War God Supreme

Chapter 1490: Half God Realm

"Demon Power!"

"Demon Power!"

Feeling the gas of destruction and death in the hall, the expressions on the faces of the five half-real powerhouses kept changing.

If this is going to continue, even if it is not killed by the corpse and the three leaders, it will also be eroded and killed by the gas of death, and humans have less and less powerful pseudo-realms. Seeing this strongman, five The half **** realm glanced at each other.

The power of ruining the heavens and the earth exploded, and the mortal real elements of the demigod realm were simultaneously exerted to the extreme at this time. The power of the demigod is the most powerful and the most basic power of the demigod realm.

The power of the super power is the most powerful means. In the face of the power of the demigod, any pseudo-god is defeated.

Ten drops in one force!

The five demigod powerhouses simultaneously exerted the power of demigods. The power of terror suddenly stirred all the corpses into ashes, and several pseudo-godmound perfectionists were thrown out involuntarily.

Looking at the power of Semi-Divine Realm, the expressions on the faces of several strong Pseudo-Divines shocked, and finally suppressed by the death to move on the ground, now they understand the real power of Semi-Divine Realm, it is not a false divine realm at all. The strong can imagine and compare.



The power of the demigod was displayed, and I saw the mysterious light in front of the five demigod powerhouses in the hall. The light seemed peaceful, but it gave people an endless destruction.

The power of the five demi-gods is getting stronger and stronger. The hall shook like an unsustainable destruction. The air twisted and the space shattered. The whole situation was terrifying.

At the same time, when exerting the power of the demigod, the look on the faces of the five strong men was distorted, as if it were a soul-pumping exercise.

Naturally, there is a price to pay for the horrible demigod's power.

Moreover, the power of the demigod is not much at all for the demigod realm, and it is used less, but it is not so simple to restore.

"The power of death."

Looking at the five half-god powerhouses exerting the power of half-gods at the same time, the look on the faces of the three commanders was also shocked. I did not expect the five strongmen to spare their own half-god power to deal with them.

At this time, I didn't dare to hesitate, my eyes looked at each other, and the power of death was exerted.

Suddenly, the terrifying death gas condensed together, and the power of destruction erupted from the three commanders. The three commanders were all terrifying demigod powers, even stronger than the five human powers. When the force is strong, the space bursts and twists and tears.



For a time, the three commanders and the five half-divine powerhouses in the hall displayed their most powerful means. The fragmentation of space gradually formed two huge destruction cyclones.

The powers of death from the three commanders are fused together, and the powers of the demigods of the five demigods are also fused together.

The terrible destruction cyclone is getting more and more terrifying, countless corpses, and a few pseudo-real world great perfect powerhouses, in the face of the two cyclones' pressure, they can't move on the ground, even their fingers can't move.



Two loud roars sounded, and as the sound rang, the two devastating cyclones slammed together.

The power of the half **** realm teamed up, ruining the world, and at this time hitting hard together, the hall suddenly shook.

The Cyclones of the Three Commanders and the Cyclones of the Five Half-God Powers froze together.

However, the power of the ruined demigod was ruthlessly crushed in the hall.


There was a sound of blood spray, and the remaining few pseudo-gods of the Great Consummation strongman spouted a blood at the same time.

The expressions on the faces of Chen Tianfang and Ling Yunsong were even more shocking. When they started to cooperate with Li Lingtian against the Four Commanders, there was no such strong pressure, but now they are ruthlessly crushed.

The half **** realm has a unique aura between heaven and earth, which is the realm in the eyes of the strong, but this aura differs from the realm by 18,000 miles.

However, even if this is the case, the aura of the semi-godly strong is extremely terrifying.

A strong person with a semi-god level is strong against the sky, and several strong hands with half-god realm join forces to fight. This kind of power can be imagined.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Click! Click!"


In the hall, two cyclones destroy this space.

Gradually, the power of the demigod of the strong human beings occupies a number of advantages. Under desperation, the five demigods crush the power of the death of the three commanders. Over time, five people occupy the powerful Advantage.

The power of the demigods prevailed, constantly crushing the power of death, and the look on the faces of the three commanders was ugly to the extreme.

At this moment, a shocking explosion, the cyclone of the power of death was crushed, and the power of the demi-god bombarded the three commanders.

Without the power of teaming up, they suddenly tore up the strength of their teaming death, and now there is no defense at all, watching the destructive power of the demi-god power rolling over.



A mouthful of blood spewed out at the same time, and all three threw them towards the back of the hall.

However, the destructive power of the demigod was like rolling eyes towards the three commanders.

With a scream, the power of the demigods of the five demigods crushed on the three commanders, and the horror of the three commanders was ruthlessly destroyed, and the smoke disappeared in an instant.


Among the three commanders, the three commanders disappeared, leaving only two commanders and the second commander, and the five semi-god powerhouses of mankind only consumed the power of the semi-god.

Looking at the remaining two commanders, the expressions on the faces of the five and a half divine strong men were ruthless.

"God's Shackles!"

The five half-god powerhouses turned and looked at each other, and suddenly a strange breath appeared on their bodies.

When this strange breath appeared, the original demigod's power became more violent, as if to destroy the world.

The power of demigods became violent, and this violent force made people feel uneasy for a while.

"The Soul of Death!"

The commander-in-chief and the commander-in-chief had a slight fear on their faces.

But it quickly faded and his face became cruel.

Both of them knew that the five half-god powerhouses would pay a heavy price to kill him two. Seeing such a situation, neither of them dared to have the slightest reservation, and the gas of death reached the extreme.

The spirit inside the body was also mobilized, and it was completely a desperate attack.



In the air, the power of horror soul appeared in front of the two commanders, and the power of soul merged with the power of death.

Suddenly, several pseudo-realm strongmen in the hall were crushed and passed out.

The look on the faces of the five half-god powerhouses also became horrified, and there was a trace of regret in their eyes. Such a desperate attack, for the half-god powerhouses, was simply worth the loss.

But now that it has reached this point, it is impossible to repent.

The only thing that can be done now is to use the most powerful demigod power to the extreme, hoping to survive.


The two destructive forces twirled and torn in the hall. When they did not collide together, the space was torn apart, and it looked terrible, like the end of the world.

In a blink of an eye, two devastating attacks slammed together.

Bombing together like a tornado, the space is broken like a broken mirror.

The semi-death level powerhouse battle, win or lose in an instant.


With a loud explosion, the space of the hall was silent for a short time.

Time seems to be static, but after a short period of silence, the entire hall is constantly torn apart, and the bodies of the two commanders are torn into pieces.

The five semi-God Powers were also thrown out, and they hit the stone wall of the hall fiercely. The previously stunned few Pseudo Powers of the Gods also threw up like defeated grass, and finally fell on the stone wall. on the ground.

The demon king was also thrown up by the destruction, and the wounds were hurt and the expression on his face was pale and weak.

At this time, the destruction of the main hall tore two huge holes.

The void is like a passage, but at this moment, a strange vibration in the space, the three storage bags of the Falling Command disappeared, and the token that Chen Tian let go disappears.

All this happened in the middle of destruction, and nobody noticed the change at all.


The blood of the five and a half gods spurted out, and the look on their faces was pale and weak. The whole person was extremely weak. However, when they saw the three commanders had fallen, there was a faint smile on the corner of the mouth, but the smile was carried A trace of bitterness.

Looking at the tunnel in the hall that was torn by the power of destruction, the five half-death powerhouses flew toward the cave between the flashing figures, and three of the remaining pseudo-deity powerhouses in black The strong man first reacted, and after a glance, his figure flashed and entered another passage.

Soon, the surviving strongmen in the hall also entered the hole. When they saw the passage, even the token thing was forgotten~www.wuxiaspot.com~ through the hall of the hall, five and a half gods are strong The writer entered a small world of film. This world does not know how big it is, and the intensity of death is unimaginable.

There is dense fog everywhere, and richness is the formation of a rich death gas, and the purity of the death gas is not comparable to the death gas outside.


When the five half-divine powerhouses entered the world behind the main hall, several other pseudo-landform powerhouses also followed into it, and the Celestial Saint King also followed.

Everyone looked at this place, and they quickly separated, and flew away to other places.

The demigod powerhouse is injured and dared not to be with other fighters of the same rank. The pseudo-moodscape powerhouse dare not stay with the demigodland powerhouse. The four commanders have been killed, no longer. There is nothing to worry about.

You can safely find what you want here.


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