War God Supreme

Chapter 1146: Before leaving

"Grandpa, are you saying that Xuanzhou was opened by the ancient power to lock up the big formation, can't cross the border?"

  Huangfu Yuyan looked at Xuanyuan Tianming and was shocked.

  To discuss cultivation as strength, she can't compare with Li Lingtian now.

   But she used to be a martial arts strongman, and she was also a martial arts super family.

  The existence of one of the ten great martial saints of Shenzhou has crossed from Shenzhou to Qingzhou.

  In the big family, naturally, knowledge and experience are very extensive. Some of the ancient secrets of Xuanzhou are also seen a little in ancient books. Now Xuanyuan Tianming talks about Xuanzhou and thinks of Xuanzhou's terrible.

   She is Li Lingtian's wife and Xuanyuan Yingying's good sister. Naturally, she wants to call Xuanyuan Tianming his grandfather, and naturally it is very pretentious.

   "I forgot your girl."

   "Yes, in other places, it is okay to say that even in Shenzhou, there was an ancient prohibition, but there were also crackers, but Xuanzhou has always been the most mysterious existence of Shenwu Continent."

   "Xuanzhou was locked up by the ancient powers. It is impossible to cross the border if the real locks the sky."

   "If you forcefully cross the border, that is the real death."

  Xuanyuan Tianming heard Huangfu Yuyan's words, and suddenly he thought of Huangfu Yuyan's identity. In the past, this little girl was one of the ten martial saints of Shenzhou.

  Although the top ten martial arts are somewhat exaggerated, this top ten martial arts are also the most outstanding martial arts genius of that generation or ten years.

   As the proud daughter of the super family of Shenzhou, naturally know a lot.

   "Hey, grandpa, do you forget that Ling Tian is still a Holy Array Master besides the Holy Pill Master."

   "The formation of the world, even if it is an ancient taboo formation, Ling Tian also knows a little or two, even if there is a large array of locks, I have a way to break it."

   Li Lingtian smiled, the expression on his face was dull, to talk about the formation, I really didn't have any fear of anyone.

  As long as the Green Xuan Kingdom, or Xuanzhou has the heart, he can cross the border.

   "Older and more and more confused."

   "This thing is forgotten, but your caution, there are many things in this world that cannot be solved by strength."

   "I won't say much, I will find a way to contact there and let them open Qingxuan Kingdom's formation, and then I will inform you."

  Xuanyuan Tianming heard Li Lingtian say this, and was shocked in his heart, but he was confused when he cared about it, but he forgot the identity of Li Lingtian Shengzhen.

   If you really are the Holy Array Teacher, create a large cross-border formation, and move across the border, naturally have some confidence.

   But still asked Li Lingtian a few words, this is a habit and responsibility as an elder.

   "Ling Tian understands."

  Li Lingtian nodded respectfully, knowing that Xuanyuan Tianming cares about them, otherwise he will not remind him like this.

   "You go back, you are not used to this place, you want to take them all?"

   Xuanyuan Tianming waved his hand and signaled that Li Lingtian could leave. Thinking of young people like Li Lingtian, he was naturally not used to such occasions.

   Finally, his eyes fell on Tang Qingyue and other women. His eyes looked at Li Lingtian with an inquiring look.


   "Ling Tian retired first."

   Li Lingtian nodded and answered, and finally took Tang Qingyue and others to leave the hall, but when leaving, Xuanyuan Tianming asked Li Lingtian to take Xuanyuan Yingying.

  Naturally, Li Lingtian cannot refuse, and these days, I am also satisfied with the little beauty Xuanyuan Yingying. Having such a beautiful woman by my side is indeed a kind-hearted thing.

   and a group of beautiful women said happily, holding Li Lingtian in the middle.

   Back to the Shenyue Hall, Li Lingtian also began to plan up. Since he had to go to Xuanzhou, he had to arrange it first.

   When I was in Qingzhou before, I came to Cangzhou by accident, but now when I am going to Xuanzhou in preparation, it is natural to relax.

   However, in a place as strong as Xuanzhou, it is natural to find a way to survive.

   can no longer be as high-profile as it is now, attracting everyone's attention.

   In Qingzhou and Cangzhou, no matter how high-profile you are, there are no powerful enemies, but it is different in Xuanzhou.

  Tang Qingyue They are naturally focused on cultivation, practicing during the day and accompanying Li Lingtian at night.

   From time to time, follow Li Lingtian to the Tianhe Holy City to buy some daily necessities, clothes and things used in the wild.

  When Li Lingtian heard about Xuanzhou, he was ready.

   has already had a certain plan, how to plan to develop in Xuanzhou, but he did not expect that Xuanzhou was a place where he turned a terrible turn, and also an opportunity to determine the destiny of Shenwu Continent.

   As time went by, Li Lingtian's cultivation practice also reached the three-fold summit of the great consummation.

  Tang Qingyue and their cultivation practices are also rapidly improving. With the passage of time, they all look forward to waiting for Xuanzhou.

   This day, finally came the news of Xuanyuan Tianming, Xuanzhou Qingxuan Kingdom's formation has been open, but this formation is deep in the sea, no one knows.

  Li Lingtian was relieved when he got the news. As long as Xinxin exists, he will have a way to cross the border.

   got this news. After Li Lingtian went to his parents to say goodbye, he took Tang Qingyue and others to leave Tianhe Holy City.

   This time, Li Lingtian took the three men of Mingluo Wusheng and Longda.

  Huangfu Yuyan they needless to say, they all left with Li Lingtian, and other relatives stayed in the Tianhe Holy City.

   "Hula, it feels good to come out."

  After the Xuanyuan Yingying came out of the Dragon Dragon Ring on the edge of the Tianhe Holy City, the little hand waved, looking cute and happy.

  Li Lingtian looked at Xuanyuan Yingying with a faint smile on her face. This little girl was always so happy, but only after knowing him.

  After leaving the Tianhe Temple, Li Lingtian put on makeup to hide his breath, flew quickly towards the edge of the sea, and came to this remote place before they called out Tang Qingyue.

   "Yingying, every time I come out, I see you so happy, not because of someone."

  Huangfu Yuyan smiled on her face and looked at Xuanyuan Yingying with vague eyes. They naturally knew about Li Lingtian and Xuanyuan Yingying. There was no secret between Li Lingtian and them.

   For this Xuanyuanyingying, they also like it very much, now is a good time to joke.

   "Yeah, I followed Brother Ling Tian out, otherwise I wouldn't come out, Grandpa said the world outside is too dangerous."

   "Again, sister Yuyan, Yingying is not boring anymore."

  Xuanyuan was stunned for a moment, and the small face flushed immediately, but soon they realized that Huangfu Yuyan was teasing her, and immediately calmed down, and said it straightforwardly, and there was nothing shy.

   was already tired of Li Lingtian, and she would not come out if there were Li Lingtian.

   Her character itself is like this, it will not hide anything, what to say, but they are very similar to Tang Zimeng.

  Following Huangfu Yuyan for a long time, they are also very intimate. They are joking about these common things. Except for not talking about things with Li Lingtian, Huangfu Yuyan basically said nothing.

   But when Xuanyuan Yingying was curious, Huangfu Yuyan didn't mind talking about it, causing Xuanyuan Yingying to blush.

  A ten-year-old girl, just in her youth, is naturally curious about such things.

   "Go, let's get on the spaceship first, so as not to be noticed by others."

  Li Lingtian watched a few girls talking around and kept walking, and walked up, with a faint smile on his face, reached out to embrace Tang Qingyue and Huangfu Yuyan, and shouted to several girls.

  Finally, he flew away towards the spaceship in the air, and Long Da had sacrificed the spaceship and waited in the air.

  This time, only he and Mingluo Wusheng were the three guards.

   But the three men of Mingluo Wusheng used the peculiar Chinese medicine that Li Lingtian gave them.

   For Wu Sheng, the five or six-pin elixir has little effect, but the elixir made by Li Lingtian is needless to say.

  Treasure of the unique medicine made from precious materials is definitely more powerful than the ordinary medicine of the seventh grade.

  Using this kind of immortality cultivation is extremely powerful, and Li Lingtian will give them a seven-grade immortality cultivation every month, so that their cultivation can be quickly improved.

  Following Li Lingtian for some time, Mingluo Wusheng and Tian Yao Wang have reached the Wusheng Double Heaven, and Yunhao Wusheng has also reached the peak of the Wusheng First Heaven.

  The hearts of the three people were surrendered. Li Lingtian not only cultivated against the sky, but also possessed talents against the sky.

  With the four of them as guards, there is no need to worry about any trouble.

  However, the three men of Mingluo Wusheng, all of whom had Xiuxi suppressed to Emperor Wudi's weight, even in this way, they were also a remarkable existence.

  After all, this is Emperor Wu~www.wuxiaspot.com~Not Emperor Wuzong.

  Longda is still the seventh-level and fifth-level summit, which is not far from the breakthrough.

  Li Lingtian's cultivation practice, as long as he does not do it, no one can see his cultivation as a realm. In this way, the identity of Lord Long is more real.

  As for Huangfu Yuyan and them, the state of Wuhuang is also normal.

   "Whoosh, swish."

   A sound of breaking the sky sounded, and all the girls flew to the spaceship.

   This spaceship, although not as powerful as the Ares, is also a very powerful one, with two floors above and below.

  Li Lingtian and others lived on the top floor. Below is the residence of Mingluo Wusheng.

   After coming to the spaceship, Li Lingtian arranged for the four guards.

   "At this time, Mingluo and Yunhao are responsible for safety. Long Da and Tianya, you two enter the Dragon Dragon Cultivation, and strive to improve your cultivation when you leave."

   "Let's go to Cangzhou Lingyun City first."

  After Li Lingtian took Huangfu Yuyan and others to the second floor, he went down alone and began to arrange the next things.

  Although he didn't need to take care of these things, Long Da's cultivation practice had reached its peak, and he was naturally required to break through.

   Moreover, in this place in Cangzhou, Yunhao Wusheng is relatively familiar, and there are not many dangers, so naturally he is more at ease.

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