War God Supreme

Chapter 1156: Hongjia

The force of destruction rolled towards the individual courtyard, almost toppling the courtyard.

Seeing such a situation, Li Lingtian felt a little bad in his heart, his face became cold, and Zi Yin was worried about him.

The Black Dragon King slaps on the ground with one hand, and the power of destruction will cancel out the strength of destruction.

At the same time, the three flew outwards and disappeared into the courtyard.

When he appeared again, he had already arrived outside the inn. When he saw the situation in the inn, Li Lingtian's face was even colder, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I saw that in the inn, Yun Xin and Zi Yin were imprisoned by a beam of light. A young man's face had a wicked smile on his face, and his eyes were constantly glancing at Zi Yin, which looked disgusting.

In front of the youth, there are two Wushen gods guarding the five heavens. The destructive energy just now was exhibited from the two Wushen strong men.

The youth has only the Emperor Wu Realm, but with two Wushen five-day guards, it is really shocking.

"Not bad."

"Go back and be the concubine of your son. If you wait well and make your son happy, you will have endless glory and wealth."

The young man stared at Ziyin with an evil smile on his face.

The waiter who spoke was full of arrogance, and was completely a second-generation ancestor, a rogue.

The two Wushen guards on the side saw Li Lingtian's three people coming out, his face stunned, and then watched Li Lingtian's three vigilantly.

"Let them go."

The Black Dragon King looked at the two martial arts strongmen and said coldly.

He has followed Li Lingtian for a long time, and has learned a lot of handling styles.

Even if you don't look at the two Wushen in your eyes, but you can't offend people casually here, no matter what, you have to say hello before you start.

Even if the two martial gods in front of him were to be erased in the next second, he would not mess up, but deal calmly.


"This is better."

"Leaving on Monday, Murongqin brought her to her son."

Without waiting for the two Wushen strong men to speak, the youth's eyes were attracted to the Nangong Mingyue. The evil eyes looked at the Nangong Mingyue, and the whole person was crazy.

He did not expect that there would be such a beautiful woman in this world. At this moment, he did not know that the danger was approaching.

In his view, in Tianhai City, he is the boss.


At this time, the look on the face of the Black Dragon King changed drastically, and dare to adjust the interest of Li Lingtian's woman.

If he could bear it again, it would be disloyal to Li Lingtian.

Suddenly, the pressure of ruining the world was crushed, and the ultimate power of Wushen Jiuzhongtian Peak's consummation broke out at this moment. The entire inn was suddenly lifted up, and it became a piece within a few hundred meters. ruins.





The blast of destruction appeared, the two martial arts strongmen were directly destroyed, and the young people were directly crushed by the coercion of the destruction. The whole person crawled on the ground like a dead dog.


The strange shape of the Black Dragon King came to the youth, and a mysterious force broke the imprisoned light group of the two Ziyin.

Although the eyes looked coldly at the youth on the ground, the tone dulled the air.

"Me, me, I am the Hong family, the three sons of the Hong family."

"Your courage is too big, too big, and dare to provoke your son, and when the son returns, you must be humiliated."

Hong Lin shuddered continuously and saw the two guards killed by a coercion.

Seeing such a horrible situation again, I was terrified in my heart and knew that I had provoke the strong.

But thinking of his status and power of the Hong family, he immediately took out the Hong family to suppress the Black Dragon King.

"Master, it is his brother who is killing us."

"Hong Family is a branch of Promise Sect."

Heilongwang heard the young man lifted out of the background, his face was stunned, his heart was more murderous, but his eyes looked at Li Lingtian.

This kind of thing still requires Li Lingtian to make up his mind.

Li Lingtian didn't speak, but Ziyin, who had just been rescued, spoke, and the expression on his face was very excited. The whole person's body shivered, and Yu pointed at Hong Lin.

Yun Xin's lips were bitten and bleeding, and his face was pale.

Because seeing the enemy, killing the husband and the enemy, telling her how to settle down.

"Hong Family?"

"The Promise Sect?"

"Erase, even the Hong family also erased."

Li Lingtian said lightly, the tone was extremely cold, just like it came from under the Jiu You Di Mansion.

After that, his figure flickered, and he flew out into the distance with Zi Yin.

Nangong Mingyue also took the cloud heart and followed Li Lingtian towards the outside of the city, leaving the rest to the Black Dragon King.

The Black Dragon King naturally knew what Li Lingtian meant. Without any hesitation, he punched the ground fiercely. The Honglin on the ground didn't even react at all, and he was already smashed by the Black Dragon King.

In the blink of an eye, the Black Dragon King had left the inn and flew away in the direction of the Hong family.

Li Lingtian took Ziyin and Zhenyuan into Ziyin's vest and assessed Ziyin's emotions.

The four quickly flew away into the distance, and left Tianhai City 100,000 miles before stopping. With a sense of consciousness, the spaceship sacrificed out, and the spacecraft stopped steadily in the air.

"Yan'er, you said that the Hong family is a branch of the Promise Sect, how do you know?"

Li Lingtian was on the spaceship, and after Ziyin's mood stabilized, he asked.

"Yan'er and Aunt Xin were originally in the Tianmu region, but after being chased and killed, they entered the Bihai. They were found within a few years in the Bihai."

"We heard what they said at that time, so Yan'er knew that they belonged to the Hong family, and the Hong family was also a branch of the Promise Sect."

After Ziyin stabilized her mood completely, she said what she saw and heard.

Li Lingtian listened quietly, thinking about things in her heart.

Seeing Li Lingtian did not disturb Li Lingtian.


In ten minutes, there was a sound of breaking in the air.

When the sound of breaking the sky sounded, a figure had landed on the spaceship.

The person who came was naturally the Black Dragon King, and the clothes on the Black Dragon King's body were cut several times, but he was not injured.

"Is everything done?"

Li Lingtian spoke lightly, with no slight expression on his face.

"Back to the Lord, the Hong family has been wiped out."

"This is a storage bag from the Hong family."

The Black Dragon King replied congratulatoryly, and then handed a storage bag to Li Lingtian.

After everything was done, he bowed and stood beside Li Lingtian, waiting for Li Lingtian to order.

"How about power?"

"What did you find?"

Li Lingtian glanced at the clothes on the Black Dragon King's body, revealing a puzzling expression.

With the cultivation of the Black Dragon King as his strength, even if he encounters two or three Wushen Jiugiantian at the same time, such a thing will not happen. It is impossible for a Hong family to have a strong against the sky.

"Hong Family, there seems to be no strong man on the surface."

"But during this time, the guards around the three sons of the Hong family strengthened."

"When the subordinates went to the Hong family, there were indeed a lot of martial arts strongmen, as well as a hidden martial arts nineth heaven."

"This Wushen Jiuzhongtian should not belong to the Hong family. If his subordinates guess well, this Wushen Jiuzhongtian is Promise Sect."

The Black Dragon King briefly recounted the situation he encountered at the Hong family.


Li Lingtian said.

This place cannot stay for a long time, at least to send Ziyin out of Tianhai City.

Wait for the two of them to be safe, and then solve other things.

I met some people from the Hong family at the inn this time.

The spacecraft flew for two days before stopping. It was determined that no one was following. Li Lingtian let Zi Yin and Yunxin control the spacecraft to leave first. The three of them landed and hid on one side.

Until half a day passed, nothing was found, which confirmed that the two were safe.

"What are your plans now?"

Nangong Mingyue looked at Li Lingtian. Jade held her arms and asked softly.

What she is most curious about now is what Li Lingtian has arranged.

Whether to practice or to look for the empty space, or to find the trouble of the Promise Sect, or to find the trouble of the Gongsun family, or think of other ways.

"Go to Promise Sect, if Ziyin is not my disciple, I would not go to the trouble of Promise Sect."

"But now that Wujiji has a grudge against Ziyin, we can't just stand by and watch it. Besides, even if we don't do it, Wujiji will still find us in trouble."

"We are now looking for a place to settle down, understand the situation of Tianmu territory, and then make plans."

Li Lingtian pondered for a while, and then decided to come down.

Let's leave here first, because his purpose has reached one.

That is to let the Gongsun family know that he is in the Tianmu region and not in the Canghai. Although this will bring danger to himself, he will make the Canghai safer.

The Chonghai Jiuzhong Mountain Peak is his own territory, the territory of Piaoyun Valley. He didn't want the Gongsun family to destroy it.

Moreover, more importantly, if the Gongsun family occupied Jiuzhongshan, then the Gongsun family became stronger and more difficult to deal with.

These things have been considered countless times, otherwise he will not be in danger.

"Wow~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After finishing the talk, the three men drew three streamers and disappeared in place, and finally disappeared on the edge of the sky.

The eradication of the Hong Family in Tianhai City shook the entire Tianhai City.

You know, although the Hong family is not a super big family, nor is it a super power, but its strength is also in the top ten in Tianhai City, and there is a very strong backstage behind it.

But Wan Wan did not expect that in just a few minutes, the entire Hong family was turned into a ruin, and the Hong family was full of smoke.

Suddenly, the entire Tianhai City boiled completely.

The other forces are all rubbish, and they are also uneasy, worried that such things will come to their own forces.

The disappearance of the Hong family sent Tianhai City into chaos.



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