War God Supreme

Chapter 1470: Black Dragon King




The shocking sound of the sky and the roaring sound of the roaring sound kept coming. The rank of the multicolored holy dragon was weaker than that of the evil dragon.

However, Tianlong exerted the world's dragon spirit, which caused the Sin Dragon to be greatly suppressed. The Tianlong and the Holy Dragon suppressed the Sin Dragon.

For a time, the sky-destroying attack was like a rainstorm landing on the evil dragon.

The damage to Nielong is getting heavier and weaker, and the dragon spirit is getting weaker and weaker, but the thin dead camel is bigger than the horse. All the strong men have no care, and the evil spirit of Nine Dragon will disappear as long as one of the strong men is not careful.

The waters around the whole island are full of storms and waves, and the world is eclipsed.

At this time, Li Lingtianhua was the deity, with one hand extended, Shenwu Xuantianjian appeared in his hand.

Suddenly, the terrifying cyclone of destruction appeared. The cyclone of destruction was all the breath of destruction. Between one-handed swings, the ruined Jianmang bombarded the evil dragon straight.

Suddenly, the entire space is like being cut in half.

Seeing the destruction of Jianmang coming, Nielong was also shocked. A huge dragon mouth, a dragon breath bombarded Jianmang.

At this time, Li Ling's God Dragon Ring opened, and an exquisite dragon soul appeared in front of him. This dragon soul is not who the black dragon king is. After the appearance of the black dragon king's dragon soul, his eyes tremble when he sees the evil dragon.

But at the same time his eyes showed a look of excitement, more crazy look.

With a grateful glance at Li Lingtian, he understood the meaning of Li Lingtian, without any hesitation, taking advantage of the kung fu of the Dragon Dragon Breath and Jianmang, the Dragon Soul of the Black Dragon King disappeared, and when he appeared again, he entered the Dragon Dragon. Into the sea of ​​knowledge of the evil dragon.


With a screaming roar, the evil dragon rolled over the sea like a blow from destruction, rolling in pain in the air.

At this time, Nielong no longer cares about the outside attack, and keeps rolling in the air. The war inside the sea is more terrifying than the war outside.

It now knows that these humans are dealing with him, the purpose is to let other dragons take their homes.

However, he felt that the dragon soul in the sea of ​​knowledge was weak, and the evil dragon was more at ease, but what he did not expect was that this dragon soul was extremely cruel, it was simply a suicide attack, and it constantly stirred its dragon soul consciousness.


The evil dragon found the fierce dragon soul of the Black Dragon King, and no longer dared to carelessly, flew away in a flash, and dared not stay here for a long time.

This is the most terrible thing to attack inside and outside. In this place, if you are distracted against the strong outside, you will be occupied by the attack of the sea. If you are occupied by the sea of ​​knowledge, you will become other dragons. This The body no longer belongs to him.

Thinking of this, the huge body swayed in the air and quickly flew away into the distance.

Seeing such a situation, Li Lingtian shouted and took the lead in chasing away in front. The Shenwu Xuantian sword in his hand continued to bombard him.

Now, he is reluctant to use treasures such as the Dageng Excalibur. The sharp edge of the Dageng Excalibur destroys the world. If the body of the evil dragon is destroyed, then even if the Black Dragon King succeeds in winning the house, the power will also drop a lot.



Suddenly, countless powerful men chased down the evil dragon.

The devastating attack landed on Nielong. The wounds on Nielong were so bruised that they looked terrible, but Nielong did not resist at all, but fled blindly.

They didn't know why, because they didn't know that Li Lingtian sent the Dragon Soul of the Black Dragon King into the body of the evil dragon. The war in the sea of ​​evil dragon's knowledge is more terrifying than the outside world.

"Sir Ling Tian, ​​this may be useful."

The king of Linglan spoke to the sea, and when he finished speaking, he waved it with one hand and a golden rope appeared in his hand. The golden rope flew away like a spiritual creature towards the evil dragon in the sky.

The golden rope came in front of the evil dragon, and weirdly entangled it. The powerful and terrifying evil dragon was tied tightly by the golden rope.



The evil dragon was trapped by the golden rope, but was constantly struggling, the body was swinging, and the space was fragmented.

Countless powerhouses were injured when the space broke, and careless powerhouses even fell.

However, the attacks of the film continue to bombard the evil dragon, and the injury of the evil dragon has been terrible.

Countless evil dragon blood splattered in the air, looking at the dragon blood in the sky, countless strong men have already prepared bottles containing essence blood, and watching these dragon blood, Li Lingtian did not have any pity.

Moreover, the Shenwu Xuantian Sword in the hand continues to bombard, and the consumption of dragon blood will also consume the physical strength of the evil dragon, which is beneficial to the Black Dragon King.

"Don't use magical powers of destruction."

"Don't destroy him, this seat is still useful."

Li Lingtian shouted loudly, he was puzzled and curious when he heard Li Lingtian's voice, but he dared not violate it. The attacks were also ordinary attacks. These attacks only consumed the strength of the evil dragon, causing pain and not affecting the evil. The destruction of the dragon.

The evil dragon was trapped by the golden rope, but it kept swinging in the air.

All the strongmen attacked around the dragon, and for a while, the dragon was temporarily trapped.

Li Lingtian and Xiaobai looked at Nielong, and the expression on their faces was dignified.

Because the black dragon king and the evil dragon are too far apart, with the dragon soul of the black dragon king, it is not the opponent of the evil dragon at all, and this body is the evil dragon, and the evil dragon occupies the fundamental advantage.

"Xiao Bai, you help me star a little."

"I'm going to help the Black Dragon King. If something happens, I will leave here quickly."

Li Lingtian pondered for a long time, and then transmitted a voice to Xiaobai.

If you want to wait for the Black Dragon King to win the house, it is impossible. Now if no one helps the Black Dragon King, you can't defeat the Dragon Soul and God's consciousness of the evil dragon.

After finishing speaking, the eyes closed slightly, the eyes of the gods were cast, and suddenly a devastating consciousness shot towards the evil dragon, and the terrifying consciousness brought nine heavenly divine powers, all of which were specifically for dealing with the divine power or surpassing the false **** realm. Monster's.

Divine consciousness entered into the sea of ​​evil dragons, and found that in this sea of ​​knowledge, a black dragon soul and a gray dragon soul kept fighting, and the black dragon soul had been forced to the edge. It was only a matter of time before they were devoured.

Li Lingtian's consciousness naturally recognized that the black dragon soul is the soul of the black dragon king, and the other powerful dragon soul is evil dragon.

The dragon soul of the evil dragon is several times more powerful than the dragon soul of the black dragon king, and its power and purity are far from what the black dragon king can compare. Seeing this, Li Lingtian’s consciousness is ruthlessly dying The dragon's dragon soul shelled away.

The attack of Divine Consciousness is invisible, but it is the most dangerous.



The evil dragon was attacked by Li Lingtian’s consciousness, and immediately screamed. In the consciousness of the sea, the dragon soul continued to tremble, and the black dragon king’s dragon soul was assisted, and the pressure was reduced.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Dragon Soul swallowed away from the Dragon Soul of the Sin Dragon.

At this time, Li Lingtian's Nine Heavens Divine Power entered the Sea of ​​Knowledge along with the consciousness of God. The coercion of the Nine Heavens Divine Power directly suppressed the spirit of the evil dragon in the Sea of ​​Knowledge.

I don't know how long it has passed, the Nielong finally settled down, and finally fell towards the sea and floated on it.


At this time, Li Lingtian spit out blood, the whole person was extremely weak, and his face was pale and weak.

However, with a happy look in the corner of his eyes, Xiaobai glanced at Li Lingtian and knew the result of the matter.

"Lock the sky!"

Li Lingtian opened his eyes and did not rest because of his weakness. Instead, he sacrificed the Heavenly Dao Roulette Festival and exhibited the formations of Dao Dao. After a few moments of kung fu, the formation of the size of a few square meters appeared on the evil dragon.

This formation covered the evil dragon, and Ling Ling King glanced at Li Lingtian, and then the golden rope was put away.

"Everyone, you got dragon blood."

Li Lingtian finished everything and asked.

"Thank you, Lord Lingtian, the dragon blood has been obtained."

"If it weren't for Lord Ling Tian here, this time I could only look at the evil dragon."

"If Lord Ling Tian has no other orders, he will say goodbye first."


These strong men, who are not extremely cunning, have reached a false **** state, naturally there are no fools.

I can understand the meaning of Li Lingtian's words. If you get dragon blood, you can leave here, but Li Lingtian's tone is relatively smooth, which is also to give them face.

"it is good!"

Li Lingtian nodded, a smile on his face.

Suddenly, all the strong men quickly vacated, and in a blink of an eye, the hundreds of strong men who had originally surrounded the evil dragon disappeared completely.

Only the spaceships of King Linglan and Huangfu Yuyan were left in the air.

"Sir Ling Tian, ​​this palace is gone first."

King Linglan glanced at Li Lingtian and paused a moment before speaking.

There was a trace of reluctance on the face, but it was quickly disguised and nobody noticed.

"Ling Lan fairy takes care!"

A light smile appeared on Li Lingtian's face and he answered.

But he did not look at King Linglan, who flashed his body and disappeared into the air.

Seeing that everyone in the sky had left, Xiaobai and Li Lingtian both returned to the spaceship. Li Lingtian sat cross-legged and looked at the changes in Yin Long's body.

After ten days passed, the dignity on Li Lingtian's face was finally relaxed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The wounds on Nielong gradually healed, but the breath on his body began to change and became familiar, no longer so violent .

Seeing all this, Li Lingtian got up and walked towards the spaceship.

This time he was also injured and his consciousness was damaged.

"Tell me anything in time."

After Li Lingtian finished speaking, he entered the spaceship's room.

Now that the matter has been resolved, I will not be relieved if the Black Dragon King recovers.

On the scene, only Shangguan Ling'er and a few of them did not know about Li Lingtian and the Black Dragon King, not just why Li Lingtian did not kill the evil dragon, but waited here.

However, Li Lingtian did not say that they were afraid to ask anything, and could only wait quietly on the spaceship.


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