War God Supreme

Chapter 1199: Strong kill

The Duanmu family spared no effort to use hundreds of martial arts strongmen to deal with him, and it seems that Li Lingtian will never stop killing him.

Discovering the opponent's lore, Li Lingtian's intention to kill was even stronger.

Even the Duanmu family, one of the top ten super families, uses hundreds of martial arts strongmen to shake the fundamental thing. Since the other party does not hesitate to pay such a large price to deal with him, he will not be polite, but he has never been Haven't been kind to Duan Mujia.

"Li Lingtian, came to Tianmu territory, thought it was Canghai and Xuanzhou?"

"Today, let your legend disappear here."

The headed black shadow strongman looked at his Duanmu family and hundreds of martial arts strongmen were killed by only one move, leaving only more than a hundred, and he was shocked and angered.

In a face-to-face, the Duanmu family lost hundreds of martial arts strongmen, which is terrifying.

If Li Lingtian is not left behind, Duanmu's face will be lost, and after going back, he will accept severe punishment.

Just thinking of the magical power Li Lingtian just performed, his heart was still shaking.

A move of magical powers to kill so many martial arts strongmen, if it is aimed at one person, even the peak of the martial arts Jiuzhongtian will be destroyed.

Fortunately, there are more than a hundred super powers on my side, as well as more than 30 Wushen Jiugongtian.

To kill Li Lingtian, although it requires a heavy price, but now has the ability to leave Li Lingtian.

"Li Lingtian?"

"He is Li Lingtian?"

"Lord Tian, ​​the First Holy Pill Master of Shenwu Continent."

"It's Li Lingtian, the ruler of Xuanzhou."

"Canghai Piaoyun Valley Li Lingtian."

"He is Li Lingtian."

"It turns out that it's no wonder that casually come up with a superb Ningshen Pill."

"Lord Tian, ​​the First Holy Pill Master of Shenwu Continent."

"Duanmu Family, do you want to fight against Xiaotianmeng?"

"The Duanmu family doesn't see my Huangfu family in their eyes."


For a time, countless strong people showed a horrified look, did not think of the people of Duanmu family of these black shadow strong people, nor did they think that this young man turned out to be the evil demon of the first Holy Pill Master of Shenwu Continent.

I did not expect the Duanmu family to use such martial arts strongmen to slay Li Lingtian, nor did he think that this young man was Li Lingtian.

The legendary figure of Shenwu Continent was seen with his own eyes.

Not only is Dan Dao against the sky, but Martial Dao is terrifying.

"Everyone, we are just targeting Li Lingtian."

"There is a reason for the incident, please forgive me, please please."

When the heads of the black shadow strongmen see their identity exposed, they dare not offend these people. It is important to know that these people are all super powers and people in the super big family.

After finishing the talk, all the black shadow strongmen gathered quickly, forming a siege to encircle Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue.

In this case, even if Li Lingtian had a thorough knowledge, he could not escape from here.

"Everyone, not the Duanmu family and Gongsun family, go away."

Li Lingtian also spoke at this time, the look on his face was cold, and the true element of his whole body turned to the extreme.

The voice reached all strong people's ears, and Li Lingtian's words shocked all the strong people for a while.

Even the Gongsun family is forgotten. A person who hates the two ten super families of the Gongsun family and the Duanmu family is really unimaginable and unimaginable.


When the sound fell, one hand stretched out, and the space suddenly shivered.

The five elements within the body are running, the terrifying true element is like a turbulent wave oscillating in the air, and the power of destruction waves away the air.

The cultivation of Wushen Yazhongtian Peak Great Consummation, the power of the True Yuan has surpassed the Wushen Jiuzhong Heaven Peak Great Consummation, and has entered a terrifying level.

The power of this real element is enough to contend with the strong power of the pseudo-real world, even if the strong power of the pseudo-real world does not necessarily have such a horrible real unit.

At this time, Nangong Mingyue also sacrificed a Chinese ancient artifact.

Although she is only Wushen Liuzhongtian, with Li Lingtian, there will be no danger at all. Now her task is to attack the powerful who are about to fall unexpectedly.

"Return to three points."

Li Lingtian sipped softly, waved with one hand, and a red light flashed out instantly.

At the same time, the palms were constantly flipped, and mysterious gestures appeared, and the ruinous red light bombarded the martial gods with the devastating mysterious engulfment.

Surrounded by these powerful Wushen strongmen, there is no slight danger. As long as the defense is done, every shot after his shot will hit the Duanmujia’s Wushen strongmen.

Suddenly, the red light soared between heaven and earth, and the devastating attack exploded in the air.

For a moment, hundreds of powerful people in the sky struck vertically, attacking like flashing meteors in the sky.

The red light in Li Lingtian's hands is constant, and the whole person is very chic.

No matter what kind of attack, it disappears in front of the red light. There is simply no strong man who can resist the red light attack. Moreover, even the terrible attack is canceled after encountering the red light.







Between heaven and earth, the space within thousands of miles trembles.

The screams of screams appeared, and every scream, there was a martial arts strongman destroyed.

Duanmujia's strong men are constantly decreasing in front of the red light.

The strong men below, seeing Li Lingtian’s horrible power, the whole person is like a **** of killing. The attack has been destroyed, except for destruction or destruction.

Even the strongest of Wushen Jiuzhongtian Pinnacle Great Perfection, in the face of the ruined three-point return to the yuan, there is no chance to fight back.

"Three points return to the original, and change the environment."

In less than a moment, more than a hundred martial arts strongmen, there were only twenty or so. There were more than twenty martial arts gods with nine faces, all with fear on their faces.

All the remaining Wushen Jiuzhongtian, there has not been the slightest war intention.

However, if you want to escape, there is no chance at all. As soon as you escape, you will be destroyed by three points of destruction. You will not even have the chance to resist.

Looking at the remaining strong men in the air, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed, and a determined look appeared in his eyes.

Three-pointed Guiyuan was cast into the Realm of Realm, and suddenly a ruinous red light pressed towards the twenty or so Wushu Nine Heavy Powers, and the power was shaking and even the world was shaking.

Just after the red light erupted, a mysterious coercion of destruction broke out between heaven and earth.

In this coercion, the power of horror swallowed up, the red light constantly changed, and the space appeared to be twisted.

Seeing the red light of destruction and terror hitting down, the look on the face of the twenty-plus super martial arts strongmen of the Duanmu family changed, and he didn't dare to hesitate a moment, and the terrifying defense was launched.

However, at this time, Li Lingtian released Nangong Mingyue.

Nangong Mingyue was also suspended in the air at this time, knowing what Li Lingtian was going to do.

Divine Consciousness monitored the entire space, and if someone threatened Li Lingtian, she would do her best to protect Li Lingtian's safety.

Sure enough, after Li Lingtian let go of the Nangong Mingyue, the true Yuan of the whole body was running in horror.

Under the support of the horrible real element, Li Lingtian looked into both hands, and the air stirred two devouring devouring breaths.

"Swallow the light."

With a soft drink, a mysterious light engulfed in Li Lingtian's hands. All the spirits between the world and earth flowed towards Li Lingtian, and a terrifying suction appeared from Li Lingtian's hands.

Suddenly, the ray of light shone over the twenty or so Wushu Gods.

"what is this?"

"Consumed physique!"

"The light swallowed, the light swallowed by horror."

"What is he going to do?"

"Do you want to devour all the powerful real elements?"

"It's impossible to devour their attacks."


Seeing Li Lingtian's movements, and the terrifying swallowing breath and suction of space, he was horrified.

With horror in his eyes, his figure kept receding back, and if they were touched by the swallowed light, their cultivation would be swallowed.

However, no one knows the horror power of the devouring light.

For a moment, all the powerful people looked at Li Lingtian from afar, but when they saw the situation in the air, they all felt trembling.

Suddenly, all the strong men were so horrified that they couldn't even speak. The horror in their eyes was like seeing ghosts and ghosts.

I saw that the engulfing light emanating from Li Lingtian's hands covered more than 20 Wushen Nine Heavy Heavenly Powers, just as the engulfing light landed on these powers.

All the strong men of the Duanmu family, the true Yuan Xiu and He Shouyuan are constantly losing.

Zhen Yuan Xiu is He Shou Yuan, and enters Li Lingtian's body along the light of swallowing.

This terrifying situation makes all the strong men terrified. The strong men of the Duanmu family who have been devoured are also frightened, but they want to break away from the light of swallowing, but they cannot resist the red light.

Moreover, if Zhenyuan is operated a little, Zhenyuan Xiuhe and Shouyuan will be lost more quickly.



"call out."

"call out."



In the air, the weird scene continued, Li Lingtian was like a demon, and he repaired the true Yuan of all strong men to Heshou Yuan.

A moment of kung fu, bursts of screams in the air sounded.

At the same time, the strong men fall down one by one, but the fallen strong men have no vitality at all, and have completely fallen.

Just as it fell, the breeze blew through, the engulfed strong man turned into ashes, and finally the smoke disappeared, completely disappearing between heaven and earth, and coming back from heaven and earth.


Jingling flashed in Li Lingtian's eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ sighed.

Eyes, look at the super-strong who came out of the auction house, where the eyes have passed.

The strong man below was like being stabbed by the ice arrow, his body could not help shaking.

Hundreds of martial arts strongmen of the Duanmu family were killed by the martial arts of the eighth heaven of the martial arts, and the last twenty or so were devoured by the true Yuan Shouyuan.

Such a horrible existence is completely beyond imagination.

Now, I finally understand the gap between the strong, no matter how much God Wu Jiutian, in front of this young demon, there is no slight advantage.

Li Lingtian did not speak, and all the strong men born felt a moment of depression.

In the air, the atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme, and the strong men present felt like they were going to collapse, but Li Lingtian didn't speak or dare to speak or dare to leave.



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