War God Supreme

Chapter 1189: The city of the sky

"How powerful is the Three Points Guiyuan, can you show me."

Nangong Mingyue heard that Li Lingtian had cultivated the three-point Guiyuan sect, and he also gave the second stroke of ten thousand yuan to the sect. Now he is curious to see how powerful the three-point guiyuan is.

You have to know that with Li Lingtian's sword of heaven, he didn't break it. The degree of this terrible three-point return to terror can be imagined.

"it is good."

"Exhibit your most powerful attack and let you see the true three-point return."

Li Lingtian nodded his head, his consciousness moved, and the voice called the Black Dragon King.

He also wanted to know to what extent his three-point return was achieved. The last time he saw Murong Yutian played the three-point return, that move knocked him away, but Murong Yutian's three-point return did not exist at all. Really play it out.

Otherwise, they would not be able to enter the second palace, the real three-point return to the yuan, only he cultivated out.

Moreover, the three-point return to the cultivation of the realm, no matter what supernatural skills, cultivation to the realm will play a magical power, not to mention the terrible three-point return to nature.

The cultivation of Nangong Mingyue is that only the peak of Wushen’s Sixth Heaven is complete, which is far from the Black Dragon King. The Black Dragon King and Nangong Mingyue will attack him in order to truly test the power of the three-point return.

Soon, the Black Dragon King came to Li Lingtian.

"The Lord."

The Black Dragon King came to Li Lingtian and paid a courtesy to Li Lingtian, standing respectfully and waiting for Li Lingtian's instructions.

I didn't know what Li Lingtian had to do with him. I was curious.

"The two of you attacked this seat with all your strength."

Li Lingtian glanced at the Black Dragon King and said lightly.

His words made the Black Dragon King stunned. He didn't understand why. A good others attacked him.

"Master be careful."

The Black Dragon King paused for a moment, his voice fell, and the true dragon spirit burst out of his body, suddenly the space trembles.

With a loud roar, a wave of destruction blew open, and a one-handed tentative bombardment went to Li Lingtian, and suddenly a force of destruction exploded in the air, directly pressing Li Lingtian.


Li Lingtian waved with one hand, the power of destruction was cancelled, and it became invisible.


Seeing the cautious look of the Black Dragon King, Li Lingtian said lightly.

"The subordinate will start."


Seeing that Li Lingtian was angry, the Black Dragon King no longer dared to release the water. With a loud roar, the Haotian Hammer in his hand bombarded Li Lingtian.

Haotian's hammer appeared, the space was fragmented, and the domineering power made the Baili space tear apart.

The power is so shocking.

"Return to three points."

Li Lingtian swayed with one hand, his fingers changed a bit, and suddenly a red light greeted Haotian's hammer.

The red light, which looks like a red mist, is soft and weak, but when it collides with a destruction attack like Haotian Hammer, a burst of destruction suddenly erupts.


A loud explosion, the power of destruction swayed, and the red light swallowed the power of Haotian Hammer.

At the same time, Hong Guanghua bombed the Black Dragon King for a terrorist power.

Seeing Li Lingtian's three-point return to the Yuan, the Black Dragon King trembled in his heart. Even Li Lingtian was beaten by these three-point return to the Yuan. What other skills did he have to resist, and his instinctive reaction made him show off his most powerful attack? .

At the same time, the ancient artifact in the hands of Nangong Mingyue also blasted towards Li Lingtian.

Two attacks, one left and one right, bombarded Li Lingtian. Such a joint attack was so powerful that even Li Lingtian would not dare to resist it.

Now he is not trying other magical powers, but trying three points.

Therefore, other supernatural powers will not be exhibited.




"Boom, boom."

Li Lingtian waved with one hand, the red light in his hand hit the Black Dragon King's attack fiercely, and immediately the two attacks could not hold each other.

And Nangong Mingyue's attack came to me in a blink of an eye.

A smile appeared on the corner of Li Lingtian's mouth, and the red light against the Black Dragon King suddenly exploded and turned into a defense, resisting the attack of Nangong Mingyue. When resisting the attack of Nangong Mingyue, the red light spread out and directly Swing the two apart.

The two were thrown out fiercely, Li Lingtian withdrew with one hand, and the red light disappeared.

Immediately, he shook his head, and Nangong Mingyue and Heilongwang couldn't even test the power of three-point return.

Moreover, he will not attack the two with a dead hand, so he can't see the true power of the three-pointed guiyuan at all. The real three-pointed guiyuan is ruined by heaven and earth, either as an attack or as a defense. .

With the three-point return from the show, Wushen Jiuzhongtian's peak was consummated and could not be broken, nor could it be resisted. In front of the three-point return to the yuan, the strongest of Wushen could only die.

Although Xiu Wei's false **** realm without Murong Yutian was powerful, he practiced the three-point return to the realm, and truly exerted the power of the three-point return to the earth. The power was shocking and unstoppable.

"The Lord has already cultivated the three points to Yuan."

"It's just that opponents who are not three-pointers are unable to test the power of true three-pointers."

Heilong regained his momentum, came to Li Lingtian and said respectfully.

Nangong Mingyue was also very surprised. Although he did not test out the power of the three-point return, he saw that Li Lingtian’s control of the three-point return has reached the point of fascinating, and easily turned their attack into nothingness, which is enough to prove the three-point return. Power is against the sky.

"There are opportunities."

"We left for two days and left the top of the sky and went out to deal with some things."

"When you meet the powerful martial arts strong, you will be able to see the power of three points."

Li Lingtian smiled lightly, then spoke.

Let the Black Dragon King go back to practice, but he walked toward the cave.

Go back to the cave and practice. This time I have learned three strokes of mysterious supernatural powers. I have practiced, but I don't know how powerful it is.

According to the feeling, this three-point return is more powerful than the sword of heaven.

The Wushen Powerhouse can resist it, and can't find a few at all.

The sword of heaven is mainly due to his cultivation limit, which is too low to exert real power.

Now this three-point return to the yuan, but there is no slight limit, Wu Shen eightfold heaven, with the knowledge of the Five Elements Taoism and the support of the heaven and the road, let him practice the three-point return to the environment.

After returning to the cave, Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue planned for the future.

Leaving the top of the sky is nothing more than looking for three kinds of genius and earth treasures, refining the Nine-Quality Divine Pill, and proving the Divine Pill Master.

By the way, look at the movements of the Duanmu family and the Gongsun family. It is more about looking for the empty space and opening the dragon dragon to rescue Huangfu Yuyan.

As long as Huangfu Yuyan and others are rescued, his heart can be opened. As for the Gongsun family and the Duanmu family, the gentleman revenge is not too late for ten years.

Looking for genius and treasure, looking for the realm of no space, and opening the dragon ring.

This is his purpose to leave the top of the sky.

He naturally did not know that after he came from the blue sea to the top of the sky and sky, the sky and clouds in the sky and pastures swelled, and the sea clan and the monsters in the sky and pasture fields appeared in the sky and the countless monster seas. The clan strongman slaughtered unscrupulously in the Tianmu region.

The strong human beings are also endless wars, and the competition between forces is constant.

Moreover, everyone seems to be looking for something.

But no one knows what these powerful and demon sea clan are looking for.

Tiandihui and Xiaotianmeng are two superpower alliances. The Gongsun family and Duanmu family have been secretly turned into an allied alliance.

Although there is no major effort, this situation is not optimistic.




Outside the top of the sky, three figures appeared quickly.

After the figure appeared, he flew straight away into the distance. These three figures were Li Lingtian, Nangong Mingyue, and the Black Dragon King.

The three people entered Yuntian Peak for nearly four years, and finally left here.


Just after Li Lingtian and his three people left Yuntianzhiding Wanli, Yundingzhizhi shot a figure not far away.

"It finally came out."

"The deity sees how you die."

The figure looked at the direction where Li Lingtian and others left, and let out a cold cry. Then the figure shook several times before disappearing into the air completely, and the whole person turned into hypocrisy.

At the same time, a mysterious breath appeared in the air and finally entered Jiuxiao.

All this, Li Lingtian and the three did not notice at all.

After a month of flight, Li Lingtian and the three have come to the city of the curtain sky. The city of the curtain sky is the closest super city to the top of the sky, and countless super powers gather here.

Because there is one of the largest auction venues in Tianmu, the largest marketplace.

As long as there is a spirit stone, you can buy what you want, and as long as there is a treasure, you can exchange it for endless wealth.

The city of the curtain sky holds an auction every month, so here often gathers some strong gods of war, gathers countless hermit strongmen, and even can see the shadows of super families and super powers.


With the sound of breaking the sky, Li Lingtian and the three landed on the pipeline, looking at the city of the curtain sky thousands of miles away, and a cold look appeared on his face.

Because a chariot was suspended opposite them, and there were eight guards around the chariot. Inside the chariot, a dashing middle-aged man wearing a light gold robe and a golden crown looked at Li Lingtian and his three people~www.wuxiaspot.com ~In the middle-aged man's side, there are two women, one left and one right. Although the woman is not a peerless city, it is also a unique one.

Watching the chariot block the way, Li Lingtian and the three landed on the ground, the expression on their faces was extremely cold.

The air is very spacious, and the opponent is in front of them. It must be bad intentions. This is already the city of the sky, and he does not want to cause trouble here, so he landed and avoided a war.

"Your Mightiness."

"This is the city of the curtain sky. The city of the curtain sky is the trading city of the Tianmu domain. Why don't we make a deal?"

The middle-aged man with a golden crown said aloud that the whole person looked extremely chic, and also carried a rich and proud temperament, just like a dynasty emperor.

When speaking, the whole person looked down at Li Lingtian and three people.



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