War God Supreme

Chapter 1261: Reach an agreement

Half a day's time passed quickly.

   At this moment, the whole mountain trembles.

   "Boom, boom."

   A muffled sound, this muffled sound comes from the passage behind the gorilla, and it is still far away.

   After this situation appeared, the orangutan also angered, and did not expect that such a movement happened in the passage.

   "Gorilla, I want to find a way to unlock your chain of chains. You must listen to my premises, otherwise you will only be in this place forever. How about it?"

   Li Lingtian was also anxious in his heart. If he was trapped in this place, other people were fighting for treasures inside. Isn't this a joke?

   And it just happened to be an opportunity. It would be a beautiful thing if we could reach an agreement with this gorilla.

   He also heard that the goblin said that as long as he unlocked this chain of chains, he could leave here, and he could help others three times.

  If you get the help of this orangutan, if you have three shots from the monster of Martial Saint Realm, you can definitely solve many things.

   "When he left, I said that I helped someone to shoot three times. If you can release this chain of chains, I will naturally help you to shoot three times. Do you still want to do anything?"

   The orangutan is also very anxious and also excited. If he can leave here and resume his cultivation, he will have the opportunity to return to the upper realm.

   But looking at what the human being said in front of him, it should not be as simple as three shots.

   And it also wants to know, how can humans who unlock the chain of the gods recover their cultivation.

   Don't be fooled by that guy's joke.

   "I have some solutions for this chain of chains."

   "However, when you leave, no one in this world can suppress you. If you are in trouble, am I not the culprit of humanity?"

   "So, if you unlock the chain of chains, you have to listen to me, and you only need to take three shots, and I can also restore you to the ninth peak and return to the upper bound."

   "You should be wondering what means are there to restore your cultivation."

   Li Lingtian's face showed a serious look. While talking, he looked at the gorilla's eyes. This gorilla showed curiosity in his eyes.

  He also knows that this orangutan is doubting his ability.

   The real dragon body was on display. Suddenly, a terrifying magical power rose into the sky. This magical power was a terrifying dragon spirit.

   True Dragon Spirit

   Dragon qi is constantly flooding in the air, and the ape demon's eyes exude surprise.

   "Dragon Air!"

   "True dragon spirit."

   The orangutan was shocked to see Li Lingtian's shocking dragon spirit. The human cultivation is not high, but this dragon spirit is shocking.

   On cultivation, he is not comparable to that of human beings, but the purity of this dragon gas shocked it. Such a pure dragon gas can only be owned by the true dragon family.

   "Yes, if you give you the world's dragon spirit, plus the blood of the real dragon, you think about it, can you resume cultivation?"

Li Lingtian continued to seduce. In fact, he also thought that if the dragon spirit plus the blood of the real dragon, it should be possible to restore the monster beast, this monster beast is only a step, how powerful is the real dragon. Small problems can still be solved.

   "True Dragon Blood!"

   "Do you really have the blood of a real dragon?"

   "Are you from the Dragon Clan?"

   The orangutan can no longer sit still. If he really has the blood of a real dragon and the spirit of a real dragon, his cultivation will be absolutely restored. Not to mention the restoration. If he is lucky, he will definitely surpass the cultivation that he was full of.

   However, he is extremely suspicious of this young man in front of him, how human beings possess the blood of a real dragon and the spirit of a real dragon.

   "Dragon race, right?"

   "There is a small companion under the dragon family, and I am also considered a dragon family."

  Li Lingtian stretched out with one hand, and the Dragon Yin Halberd appeared in the hand. This Dragon Yin Halberd represents the high treasure of the Dragon Clan, and there is also the Dragon Ring in his hand. All this is enough to prove his identity and status.

   "Dragon Yin Halberd!"

   "Yes, Dragon Yin Halberd is the treasure of the Dragon Clan. Only the Dragon Clan Chief can keep it. Although I don't know how you have the Dragon Halberd, I believe your relationship with the Dragon Clan should be good."

   The orangutan is excited, and the power of the dragon clan must be worshipped by any demon clan, because the dragon clan is the most powerful existence of the demon clan.

   "Okay, I listen to you, I will help you to do it three times, but after three times, you will give me the blood of the true dragon and the spirit of the true dragon."

   "This soul, you take it, I hope you will not be like the guy in front."

   The orangutan was very anxious when he saw Li Lingtian and the movement in the passage behind him.

   Then forcibly cast a ray of his soul, and the soul flew towards Li Lingtian. After the soul of the gorilla appeared, his eyes also showed a painful look.

  Li Lingtian didn't think that the orangutan actually sacrificed a piece of his soul, in this way, it was to control his destiny in his hands.

   It seems that for the blood and freedom of the real dragon, the orangutan is out.

   Li Lingtian didn't hesitate, he quickly refined and controlled this ray of soul. As long as the orangutan didn't deal with him, he wouldn't move this green soul naturally.

   This is also an agreement between them.

   In fact, the orangutan is a human being who saw Li Lingtian possessing the true dragon spirit and was with the dragon family. It is not necessarily cunning and mean.



   In the depths of the mountain, there is a huge palace. The palace is intricate and completely a maze. If you are not familiar with it, you will definitely be trapped here.

   In the center of the palace, five powerful Wu Zun strong men blasted, completely desperate play.

  Because in the quaint palace, a powerful weapon with a handle is suspended, the weapon is five inches wide and four feet long, and a purple spar above the handle.

   The whole weapon exudes terrifying domineering power, and this breath alone can make people feel trembling.

   Moreover, there was a slight wind on the weapon, and there was thunder in the wind.

  When the five super powers clashed, the weapon was surrounded by a faint brilliance, and they could not touch the weapon at all.

   "Emperor Shi Yuntian, see how long you can support Seventh Heaven."

   The moon is not closed in a single corner, Emperor Shi Yuntian is in a corner, and Wen Yunfeng and Lie Xie are in a corner.

   On the other side, he is also the Sixth Heaven Strong of the Emperor Shijia.

For a short time, the two Wu Zun strong men of the Emperor Shi family faced the attacks of the three men from Yue Feifeng.

   "If the moon is not closed, the Queen's Palace actually joined forces with other forces. It is really the first time I heard that I have the ability to compete for this treasure."

   Emperor Shi Yuntian looked at the three Wu Zun opposites, one Wu Zun Qi Chong Tian, ​​and the other two were 4-5 Chong Tian, ​​on his own side, although there is a 7 Chong Tian and a 6 Chong Tian.

   But the opponent's strength is terrifying and far beyond his imagination.

   For so long after the war, none of them has the upper hand.

   And began to encounter powerful gliding monsters outside. If they were chased by the transformed monsters, this weapon would not be their own, and they would have to leave their lives here.


   It was at this time that the weapon suspended in the glory of the palace was captured by a suction force and finally fell into the hands of a young man.

  Five Wu Zun saw this scene, they were shocked in their hearts, the same rage.

   Several people desperately tried to be preempted by others.

   What shocked them was that the glory of this weapon, they exerted countless solutions, could not break this glory, nor could they get the weapon, and now they did not expect to be easily taken away by others.

  Five people looked at the young man holding a weapon, his face was stunned.

"It's you."

   "So possible."

   "Aren't you falling?"

   "How did you reach Wu Zun's heaven?"

   "Impossible, impossible."

  The five people exclaimed when they saw the young men who had taken away their weapons.

  Because they saw Li Lingtian imprisoned, and even the Wuxing Wuhun were taken away, they were dying.

   Even if there is no death, there can be no cultivation.

   Emperor Shi Yuntian was even more shocked. He saw Li Lingtian fall with his own eyes. Why did Li Lingtian now appear here well and reached Wu Zun's state.

   There is also where Tuoba Nan went, all these, the few strong men are very puzzled.

   "Haha, this is destined for the destruction of Emperor Shijia's family, you destroyed the son, but also completed the son."

After Li Lingtian finished speaking, the power of the five elements of the heavens turned out. The power of the five elements, with the meaning of destruction, was immediately shocked by the five people. The power of the five elements, and the previous Wuxing soul, did not know how much stronger it was. Ten thousand times.

  The Huangfu Yuyan and Tang Qingyue around him also looked at Emperor Shi Yuntian resentfully because they had suffered the calculation of Emperor Shi's family.

   "The Emperor Shijia's family is very powerful, indeed very powerful."

   "When you deal with him, you are already destined to destroy the Emperor Shijia's family, because you have heaven, earth, five elements and jade in your hands, and the existence of this saint."

"Want to know where Tuoba Nan has gone, he has vanished outside the ancient pagoda. Although this seal has been sealed and repaired, it can also be lifted~www.wuxiaspot.com~Although the price has been paid, this price is very worthwhile ."

   "When you display the jade of the five elements in heaven and earth, you are doomed to fail."

  Huangfu Yuyan said lightly, but the hate on her face turned into a smile, because she saw that the Emperor Shijia's family was about to be destroyed, and Li Lingtian was also completed.

  Li Lingtian naturally didn't know that when he was imprisoned by the heaven and earth five elements jade, Huangfu Yuyan had already planned to reverse Wu Sheng's true yuan to complete Li Lingtian, but at that time she needed to wait for Li Lingtian's five elements Wu soul and heaven and earth five elements jade to merge.

   The five powerful Wu Zun were shocked to hear the words of Huangfu Yuyan. They had never thought of everything controlled by the Emperor Shijia and had already lost to others.

   Fortunately, he did not offend the martial arts at that time. Looking at the current situation, the Emperor Shijia's family was really finished.

  Li Lingtian was also very moved. He did not expect that Huang Fu Yuyan had already arranged for himself when he was defeated, but he didn't say it.

   "The winner, the king, the loser!"

   "If you want to destroy Emperor Shijia, you will fall here first!"

   Emperor Shi Yuntian felt very regretful in his heart.

  Finally, the shocking attack bombarded Li Lingtian. At the same time, another strong man of the Emperor Shijia family also shot Li Lingtian, trying to kill the young man with one blow.

  In the blink of an eye, two devastating attacks came to Li Lingtian.

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