War God Supreme

Chapter 1197: 1 trillion

After the price of 500 billion lower-grade spirit stones appeared, all the strong people and all the people in the elegant room looked at the elegant room No. 39, wondering whether the elegant room No. 39 is a He character. .

The elegant room on the 39th is naturally Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue.

The two have not been competing with these strong men, and have not spoken for three days.

Now when we encounter the items we want, we are naturally trying our best to compete for them.

However, this opening is 500 billion yuan, which shocked all the powerful.

"Five hundred and ten billion lower grade spirit stones."

"Five hundred and twenty billion inferior spirit stones."

"530 billion inferior spirit stones."

"Five hundred and forty billion inferior spirit stones."


After a brief silence, the characters representing the three super families and the two super forces, as well as several top forces and top families in Tianmuyu, as well as a few hermit strongmen, did not give up in the slightest.

There are more than six thousand people in the entire hall and the elegant room, but now there are only a dozen voices competing.

All the strong are puzzled, why all the super existences compete for this coral crystal.

Similarly, Li Lingtian was also shocked.

Even if this coral crystal is precious, it will not allow several super powers and top forces to compete. Now, he has no scruples about it. He can only compete with this coral crystal and then leave here.

"700 billion."

After all the competition, Li Lingtian raised the price again.

For the problem that Lingshi can solve, it is no longer a problem.

Another round of discussion and shock, the 39th has become the most dazzling place in the entire auction house.

Although the auction site is an item auction and uses spirit stones to compete, this is another battlefield. There is no smoke in this battlefield, but it is the most trembling place.

Even if it is a super strong, if there is no spirit stone, it can only be crushed.

Now, on the thirty-ninth room, the bidding is a crushing trend, crushing several other super powers and super families.

After bidding 700 billion yuan on the 39th, the other forces withdrew.

Only the representatives of the three super families and the two super powers are competing, and there are two hermits.

"one trillion."

With a faint smile on his lips, Li Lingtian's price rose from 770 billion to 1 trillion.

At this price, Li Lingtian didn't care.

This spirit stone is simply insignificant.

However, the Nangong Mingyue around him felt distressed, and his slender jade fingers pinched on Li Lingtian's arm, his mouth muttering.

Seeing this, Li Lingtian just smiled.

"one trillion?"

"one trillion."

"one trillion?"

"One trillion inferior spirit stones?"

"This is a trillion yuan inferior spirit stone."

"One million years of coral crystals one trillion?"

Inside the hall, it was quiet for a short while, and finally it was very silent.

However, after the silence, a burst of boiling sound broke out, which is one trillion.

In what they have seen and heard, no one has ever encountered it, and they have not heard that the auction site sold a trillion yuan price. This is no longer the price, it is a shocking figure.

It is a trillion dollars to crush the data of all the powerful and powerful forces.


However, in these boiling shocks, there was still some cold hum.

Obviously shocked by this price, more people have hated people on the 39th.

One trillion, even the super family and super powers, may not be able to take out so many spirit stones at once, and they are only competing for a million years of coral crystals.

"A trillion of inferior spirit stones, is there anyone who needs to increase the price?"

Yu Qingshan was also shocked, did not expect that this price reached this step.

When he exceeded ten times the reserve price, he encountered a lot, but he did not encounter a one-hundred billion yuan reserve price tenfold.

The price reached one trillion, which was the first time he encountered in his life, and the one he heard in his life, and it still came from his hands, and the whole person was very excited.

"One trillion, the second time."

"One trillion, for the third time, congratulations to the VIP guests on the 39th, who won this million-year-old coral crystal."

Yu Qingshan asked three times in a row, and no one spoke of raising the price.

The last one million years of coral crystals were won by Li Lingtian, but Li Lingtian was not at all relaxed.

Because he understands that other strong people do not increase the price, it does not mean that they do not want this million-year-old coral crystal, but that they want to kill people and win treasures, and get the million-year-old coral crystal on Li Lingtian without a little spirit stone.

Moreover, when Li Lingtian is killed, all kinds of treasures and wealth on Li Lingtian can be obtained.

This is not his guess, but his years of experience tells him, plus a hint of hunch, knowing that someone will do something with him after the auction ends tonight.

The seventh item, a million-year-old coral crystal, was obtained on the 39th.

A maid took the million-year-old coral crystal to the elegant room where Li Lingtian was, and handed over the million-year-old coral crystal to Li Lingtian.

Behind the girl, there is a Wushen triple sky strong.

"Senior, this is a million-year-old coral crystal you photographed. Please check it."

The girl gave Li Lingtian a respectful salute and sent the box to Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian glanced at the girl and the martial arts strongman, stretched out his hand to pick up the Jin Box, and a Fa show was displayed. The Jin Box opened in response.

The deep purple million-year-old coral crystal appeared in Li Lingtian's eyes. This million-year-old coral crystal is exactly the same as the beginning. The breath above is also the same. It is obvious that the one seen in the hall is not fake.

Then, the consciousness glanced over the million-year-old coral crystal, and after a full two minutes, the consciousness left the million-year-old coral crystal.

"Not bad."

"A million years of coral crystals."

Li Lingtian nodded, and distinguished the true and false of this coral crystal, there is no slight fake.

The true million-year-old coral crystal, the peerless treasure of the extinct Shenmu Continent.

One trillion yuan of inferior spirit stone came from the competition. If a fake coral crystal was used to fool him, he would not remove the auction house.

After collecting the coral crystals, Li Lingtian consciously moved, and several storage bags were sacrificed.

Seeing the storage bag, Wushen Qiang stepped forward to greet Li Lingtian and began to count the spirit stones in the storage bag.

A trillion inferior spirit stones, even if they are strong martial arts, are counted for ten minutes before they are counted.

In fact, these spirit stones are probably about the number of trees. A few hundreds or thousands or even tens of thousands is nothing. After all, this transaction is tens of billions of billions, and now it is one trillion.

Ordinary strongmen will not lose face for a little spirit stone.

"The number of spirit stones is good."

The Wushen strongmen greeted the girl and Ling Tian and put away a trillion yuan of inferior spirit stones.

"Thank you, sir."

The girl saluted Li Lingtian again respectfully and finally left the room.

All transactions for the seventh item were completed, and the eighth item began auctioning.

The eighth item is an inferior ancient artifact. The ancient artifact has made countless powerful people crazy. Several super families and super powers are no less competitive than a million-year-old coral.

Li Lingtian got a million-year-old coral crystal, so she had no mood to care about other treasures.

Moreover, he knows all other treasures and is not interested in the treasures here.

Besides, the strongest person who gets the seventh item cannot join the competition for the next item. This is the rule of the auction house.




Outside the city of the curtain sky, the sounds of breaking the sky sounded, and hundreds of black shadows suspended in the air.

Each dark shadow exudes a powerful and terrifying breath, even if there is no real element and coercion, but the space is also filled with the terrorist breath of hundreds of powerful people to be torn apart.

Moreover, on the ground, there are countless powerful people hidden.

If you look closely, the strong in the air and on the ground are of the Wushen level.

Hundreds of black shadows in the air can be seen from the terrifying and powerful atmosphere. These are all super powerful warriors, and there are many powerful warriors in the nineth heaven.

"How well prepared."

A black figure suspended in the air, gathered more than 30 Wushen Nine Heavy Heavenly Powers together, and asked coldly.

The tone was extremely cold, and the space was dull and frozen.

"No. 1, it's ready."

"This time, even if he has three heads and six arms, he doesn't want to run away."

Another Wushen Jiuzhongtian pinnacle of the great consummate said in a soft voice, speaking, looking into the city of the curtain sky.

"No, ordered above, our task is to block the strong in the city of the curtain sky."

"Specifically how to do it, listen to me at that time."

Wushen Jiutian, known as No. 1, said coldly.

The tone is entirely commanded, and no one knows who such a large lineup is going to deal with.


The competition in the auction house is fierce. The price of the eighth item has reached as much as 300 billion yuan, and the price of the ancient artifact is 300 billion yuan. This price is not high, and it is not cheap. After all, it is 300 billion yuan. stone.

The ninth item is also an inferior ancient artifact with a price of 280 billion yuan.

The last item was also auctioned off. It is a medium-class ancient artifact with a price of 500 billion yuan.

The curtain sky city auction site, held once a month, also ended here.


"This time the auction is over, and you are welcome to visit the auction house of the next day."

"The distinguished guests of the VIP room go to the right~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the distinguished guests of the lobby go to the left."

Yu Qingshan said loudly, with a smile on his face.

After speaking, he saluted all the strongmen, and the number of gifts was extremely thoughtful.

Finally, the strong rooms in the elegant room and the hall are separated.

In less than a moment, all the strongmen were gone, the strongmen in the hall left, and the people in the elegant room also left. Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue also went out.

This auction site, as in Canghai, had to travel through a short distance before leaving.

Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue followed other VIP strongmen into the teleportation array.

The teleportation burst with a dazzling light, and everyone disappeared.



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