War God Supreme

Chapter 1239: Ten Thousand Yuan

Tian Wu Ji Han Guang and Yuan Wanzong were constantly striking in the air. 【Starting】

Li Lingtian continued to display the Fa Jurisprudence, and Ten Thousand Yuan Guizong gradually gained the upper hand, and the magical power of destruction was pressed toward the other party.

At this time, the old man in gray also injected the powerful real element into the infinite cold light. Suddenly, the cold light that had fallen down again pressed towards Li Lingtian.

At this moment, Li Lingtian's face was pale, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

It is already super powerful to be able to bring 10,000 Yuan to Zong to this stage.

In front of the infinite cold light blessed by the old man in gray clothes, I gradually felt dissatisfied. However, the decision in hand was faster. In front of the decision, Wan Guizong and the infinite cold light trembling in the air, returning again in a moment. To balance.

"Return to three points."

"Return to three points."

At this time, Yun Tianhao and others also knew that Li Lingtian could not support it for long.

At the same time, the three points of Guiyuan were exhibited. Five scary red lights pressed against the old man in gray. All of a sudden, the world became a red world.


The old man in gray looked at the arrival of the five red lights, and the look on his face changed, his consciousness moved, and he appeared.

The avatar was exactly like him. The avatar appeared, a light curtain was cast out, and the five points and three points were resisted. For a moment, the five Yuntianhao and the old man in gray clothes stalemate.





Space, constant explosion, Li Lingtian and Yun Tianhao and others, the attack of destruction and the old man in gray and his avatar against each other, the two battle groups stalemate, no time can be divided.

By this time, it's all spelling out.


Yun Tianhao shouted, and all the true elements were displayed, consuming the true elements desperately.

Seeing the situation of Yun Tianhao, the same is true of Yun Tianyue and others, displaying all the horrible real yuan, just like consuming the real yuan without money.

In this situation, the gray-clothed old man's avatar suddenly complained, and the avatar itself was not as powerful as the deity.

The ability to resist the five false **** realms is already the limit.

However, the initial use of the true elements in the five false **** realms was beyond the imagination of the old man in gray clothes.


Finally, the avatar could not support the horror of the real bombardment, a spit of blood spurted out.

At this time, Li Lingtian was also constantly burning the true yuan, burning the true yuan, and the terrifying real yuan suddenly brought the 10,000 yuan ancestors down with a law.

Seeing this situation, the old man in gray clothes was also blinded. I never imagined that a few people would consume such yuan.

Gradually, Yuan Guizong has canceled out the extreme cold light, and the terrible Wan Guizong finally fell on the old man in gray clothes. Yun Tianhao and others' three-pointer Guiyuan also bombarded the avatars at this time. .



The ruinous red light and deep blue light bombarded the old man in gray.

The terrifying rebounding power threw out Li Lingtian and others, and all spurted blood.

"Cut grass and root."

Li Lingtian shouted loudly while throwing.

Immediately, the figure was twisted strangely, the sword of heavenly path was displayed in his hand, the breath of heavenly path was exploded. Void was cut in half, and finally he slashed fiercely towards the old man in gray clothes.



The sky was furious, the world was shaking, and roaring constantly above Jiuxiao.

The power of the ruined Heavenly Path fell down in front of the old man in gray clothes, and a shocking explosion rang in the air.

The sea water in the sea area soared into the sky. Within the whole mile, the sea area trembles, and the world changed color, just like the end of the world.

At the same time, Yun Tianhao and others also severely fell the most powerful attack.

The power of destruction has formed a net-like chopping down. The attacks of the five pseudo-gods in the initial stage have already exhibited hundreds of horrific destruction attacks in a blink of an eye.

After Li Lingtian's sword of heaven, the sword of heaven came away.

But he didn't stop, and the Sword of Domination casts the realm of the sword.

Shenwu Xuantianjian exhibited the sword roaring heaven and earth, as well as the destruction of the void and the falling of stars, the heavenly swords united, and the terror attacks continually fell.

For a while, the six did not know how many devastating attacks were carried out.

Until the end, all the magical powers he had learned in his life were cast several times, and the true elements on his body were exhausted.

Zhenyuan was exhausted, and an anti-Tiandan entered his mouth, and Zhenyuan once again returned to the peak of heyday.



Li Lingtian's six figures flickered, forming a circumstance of encirclement. God consciousness covered the entire space and stared at the place of the old man in gray clothes. He wanted to see how powerful this mid-term powerhouse in the false **** realm was.

The space in Wanli is destroyed, and none is good.

Even the aura here has become thinner, and the broken space is like a broken mirror.

Gradually, the air calmed down and the gas of destruction disappeared.

A prototype was exposed above the sea, but in this air, a light mass was suspended.

Seeing this light group, Li Lingtian and others were extremely shocked.

If it were not restored here, it would be impossible to see the existence of such a light group, and even the consciousness could not detect it. It was shocking and horrified to see such a situation.

In this light group, who is not the old man in gray.

Unexpectedly, under this devastating attack, the old man in gray clothing has not yet fallen.

The light group is only two or three meters in size. The magic light group surrounded him, and all attacks were blocked.


Li Lingtian and others all snorted.

At this time, I don't know how to be good. If I run away, I will be caught up. If I don't go, I can't beat the old guy.

"The early stage of pseudo-realm."

"Want to kill the deity and dream."

"Now, this is when you fell."

The old man in gray was in the light, said coldly, with blood on the corner of his mouth, and his face was pale.

The eyes looked at Li Lingtian's six people, and there was a vicious light in his eyes.

Just being continuously bombarded by several people forced him to cast a forbidden technique. The forbidden technique allowed him to save his life in the face of an endless attack, but it also cost him a heavy price.

The heavy price is that repairing forever is difficult to survive, and Shouyuan consumes 500 years.

Even so, he was also destroyed and injured in the light group. If Li Lingtian and others kept fighting, he would be beaten away.

The strong men in the midst of the pseudo-real world, even in the Duanmu family, are also the most powerful characters.

I didn't expect to not do it for hundreds of years. It was a shame that I was beaten down by several false gods in the early stage. It is now a shame. Now I can't save it, and it consumes 500 years of life.

Such a price, even if he killed Li Lingtian and others, could not make up for it.

Thinking of this, the look on his face became more and more ugly, his body flashed, and he bombarded Li Lingtian with a group of light, which was extremely fast.

While the terrorist defense of this conglomerate can still support a period of time and ignore any attacks, it is necessary to kill Li Lingtian at this time, otherwise the opportunity will be lost.

"Death is coming."

When Li Lingtian saw that the old man in gray clothes had not fallen, he was already terrified.

Discovering the murderous opportunity of the old man in gray clothes, stroking with one hand, the orb of death turned up.

Sure enough, the old man in the grey coat bombarded him. When he saw the light group, he was shocked. With this light group, even this defense could not be broken. How can he fight this way?

But without giving him a chance to be shocked, the orb of death kept spinning out, and a light mass appeared in his hand.

The light clusters condensed by the air of death suddenly turned around, and the air of destruction destroyed the void with a trembling breath.

Seeing that the light group of the old man in gray clothes was about to hit, Li Lingtian's face changed, and he shot it with one hand.

The ruined death beam bombarded the other side fiercely.


The death light group bombarded the light group, and the two light groups collided in the air, making a detonating explosion.

Suddenly the space was torn apart, and Li Lingtian's figure was quickly thrown back.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the look on his face was even paler.

Although the death light group blocked the light group of the gray man, it was delusional to break this light group.

However, the gas of death constantly eroded the light group of the old man in gray clothes, and there was a slight sound on the light group, but even then, the erosion of the gas of death was just like tickling.


In a blink of an eye, the death light group was hit and burst, and the light group of the gray-clothed old man shivered.

After breaking through the death light group, the old man in grey with a terror and indestructible light group hit Li Lingtian at a very fast speed, and the distance of a hundred miles arrived in an instant.


With a muffled sound, the space trembled, and Li Lingtian was bombarded with a punch.

A simple punch, but with the power of destruction.

Even Li Lingtian's defense was beaten to death.


Li Lingtian's figure was thrown hundreds of miles away, but at this time it disappeared and disappeared completely in the air.

The old man in the grey coat lost his opponent, his face stunned.

Knowing that Li Lingtian’s body is horrible and miraculous~www.wuxiaspot.com~ God’s consciousness is constantly sweeping around. For the other five false gods, I will ignore security, and the devastating attack will not destroy his light group.

At this moment, Li Lingtian's figure appeared in the direction behind the old man in gray clothes.

But when Li Lingtian's figure appeared, the whole person became a thousand-meter-long dragon, and the dragon roared in the air.

Suddenly the space continued to shatter, the sky and earth were dark, and it looked terrible.

"Dragon Power."

The Tianlong transformed by Li Lingtian stirred the fragmented space in the sky, and the power of destruction struck the vision of Yun Tianhao and others.

The terrifying Longwei angered Jiu Xiao, the seventh layer of the real dragon bodyguard, and the power of the sky dragon did not know how many times stronger than the sixth layer. The two are not at the same level.

Now, Li Lingtian is facing the strong man in the middle of the nerves, and the power of the dragon is displayed.


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