War God Supreme

Chapter 1177: Murong Rainy Day,...

Li Lingtian defeated Xiao Tian. In the four parts of southeast and northwest, only five people had no challenge.

Among the remaining six Wushen Powerhouses, there is also the existence of Wushen Jiuzhongtian Peak Great Consummation, even if Wushen Jiuzhongtian Peak Great Consummation, compared with those of Zhantian Yunfeng, they must be far away.

Now Li Lingtian has even defeated Xiao Tian, ​​and the remaining five strong men will challenge Li Lingtian again.

Moreover, the strongmen in the top of the sky do not know how many times they have fought each other, they are each other's strength, and they all know that the remaining five are not Xiao Tian's opponents at all.

Now, although Li Lingtian only fought once, he defeated Xiao Tian, ​​and for a moment, he dared not take the stage.

"Since Lord Ling Tian has gone up, he will not be ugly below."

"Don't look for torture anymore."

"Forget it, don't want to be beaten down."

"This time I gave up."

"I still want to watch the battle between Your Excellency Ling Tian and Murong Yutian."

Wuyu old ghosts and others have a faint smile on their faces.

I said loudly that I was shocked in my heart. I knew that Li Lingtian was not simple, but I didn't expect it to be so terrifying.

The position is terrifying, and now martial arts are even more overbearing. How can people live?

However, we are now looking forward to the following war.

That is Li Lingtian challenging Murong Yutian, the strongest player.

There are countless powerhouses in the top of the sky, but for more than 100 years, none of them can defeat Murong Yutian.

Zhan Tian, ​​Xiao Tian, ​​Dong Xueming, Yun Feng, these people have fought against Murong Yutian countless times, and other powerful men also fought Murong Yutian, but they were all defeated.

Now, the appearance of Li Lingtian has raised hope for countless powerful people.

Hope Li Lingtian can break this undefeated myth.

As long as this undefeated myth is broken, they will have more hope in their hearts.

Over the past 100 years, Murong Yutian has been pressed by them, which has caused some shadows in their hearts. Murong Yutian is like a mountain pressing them.

This pressure, there is a shadow in my heart, it is difficult to practice.

"This time, how much chance do you have to see His Excellency Ling Tian?"

"The appearance of His Excellency Ling Tian hopes that there will be a slight change."

"If you can't defeat Murong Yutian, the others will have little chance."

"This time Xiao Tian cultivated Tian Gang's recipe to the ninth floor. If he had a certain grasp of Murong Yutian, he was defeated by His Excellency Ling Tian."

"Let's look at what means Ling Tian has to fight with Murong Yutian."


On the four steps, as well as the martial arts strongmen in the square, there was constant discussion.

Suppressed this hope on Li Lingtian.

The competition of the first strongman is not only the reputation and status, but also the peerless supernatural power.

However, there are rules at the top of the sky, and only the first strong man can have the opportunity to practice the three tricks of peerless magic, and only the first strong man can have a chance. It is impossible to make a fake.

In the top of the sky, no one dared to cheat, cheating will only be destroyed.

For thousands of years, no one on top of the sky has cheated, no one dared to cheat.

What makes the countless powerhouses puzzled is that the top powerhouse on the top of the sky did not appear again after it appeared, only came out to accept the challenge, no one else could see it at other times, and only occasionally managed some inside the top of the sky. Thing.

More importantly, after the former top strongman in the top of Yuntian was defeated, they also disappeared on the top of Yuntian, and rumors are all practiced in a different space.

But it is not certain, and no one knows the real reason.

"Li Lingtian has the qualification to challenge Murong Yutian, the top powerhouse on the top of the sky."

"You are willing to challenge Murong Yutian and challenge success. You are the top strongest in the sky."

Wu Wuyue, who had never spoken, stood up, looked at Li Lingtian, and asked aloud.


Li Lingtian smiled faintly, with a cloud of lightness on his face.

Impressed by the consciousness, Tianji Ba King Sword was put away, waiting for Murong Yutian to appear.

"Lord Ling Tian."

"Master Murong."

"Lord Ling Tian."

"Master Murong."


Above the square, a shout of cheering sounded.

This is the most powerful showdown every year. Now it is Li Lingtian and Murong Yutian fighting. Not only the warriors in the square, but also the super martial arts strongmen in the steps are very excited, looking forward to the beginning of the war.

Nangong Mingyue and Black Dragon King are also excited and excited, but more worried.

Wuyu Laogui and others are also looking forward to Li Lingtian and want to see Li Lingtian's more powerful ability.

To see if this mythical strongman with more than a hundred years of history can be defeated by Li Lingtian, a demon against evil, I was just looking forward to looking at Li Lingtian's strength. Later, after seeing Li Lingtian's terrifying strength, I even wanted to see Li Lingtian fight Murong Yutian.

Because I saw that Li Lingtian was qualified to challenge Murong Yutian.


A muffled noise appeared on the square.

The sky was originally cloudless, but now it changes rapidly and becomes very strange.

The dull popping sound made the warriors and the strong in the square feel dull for a while, but they did not know where the dull noise came from, nor did the sky change because of what changed.

The whole space has become very dull, the force of oppression is getting stronger and stronger, and some martial artists are almost unknown and crazy.


A thunder sounded, the arc struck the void for thousands of miles, and a crack was split in the air.

Numerous ruined gang winds are scattered in the cracks, and the space is torn in the gang winds.

The changes in the air, all the powerful are terrified, never seen such a situation.

The look on Li Lingtian's face was plain, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, but his heart was dignified.

This look is definitely not that simple. Is it true that a strong man against the sky will appear.

The rainy day of Murong, the first strong man, is obviously the strong **** of Wushen. The strong **** of Wushen will not have such a horrible situation. For a time, he felt something was wrong.

"Don't Murong Yutian cultivate any horrible magical power?"

"How is this going?"

"What about Murong Rainy Day?"

"What's going on, is Murong Yutian trying to pretend to be a ghost?"

The Wushen Jiuzhong Superpowers in the steps looked at the situation in the air, they were shocked and curious, and they didn’t know what was going on.

The warriors in the square also stepped back, and stepped back quickly, daring not to stay in such a scene.

"Did Murong Yutian break through?"

"Did he come up with the second type of insight?"

Both Wuwuyue and Wuwuhen showed shocked expressions on their faces.

Such a thing, he did not know what was going on.

For a time, the atmosphere in the square became more and more suppressed, and the muffled sounds in the air continued, and the entire top of the sky was like the end of the world.

"False **** realm!"

At this time, a trace of horror flashed on Li Lingtian's face and exclaimed.

Because he felt a bit of coercion in the air, this is the coercion of pseudo-realm, this coercion and breath, he could not be more familiar, because last time he almost died in the hands of pseudo-realm.

In this life, the strong breath of the false **** realm could not be erased in his heart.

Throughout his life, he ran across the Divine Martial Continent and seldom encountered opponents, but in the Wanhua Holy Palace, he met the giant, the pseudo-supernatural superpower, and the giant gave him no way.

No matter what kind of attack, the giant can't be hurt. In the end, if it wasn't the glory above the altar, he would have fallen.

In front of the giant of the pseudo-real world, he is a real ant.

Now, I didn't expect to meet the strong power of false gods again, and there was a trace of fear and shock in my heart.

"False **** realm?"


"Pseudo-God Powerhouse?"

"How can it be?"

"Who broke into the false **** realm?"

"What is a false **** realm?"

"Is there a realm of false **** realm?"

"Isn't the Wushen Jiuzhongtian Peak Dzogchen the most powerful, why is there a false **** realm?"

"What is a false **** realm?"

Hearing Li Lingtian's words, all the strong men and the martial artists in the square were horrified.

The warrior naturally does not know the existence of the false **** realm. Only the top martial arts masters know the existence of the false **** realm. Even Li Lingtian has high achievements before he knows the existence of the false **** realm.

Other warriors do not say that even ordinary warriors do not necessarily know the existence of false **** realm.

The super martial arts goddess on the four small steps heard Li Lingtian say false **** realm, the look on his face changed, they were the most aware of the horror of the false **** realm.

But on the top of the sky, there is no false **** realm at all.

The strong people I know are all here. If you want to enter the pseudo-sacred realm, you must have the chance of the completeness of the Wushen Jiuzhongtian Peak. The people on the top of the sky, they all know that no one can attack the pseudo-sacred realm.

However, a few people in the battle days, a look of excitement appeared on his face.

Only they know what's going on. Although they don't know whether Li Lingtian's words are true, they are sure of some things.

"The false **** realm is said to be a mysterious realm above the martial arts strongman, between the presence of martial arts and true gods."

"One foot has entered the realm of God, but it has not really entered the realm of God. This is the false realm of God."

Wu Wuyue said loudly, and the look on his face became happy.

At this time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Since the pseudo-sacred realm has already appeared, he will no longer conceal the public secret of this Shenwu Continent.


A light breeze blew over the ring. The arrival of this breeze made Li Lingtian's face change dramatically.

Looking at the sky above the ring, the look on his face became difficult to see.

At the same time, the strong men in the square and the four small steps were also shocked, and the look on their faces kept changing, as if they saw ghosts.

Suddenly, all the warriors were shocked and felt like they were going to collapse.

Looking at the sky, dumbly speechless, this feeling is uncomfortable.

I saw a blue middle-aged man floating in the sky. This middle-aged man didn't know when it came. No one found his trace, and there was no sign of fluctuation in space.



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