War God Supreme

Chapter 1192: Sky Sword

"Did you find any treasure?"

Nangong Mingyue turned her head and looked at Li Lingtian, asking coquettishly.

"Not bad."

"I discovered a million-year-old coral crystal here. This million-year-old coral crystal is the main medicinal material for refining Jiuhuahua Shendan."

Li Lingtian nodded, and now Nangong Mingyue knows him more and more.

Nothing can hide her, but after a long time with him, he will know his character.

You won't come here to take risks without benefit, and get up early without profit.

When I saw Li Lingtian arrange the Black Dragon King to go outside, he knew that he was in danger, but in the dangerous place, Li Lingtian also came for the second time, indicating that there were items that Li Lingtian needed.


"A million years of coral crystals?"

"If this million-year-old coral crystal is obtained, there will be only two kinds of medicinal materials for refining Shendan."

Nangong Mingyue did not expect the coral crystals of the million years of the treasures here.

In fact, for them, apart from a few geniuses and treasures, there is simply nothing to attract them. This million-year-old coral crystal is one of them.

To talk about treasures or something, Li Lingtian would never look at it.

His treasures, even the entire Shenwu Continent, are not necessarily able to take out so many of his top treasures.

Sacred artifacts to ancient artifacts, ancient artifacts, even the Divine Continent, super powers and super large families, may not be able to take out a few pieces, and he owns countless.


"Look, what do you like."

"If you like it, buy it."

"Anyway, we won't stay here for long, and after we get the treasure, someone will come to deal with us."

Li Lingtian took out the jade jade and handed it to Nangong Mingyue, with a faint smile.

In fact, Nangong Mingyue is not short of any treasures, there is nothing here that makes her tempted.

To treasure, there are a lot of Li Ling Tianshen Dragon Ring.

For the Elixir, Li Lingtian's Saint Elixir, there is no limit to the immortality of Elixir.

To Lingshi, Li Lingtian owns tens of trillions.

"There's nothing I like inside."

Nangong Mingyue took the jade jade past, looked at it inside, and the look on his face changed constantly.

It took a long time to answer Li Lingtian.

Although there is nothing she likes in it, the treasures and geniuses and treasures are indeed amazing. They are simply extinct items on the outside. I did not expect to see them in this place.

Afterwards, the two rested on the animal skin sofa.

After waiting for an hour or two, the auction finally began.

In the entire auction house, more than six thousand positions were filled, and all of these seats were filled with martial arts strongmen.

After Li Lingtian glanced at it, he had a basic understanding of the strength of the warriors in this hall, and he was quite relieved.

As long as there is no pseudo-ideal powerhouse in this place, he will not be so worried.

However, if the ants bite the elephant more often, if there are too many martial arts strongmen, he will not have much problem to escape, but if he wants to compete with these strongmen, he is just looking for death.

And with Nangong Mingyue and the Black Dragon King, there is no chance to fight.

The two sat on the sofa and looked at the hall through the window. Everything in the hall was in their eyes.

This is the advantage of the elegant room. The location is high, hidden, and everything in the hall can be seen clearly.

In addition to their elegant rooms, there are 98 elegant rooms in this auction house.

According to my understanding, all of these elegant rooms are super powerhouses of Wushen Jiuzhongtian Peak Great Consummation, or some big forces and big families above the Tianmu domain.

Each one is incomparable in identity, and the ordinary martial arts strongmen dare not provoke them.

Over time, a high platform appeared in the hall, and the high platform slowly rose from the ground.

The stair stopped when it rose to five meters high. The stair was about a few square meters in size. On top of the stair stood a Tsing Yi old man. In front of the old man was a crystal stair. Brocade box.

Don't think about it, the three boxes are filled with items to be auctioned.

According to the list of items in the jade jade, a million-year-old coral crystal is not in it, but auctioned at the seventh time.

In other words, a million-year-old coral crystal will appear on the third day.

Now the two of them are completely people who look at the scenery, and the competition for these items has nothing to do with them.

"Everyone, at the end of the sky, in the Castle Peak."

"Welcome to the Makuten City Auction House. The Makuten City Auction House flourished because of your presence."

"A monthly auction will open again."

"This time the City of Sky Auction auction house got a few good treasures, as well as precious treasures from all over the world. I wish you all a happy return."

Yu Qingshan first saluted all the powerful men in the hall, beckoning.

There was a smile on the whole person's face, and a smile from a merchant's market.

There are six thousand people who come here naturally, and each person’s entrance fee of 100 million spirit stones will earn five or six hundred billion yuan per month. This is only the entrance fee, plus treasure auction The commission of the auction is six or seven trillion a year.

This is the money-making city of the great forces, and it is hundreds of billions of trillions.

"Everyone understands the rules of the auction house in the city of the sky, and the highest bidder gets it, and fights rigorously in the auction house."

"Every ten items are auctioned every time in the city of the curtain sky auction, which is divided into three days, three on the first day, three on the second day, and four on the third day, free to trade halfway."

Yu Qingshan paused for a moment, and then said nonchalantly.

It has been more than a hundred years since I took charge of this auction site. Naturally, I am very familiar with it, and I am extremely proficient in auction.

"Our item is an artifact."

"Awesome artifacts, Sky Thunder Sword, and earth-shattering power, the Thunder Swordsman who gets the Sky Thunder Sword can improve his cultivation practice by 10% and increase his strength several times."

"This day the Thunder Sword, comes from Heavenly Thunder Venerable's natal artifact, Heavenly Thunder Venerable is the strongest of Wushen Nineth Heaven Peak Perfection.

"Using this Thunder God Sword, in the face of the three strong players of the same level, and calmly killing three opponents, it is entirely based on this Thunder God Sword."

"Basic price, one billion, each increase of 100 million."

Yu Qingshan opened one of the three brocade boxes and suspended a delicate dark purple dagger. The dagger exuded a terrifying thunder, and there was a silk arc wound around it.

The terrifying coercion continued to radiate, and suddenly the powerful people in the entire auction house were suppressed by the wire, and an invisible force of pressure was climbing in the hall.

The atmosphere in the entire auction house is extremely depressed.

At the same time, all the strong men are shocked and excited. The first treasure is already a superb artifact. I don't know what other treasures will appear here.

"This **** of thunder **** sword, the deity is to be determined."

"With this Thunder God Sword, the deity's strength can be upgraded to the extreme."

"Two billion lower grade spirit stones."

A middle-aged gray man said aloud, the sound was like thunder, and at the same time, there was a trace of arc on his body.

"Twenty-one million lower grade spirit stones."

"2.2 billion inferior spirit stones."

"2.33 billion inferior spirit stones."

"2.4 billion inferior spirit stones."


For a time, the following strong players quickly competed.

The base price is 1 billion yuan, and the price increase is 100 million yuan. For this Thunder Sword, it is nothing.

Even if it is a general artifact, it is tens of billions, even tens of billions.

In the auction city of the curtain sky, there is no fear that the reserve price is too low, because the strong here are all martial arts strongmen, and all are discerning people. Naturally, they will not care about the reserve price, but care about the final price.

Unusual artifacts, in Shenzhou, are extremely rare treasures. Even super families and superpowers, such rare artifacts rarely appear.

However, the more this is, the more precious the treasure is, and the more this is, the more powerful the auction house in the city of the sky.

Li Lingtian looked at the competition below and could not raise any interest.

He is a great artifact, even if it is given to him now, he will not want it.

The treasures he cast are all ancient artifacts, and all kinds of supernatural powers are also terrifying.

After twenty minutes of competition, the Thunder God Sword was finally obtained by a Thunder God of the Wushen Thunder System, but the price paid was not small.

The supernatural artifact Thunder Sword, 87.3 billion!

This price has exceeded four or five times the normal price. However, except for the auction house, there is no price outside the market, so this price is expensive and expensive, neither expensive nor expensive.

Next is the second item. Li Lingtian knows all the ten items in the jade jade. Although these items are invaluable, they are not what he needs.

Therefore, Li Lingtian simply rested and did not go to see the competition of these powerful men.

Instead, he slept on Nangong Mingyue's lap and ignored all the things outside. He was completely drunk and lying on the knees of a beautiful woman, waking up to the world.

Nangong Mingyue looked at Li Lingtian, and her ruddy cherry lips showed a beautiful smile.

The jade hand gently stroked on Li Lingtian's head, which looked extremely gentle.

Time, one second and one second.

When Li Lingtian was sleeping well, footsteps came from outside the room, and the footsteps were coming towards them.

Although sleeping ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but everything outside is very clear, as a warrior, no matter when, the vigilance is the highest, even when sleeping, it is also extremely vigilant.

Finding the footsteps of the coming, Li Lingtian had to get up, leave the Nangong Mingyue, and sit upright.


"Dear Excellency, today's auction is over. Do you want to participate in free trading."

"Mutian City Auction House has specially arranged free trading seats for VIPs."

Just after Li Lingtian got up, there was already a knock on the door outside. The knock on the door was crisp but not polite.

After the knock on the door fell, there was a crisp and sweet voice.

The voice reached Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue, and the two glanced at each other.



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