War God Supreme

Chapter 1465: Scary arrow

"Golden Realm!"

"It's said that Lord Ling Tian is in control of the realm of God, and it really is."

"It really is the realm of gold!"

Looking at Li Lingtian's Jinzhi Realm, all the powerful are shocked.

The realm is just a legend in Shenwu Continent, because this is a patent of God, and only the true **** is qualified to enlighten the realm. I did not expect Li Lingtian to control the realm by a pseudo-realm, which is simply a miracle.

The horrible real element running of Li Lingtian, the powerful Jiutian Shenwei burst out, and his eyes looked coldly at Baili Tianlan.

The dragon gas on Xiaobai's body slowly condensed, and it was possible to send a destructive blow anytime.

For a time, the war was on the verge, and all the strong men were shocked and excited. What frightened were the Lingtian adults in the semi-god and pseudo-god realm. They may be affected. The excitement is that they want to see the half-god strong and Lingtian. Who is more powerful?

The last time Li Lingtian and Baili Skyblue battled, Li Lingtian escaped, but Baili Skyblue was also seriously injured, and now the cultivation base has not recovered. Who is more powerful is still unknown.

"Sister Ling'er, long time no see."

"You come on the spaceship."

Li Lingtian spoke, step by step, walking towards the sky with a hundred miles of sky blue, with one hand stretched out, Dageng Sword appeared in his hand, and Dageng's innate artifact's coercion exploded.

The golden streamer of Dageng Excalibur flashed, shining with dazzling destruction.

He naturally didn't want Shangguan Ling'er to be killed by Baili Sky Blue. At this time, if he was Bai Li Sky Blue, he would kill Li Lingtian's relatives and friends and his colleagues, so as to shake Li Lingtian's mind, this is a very Good opportunity.

Li Lingtian naturally calculated that Baili Skyblue would be like this, so when he came to Baili Skyblue, the golden edge of Dageng Sword surged 100 meters. As long as Baili Skylan dared to take action against Shangguan Ling'er, he would be taken by Dageng Sword. Kill.


Xiaobai also knew that Li Lingtian wanted to stop Baili Sky Blue, and also flashed his figure at this time. The whole person turned into a colorful holy dragon. The power of the holy dragon unfolded, and the space was suddenly torn apart relentlessly.

The two-hundred-meter-sized multicolored holy dragon does not know how many times stronger than Tianlong.

In an instant of time, the colorful Saint Dragon came to the opposite of Li Lingtian and sandwiched Baili Sky Blue in the middle. In this way, the situation of pinch attack was completely formed. As long as Bai Li Sky Blue started, they would be shocked by two people.

"Colorful Holy Dragon!"

"It's a colorful saint dragon!"

"I didn't expect to be the colorful holy dragon of the dragon family."

"How can a dragon be multicolored?"

"This is the real dragon, with the supreme blood of the dragon family."

"Colorful Holy Dragon, beyond the existence of false **** realm."


All the strong men were shocked at this time, feeling the power of the colorful holy dragon, all trembling.

The power of this colorful sacred dragon is more powerful than the pressure that Baili sky blue puts on them, so let them know that the colorful sage dragon is beyond the existence of pseudo-realm, and has the same level as Baili sky blue.

Longwei itself is stronger than the coercion of human beings. In addition, Xiaobai’s realm is the same as the demigod realm. In recent years, his strength has been greatly improved. Although he dare not say that he can defeat Bailitianlan, it will not be like the last time. Bleak.


At this time, watching Li Lingtian and the colorful Saint Dragon have formed a pinch, the body shape of Shangguan Baiyu flashed, bypassing the direction of the three people, and quickly flew towards the spaceship.

Although they don't know whether the spacecraft is safe, they are all Li Lingtian's wife or relatives. If it is not safe, Li Lingtian will not be at ease.

Soon, several people came to the spaceship.

All the strong men stepped back hundreds of miles, and watched Li Lingtian and the colorful Saint Dragon hitting Baili Sky Blue from afar.

Now, Li Lingtian and a colorful Saint Dragon teamed up against Baili Sky Blue. This situation was completely discussed in advance.

For a time, I wanted to know who was more powerful.

None of them have the slightest details, because Li Lingtian's anti-sky is clear, and there is also a colorful holy dragon equivalent to a semi-divine realm. The power is shocking. Such a joint is simply terror.

The Baili sky blue is a strong man in a semi-divine realm, and can also be said to be a true god-like strong man. Such a strong man, the warrior can only look up, without the slightest sense of resistance.

However, this scene has a lot of confidence on both sides, and they naturally don't know who is stronger in the end.





In the air, the battle between Tianlong and the five monsters has been going on. However, Tianlong gradually appeared injured, bloody, and it looked a bit bleak.

The five monsters are constantly attacking the dragon, which is to completely kill the dragon.

I don't know how many metamorphic beasts summoned by the Spirit Earth Treasure Beast were killed, but I don't know how many suicide attacks the Tianlong beast was.

At this time, after the Dragon King became the Dragon, he felt the pressure of the Holy Dragon and shivered.

This is the sternness level of the demon clan. When the dragon is in front of the holy dragon, it is the existence of small ants.

Even if the multicolored holy dragon did not target him, but after feeling the breath of the holy dragon, the fear and fear in his heart became heavier and heavier. This is the inherent fear, the inherent fear is higher than his true level. Dragon.

While the mind was shaking, the attacks destroyed by several monsters were severely beaten several times, making him almost fall.

At the same time, I saw that Li Lingtian and the colorful Holy Dragon had pinned Baili Sky Blue. Although the war did not start, the situation was not so ideal.

As a result, I immediately felt a little dreaded, dreaded the power and means of Li Lingtian, and dreaded the power of the colorful Holy Dragon.

The fear and fear of the heart has shaken the fighting intention in the heart, and gradually, the dragon was suppressed.

"Whirring whirring!"

"Whirring whirring!"

On the island, Li Lingtian and the colorful Saint Dragon didn't do it, but the terrifying Nine Heavens Divine Prestige and the Holy Dragon Prestige made the space torn apart constantly. This situation made countless powerful people horrified.

The sky in the middle is blue, the look on the face is calm, and the true element of the whole body has reached an extreme.

However, he felt fear in his heart, and the fear became stronger and stronger.

Because he already understood that although Li Lingtian escaped in the last war, if he was really desperate, the battle between the two didn’t even know who won or lost. Li Lingtian flew him before he fled, so that he did not The power to chase down again.

Not only did he not have the strength to chase down, but he was worried that Li Lingtian would give him another magical power. In that case, he would be finished. After being hit and flew, he hurried back to the destroyed Tianlong Mountain for healing and worried that Li Lingtian would return.

However, he was lucky and Li Lingtian did not return.

At that time, he also knew that Li Lingtian escaped with all his heart, and was afraid that he would continue to hunt down. Both of them were afraid of each other, so that war was over.

In the past few years, he did not recover from his wounds because he used his killer magic power, and he also paid a heavy price. At that time, he wanted to use the magic power to defeat the colorful holy dragon, and take the colorful holy dragon as his own, but failed. Too.

The ending brought to him is that cultivation base can never be recovered.

Looking at the situation now, this Li Lingtian has been practicing for several years, the strength of the colorful Shenglong has obviously risen sharply, obviously to deal with him.

At present, his own strength is much weaker than before, but his opponent's strength has improved a lot. Under the circumstances of the balance, the situation is very unfavorable. If the war goes on, he will not be able to kill Li Lingtian. Instead, he will I was caught in a catastrophe.

In this way, the two men and a dragon stalemate in the air and did not start, but the terrifying momentum is getting stronger and stronger. As long as there is a person to do it, it will be a world-destroying war.

However, in the air, the dragon and the five monsters battled endlessly.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

"Click, click!"

The blast of destruction is constant, and the space is constantly torn apart.

The two war regiments, one motion at a time, were terrified.

All the powerful people on the island have a pale and weak look on their faces. Although it is not them who have fought in the war, they have not affected them. But in the face of such an atmosphere, they can’t stand it. Long ago collapsed in front of the atmosphere here.

Time, one second and one second.

The look on Li Lingtian's face was plain, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The multicolored holy dragon is also swinging its powerful and devastating tail, and in its claws, a colorful halo flashes.

The look on Baili Tianlan's face was numb. Now, only Tianlong defeated the five monsters and destroyed Li Lingtian's loved ones. This attacked Li Lingtian, and then the two teamed up to defeat Li Lingtian and the colorful Shenglong respectively. The bird is simply perfect.

However, this hope has long been to see Tianlong.

However, what happened to him did not happen.

The expressions on the faces of all the powerful men were horrified at this time, their eyes looking at the dragon in the air battle.

I saw Tianlong roaring, and the power of destroying the earth exploded.

"Baolong's nine-turn magic trick, ninth turn!"

After a roar~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The whole dragon body was even more terrifying, and the injuries on his body were completely restored. The power of terror bounced off the attacks of the five monsters, which looked terrible.

But what happened to him unexpectedly is the key to the shock of all the strongmen and Bailitianlan.

Because, at the ninth turn of Tianlong's exhibition, a destructive spiritual pressure erupted in the spaceship. The spiritual pressure gathered from all sides of the sky like Tianwei.

In the blink of an eye, the terrifying spirit pressure condenses.

Just as the Spiritual Pressure appeared, a terrible sharp arrow flew out of the spaceship. The sharp arrow shattered the space of heaven and earth. In front of this sharp arrow was a channel of ruined Aura.

The channel is for the arrow to open the path. The arrow penetrates the channel of the aura. The speed without space distance penetrates the space. The arrow penetrates the sky dragon fiercely. There is a hundred-meter-long aura arrow behind the arrow. The arrow of the aura instantly stirred the Tianlong out of a ten-meter-long blood hole.

Tianlong did not expect that when he just cast the ninth turn, he was completely destroyed by a sharp arrow, and the entire huge body was still in the air, with fear and despair in his eyes. ()

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