War God Supreme

Chapter 1474: Horrible demon

"This dustless pill, can withstand the air of death for about ten days."

Li Lingtian looked at Wuchen Dan a little, and then asked, the look on his face remained the same, with no slight change, and his eyes looked towards Song Xiaotian.

"Predecessors are really smart. This dustless pill, every warrior can take one for ten days, and within ten days, the medicine effect of dustless pill can resist the gas of death."

"However, the predecessors who generally enter the domain of death are to practice, a few dustless pill is enough."

"This dustless pill, although only a third-grade product, is expensive, and each dustless pill requires millions of inferior spirit stones."

The expression on Song Xiaotian's face was stunned, and he was shocked that Li Lingtian saw the efficacy of this medicine.

Later, the functions and prices of Wuchendan were mentioned. After that, I looked at Li Lingtian. Generally speaking, when the strong enter into the domain of death, we must use Wuchendan before, and then slowly adapt to the gas of death.

"This seat doesn't need such a thing."

Li Lingtian shook his head, and he didn't use this medicine at all.

All of them and their entourage are the great consummates of the false **** realm, and the spirit of death can't harm them at all.

Besides, if the gas of death really threatens them, Li Lingtian can call them into the dragon ring or the chariot of the heavenly emperor, and he is the inheritance of the **** of death. .

In the air of death, it is completely like a fish, so there is no need for a panacea like dustless pill.

Besides, if you really need the dustless pill, you can refining it yourself, and the refined pill is still the quality of the unrivaled. The divine pill master, naturally will not buy the pill of other pill master, This is the dignity of a Divine Pill Master.

"That younger generation took you to the inn."

There was a trace of disappointment in Song Xiaotian's face, but he said nothing.

Directly led Li Lingtian and others to a hotel, two separate courtyards, spent 20 million inferior spirit stone.

After settling in the inn, Li Lingtian and others gathered together.

"The front is the domain of death. Then you will enter the chariot of the emperor."

"Xiaobai, me, and Mingyue are just outside."

Li Lingtian said what he meant. If he really targeted the five-element attribute in this death domain, he would not need to use the five-element attribute.

He practiced the kung fu of the human race and the dragon race, practiced the exercises of the demons and the underworld, and practiced the qi of death and the practices of the phoenix family, no matter what kind of exercises.

Moreover, it is a sacred scripture of racial supremacy. With these exercises, no matter where you go, it will not affect him.

Xiaobai is a dragon family, and it is also the pinnacle of the power of the Holy Dragon. It is a great help to him. Mingyue is the body of the divine phoenix, and his strength is also powerful. Even with the help of Xiaobai and Mingyue, even When he met the superpowers, he was completely fearless.


"Then you will be more careful by then."

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​be careful yourself, it feels not so simple in the domain of death."

"Uncle, if there is anything interesting in it, you must shout Qingqing."

"Yeah, if it's fun, remember to call me."

Hearing Li Lingtian's words, a lot of girls were twittering, but in the end, let Li Lingtian be careful. After all, Li Lingtian's strength is here.

However, if they are not afraid of 10,000, they will be afraid, because they have gone through many dangerous places, and they are all in danger.

Speaking of being human, they would not worry about Li Lingtian, because with Li Lingtian's cultivation ability and Xiao Bai, no one is Li Lingtian's opponent at all, which also refers to the place below Tianyu.

Because the place below the sky domain will not allow the semi-divine realm strong, otherwise the sky blue will not be taken away by the messenger of the shrine.

However, in the Shenwu Continent, the territory is boundless, and I don't know how big it is.

Even if the Shenwu Continent has been searching for some mysterious places for millions of years, but there is still no man’s land. How big is the Shenwu Continent. According to some super powers of the Shenwu Continent, the place where the Shenwu Continent was discovered by the strongman is just Only a small part.

There are still many places that have never been there, and there is no such strength.

Some places are secret areas, and some places are spaces.

For example, the places such as Xiaoyao Immortal Palace and Shenwu Temple have been discovered, but there are definitely more than these secret areas on this continent.

The powerful people of Shenwu Continent have been exploring the available space and resources of Shenwu Continent, but no one has found other secret areas and resources, but there are countless strong men who have gone to some mysterious places, and their strength has risen greatly when they return.

Needless to say in other places, there are only a few places on the five continents of the Shenwu Continent that cannot be visited by the strong human beings.

That is the Youzhou and the Death Domain. These two places, one is the Demon Territory and the other is the Death Forbidden Area.

In all, these places are the most changed, and Huangfu Yuyan and others are worried about these places, because these places are not under the jurisdiction of the shrine.

"You rest first."

"Enter the domain of death tomorrow."

Li Lingtian had a long chat with Huangfu Yuyan and others, and finally returned to his room.

They didn't stay here for long, but just temporarily settled in this place, which was considered a buffer zone.

This is a strong man's habit. No matter whether he needs rest or not, he will stay for a while before entering a dangerous place, and will not directly enter the dangerous place.

One is to prepare for yourself, and the other is to make sure that you have reached the best state.


Late at night, Li Lingtian entered the realm of emptiness, and the entire city of death was in his mind.

At this moment, Li Lingtian was shocked, then woke up and turned around with a horrified look on his face.

Because when he was quiet in the realm of emptiness, there was a powerful demon qi not far away from the city of death toward the death domain, the speed was extremely fast, and the breath passed away.

What shocked him was not that the monster was powerful, but that the monster was somewhat familiar, and it also carried a heart palpitation that made him feel from the bottom of his heart.

Feeling such a breath, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed.

"Husband, what's wrong?"

"Ling Tian, ​​what did you find?"

Huangfu Yuyan and Shunmeier were beside Li Lingtian, and when they heard Li Lingtian's shock, they immediately asked.

The two accompanied Li Lingtian tonight. The two of them slept first and Li Lingtian meditated cross-legged.

"I found a strong breath."

"And I seem to have encountered this breath somewhere, but I can't remember it for a moment."

"This breath went to the death domain."

Li Lingtian spoke out what he found.

When speaking, the expression on his face was solemn.

Being able to make him feel palpitations is definitely not so simple, but for a moment it is impossible to remember when he encountered such a powerful demon spirit.

"Powerful demon spirit?"

"Will it be another demon clan strongman?"

The two watched the change in the look on Li Lingtian's face, and they both comforted me gently.

In these places of death domain, it is normal for the strong and the powerful demon to enter and exit. Besides, the death domain is so big that it is not necessary to be able to meet together inside.

"rest first."

Li Lingtian pondered for a while, and the expression on his face calmed down, lying on the bed.

Both Huangfu Yuyan and Shunmeier leaned their bodies on Li Lingtian's side. Li Lingtian felt the two's tender and tender bodies, and his heart suddenly became hot.

Going in the death domain will naturally not be so convenient, now it is just a bit easier.

One night without words, early in the morning of the next day, Li Lingtian left the inn with Nangong Mingyue and Xiaobai.

When leaving the inn, Song Xiaotian was already waiting outside.

"Have seen seniors."

Song Xiaotian looked at Li Lingtian and the others came out, but did not see the others, and there was a trace of puzzlement on his face.

But these things are not something he can ask. If you shouldn't, you can't ask. If you talk a lot, you may never have the opportunity to open your mouth again.

His practice is nothing but Emperor Wu Jing. Although he can't clearly see the practice of Li Lingtian and others, but he can't see the strong man of practice, it must be a little higher than him.


"Let's go."

Li Lingtian yelled and said, no matter what dangers exist in the death domain, he can't stop him from moving forward.

The powerful breath of last night made him feel terrified now.


"After we left the city, we steered the spacecraft that specifically entered the domain of death."

"The spacecraft has a defense against the gas of death."

Song Xiaotian nodded and replied with congratulations, then took Li Lingtian and his three people out to the city.

Came outside the city, a huge spaceship was waiting outside the city.

When Li Lingtian and others saw the spaceship, they frowned, because there were other powerful people on the spaceship, and there were still a lot of them. There were hundreds of people.

These strong men have martial arts and pseudo-realm, but they are mainly based on martial arts.

There are so many powerful people on the spaceship deck alone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ plus the spaceship, there are at least two or three hundred people on this spaceship. so many people.

I originally thought that only the three of them had a spaceship, and they looked at Song Xiaotian.

"Senior, this spaceship is dedicated to flying the dead domain."

"And it can be sent directly to the deepest part of the death zone. This spaceship is responsible for all the safety of entering the depths, and there are more people to take care of each other."

When Song Xiaotian saw Li Lingtian's complexion, he quickly opened his mouth to explain.

After the explanation, Li Lingtian and the three of them did not take it seriously, after all, it was just a spaceship.

Besides, it is better to follow these strongmen in instead of heading into the Death Domain, and wait until the depths are apart.

During this journey, I didn't have to worry about it, and then nodded and followed Song Xiaotian towards the spaceship.


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