War God Supreme

Chapter 1167: Fascinating Pills

"Danfang has already existed, but I still have to learn for a while, and strive to learn the ninth Danfang."

"As for medicinal materials, this time I found countless medicinal materials in the Wanhua Holy Palace, which are all treasures of genius cherished, I believe they can be used."

"Furthermore, sooner or later, this panacea is to be refined. Even if there is a lack of medicinal materials, you must find it."

"Now, as you know my situation, Wushen Yaetian, you don't even know when you want to enter Jiuzhongtian. Instead of doing this, you might as well put some energy on Dandao."

"Dando and Wudao go together. Although it is a bit tiring, it is better than waiting."

Li Lingtian nodded his head, and with a consciousness, he took out the Danfang of the Phenomenon.

He is also telling the truth. Now that he has reached the Wushen Heaven, he does not know when he wants to enter the Nine Heavens, and his cultivation of martial arts, battles, and dan roads are all taking place at the same time.

Now to prove the ninth-order Divine Pill Master, it just shifts the time a little above the pill.

If he went to practice the same, then he would not have today's achievements.

"What is this recipe?"

Nangong Mingyue looked at the Danfang in front of Li Lingtian and was shocked. She even admired Li Lingtian.

She knew that Li Lingtian had arrangements no matter what she did, and she would not talk empty-mouthed.

Even the ninth-order Divine Pill Master, he is well prepared, and now he is not even prepared for the Ninth Grade Pill Recipe.

"Nine Pinhua Divine Pill."

Li Lingtian said the name of Danfang. This Danfang has been heard among the top powers of Shenwu Continent, but no one has seen it.

The main reason is that this magical pill is a panacea for the strong to break through the realm. Although it is not the only one, it is no different from the only one.

Huashen Pill, only those strong players of the Nineth Heavenly God of God have heard of it, and only these strong people have the ability to know, and only these strong people are qualified to know.

Nine medicines are the supreme, the ninth is the ultimate, and the world is the most powerful.

"Nine Pinhua Divine Pill?"

"Why do you have the Nine-Principle Divine Pill, this Nine-Principle Divine Pill, but the Wushen Jiuzhong Tianqiang who must step into the pseudo-spiritual medicine.

"Countless Wushen Jiuzhong Tianqiang people have been stopped by Wushen forever because they don't have a panacea."

"Unless there is an inverse talent and an inverse physique strong, or a powerful reincarnation, otherwise, it would be impossible to break through the shackles of Wushen without the Nine-Pin Hua Shendan."

The look on Nangong Mingyue's small face was even more shocked.

Although this immortality is not known by the low-level martial arts, it is well-known among the top powerhouses.

I didn't expect Li Lingtian to have such a pill. If the nine princess gods were refined, it would be the real princess supreme, and let the world's Wushen Nine Heavy Heavens chase and look up.

"Not bad."

"This Nine-Quality God Pill Dan Pill formula was sent by the Dan Pedestrian Guild when I was celebrating the Holy Pill Division."

"Now, I have to refine all the herbs that I can't grow into a panacea and trade with the people in the top of the sky."

"Slowly display a powerful five-element heaven and earth reincarnation array within a thousand miles, so that I can support the refining of a powerful elixir. It is not a matter of two days a day to make a powerful elixir. ."

Li Lingtian said his plan, and his position has already been seen by many people.

A strong lineup will only make the strong men jealous, because the lineup is a powerful attack and defense that can be used in wars.

But Dandao is different, because it can make them improve.

Although they all understand that Dandao is a kind of soft power, no one can get away from it.

Even if you know it, there will be no threat to Li Lingtian. On the contrary, there will be more people who come to cheer and pull together.

Beside each line master and Dan master, there is a martial arts strongman following.

Li Lingtian knows it best. If you want to refine such a panacea, you must arrange the formation even bigger, because the panacea for refining products is not a matter of the moment.

If the alchemy and the spirit of death destroy the alchemy, then people will be frustrated.

Therefore, he wanted to expand the formation and refine the medicine in his hands into a panacea.

When refining low-level elixirs, it can also make the technique more proficient.

"The Danshi Guild really values ​​you, and has given you all the recipes for the Divine Pill."

"These medicinal materials in your hands also require you to refine them for a while."

Nangong Mingyue said with a smile, now, the only thing she has to do is to work hard to take care of Li Lingtian.

In this place where the spirit of fairy spirits is rich, there is still a treasure of immortality. If you do not take this opportunity to practice, there will be no such good things in the future.

Later, Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue began to take care of the canyon, turning the canyon into a cultivation paradise.

This place is also not a temporary residence, so it is necessary to organize it here, which is also a practice for your mood.

In less than a day, the two of them turned a ten-mile-long canyon into a cultivation wonderland.

Next, Li Ling sat down to adjust interest rates to restore his injury.

Fighting with Wuyu old ghost, he was not injured, but his heart shook.

But when he finally saved Wuyu's old ghost, he suffered some injuries and he recovered quickly.

Nangong Mingyue is practicing every day, and the Black Dragon King is responsible for safety.

After the battle between Wuyu Laogui and Li Lingtian, millions of powerful people in the south also knew that Yuntian Zhiding was a super strongman, and even the entire Yuntian Zhidian knew Li Lingtian's existence.

Some superpowers wanted to compete with Li Lingtian, but Li Lingtian did not agree.

Moreover, in the face of a strong man like Li Lingtian, even if you want a real competition, you need Li Lingtian to agree. Otherwise, even if you win, you won't win.

However, Wuyu Laogui has visited the canyon several times and exchanged positions with Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian was not stingy, he spoke out his practice experience, and told some powerful **** arrays to Wuyu Lao Gui.

Wuyu Laogui also spoke out his skills of instantaneous formation, which suddenly made Li Lingtian understand.

The exchange between the two people has improved each other and benefited greatly.

The two gradually became friends, and the two Super Array Masters became friends, which made other strong men dare not easily provoke Li Lingtian.

Time, day by day, Li Lingtian's existence has also been recognized by other powerful people at the top of the sky.

As long as they are strong, they all know the existence of Li Lingtian.

Because of Li Lingtian's power, he can fight the Wuyu old ghost.

Unconsciously, the three of Li Lingtian have been at the top of Yuntian for three months.

In three months, Li Lingtian's injury has recovered and his spirit has returned to his peak.

During this time, most of his time was spent in enlightening Dan Dao and Dao Dao, while practicing exercises and supernatural powers, and sacrificial treasures.

As a Divine Array Master and Holy Pill Master, naturally understand that if you want to become a powerful Pill Master, the formation is essential.

With the passage of time, Li Lingtian also began to refine the panacea.

Starting from the first-pin elixir, to the seven-pin elixir, Li Lingtian didn't know how many tripods had been refined.

It is entirely the existence of mass production, and the refined immortals are of unparalleled quality.

After refining for half a year, Li Lingtian's panacea has reached 2,000 bottles, which he can't use.

But it is a help to the low-level warrior.

Li Lingtian's alchemy technique is becoming more and more skilled, but Jiuhuahua Shendan has not fully realized it, and does not know what medicine is needed.

"Take this elixir out and give it to the disciples at the top of the sky."

"Anyway, we don't need it, it's for civilian use for the people."

Li Lingtian yelled Nangong Mingyue to his side, and gave himself to Nangong Mingyue for half a year, and asked Nangong Mingyue to take out these elixir to the warrior on the top of Yunyuntian.

There are also countless low-level warriors in the top of the sky, all descendants of the strong who have moved forward, have regarded this place as their hometown, and here has become a world.

He doesn't take these immortals as one thing, but other martial artists are of great use.

Moreover, the use of these immortals can also gather greater popularity in the top of the sky, and the cohesion of the elder master is unparalleled in the Shenwu Continent.

"Is it a shame to take out so many medicines?"

"If I take out these immortals, I don't know how many people are crazy."

Nangong Mingyue is a little bit reluctant, these immortals are amazing treasures.

If they are outside, these elixirs are completely priceless treasures, even if there is a spirit stone, they can't be bought, because Shenwu Continent doesn't have any excellent elixirs.

However, she already has a plan in mind, she can use these medicines to help Li Lingtian.

Give Li Lingtian an unshakable position in the top of the sky.

"You go with the black dragon, if there is any threat, send me a message as soon as possible."

Li Lingtian had a faint smile on his face, and did not say much.

Just let Nangong Mingyue pay attention to safety. In the top of the sky, the strong people gather, and here is still **** and cruel. If a bad one is challenged by the strong people.

He didn't want to see what danger Nangong Mingyue encountered~www.wuxiaspot.com~It would be too late to regret it.

These things, he did not want to intervene, so as not to delay time.

With these times, it would be better to enlighten the magic techniques and exercises.

It has been half a year since refining the Elixir, and Jiuhuahua Shendan has not yet realized it.

If you understand the final step of Jiuhuahua Shendan, you will know the medicines needed by Huapinhuan. You can also find these herbs and prepare for Jiuhuahua Shendan.

The medicinal materials of Jiubinhua Shendan are definitely not as simple as Bapindan medicine.

At this point, Li Lingtian is already mentally prepared, even if he wants to go against the sky, he can bear it, and it’s a big deal to find it.

If the required materials are too simple, then it is not a magical and powerful elixir.



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