War God Supreme

Chapter 1479: 4 Command

As time passed, Li Lingtian and his three people were ready.

Subsequently, Li Lingtian handed a jade jade to Chen Tianfang. This jade jade was the key to starting the formation. As long as the jade jade was crushed, the formation could be opened instantly.

After finishing everything, Chen Tianfang used his own power to open the formation. Li Lingtian and the three left the formation in an instant. After leaving the formation, they flew away into the distance.

Watching Li Lingtian leave, Chen Tianfang and others are a bit worried. After all, after leaving here, as long as there is no Four Commanders chasing and killing, they will not stay here and wait to die.

But they can only choose to believe, because there is no other choice.


Just a few moments after Li Lingtian and others left the formation, a shocking explosion erupted in the distance, and the breath of destruction rose to the sky.

Seeing this situation, all the powerful players in the array were excited, because this situation needless to say that Li Lingtian and the three commanders met together.


Chen Tianfang opened his mouth and everyone was ready to wait for Li Lingtian to lead the four commanders, and he went out to contain the four commanders at the same time, striving to kill the four commanders and get the tokens on him.

As for the other treasures, those are not taken care of, because Shou Yuan is important, if you don't break through, you can only wait for death.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The powerful sound of bombardment continued, and in a blink of an eye, the three figures returned towards the formation.

Needless to say, the three figures are naturally the three of Li Lingtian.

After leaving Lingfa with Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue, Li Lingtian was stared at by the powerful consciousness just after leaving. When he encountered this powerful consciousness, he immediately returned to the direction of the formation.

However, the cultivation power of the demigods is always beyond imagination. Without waiting for them to return, they were attacked by the four commanders. With the cooperation of the three, they could only resist the attack of the four commanders.

Coming to the formation, Li Lingtian and the three formed a joint force and looked at the powerful in the air.

When I looked at this middle-aged strong man, I was shocked, because this middle-aged strong man exudes a strong sense of death. If it were not his way, he would not be regarded as a human being.

"Four Commanders!"

Li Lingtian said coldly, staring coldly at the strong man in front of him.

I secretly estimated that this guy in front of me was almost the same as Baili Sky Blue. They were all in the early stage of demigod, and the time to reach demigod was not long.

"I know a lot."

"Unfortunately, it's a dream to leave here. Since it came out, don't go in."

There was a cruel smile on the faces of the four commanders, and when he looked at Nangong Mingyue and Xiaobai, the corner of his mouth showed a bloodthirsty look.

When the voice sounded, the strange figure flashed in front of the formation, blocking the route of Li Lingtian's return to the formation.

"go back?"


Li Lingtian saw the look of the four commanders, and there was a slight smile on her face.

If he hadn't encountered Baili sky blue before, he really didn't have the slightest certainty, but after the war with Baili sky blue, he had a little cognition of the powerful person above the Shenwu Continent pseudo-deity, knowing that the demi-realm is powerful.

Although the demigod is powerful, if you are careful, even if you can't beat it, there are more opportunities to escape.

What's more, he has now reached the completeness of the pseudo-god realm, and is one step closer to the semi-god realm, plus Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue, even if he is not an opponent of the semi-god realm, but it is not a problem to want to leave. .

The war of the strong requires not only a strong cultivation for strength, but also a wealth of combat experience, but also a strong psychology.

The domineering momentum is the strength of a strong man. The false **** realm faces the half **** realm strong man. The low-level warrior is naturally suppressed in front of the high-level warrior. The strong man overwhelms the low-level warrior. This is the constant law and the constant law.

However, this is not the case here in Li Lingtian. His cultivation practice is not as good as that of semi-divine realm, but the means of cultivation and control transcend his own realm, and even transcend the magical means of the powerful semi-divine realm.

Nine Heavens Divine Prestige and Divine Power are things that only the True God Strong can reach, even the Half God Realm Strong can only look up.

However, Li Lingtian controls the power and power of the Nine Heavens in the City of Nine Heavens. The power and power of the Nine Heavens City is not comparable to that of a true God.

Now, in the face of the four commanders, Li Lingtian not only does not have the slightest fear on his face, but also has a strong fighting intention.

In the dozen or so powerful players in the formation, seeing Li Lingtian face the situation of the four commanders, they are all shocked. The strong man, what is the strong man, the young man in front of him is the strong man.

Facing the semi-deity, the false **** realm is still so confident.

Seeing Li Lingtian like this, all his confidence rose.

"Enough rampant."

"Then the deity will make you cry to death."

The four commanders looked at Li Lingtian's calmness, and they were also shocked. He had never seen such a strong man, and he did not fear anyone who was higher than his own cultivation level.

When the sound fell, the gas of destruction was working. The gas of death stirred the space. Within a hundred miles of flying sand and rocks, horrible coercion bombarded Li Lingtian.

The suppression of the realm is the most basic means of war for the strong.

When he met Li Lingtian's pseudo-deity in his semi-deity, he did not need other means at all, and directly overwhelmed Li Lingtian with coercion.

"Then show your true skills."

"Semi-God, is it amazing?"

Li Lingtian's Jiu Tianshenwei broke out, and the destroyed Jiutianshenwei slammed toward the coercion of the four commanders.

In the later period, when I met Bailitianlan, I was almost dead. Now when I meet the four commanders, I have already completed the false **** realm. Even if I am not enemies, I have the power to fight.


With a muffled sound, horrible dust rose into the sky.

Li Lingtian's body retreated several hundred meters, and his face was dull.

But in the formation of the pseudo-ideal powerhouse, and the four commanders, the expression on everyone's face is shocked.

In front of the coercion of the Four Commanders, Li Lingtian not only was not crushed directly, but Li Lingtian's Nine Heavens Divine Power slammed the Four Commanders out, and his face was pale and weak.

More than that, the expression on his face was shocked and dreadful. He didn't expect Li Lingtian's coercion to be so terrifying, and he completely defeated the coercion of the half **** realm.

For a time, there was an illusion.

In the end, Li Lingtian's demigod realm or the four commanders is a demigod realm, and the two's cultivation of the realm is like being reversed by this coercive impact.

The coercion of Li Lingtian is like a semi-deity, but the coercion of the four commanders is like a pseudo-deity, otherwise he will not be defeated by Li Lingtian.

"Nine Heavens Divine Prestige, crush!"

Seeing his Jiutian Shenwei occupying a strong advantage, Li Lingtian was secretly happy.

In the past, when I cast my own nine days of supernatural power, when I met Baili sky blue, I was also suppressed.

However, after he reached the great consummation of the pseudo-god realm, he played an advantage when he played Jiutian Shenwei and met the half-god power again.

A strong person with a false **** realm has the opportunity to crush the semi-god realm with coercion. Such good things will be missed.

Suddenly, Jiutian Shenwei rolled out with all his strength, and heaven and earth tremble at this time. What kind of existence is Jiutian Shenwei? The pressure of a **** city came.


The four commanders saw Li Lingtian's terrifying Jiutian Shenwei, and the look on his face changed.

He is a strong demigod, and is infinitely close to the existence of the true god. He naturally understands the might of the god, even if he understands the might of the god, but he cannot have the **** power. This is the gap between the **** and the god.

The true **** possesses divine authority, while the demigods possess only the coercion of ordinary people.

At the same time frightened at the same time, he was furious. Li Lingtian was in control of Shenwei with a false **** realm. The furious Li Lingtian used Shenwei to crush him. It was an insult to him.

"The favorite of this seat is that the powerful people with better realm than this seat crush the seat with coercion."

"It is also the most disgusting person who uses coercion in front of this seat."

Li Lingtian said coldly, the expression on his face became very cold.

Desperately, Nine Heavens Divine Power slammed toward the Four Commanders.

In an instant, the world changed color, and the storm surged.

Nine days were furious, the sky roared, and Nine Heavens divine power crushed on the four commanders.



The look on the four commanders' face was shocked. This was the shame of his life, and the first time in his life that he had encountered such a perverted strong man, and he was crushed by the coercion of a junior who was much lower than himself. Too.

The horrible Jiutian Shenwei crushed, and a spit of blood spewed out.

Feeling to be suppressed by Jiu Tianshenwei, he roared and roared all his life, and the terrifying air of death stirred into the sky, and at the same time, a strange wave of swaying, he escaped from the crushing of Jiutianshenwei.

After retreating, the look on his face was ugly.



It was at this time that the following formation was torn apart, and a dozen or so pseudo-real world strong figures rose into the sky.

More than a dozen pseudo-magic realm strongmen exhibited the most powerful attacks. In a flash, dozens of devastating attacks bombarded the four commanders, and the attacks were overwhelmingly rolled towards the four commanders.

Seeing this situation, the look on the faces of the four commanders changed.

He didn't expect these strong men to appear at this time at the same time, facing a devastating attack, he finally felt a trace of fear in his heart.

boom! boom! boom!

There was a loud explosion, and more than ten attacks bombarded the four commanders.

I saw a faint halo on the four commanders~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The halo resisted all attacks.

The halo was trembling constantly, as if it was about to break at any time.

However, even if this is the case, the false **** realm wants to break the defense of the half **** realm, it is simply delusion.

"Dageng Excalibur, cut!"

At this time, Li Lingtian was suspended in the air, and the Five Elements Yuanshen worked.

The operation of the Five Elements Yuanshen, the suddenly shocking True Yuan burst out, and now his cultivation practice is the Great Consummation, but the True Yuan has already surpassed the realm of false **** realm.

Zhenyuan was running out, and Jinzhi's realm also broke out at this time. With one hand stretched out, Dageng Sword appeared in his hand.

Suddenly, a huge ruined golden edge fell towards the four commanders. The whole action looked like flowing water, and in a blink of an eye, the golden edge fell in front of the four commanders.


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