War God Supreme

Chapter 1242: Changes in the storm

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☞Chapter 1245 Changes in the Storm

The Wind and Thunder Slayer sacrifice came out, holding the Wind and Thunder Slayer in one hand, facing the storm and thunder thunder.

Suddenly, the endless storm world and thunder and lightning also felt the existence of wind and thunder.

In an instant, the storm became more terrifying, and the thunder and lightning became stronger.

The whole storm was centered on the thunder and thunder, and endless storms and thunder and lightning were quickly condensed. Li Lingtian and the thunder and thunder were completely submerged by the storm.

Seeing this situation, Yun Tianhao and others were terrified. They didn't know what to do for a while.

"What is the treasure in the hands of the young master?"

"Young Master will be fine."

"The treasure in the hands of the young master should be attributed to wind and thunder."

"And it may be the existence of ancient artifacts."

It was shocking to see Li Lingtian being swallowed by the storm, but it was puzzling to think of the wind and thunder that was sacrificed in Li Lingtian's hands. I didn't know what treasure was in Li Lingtian's hands.

However, it carries the attributes of wind and thunder.

And understanding of Li Lingtian, Li Lingtian will not do things that are not sure, even if it is risky, there is some certainty.

Unless it is an accident, otherwise what Li Lingtian does is not dangerous.







During the storm, thunder and thunder continued to bombard, lightning continued to land, and the storm continued to roar and twist.

This space has completely become the center of the storm.

The world is constantly being destroyed, and the sea is constantly mourning.

Li Lingtian was at the center of the storm, his face calm, and there was no more fear.

My heart is also calm to the extreme, holding Yuan Shouyi, the consciousness controls the wind and thunder and the thunder and the thunder and lightning that devours this space. Gradually, Li Lingtian entered a state of emptiness.

Deaf to things outside, smiling from time to time on the face, from time to time puzzled, from time to time horrified.

The expression on his face was constantly changing, but there was no sound from the beginning to the end, and the eyes had not been opened.

It is indeed shocking to reach such a point in such a storm center.

Similarly, Yun Tianhao and others in the Heavenly Emperor's chariot also saw Li Lingtian in the storm center in the distance. When they saw Li Lingtian, they were shocked.

For a time, I looked at Li Lingtian blankly, even the storm outside was forgotten.

Fortunately, the storm did not target the Emperor's chariot, otherwise they would be in danger of destruction.

Moreover, it is mainly because all the storms have been absorbed by the wind and thunder gods. The whole storm is completely driven, and all the storms are rushed towards the wind and thunder gods.

Gradually, the wind and thunder became the center of the storm.

Li Lingtian also had an understanding of this stormy world. The storm is as large as a million miles.

The destroyed wind and thunder is the center of the Purple Sea, and it is also the critical point of the thunder arc.

That is to say, this is the junction of the sky and the sea. The devastating storm and thunder and lightning will gather in this place. If they are involved in the storm, even the strong power of the pseudo-shenjing will be destroyed in an instant.



The terrifying storms and thunder and lightning are constantly swallowed and swallowed by the wind and thunder.

Storms and thunder and lightning, as if they had found their destination, entered into the thunder and thunder.

However, Li Lingtian was suffering. In the face of a million-mile devastating storm and thunder, he was almost directly exploded.




Painful roar continued to spread from his mouth, and the roar roared like a dragon stirring the storm.

Looking at Li Lingtian's pain, Yun Tianhao and others were horrified, but they didn't know how to help Li Lingtian.

However, they also understand that Li Lingtian is now at a critical moment. If he can support it, he will add a kind of killer skill and the power will be improved.

Survival and crisis coexist, and opportunity and danger are proportional.

There will be no pies in the sky. If you want a great chance, you will be accompanied by the danger of terror.

Even if it is painful, there is no ability to prevent the storm and thunder from entering the wind and thunder.

The wind, thunder, and extinction are constantly changing. The weapons that used to look domineering and domineering now look even more terrifying. The weapons on the weapons give people a visual impact of death.

Outside of the devastating storm, the violent storms and rains spread across the ocean.



A gray figure came across the void, and this figure came to the storm in an instant.

This figure, as if coming from across the border, has no signs.

After coming to the storm, looking at the devastating storm, the look on his face also changed dramatically.

"what happened?"

"These perverts, in order to avoid the pursuit of the deity, enter into the storm and want to escape the pursuit of the deity. It is not that simple."

"What's going on, will the Storm Center change?"

This figure is not the old man in gray.

It's just that the old man in gray clothes, the clothes on his body are complete, unlike the beginning beggars.

However, even so, there is no trace of blood on his face, and his spirit is also weak, just like a serious illness.

It's no wonder that after being beaten by Li Lingtian and others, he was trapped by Li Lingtian's space black hole and was able to get out of it, even if it was terror.

I did not expect that after Li Lingtian and others left for so long, he could still chase here.

Seeing the changes in the storm, the look on his face also changed dramatically.

Zihai is the site of his horizon. I don’t know how many times I have come here in my life. With regard to the storm, no one on Shenwu Continent can compare with him.

But he has never seen such a change in the storm, something must have happened in it, or there would be no such change.

"Is it a strange treasure born?"

"The storm is being swallowed, and all storms are rapidly becoming smaller."

"There must be some strange treasures inside, the deity is lucky this time."

The old man in gray looked at the speed of the storm, which was terrifying.

Seeing such a situation, I was extremely excited, because in such a situation, only when there is a strange treasure, if there is a strange treasure, in this place, it belongs to him.

For a time, the matter of chasing down and killing Li Lingtian and others was forgotten, and he watched the storm seriously.

When the storm became smaller, he followed up a little, and his consciousness glanced constantly, noticing if any other strong men came here.

In the same way, the consciousness kept glancing around the storm, trying to find that strange treasure.

However, regardless of any changes in the storm, he dared not enter the storm, worrying that it would be dissipated by the storm.


"Roar, roar."


"Boom, boom."


The shocking roar of the sky, the distorted sound of the space, and the sound of the waves in the sea area made this sea area even more terrifying.

It's like it's going to be destroyed. The sky and sea are dim, and you can't even see things clearly.

In half an hour, the storm is getting smaller and smaller, from the previous size of one million miles to only one hundred thousand miles, and the storm is still getting smaller.

However, at this moment, a sky-shattering arc appeared in the sky, and the arc bombarded severely.

There is endless radiance between the sky and the sea, the radiance is mysterious, and it looks like a rainbow after the rain.

Or in these glory, here has become a fairyland.

Seeing this situation, the old man in gray was shocked beyond recollection.

"Sky sign."

"It's just a sign."

"Is it true that Yibao was born."

Looking at the shining glory of the sky, the mysterious radiance of the whole world, the old man in gray suits clearly understands the existence of this radiance, and this radiance, together with the tremendous arc of the sky landing in the sky, is a sign.

The sign of heaven and earth is the sign of the sky. I did not expect the sign of the sky to appear in this storm center.

When I saw Tianzhao, I was extremely excited. In such an endless storm, the storm kept getting smaller and swallowed. Only the strange treasure could do it. Now there is a sign, that is the characteristics of the birth of the strange treasure.







In the center of the storm, the endless destruction, the storm rages, and the power of terror even vanishes even if it is a false **** realm.

Li Lingtian suffered terrible pain, and the wind and thunder annihilated the crazy absorption and devoured the storm and thunder arc. Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian suffered endless pain.

Scolded in my heart ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Such a crazy, just want him to collapse.

If you go on like this, you will be destroyed. If you knew that it would be like this, you wouldn't refine the wind and thunder and destroy the gods. Now you hurt yourself.

As time passed, the storm became more and more scary, and this power, even if it was an attack in the middle of the pseudo-real world, was not so scary.

Moreover, the wind and thunder destroys the storm and swallows the storm and thunder endlessly.

However, at this moment, the expression on his face was shocked, and his heart was horrified.

I didn't expect my realm to loosen at this time, and a wave of opportunity poured into my heart.

Over the years, I have been looking for this ray of opportunity, but I have never been able to find it. But now at a critical moment, such an opportunity has appeared, and it is simply to be angry.

If I had encountered such an opportunity before, I would definitely be excited.

But now I feel a bitter smile, the timing is wrong.

"not good."

"The young master encountered a breakthrough opportunity."

"At this time, I encountered a breakthrough opportunity. I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse."

"This is even worse."

"How to do?"

"There is no way. Now we only have to see if the young master can support it. If we help, it will bring a young catastrophe to the young master."

Looking at the signs of destruction, Yun Tianhao and others knew what was going on.

At this time, Li Lingtian was about to break through.

A few years after the completion of Wushen Yazhongtian Peak's consummation, it is now even worse at this critical moment to provoke the omen, and this luck is really speechless.

For a while, he was helpless, with a shocked look on his face.

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