangong Mingyue.

When the giant came with the potential for destruction, he was thrown out by the fierce coercion and the horror.

Seeing that Li Lingtian was seriously injured, now there is no chance to resist at all, and he dare not hesitate anymore to transform into a **** phoenix to bombard the giant, so that he can divert his attention and create opportunities for Li Lingtian.


"Humble demon clan, this palace is the noble **** phoenix, you wait to dare to disrespect this palace."

Divine Phoenix, the incarnation of Nangong Mingyue, gave a clear voice and said aloud.

A strong breath emanated, and the flames of destruction continued to climb in the air.

While speaking, the phoenix's wings continued to fan, bombarding the flames of destruction, but in front of the giant, the horrible flames were completely tickling, and there was no power at all.

How powerful the giant is, has surpassed the realm of Wushen, and even Li Lingtian was beaten without resistance. Nangong Mingyue naturally doesn't want to shake the giant.

"Unwilling, the deity will catch you."

The giant saw the Divine Phoenix despise him, and suddenly became angry.

A glance at the huge palm brought him to the Divine Phoenix. The 100-meter-high body and the arm were also very long. The horrible body was comparable to a super artifact. It grabbed the Divine Phoenix's arm and brought the atmosphere of destruction into space. The debris looks terrible.

Seeing the giant palm grasping the Divine Phoenix, the Divine Phoenix disappeared in the space strangely.

When it reappeared, it had come behind the giant, and the flames of destruction continuously bombarded the giant, but the flames could not even break the giant's defense.

For a moment, the giant and the **** phoenix continued to flash and attack.

Divine phoenix occupies the power of space supernatural power to continually dodge the attack, and the giant continuously tears the space with its terrifying defense and extraordinary speed.


At this time, the Black Dragon King also erupted into the giant bombardment of horror, and the two hundred-meter-long Black Dragon attacked the giant.

"Little loach, dare to wander in front of the deity."


Divine Phoenix occupies space magic power and Divine Phoenix power, and has a little dodge power to giant's coercion and power.

But in front of the giant, the black dragon has no advantage at all, only the part that is crushed and killed.

The giant saw the black dragon attacking in front of him, and his heart was furious. The huge palm bombarded the black dragon fiercely. One palm bombarded the black dragon. The two hundred meters-sized black dragon king was like a real loach and was thrown away. Went out.

"The sword of heaven."

Just as the Black Dragon King was bombarded, Li Lingtian's voice rang.

Suddenly, a breath of heavenly heaven burst out between heaven and earth, and a sword of ruined heavenly lane cut through the void and bombarded the giants.

Feeling the horror of the sword of heaven, the giant also felt a trace of fear and fear. How powerful the sword of heaven is, is the power of heaven, beyond any cultivation strength of heaven and earth.


With a loud bang, the sword sword destroyed by the sword of heaven was bombarded in front of the giant.

The giant put his hands on his hands, just like the king of the tower, holding the destroying sword of heaven.

However, the destructive power of the sword of heavenly path brought the heavenly power of divine power, and soon torn the giant's defense, and the sword fell on the body fiercely, and a huge gap appeared on the ground.

The chasm disappeared, the swords disappeared, the ground collapsed, and the space torn.

The giant also disappeared, like the smoke disappeared.



The Black Dragon King came to Li Lingtian with a heavy injury, and the Divine Phoenix, who was the incarnation of Nangong Mingyue, also came to Li Lingtian.

They knew that the current situation was extremely endangered, and it was Li Lingtian's biggest disaster. They dared not drag Li Lingtian.

Moreover, this is also the most terrifying scene they have seen, which is completely beyond their biggest fantasy category. I never imagined that there is such a terrifying existence in Shenwu Continent.


"The humble human beings dare to start with the deity. The deity wants to make you disappear and frustrate."

Just as Nangong Mingyue and the three were together, a roar broke out in the gap.

When the voice fell, the giant's body had stood up, and immediately left the gap suspended in the air, and the huge palms bombarded Li Lingtian and three people.

In front of the palm of destruction, the three did not respond with the slightest resistance, just like any defense could not resist the power of destruction.


However, when the power of destruction was about to be bombarded, all three bombarded a terrifying attack.

Suddenly, the huge palm and the three attacks hit hard together. The three attacks were not dispelled with any suspense. The palms were bombarded on the ground, and the three were thrown out.

"The sword of domination, the realm of swords."

Li Lingtian's figure has not yet landed, and the sword of **** in his hand has been swung out.

At this time, the space suddenly exploded into ruinous sword meaning. The sword meaning turned into sword power, and the sword power turned into sword silk. A thousand-meter-sized sword silk world was formed, and the realm of sword immediately bombarded the giants.

"Power of the Divine Phoenix."

"Dragon Breath."

Nangong Mingyue and Black Dragon King also displayed the destruction attack at this time.

The trio cooperated seamlessly, and in the face of such a horrible existence, it was possible to disappear at any time. If you do not show the most powerful attack at this time, you will regret it when it falls.



Seeing the realm of swords in the sky, the giant shivered with it.

I didn't expect that this young man of humanity would have a few more lives. Such a field of destruction of the sword threatened even him, and he really could not stay.

However, in the face of the Divine Phoenix and the Black Dragon King, they did not see it at all.

With both hands bombarded fiercely, the two forces of destruction smashed towards Divine Phoenix and Black Dragon.




The two devastating attacks smashed the Phoenix and the Black Dragon out without any resistance.

The black dragon king of the ninth-ranked ninth-level pinnacle consummation, and the Nangong Mingyue of the Divine Phoenix, were completely ignored, and bombarded like a sandbag.

When the two threw away, they spouted a sip of blood in the air at the same time.

At this time, the realm of the sword had already arrived, and it landed on the giant in the blink of an eye, and the giant would be swallowed in a blink of an eye.

"The power of bone jade."

Watching the realm of swords bombard down, devouring the destruction power of all things in the world, scared the giant.

At this moment no longer dare to carelessly, the bone jade in his hand waved, and the endless power between the world and heaven suddenly gathered, and he greeted him fiercely towards the realm of sword.



With a loud bang, the strength of the bone jade and the realm of the sword bombarded together.



The giant threw it out and fell fiercely on the ground, and there was a shocking dust on the ground.

Li Lingtian's body was also thrown out under the impact of destruction, and the realm of the sword could not defeat the giant, and even the injury was impossible.

All of a sudden, the power of the three teamed up was unable to break even a little defense in front of the giant.

This is the gap of the realm. Li Lingtian is no longer powerful and is not an opponent of the giant.

"Humble human."

"court death."

"After the deity destroyed you, take the tokens and treasures yourself."

"go to hell."

The giant was completely angry, and the strong man in the false realm of the hall, one foot has entered the true god, but was attacked by three juniors. If it is spread outside, he must not be laughed at.

When the voice fell, the huge palm hit the Li Lingtian straight down.

The demon's attacks are all power, without any fancy, but such attacks are devastating.

The space tore up, and in front of the huge palm, the space shattered.

Li Lingtian was already seriously injured himself, even the power to fight back was gone, and he looked at the hands of the giant to be destroyed.


"It's not that simple to kill this seat."

"Five Elements Method."

Li Lingtian looked at the devastating attack and was bombarded. If it was hit by the bomb, it would definitely disappear, and no scum would be left.

However, when he was about to be destroyed, Li Lingtian's mouth showed a crazy smile.

Waving out with one hand, directly greeted the giant's attack.



The devastating attack and Li Lingtian's powerless bombardment together.

But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was shocking that Li Lingtian did not disappear, and the giant's attack was easily blocked by Li Lingtian.

The look on the giant's face changed drastically, and he stared at Li Lingtian with a terrifying glance, but at this time he regretted that it was too late, and his body was thrown back towards the back, and finally fell to the ground.

This change shocked Ziyin and Yunxin, and did not expect such a situation at all.

The Black Dragon King does not know Li Lingtian’s true strength, but seeing Li Lingtian’s miraculous means is beyond shock.


A horrible muffled sound sounded, and the giant's huge body fell to the ground, raising a shocking dust.

At this time, Li Lingtian's body was drawn parallel to the ground, and finally his body twisted strangely. The whole person disappeared, and when he appeared again, he was already suspended in the air.



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