War God Supreme

Chapter 1148: Destruction of the halberd

Four items appeared in front of Li Lingtian along with the consciousness.

A half-foot long annihilation halberd, a silver armor, an exquisite pagoda, and a one-foot-long token.

These four treasures are the objects above the formation in the dark blue mask in the center of the ninth floor of the Wanhua Holy Palace.

For this treasure, the strong pseudo-spiritual realm of the Hai nationality did not hesitate to venture into the Wanhua Holy Palace, and almost let him dissipate Li Lingtian, and finally he survived with his luck against the sky.

Looking at the four items, Li Lingtian still feels terrified.

This is in exchange for his life. If it is of no use to him, it is an injustice.


After looking at the four items, Li Lingtian pointed a finger, and the other three items landed, leaving a token suspended in front of him.

The token is one foot long, two inches wide and one inch thick. The entire token is made of black iron.

There is a faint mysterious breath on it. With Li Lingtian's knowledge in Shenwu Continent, he has no understanding of this breath.

I saw that the token is engraved with five vigorous fonts, the Three Realms Wanling Order!

The five words alone exude an unmatched domineering, like the rule of the Three Realms.

Li Lingtian glanced at it countless times with God's consciousness, but did not get any news. This token is exactly like a piece of iron. It is impossible for God's consciousness to enter.

As a Divine Array Master, he can see through any formation prohibition at first glance, but in front of this token, there is no way.

Until finally giving up, the tokens were collected.

After collecting the tokens, Li Lingtian's eyes fell on the delicate pagoda, which was extremely exquisite, with a total of nine floors.

The entire pagoda exudes powerful demon power, and Li Lingtian tentatively looks into his eyes.


When the consciousness just came to the pagoda, the whole person's consciousness was sucked into it as if it had been swallowed, and entered the pagoda. The entire pagoda is a world.

A vast and boundless world. In this world, Li Lingtian's consciousness continually shuttled for a full ten minutes. The consciousness ignored the distance of space and did not know how many miles he flew, but he still didn't see the edge.

This is like a vast world, Li Lingtian had to give up in the end.

The consciousness retreated from the pagoda and sighed helplessly.

Both pagoda and token, Li Lingtian has no use at all.

After collecting the pagoda, he looked at the Sky Killer, and when he saw the Sky Killer, Li Lingtian's mouth showed a smile, because this weapon, no matter what, knew his purpose.

Unlike pagodas and tokens, even the purpose of pagodas and tokens is unknown.

The **** consciousness sacrificed the celestial halberd, and his eyes looked at the celestial halberd. This halberd is half a foot long and looks very explosive. Imagine that if this halberd is refined and then battled, it will be shocking. .


Looking at the Sky Deterrence, Li Lingtian's heart moved, and the eyes of the God of Soul were displayed, and the Sky Deterrence suddenly shivered, and the powerful consciousness glanced at the Sky Deterrence.


However, the moment when the consciousness wiped out the remaining breath above, a terrifying demon power burst out, and the terrifying demon power hit Li Lingtian fiercely. In front of this demon power, Li Lingtian did not have the slightest resisting force, and a spit of blood spurted out .

The Sky Halberd also fell to the ground, and the look on Li Lingtian's face was pale and weak.

The look in his eyes was full of horror, but he didn't expect that this celestial halberd was so terrifying, and the slight demon power above would injure him.

"Aren't they innate artifacts?"

Li Lingtian said startled, his face constantly changing.

Because when he glanced at this celestial halberd with his consciousness, the pressure exuded inside was natural, just like the inborn, and this celestial halberd had no breath of humans and demons at all. It's like a single object.

In other words, this celestial halberd was bred from heaven and earth, not a treasure created by humans and demon clan strongmen, but brought by nature, not by nature.


Just when Li Lingtian was horrified, the celestial halberd shuddered, and then the celestial halberd suspended, automatically suspended, without the slightest external help.

At the same time, a blunt voice sounded.

And the sound is like it hasn't been spoken in millions of years, making people sound harsh.

But this harsh and stern voice carried a ruinous coercion, which was filled with the primordial air of heaven and earth, like coming with endless vicissitudes.

Hearing this voice, Li Lingtian's eyes became horrified.

This voice is like in the ear. With his knowledge and strength, someone came to him and couldn't find it, which made him not shocked.

With a terrifying look at the Sky Halberd, the look on his face kept changing.


Li Lingtian sipped softly, and the terrifying True Elemental broke out, holding Yuan Yuanshou to keep his mind.

Someone who appeared in front of him who had cultivated the heavens, the void, and the magical power of space had never found out, how powerful it is. In such a situation, there is no consciousness of resistance at all. Mind.

"Humanity, do you want to refine the essence?"

The sound rang again, and the celestial halberd twirled and circled in front of Li Lingtian for a few times, like teasing Li Lingtian.

Finally stopped in front of Li Lingtian, then quieted down, but the room was full of mysterious vicissitudes.

"It's you."

"Are you talking to this seat?"

"How can you speak?"

Li Lingtian looked at the celestial halberd. I couldn't believe that the celestial halberd was talking because this thing was too ridiculous.

But now in such a situation, even if he wanted to lie to himself, he couldn't do it anymore. He could only believe that it was talking.

In his memory and imagination, where would there be such a magical and terrifying thing?

"In this place, besides you and me, is there a third person?"

"Why can't the God of God speak? The God of God is an innate artifact and naturally has its own meaning."

"However, consciousness is a sign of a congenital artifact, but it is not necessarily able to speak. The original **** is an exception, because the last owner of the original **** was..."

"Don't say this, if you want to refine the spirit, you don't have this skill, you don't have this qualification. The spirit is just a human kid who refines."

"Know that if this God is refined, it will be used by you forever, unless you are gone."

The celestial halberd said arrogantly, completely like an old senior talking to a junior, with a trace of disdain, and completely looked down on Li Lingtian's cultivation behavior.

"Innate artifact!"

"It really is a congenital artifact, a unique congenital artifact."

"This seat doesn't believe that you can't be refined."

Li Lingtian shivered in his heart, and his thoughts came true.

When the consciousness wiped off the breath above the celestial halberd, he was injured by the magic power of the celestial halberd. I thought in my heart that the celestial halberd was an innate artifact, but I never thought that the celestial halberd was a real innate god. Artifact, unique congenital artifact.

And it is still a congenital artifact that speaks, how can I not be shocked in my heart.

The congenital artifact has spirituality and autonomous consciousness. Li Lingtian knows it, but he cannot think of a congenital artifact that speaks, which is completely beyond his cognition.

Hearing the Sky Halberd looked down upon him, an arrogance suddenly grew from his heart.

When the sound fell, the terrifying eyes of the gods and souls were cast out, and at the same time, the heavenly roulette was sacrificed. When the heavenly roulette appeared, the **** array also appeared in front.

Without the slightest hesitation, Dao Dao's dharma was displayed. In a blink of an eye, the Divine Array radiated a terrifying golden light. When the golden light fell, the whole room formed a powerful formation.

The Tiandao roulette was also spinning at this time, and the air of Tiandao was scattered. There was a slight light and shadow in the array method, just like the subtle light. The colorful light surrounded the entire room.

Surrounded by Li Lingtian and Meitianji, the terrifying atmosphere of heaven formed a heaven and earth here, which made Meitianji feel a little trembling.

"Blood refining."



Li Lingtian didn't pause at all, the lawful decision in his hand was continuously exerted, a ray of essence blood appeared at this time, the essence blood turned into a blood curtain, and quickly slayed the halberd.

When the essence blood appeared, the heavenly roulette wheel turned up, and the terrifying atmosphere of heavenly heaven was also pressed towards the killing celestial halberd.

At this time, a trace of fineness flashed in Li Lingtian's eyes, the power of heaven and earth and the power of heaven and earth were exerted, the horrible blood refining and formation refining, and heaven refining came out.

The three methods of refining treasures are used in one place, and no one knows about Zhenlian and Tianlian in Shenwu Continent, only Li Lingtian knows from the ancient books. As a Divine Master, he cultivates the power of heaven and earth and heaven and earth. The prestige of nature can also be practiced and tempered.

After the appearance of the Blood Refining Array and Lian Tian Lian, Li Lingtian cast out the horrible True Dragon Guard.

Suddenly, the terrifying true dragon fluttered out.

The true dragon spirit is the supreme in the monster spirit.

Now ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian is a terrifying dragon with no human touch.


"Boo, boo."

"Oh, yell."


Immediately, Li Lingtian's bursts of law were displayed, and the horror of the room was constantly torn and twisted. At this time, the celestial halberd was really scared, trembling constantly, and quickly revolving around Li Lingtian.

It was like seeing ghosts and ghosts. He was used by the last master for millions of years. Afterwards, although the master disappeared, it was also sealed. With the passage of time, there is no more power, and the spirituality is gradually. drift.

Now, even if he can talk to Li Lingtian, it is also the end of the strong bow. In the face of the blood refining formation and Tianlian, at the moment it is only shaking, not willing to be refined by humans.



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