War God Supreme

Chapter 1223: Everywhere,...

Since Huangfu Yuyan and others were saved, Nangong Mingyue has rarely been close to Li Lingtian.

Even if the two are together, they are all practicing and communicating, and even have little intimacy.

In this way, Nangong Mingyue shuddered in her heart, especially the palm that walked on her back, almost fascinating her.

His body was weak, leaning tightly on Li Lingtian.

"Ling Tian."

Nangong Mingyue turned her eyes, with anticipation in her eyes, and her rosy little mouth was a temptation.

After the gentle voice fell, he stood on tiptoe and kissed Li Lingtian with a small mouth.

Li Lingtian put the fragrant tea in his hand, one hand held Nangong Mingyue's chin, and the two kissed together.

Gradually, Nangong Mingyue seemed to be melting. The pair of jade hands encircled Li Lingtian’s neck, and his body kept close to Li Lingtian. It was like melting himself together with Li Lingtian.

There was a trace of excitement on Li Lingtian's face. Nangong Mingyue was the man he had chased before. Although it was only a part of his soul, this feeling also made him feel excited.

The palms walked on the back of Nangong Mingyue, and the smooth skin feels extremely good.

Nangong Mingyue's spoiled body kept shaking, but she didn't struggle at all, but there was a lot of expectation and longing on her face.

Moreover, the smooth and tender tongue is also constantly responding to Li Lingtian. The jade hands hold Li Lingtian tightly, and Li Lingtian's palm also enters the Nongong Mingyue's clothes.

The shirts were loosened one by one, and the perfect body was presented in front of eyes.

Full **** were exposed to the air, Nangong Mingyue's face was full of shyness.

After waiting for more than ten years, they finally waited until this day, and the two of them lingered for a night, and the night in the room was infinitely beautiful.

Nangong Mingyue changed from a girl into a woman and became Li Lingtian's woman.



Although more than three years have passed, Li Lingtian's extermination of the Duanmu family's hundreds of martial arts strongmen is still talked about.

Moreover, countless powerful people have rumors that Li Lingtian has fallen, and the ancestor of the Duanmu family has also fallen.

Otherwise, Li Lingtian had no news in the past three years.

The emergence of this incident made the seemingly calm Tianmu domain no longer calm, and the three super families and the two super powers also changed from secret fighting to open battle.

The five huge existences suppress each other, and the most disadvantageous of course is the affiliated forces under the five super giants.

The entire Tianmu territory is in turmoil, and more importantly, the strong of the demon and sea clan also continue to appear in the Tianmu territory.

Even Master Haisheng, Master Haiwang, and Master Haitian appeared in the field of Tianmu.

Tianya Haijiao, Duanmu's home base.

However, outside Tianya Haijiao, there are some affiliated forces, or some loose repairs, and there are no Duanmujia core forces and characters. Only in the center of Tianya Haijiao is the core character of Duanmujia.

Although the periphery is not the core force of Duanmujia, there are also super strong guards.

On this day, a spaceship landed on the Acropolis at the end of the world.

There are sixteen acropolises in the world, and the sixteen acropolis will guard the main city in the center. If you want to shake the main city, you must pass the acropolis.

The spaceship was suspended above the Acropolis, and Li Lingtian walked out of the room.

Followed by Nangong Mingyue and Yun Yaoyao and Xiaobai and Beimingxue, Nangong Mingyue jade held Li Lingtian's arm in hand, with a happy light on his face, and the whole person was more attractive than before.

It used to be beautiful, but with a hint of greenness, now it has a more ripe, like a ripe peach.

This is a transition from a girl to a woman. She who first tasted the forbidden fruit almost followed Li Lingtian, who was also extremely tender to Nangong Mingyue.

Nangong Mingyue, like Shun Meier, has a seductive atmosphere that makes him addicted to it.

"Young Master, this is Qingping City, one of the acropolises on the horizon."

Yun Tianyue paid a respect to Li Lingtian respectfully, reached out and pointed down, and said with respect.

Since leaving the top of Yuntian, Li Lingtian let Yuntianyue fly the spacecraft towards the end of the sky and the sky. After they left the top of Yuntian, they received a message that the people of the top of the sky caught Duanmu thousands of miles outside the top of the sky. The strong of the home.

After receiving this news, Li Lingtian immediately understood that the last time he had been, that someone was waiting here, and was controlled by someone after he left.

This time it was the same, but this time he had an extra eye to let the strong man of the top of the sky follow behind them to see who was following him.

Sure enough, after they left the top of Yuntian, they were stared at, but in the end they were killed by the strongmen of the top of Yuntian.

"You guys take a break, let's change the spaceship."

Li Lingtian looked at Qingping City, one of the sixteen acropolis, powerful and unparalleled, extremely broad.

The tall city walls and the terrifying defense exude a powerful breath.

The sixteen acropolises formed a surrounding trend, surrounding the main city in the center. Such a defense, no one can break it.

Even if there are strong enemies, the sixteen acropolis is a terrifying defense.

The sixteen acropolises are closely related to each other. The acropolis is so powerful, not to mention the main city. The Duanmu family in the main city is simply unimaginable.

However, this is also normal. Otherwise, Duanmujia has been involved in the Shenwu Continent for thousands of years. No one can shake it. Without strong and terrifying strength and heritage, it cannot simply stand on the Shenwu Continent.

After he finished speaking, Nangong Mingyue and the four women all returned to their rooms and began to gather their things. In fact, there was no good way to gather things because the things to be used were in the storage bags.

Soon, all of his things were collected and came out of the spaceship.

"Detonate the spaceship in the Acropolis."

"You don't want to take action, when the time comes to draw out their false **** realm strongmen, and then erase them without leaving."

When Li Lingtian saw it, he was ready, and the look on his face was extremely cold. He said coldly.

At the same time, a horrible water way broke out.

The moment the water's Taoism appeared, the horrible destruction of the Fire's Taoism also appeared in the air.

Suddenly, endless flames and endless snowflakes appeared in the sky.

The snow drifted down, and the sea of ​​fire came, making the entire space change quickly. In the blink of an eye, the air became terrifying.

Thousand miles of sky, thunder and thunder, the world changed color.


A sound of breaking the sky sounded, Li Lingtian and others were suspended in the air, and the spaceship under him quickly shot down into Qingping City.

The speed of terror brings space out of a broken passage.

In an instant, the spaceship has landed on the defense of Qingping City.

At this time, the law in Yun Tianyue's hands changed, the air was twisted, and a breath of death and destruction appeared in the air.

In an instant, a terrible change appeared on the spaceship.


With a shocking explosion, the spacecraft turned into a force of destruction.

Numerous cracks suddenly appeared in the space, and the defense of Qingping City shivered.

"Frozen miles, the world is burning."

"Jian Xiaotian, the artifact explodes."

It was at this time that Li Lingtian exhibited horrible water and fire ethics, erupting a glacial ice that froze thousands of miles, and the glaciers instantly frozen their trembling defenses.

Some cracks were also imprisoned by glaciers. When the ice appeared for thousands of miles, the ruined earth and earth were burned down, and a sea of ​​fire of a thousand miles in size fell on the defense.

The glacier and the sea of ​​fire formed a ruinous junction, and suddenly the defense shook more, and even began to tear.

Li Lingtian also knew that this defense was not so easy to break down. With one hand stretched out, Shenwu Xuantian Sword appeared in his hand, and the first type of Sword Destruction array bombarded the world.

The sword with the sword intention cuts through the void and produces a kind of potential, which is the sword potential.

The sword-mands with sword power fell on the defense fiercely. At the same time, an inferior artifact also bombarded the formation defense, but this artifact was not intended to bombard the defense, but came to the defense and exploded in front of it.

In a flash of kung fu, several devastating attacks directly tore the defense and finally turned into fragments.

Qingping City, the acropolis of the world, the terrible defense was destroyed.

The defense was destroyed, the sea of ​​fire and glaciers landed in the city, and glaciers were formed within a thousand miles. The sky was filled with snow and goose feathers, and the sea of ​​fire that burned the world was destroyed. Everything that passed was reduced to nothingness.

"Ah, ah, ah."

"Oh, yell."

"Ah, ah, ah."


Suddenly, Qingping City was destroyed, and the city was constantly burning. In this city, the Wanli Glacier covered a huge corner.

The sea of ​​destruction is constantly swallowing the strong men of Qingping City, and in an instant, countless powerful men playing disappear.

It was not over yet. I saw Li Lingtian stretched out with one hand, and a domineering long knife appeared in his hand.

Tianjiba Emperor's Sword appeared in the air. In an instant, heaven and earth were filled with the pressure of destruction artifacts, the horror pressure of the ancient artifacts.

"Tianji Ba King Sword!"

"Bao Dao Jue--Everywhere!"

Li Lingtian sipped ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ suddenly, the destruction of the sword broke out in his body, and the space shivered.

Just like the end of the world is coming, the sky is full of clouds, the situation is terrifying to the extreme, the city is destroyed, and countless powerful people instantly disappear.

Li Lingtian is suspended in the air, like a **** of death, and countless powerful men tremble under his figure and escape.

I saw that Li Lingtian waved it with one hand, and Ba Dao Jue's final formula was displayed.

In an instant, within a thousand miles, a world of swords and swords, a world of destruction and death was formed.

Six strong powers of false **** realm, two protect Li Lingtian, and the other four also protect the Nangong Mingyue four daughters, and there is a terrified look in their eyes. This is his young master. It doesn't matter anymore.



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