War God Supreme

Chapter 1182: Peerless power,...

The golden light devoured the realm of the sword, and straightly rolled towards Li Lingtian.

In the blink of an eye, Jin Guang had already come to Li Lingtian in front of 100 meters. Li Lingtian also stopped strangely in the air, because he knew that such a retreat could never escape Jin Guang.

Watching the destroyed Jin Guang bombard Li Lingtian, all the strong men stood up with a horrified look on their faces.

Nangong Mingyue and Black Dragon King are also terrified. If they are bombarded by golden light, Li Lingtian will definitely die.

"Tianhan Altar!"

Li Lingtian's figure stopped strangely in the air, suspended in the air, his mind moved, and suddenly a shield was in front of him.

The shield was about 100 meters in size, blocking him tightly.

The golden light bombarded the shield, and suddenly a dazzling brilliance burst out, the brilliance scattered, the entire space movement was the afterglow of the ray, this brilliance, all know the extreme terror.

Li Lingtian will naturally not be a fool. The Tianhan altar blocks the golden light, but only gives him a chance. As long as there is a slight buffer opportunity, he can be sure to escape the destruction of the golden light.

The golden light in the sky was blocked by Li Lingtian's shield, and they were all surprised.

I did not expect Li Lingtian to completely block this golden light.

Suddenly, all the powerful people suddenly realized that golden light is not a physical attack. It is indeed a mysterious and domineering engulfing attack. The erosion and engulfment are terrifying.

Anyone's attack will be swallowed, but he meets Li Lingtian's hard defense.

This defensive shield was icy and cold, and it was extremely hard. There was no way for Jinguang to destroy the shield.

"Frozen Miles."

Li Lingtian looked at the ruined golden light, and the look on his face changed. Although the golden light was blocked, the afterglow of the golden light was terrifying.

The way of water in the whole body is running, waving with one hand, the ice is displayed for thousands of miles.

Suddenly, Wanli Glacier formed in the air.

One is not guarded, Murong Yutian was also frozen by the ice.

Between the world and the earth, the icy air makes people tremble.


The look on Murong Yutian's face changed. Li Lingtian in front of him was not only strong and unmatched in strength, but also extremely responsive. In front of the wheel of Shinto, he could also use such defense to resist it.

If the ordinary strong man, the golden light that had been destroyed for a long time disturbed his mind, where is he treated so calmly like Li Lingtian.

All kinds of calculations have been thought of in a flash, and step by step, it is terrifying.

Looking at the destroyed glacier, he was shocked. If he did not break the glacier, he would only be passively attacked. If he was attacked by other powerful men, he could ignore it completely, but Li Lingtian was an exception.

Shocked hands, the destruction of the power of the pseudo-realm instantly turned Wanli Glacier into fragments.

The air returned to its original appearance, but the golden light and afterglow had disappeared.

"Punish for the sky, sword of the sky!"

Just as Murong broke the glacier on a rainy day, Li Lingtian's celestial roulette was already displayed.

With the emergence of tactics and mantras, a simple long sword appeared in the air. This long sword gave the illusion that it was true but not real, and it was not true, but it was like a real long sword. There is no slight difference.

It exudes a strong atmosphere of heaven, like a sword of punishment from heaven.

Between heaven and earth, the terrifying heavenly prestige and the power of heaven and earth quickly came to the long sword. All the strong men in the square felt the power of the sky and shivered in front of heaven and earth.


The sword of Heavenly Dao instantly turned into a thousand-meter-long sword awn, which carried the power of Heavenly Dao.

The emergence of Jianmang, Li Lingtian single-handedly cited, the heavenly Dao Jianmeng ruined the sky and slashed down to Murong Yutian. The world suddenly seemed to be cut in half by Jianmang.

The powerhouses on the square are stunned, and the look on their faces is numb.

In front of Heavenly Dao, all the strong men feel fear. This fear comes from the innate fear of Heavenly Dao.

The eyes of all the strong men followed the sword mandrel slack.

The expression on Murong Yutian's face also changed in shock. He thought well. Li Lingtian blocked the golden afterglow with a shield, which was only the first step.

At the moment when Glacier imprisoned him, Li Lingtian was able to perform a move against the sky.

Now, what he thought was exactly the same as the other party, watching the destruction of the Heavenly Dao Sword bombarded, his heart shivered.

I have lost my first chance. In the face of this sword of heaven, even if I reached the false **** realm, I have no certainty to resist it, because in the right heaven, the sword of heaven, the sword of heaven for heaven, and the spirit of heaven and earth. All had to tremble in front of heaven.

Feeling threatened with death, his face was pale.

In the eyes, the expression flashed resolutely, and the true element of the whole body was running to the extreme.

The terrifying coercion and real element of the pseudo-real world erupted in the air, and the wheel of Shinto was also put away in his hand. With mysterious gestures in his hands, the law of justice was displayed.

In the sky, a slight chanting sound suddenly appeared, the sound was like a natural sound.

At the same time, the sky continued to tremble and change, and a red light quickly condensed.

The sword of heaven and earth fell in the air, occupying half of the heaven and earth. Murong Yutian's law enforcement, and the scary red light also occupied half of the heaven and earth. For a moment, the heaven and earth were completely occupied by Li Lingtian and Murong Yutian and hegemony.

"Peerless magical power, return to three points!"

"This is the three-point return to peerlessness."

"I didn't expect Murong Yutian to be forced to perform a three-point return."

"This is one of the three magical supernatural powers at the top of the sky.

"The three-point return is now on display."

"I don't know who is more powerful in the three-point Guiyuan and the sword of heaven?"

"This is the real pinnacle."

"Hey, any one of the two is a person who is against the sky. It is a tragedy to meet together."

"Three-point return to the yuan is a supernatural power, and the sword of heaven is the punishment of heaven."


Seeing the red light exhibited by Murong Yutian, all the strong men exclaimed.

Because every time, no matter what kind of martial arts strongman challenges Murong Yutian, he will lose this trick.

This is just the first of three peerless magical powers.

Kong Wuyue and Kong Wuhen watched their battle and sighed.

The Sword of Heaven Dao encounters a three-point return, that is, the duel between ice and fire, there is no difference at all, it depends on the strength of the two.

"Three points back!"

Murong Yutian's hands constantly pinched the dharma, the red light in the air condensed, and the trembling and destruction between the heaven and the earth were destroyed.

With a soft drink in his mouth and one-handed introduction, the red light greeted Li Lingtian's sword of heaven.

That's right, this is the first of the three peerless supernatural powers in the top of the sky.


With a loud explosion, the sword of heaven and earth turned heaven and earth into two halves, and fell on the red light fiercely.

The red light splits in two, and bombards Li Lingtian straightly. There is no stagnation due to the attack of the sword of heaven, but it is more powerful and the speed is constantly increasing.

Between familiarity, the red light bombarded Li Lingtian, who disappeared in the red light.

The same is true of the sword of heaven, splitting the red light and slashing down on Murong Yutian.

This result is beyond everyone's imagination.

It was originally thought that the two of them attacked to counteract all the attacks when they collided together, or that one side won and spared effort to bombard the other.

But Wan Wan did not expect that the two attacks were completely different. If they had not seen it with their own eyes, they thought that they had no defense at all, but that they were dying together.


"Ling Tian."



All the strong men could not help but exclaimed.

The look on his face was extremely ugly, without the slightest blood.

I never thought that things would come to this point. Without any defense, even if the body is against the sky, it will be destroyed by a devastating attack.

Nangong Mingyue almost fainted. Seeing that Li Lingtian was devoured by the three-point return of the peerless supernatural power, the whole person's heart was broken, and he sat powerlessly on the position, his face dull.



In the air, the red light was trembling constantly, and the sword of the Heavenly Dao bombarded Murong Yutian, making a sneering noise.

For a moment, Li Lingtian was swallowed by the red light without any response. I don't know what the situation was and was destroyed by the red light. Murong Yutian's terrifying physique of the pseudo-realm continued to withstand the bombardment of the sword of heaven.



At this time, Murong Yutian spurted out a spit of blood and could no longer support it.

With a scream, the body's defenses were torn through, and finally broke apart.

The figure fell towards the ground, and when Murong Yutian was about to fall on the steps, the empty figure wobbled, caught Murong Yutian, and finally returned to the steps.

When they returned to the top of the steps, the two protected Murong Yutian with a true element.

Murong Yutian had fallen into a coma, with no blood on his face.

Everyone's eyes were staring at the red light in the sky, because there was Li Lingtian in the red light. I don't know if Li Lingtian had fallen.

Li Lingtian is a Divine Array Master and is the myth of Dan Dao. He has refined a panacea. It is a super character in the top of the cloud that nobody knows. No one in the top of the cloud does not respect Li Lingtian.

If Li Lingtian fell, no one would refine the Elixir in the future.

"Boom~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just at this moment, a loud explosion, the red light constantly flipped up in the air, the red light of 100 meters in size formed a red light group, and the light group continued to rotate in the air With.

Moreover, the red light turns like a constant struggle.

Gradually, a crack on the 100-meter-sized light cluster appeared. In this case, the light cluster has reached the limit, as if it is about to explode.

All the strongmen will display the most powerful defenses to resist the destruction power of the explosion of the light group, because at this time, even if you want to leave the power of this explosion, it is too late.



The space is constantly torn, endless cracks appear in the air, and the light group tears at this time.



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