War God Supreme

Chapter 1217: At the top of the sky...

"Say. [Starting]"

A light smile appeared on Li Lingtian's face, as if everything was in his hands.

Immediately after receiving the fragrant tea handed over from Tang Qingyue, she gently sipped her tea and said to Wu Wuyue. She was also curious and did not know what happened when the two came here.

"This time, Mr. Ling Tian entered into the array of eyes and refined the gas of death, so that the top of Yuntian is not under the erosion of the gas of death. The next two people, on behalf of everyone on the top of Yuntian, thank you everyone."

"I don't know if you have entered the empty space?"

Wu Wuyue first saluted Li Lingtian, thanking Li Lingtian for changing the spirit of death on the top of the sky.

Then he asked Li Lingtian with a trace of doubt, while looking at Li Lingtian with a look of expectation on his face.

"Two people let this seat enter the array of eyes to heal, there is another purpose."

The look on Li Lingtian's face was cold. Suddenly, if there was a glacier in the entire hall, the invisible pressure pressed the two together, and a trace of killing intentions floated in the air, making them feel despair.

It seems that this harmonious youth did not expect such a terrible killing intention.

Such a character is the most terrifying, seemingly ordinary harmony, but when it touches the interests and the bottom line, it will erupt with terrorist means, letting people not have the slightest sense of resistance.

However, this slight killer slowly drifted away, and the invisible pressure in the air disappeared.

After the killing intention and the pressure disappeared, the two of Wu Wuyue and Wu Wuhen suddenly felt relaxed, and the whole person was almost broken up.

There was a slight fear in Li Lingtian's heart, and he did not dare to despise Li Lingtian in the slightest.

"This seat has indeed entered the empty space."

"The two of you have something to say directly. I don't like turning around."

When Li Lingtian saw the situation of the two, they received it at one point, but only gave them a lesson.

In this top of the sky, he didn't want to force the dragon to crush the snake.

"I believe that Lord Ling Tian has already seen the magical fruit and the blade of death."

"The more important thing is the Pearl of Death. If Lord Ling Tian gets the Pearl of Death, please ask him to refine the Pearl of Death so that you can enter the third palace."

"This is the only key to the opening of the third palace. Otherwise, even if Ling Tian practiced the three tricks of peerless supernatural powers to the realm, it would not be possible to enter the third palace."

"The third palace can't enter, let alone the back."

Wu Wuyue nodded and said respectfully, what he said was like seeing Li Lingtian get the treasure inside, knowing it completely.

This situation shocked Li Lingtian, but the calm expression on his face did not appear on his face.

"This pearl of death?"

Li Lingtian stretched out with one hand, the orb of death appeared in the air, and the orb of death continued to rotate in the air, exuding a terrifying air of death.

Seeing the orb of death, the look on the faces of the two men changed dramatically, and at the same time, there was surprise in their eyes.

"Not bad."

"This is the pearl of death. I didn't expect that Ling Tian has refined this pearl of death."

"I never imagined that all of this is doomed."

Wu Wuxiang sighed and looked quietly at the Pearl of Death.

They did not expect Li Lingtian to obtain the pearl of death, nor did they expect Li Lingtian to refine the pearl of death.

"Do you need the pearl of death to enter the third palace?"

"Let me take a look at that time."

Li Lingtian's sharp eyes looked at the two people in the sky and Wuhen. In the top of the cloud sky, countless martial arts strongmen, but they were about to be pressed by the two, he also felt puzzled.

I don't know what the two men have in the end. They said that they have lived for tens of thousands of years, which is simply impossible to put on the Shenwu Continent.

"Yes, to enter the third palace, you must have the Pearl of Death."

"Moreover, there is no other way to enter the last palace except the Pearl of Death."

"Now Lord Ling Tian has already obtained the Pearl of Death, and even refined it, it should be no problem to enter the third palace."

"As long as Lord Ling Tian can enter the final palace and get the Holy Scepter, he is the master of the top of the sky, and he is also the young master of the Holy Temple."

Wu Wuqian said excitedly, just like the person who got the pearl of death, which made Li Lingtian extremely puzzled.

At the same time, I was shocked. I did not expect that there are countless secrets at the top of the sky, and I was involved in these secrets.

"Then why don't you go back and retrieve the pearl of death, both of you are also bodies of space. There should be no problem in retrieving the pearl of death."

"Moreover, what's the matter with the spirit spirit and death spirit in the top of the sky?"

Li Lingtian said lightly, with the strength of the strongman in the top of the sky, it is not difficult to get the Pearl of Death.

For thousands of years, no one got the pearl of death, which puzzled him.

If he used to take risks, he wouldn't take risks easily before now, because Huangfu Yuyan and others have already come out, he has to think about them.

Without clearing things up, let alone three tricks of peerless magic, even if there is a treasure of peerlessness, he will not take risks.

"On the top of the sky, there aren't many Daoist masters, even the Wuyu old ghost, I can't open that array of eyes after trying a few times."

"And, even if we can open our eyes, we can't refine the gas of death. As long as there is gas of death in the passage, the pearl of death will not come from the void."

"Furthermore, even if we get the Pearl of Death, it can’t be refined and it’s useless, and it’s useless to have the Pearl of Death. We have to get the magical fruit and control the spatial attributes so that we can enter the final palace."

"More importantly, the two of us should never touch the pearl of death, and it will disappear when we touch it."

"The two of us have a life span of 5 million years. If no one gets the pearl of death and enters the last palace after 5 million years, the top of the sky will disappear."

Kong Wuyue looked at Li Lingtian and was shocked to see Li Lingtian being so careful.

However, I immediately understood that as the Divine Array Master and the Holy Pill Master, that person who is not careful, these things must be done by a patient with excellent patience. If you are not careful, the alchemy will not succeed, and the formation and dissolution are all Delusion.

Bravery is the real powerhouse, and it is normal for Li Lingtian to do this.

"So it turns out."

"Apart from this matter, do the two have other things?"

Li Lingtian pondered for a while. Although this matter was a bit risky, it had to be tried.

Any way to improve strength will not be missed.

And it's still about the top of Yuntian. When I think of this, I think of the domain of death and the top of Yuntian. There is also a mysterious and different space. It seems that these things are not simple.

"Actually, the other thing is not a thing at all."

"That's the annual competition for the first strongest. Now that you are the first strongest, you should accept the challenge."

"The contest held in the top of the sky is to let the most powerful people understand the three tricks to see if they can enter the third palace, and let them upgrade to the death circle to retrieve the death. Beads and miraculous fruits."

"Now this comparison is not important anymore, because Your Excellency Ling Tian has gotten these two things."

"However, the competition in the top of Yuntian should be continued. In the next time, you want to reveal Your Excellency Ling. With the strength of Your Lingtian, it is only a trick to defeat them."

Kong Wuyue said with a smile, now with Li Lingtian's strength, no one can fight him at all.

However, it is better not to give up the rules in the top of the sky, so as not to affect the future development of the top of the sky, this has become a habit, let this habit continue.

"It should be tomorrow."

"Tomorrow, this seat just went to see in a different space, and by the way, the matter of the competition was solved."

Li Lingtian counted the time. Li Lingtian left Yuntian Peak for two years, and did not participate in the middle again. The other powerful people did not challenge him.

So this time there is no moon to let Li Lingtian come out and accept the challenges of others.

In fact, those strong men who did not challenge Li Lingtian halfway did not have any regrets, because they all knew that to challenge Li Lingtian was to find death, and no one had a certain grasp of the battle with Li Lingtian.

"Then the next two will leave."

Wu Wuhen heard that Li Lingtian was going to participate in the competition, but also entered a different space, and was immediately very happy.

The faster Li Lingtian entered the different space, the happier they were, because they also wanted to resolve this matter.

Lest I feel uneasy, I have waited here for tens of thousands of years, and I really did not believe it.

After talking, the two stood up and left in a respectful salute.

The performance of the two was extremely respectful, and it was completely different from the previous performance. It seems that the two are most concerned about the things of the Pearl of Death, and they do not care about other things.

"Alien space is the place where Brother Ling Tian practiced three tricks of peerless magic?"

Watching Kong Wuyue leave, Tang Zimeng looked at Li Lingtian curiously, knowing that Li Lingtian had cultivated a horror magic power~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This magic power has no ability to resist even the martial arts strongman.


"Three strokes of peerless magical powers. I practiced one stroke. I learned one stroke. I haven't seen another stroke."

"I don't know what the third stroke of Peerless Wonder is?"

"There is also the Holy Scepter and the Young Master in the Holy Heaven Temple that the two of them did not know what happened."

"Tomorrow I will go and see what it looks like inside."

Li Lingtian nodded his head, three strokes peerless magical power, he practiced three points Guiyuan to the realm, but the second stroke of ten thousand yuan was not practiced.

As for the third move, I believe that no one knows what the name is, what a terrible magical power.

Now that he already has the pearl of death and the magical fruit, it doesn't matter if he goes in to see it. The other party has to work hard to enter it. I believe that the two will not hurt his heart.


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