War God Supreme

Chapter 1211: Miraculous fruit

After the emergence of Yuanshen, he extended his consciousness without saying anything to Li Lingtian.

The consciousness extends tentatively into the dead space. Slowly, the consciousness approaches the dead space.

Li Lingtian watched on the side, and also felt the change of Yuanshen in his heart.

He is one with Yuanshen. What changes have Yuanshen had? He naturally was the first to know that now the consciousness enters the dead space, just like his own consciousness enters the dead space.

The consciousness glanced in the dead space, the gas of death solidified, and only the gas of death around the pearl of death was absorbed and swallowed.

In other places, there is no movement at all, and even the glance of the consciousness glances at the fruit of the gods has no response at all.

The same is true for the Blade of Death, as if it were sealed.

But the growth of the miraculous fruit seems to have no seal.

Finding such a situation, Li Lingtian was also relieved, then Yuanshen grabbed with one hand, a force grabbed toward the magical fruit, and the magical fruit quickly left the dead space and came to Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian took the miraculous fruit in his hand and carefully looked at it.

The miraculous fruit leaves the dead space without any change or influence.

There was a mysterious breath on it, with a hint of fragrance, but when Li Lingtian saw the roots and leaves of the miraculous fruit, the look on his face changed.

"Shen Yun Trefoil."

"A Million Years of Shen Yun Trefoil."

"The wonderful fruit grows on the Shen Yun trifoliate flower."

Li Lingtian exclaimed, and saw that there was a delicate flower not far below this wonderful fruit. This flower was similar to the Shen Yun trifoliate flower described in Jiu Pin Hua Shen Dan.

This is not Shen Yun trefoil or something, it is Shen Yun trefoil.

He never imagined that the miraculous fruit grew on the Shen Yun trifoliate flower. Even as a holy princess, he had a broad knowledge of medicinal materials and genius and earthly treasures, but he did not know this miraculous fruit and Shen Yun trifoliate flower. There is nothing to understand.

The world is truly amazing.

Impressed by the consciousness, carefully collected the Shen Yun clover flower and the wonderful fruit.

By the time he collected the magical fruit, the Earth Yuanshen had already collected the blade of death, and Li Lingtian had collected the blade of death again, but he had packed it with a brocade box. More than a dozen seals were laid and put into the ring of Shenfeng.

After finishing everything, Li Lingtian withdrew the Yuanshen and watched the pearl of death devour the air of death.

However, the speed of devouring such as the Pearl of Death, I want to devour all the gas of death in this dead space, and it will not work in a few months. Seeing this, Li Lingtian frowned.

In this way, there is a dead space. He dare not use the magical fruit to open the dragon dragon ring here, so as to avoid any accidents. Even if the dragon dragon ring is opened to rescue Huangfu Yuyan and others without accident, he will not open it before the death space is solved.

After all, Huangfu Swift and others stayed in the Dragon Ring for a long time. After coming out, they have to rest here for a while. In case of death space and accidents, they will put them in danger.

"This seat will help you."

Li Lingtian thought for a long time, and finally decided.

Although dangerous, he has swallowed the remnant of the death **** master, as long as he refines the remnant of the death **** master, he can control this pearl of death.

Control the orb of death and accelerate the absorption of the breath of death here.

Thinking of this, I sat cross-legged, my consciousness worked, and the remnant of the consciousness began to refine.

The eyes of the gods and spirits work to accelerate the refining of consciousness.

Seeing that Li Lingtian was not in danger, Nangong Mingyue also felt a little relieved and began to practice in the formation.

Absorb the fairy spirit here. Although the fairy spirit and air do not flow, but she absorbs the power, the fairy spirit and air will come to him.

In this way, Li Lingtian refines the remnants of the **** of death in front of the dead space, and Nangong Mingyue practices.

On the third day, Li Lingtian completely refined the remnant of the Death God Lord. Unfortunately, this is just a little residual thought. I don’t know how powerful the Death God Lord is, but I can understand that such a strong against the sky is also a powerful one in the upper realm.

On the fifth day, after taking a rest, Li Lingtian used Zhenyuan to help the Pearl of Death absorb the energy that devoured death.

Although there is no refining of the Pearl of Death, Li Lingtian has refined the remnant of the Death God Lord, and the Pearl of Death can also be controlled. With his true unit, the Pearl of Death absorbs the Qi of Death ten times faster than it started.

A full month passed, and the dead space disappeared in front of Li Lingtian.

The Pearl of Death was even more dazzling, and finally came to Li Lingtian. Li Lingtian glanced at the Pearl of Death, grabbed it with one hand, and took it into the ring of Shenfeng.

With the disappearance of the dead space, this space has completely become a realm of no emptiness.

If Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue were not martial arts strongmen, they could not stand at all and would float up. This is the realm of emptyness, without the slightest gravity.

"Ling Tian, ​​do you know how to use the miraculous fruit?"

"Is it a refined panacea or just eating it?"

After Li Lingtian solved the dead space, the two took a rest for half a month to calm down.

With the passage of time, Li Lingtian became more and more excited, because now everything is ready, and Huang Fu Yuyan and others can be resolved immediately.

In half a month, Li Lingtian's mood also became calm.

Nangong Mingyue asked Li Lingtian about to start, and asked curiously.

The miraculous fruit and the realm of emptiness, together with the emptiness of heaven and the pearl of loss, are all more secure to open the imprisonment in the dragon ring, but she does not know how to use the miraculous fruit.

"This miraculous fruit cannot be refined into immortality, it can only be refined."

"After refining the miraculous fruit, I am making other plans."

There was a trace of self-confidence in Li Lingtian's face, but he was still a little worried in his heart, and care was chaotic.

Because this is related to the safety of Huangfu Yuyan and others, he would not worry about other things at all, because he was sure, but when things were on his own, he was worried.

In the event of a change in the Dragon Ring, he simply cannot bear the blow of this destruction.

"need my help?"

Nangong Mingyue obtained the method of using the miraculous fruit, and immediately asked Li Lingtian.

Because both of them are the bodies of the gods, phoenixes, and the two have already cultivated the heavens and the emptiness of the sky, they have more control over space.

Moreover, she wanted to open the Dragon Ring in person, so that they could rescue Huangfu Yuyan from them.


"But there is danger."

"If you fail, you will stay in the Dragon Ring forever."

Li Lingtian knew Nangong Mingyue's thoughts. Similarly, he wanted Nangong Mingyue to help him.

But he didn't want Nangong Mingyue to help him, because if Nangong Mingyue helped him, he would enter the dragon dragon ring, so entering it would be extremely dangerous.

In fact, he had plans to have five elements of Yuanshen, and five Li Lingtians. He distractedly mobilized a Yuanshen, so that the Yuanshen would enter the Dragon Dragon Ring to save Huangfu Yuyan and others.

When he is in danger, he will lose a soul.

The Five Elements will be in a state of great consummation, and the cultivation capacity will be greatly reduced.

"Not afraid."

"Even if I was imprisoned, I would always be by your side."

Nangong Mingyue showed a smile on her face and was imprisoned. She was naturally afraid, but she had to do so.

Even if it is imprisoned, there is no complaint or regret.

Even if imprisoned, she will always be in Li Lingtian's heart.

"Okay, when I am ready, you will enter the Dragon Ring to rescue them."

Li Lingtian said seriously, reaching out and gently touching Nangong Mingyue's face.

Subsequently, Li Lingtian began to practice various formations.

In just five days, Li Lingtian deployed thousands of arrays in this area. These arrays can form a space. These arrays are all space-like arrays.

For five days, Li Lingtian didn't have any breathing time.

After five days, the whole person was almost exhausted and paralyzed. After a few days of rest, I continued to prepare again and dealt with some things after opening the Shenlong imprisonment.

One by one formation, Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue entered these formations.

Here, there is no space at all, no air and space isolation.

Finally, Li Lingtian sacrificed the miraculous fruit, and the miraculous fruit was suspended in the air.

Zhenyuan waved into a strong wind, which separated the miraculous fruit from the Shen Yun clover flower.

The magical fruit kept turning around, Li Lingtian’s consciousness entered into the magical fruit, and suddenly felt the mysterious atmosphere of space. This kind of space atmosphere is as good as the void of cultivation, but it is more than the void of heaven. Exterminate.

You must know that this miraculous fruit has survived for tens of thousands of years, and has already had magical spirituality and magical effects.

Discovering such a powerful space breath, Li Lingtian was shocked in his heart, and at the same time also understood the magic of this wonderful fruit, which is to improve the cultivation of space.

Thinking of this, Li Lingtian glanced at Li Lingtian.

Passing on the sound to Nangong Mingyue~www.wuxiaspot.com~The two simultaneously refine this wonderful fruit and even understand the mysteries of space, thus increasing the cultivation of heaven and void and making space cultivation improve.

The miraculous fruit, constantly rotating between the two, both entered the state of emptiness.

Entering a miraculous world, this world is a world of miraculous fruits. This miraculous fruit has formed a world.

One flower, one world, even more so.

The annihilation of heaven is the natural supernatural power of the phoenix family, born with a powerful control over space.

This annihilation of the heavens was also created by the ancestors of the Phoenix family. Li Lingtian was the body of the **** Phoenix, and the Nangong Mingyue was the body of the phoenix.

The ancestors refined the fruit of the gods, and realized the emptiness of the heavens and the dead, and completely entered that kind of magical realm.



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