War God Supreme

Chapter 1207: Refining the gas of death

After seeing Nangong Mingyue defending well, Li Lingtian sacrificed his magical figure, and Tiandao roulette was also displayed at this time.

The Divine Array and the Heavenly Dao Roulette appeared. Li Lingtian was also attentive. He cast out the tactics of the decree, and the tactical points fell on the Divine Array. Immediately the Divine Array radiated a golden light.



In the air, the air of death continually spreads out, and the golden light above the Divine Array constantly distort the space.

As the final decision was completed, a huge formation appeared on the array.

With the formation of the formation, the air of death floating in the air has become much less.

After doing everything, Li Lingtian's face showed traces of sweat, and his eyes looked at Nangong Mingyue. Nangong Mingyue's figure flashed to Li Lingtian's side, and the two hands were tightly held together.

After glancing at each other, Li Lingtian's lawful decision landed on the ground's array of eyes. Suddenly the array of eyes opened, and a two-meter-sized hole appeared. With the appearance of the hole, the gas of death of terror and destruction quickly spread out.

The gas of death was extremely intense, like a tidal current.

Li Lingtian was also shocked by such a strong death spirit, but he soon saw that the death gas did not flow out of the formation, but was stopped in the formation.

Seeing this, I felt a little relieved in my heart. My body flashed and pulled Nangong Mingyue and flew away.

Flying through the air of destruction, flying into the denser air of death.



A slight wind sounded, and the air of death surrounded them.

The terrifying air of death eroded Li Lingtian continuously, and the expression on Li Lingtian's face was extremely pale.

However, this qi of death can't destroy him. Seeing that Nangong Mingyue didn't display Zhenyuan and wasn't eroded by the qi of death, he was relieved a lot, at least Nangong Mingyue had nothing to do.


A subtle sound finally landed on the ground.

Landing on the ground, looking around, this place is like a palace, or a magical formation, with a formation formed by the palace.

The purpose is to stop the gas of death in this place, which is the gate of the gas of death.

Similarly, this place is also a teleportation array leading to the death domain. As long as this teleportation array is used, it can be teleported into the death domain.

Soon, the two people looked at this place clearly. A stone room with a size of 100 meters was filled with death gas. There were two passages in this stone room, one to the teleportation array and one to Mysterious land.

After a large amount, Li Lingtian knew a little bit about it.

Afterwards, a small formation was displayed. After the formation was displayed, Nangong Mingyue lived in.

A small array of ten meters in size separates the air of death. There is no aura in it. There is no air of death. You cannot practice. You can only rest in it.

With this formation, when the time comes to absorb the gas of death and encounter danger, you can also use this formation as a buffer.

Moreover, even if you practice here, you need to rest.

"Ling Tian, ​​let's take a break first, and then slowly plan."

Nangong Mingyue shouted Li Lingtian into the formation, sat on the cushioned bed, and said softly.

The two had been together for several years every day, and their feelings had reached the point of being glued together. The two were intimate and intimate, but only to the last step. Li Lingtian also saw her.

Now, she has no worries, because the body and mind have been pinned here by Li Lingtian.

Even if Li Lingtian wants her now, she will not be reluctant at all, and she is still looking forward to and eager. For some reason, she cannot do this. She cannot give Li Lingtian a little psychological pressure.

Only after the imprisonment of the dragon was released, and Huangfu Yuyan and others were rescued, Li Lingtian would untie his knot, and at that time, he would really accept her.

However, even if it is not possible to perform Zhou Gong's gift, it can be intimate together.

It's not without kisses, every time Nangong Mingyue looks excited.

In the minds of the two, as long as they are together, as long as the two live a peaceful life, it is the happiest thing in the world.


"Take a break first, wait a moment and don't know when you can rest."

Li Lingtian smiled and sat on the quilt. With a grin, he said lightly, reaching for Nangong Mingyue.

Nangong Mingyue also leaned on Li Lingtian's chest, enjoying a quiet and warm moment.

Next, Li Lingtian practiced in the formation for a few days to restore his spirit to the best state, and at the same time observed the movement of the gas of death in this place, five days, I finally figured out a little.

The air of death here is also divided into day and night. The air of death at night is more intense, and the air of death during the day is relatively weaker.

The air of death kept coming from a passage.

Li Lingtian had seen this channel several times, and it was determined to be a teleportation array.

On the other side, he just walked a few miles away. The more he got inside, the more intense the death was. With his current strength, he couldn't even dare to go inside with his injuries.

He had to give up in the end, and he understood that the most important thing now is to recover from his injury.

After looking at this clearly, he began to heal the wound with the gas of death.

Using the gas of death is to treat the gas of death as the dragon's gas, and refining the gas of death will restore the injury.

At the beginning, Li Lingtian did not dare to absorb too much death gas, but gradually, the death gas had no effect on him. As soon as the death gas entered the body, it was used by the flame body and the five-element body, and the sky sword. Body and true dragon body, refined it.

The air of death impacted the injury, causing Li Lingtian to almost collapse.





The gas of death was constantly swallowed up by Li Lingtian by swallowing, and at the same time, the expression on Li Lingtian's face was distorted. This situation is not difficult to see how painful it is.

On the side of the Nangong Mingyue, I saw Li Lingtian's situation, and there was a slight mist in my eyes.

She understands what is needed, and knows that Li Lingtian forcibly cast the sword of heavenly path for her, burned her heavenly pathology to burn, and consumed countless yuan and vitality.

Now it is not so simple to recover from the injury.

Even if it is so painful now, but if you want to recover the injury quickly, you may not succeed.

In the stone chamber, the powerful death gas was twisted and twisted with Li Lingtian's gestures, Li Lingtian was entangled by the death gas, and the magical energy of his body continued to disappear.

The spirit of the Holy Demon was suppressed by Li Lingtian to a corner of Dan Tianzhong.

He understands that the spirit of the Holy Demon is not so easy to deal with, but now he has to recover from the injury before he has the strength to treat the Spirit of the Holy Demon.

He does not have any fear of the spirit of the Holy Devil. Compared with the gas of death, he would prefer the Spirit of the Holy Demon because he cultivated it.

More importantly, in his devil qi, more true devil qi comes from Qingwu, who is the beloved one before his three thousand reincarnations.

Qingwu for him, waiting for three thousand reincarnation.

Finally, in order to improve his strength, he did not hesitate to give Li Lingtian his own doppelganger.

Time, day by day.

The expression on Li Lingtian's face has been painful, and there is no pause. This expression is almost stiff.

The pain was on Li Lingtian, but it made her feel bad.

If the injury can be transferred, she would rather bear this pain for Li Lingtian than want to see Li Lingtian suffer so endlessly.

However, in the top of the sky.

The fact that Li Lingtian was injured when he left Yuntian Peak was spread to Yuntian Peak.

What is more shocking is the strength of Li Lingtian. Wushen Yazhong has killed hundreds of Wushen strong men in Duanmu's house in a short time, among which there are more than 30 Venerable Wushen Jiuzhong.

After destroying these terrifying martial arts strongmen, they were trapped by the powers of the false **** realm to catch the black dragon king. For the sake of Li Lingtian, the black dragon king did not hesitate to bear the pain of destruction to remind Li Lingtian.

He also used dragon tendons to entangle the strong power of false gods, so that Li Lingtian could escape.

However, the Pseudo-Shenzhen Powerhouse displayed its avatar to attack the Black Dragon King. The Black Dragon King still did not relax the Pseudo-Shenzhen Powerhouse.

Later, Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue teamed up to injure the avatar of the Pseudo-Shenzhen Powerhouse and cast a three-pointer to return to kill the avatar of the Pseudo-Shenzhen Powerhouse. The Black Dragon King also disappeared.

In the earth-shattering battle, Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue killed the false **** realm strongman, but Li Lingtian was also injured by the destruction, and Nangong Mingyue was also dying, so he rushed back to the top of the sky.

The horror of Li Lingtian's strength shocked countless martial arts strongmen in the top of Yuntian.

However, during this period of time, the air of death in the top of the sky was a little changed, because the air of death at night became weak. Two months later, there was no air of death at night.

This situation shocked the strong men in the entire Yuntian Peak, but it was more happy.

Without the spirit of death, one can naturally practice at night.

However, seeing the change in the gas of death, some of the superpowers in the top of Yuntian suspected Li Lingtian, because there are many people who know that Li Lingtian wants to enter the battlefield to heal his wounds.

"Have you already entered it, Ling Tian?"

Wuyu Laogui felt the air of death in the air getting weaker and weaker~www.wuxiaspot.com~ shocked on his face.

More is to show admiration, admire Li Lingtian's courage and charm.

No wonder the power is so terrifying. Only with its courage and charm, few people can match it.

"He has entered inside."

"I hope to be able to come out safely, it is better to be able to enter the depths and get that one thing, then the Temple of Heaven will be able to appear."

Both Wuwuyue and Wuwuhen showed serious expressions on their faces.

Looking forward looking at the sky as if waiting for something.

In the end, the voices of the two disappeared in the different space, and finally the different space was silent again.



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