War God Supreme

Chapter 1499: Demigod ban



The roaring sounds of the shaking sky kept on sounding, and the terrifying destruction blasted the crystal palace.

On the fifth floor of the Crystal Palace, a group of horrible death beasts chased after the six half-god powerhouses. This scene looks very funny, but it is terrifying to the extreme. If it is not good, it will disappear.

Dongsheng Shengtian, Huyan Yunxiao and others, the expression on his face was pale and weak, and the blood on the corner of his mouth kept overflowing, and he looked ugly to the extreme.

They did not think that it was easy to come to the fifth floor before Li Lingtian took the treasure, thinking that they could get the treasure cherished when they came to the fifth floor, but after the fifth floor.

The treasure was seen, but Li Lingtian was not seen.

Li Lingtian disappeared, but he saw hundreds of death beasts. The terrifying death beasts chased them endlessly. In this situation, several powerful men were about to collapse.

What kind of luck is this, the good things are taken up by Li Lingtian, and the bad things are encountered by them.

"Join together."

"One by one, or we will all be left here."

Gong Yangfeng shouted loudly, if so many death beasts, if they attack and resist indiscriminately, they will not be able to kill a death beast, but they will be beaten here by groups.

If there is an exit in this place, they fled without hesitation.

But this place is a dead end, only the incoming teleportation circle, there is no way to leave.

Now, even if there is a way to leave, there is no chance to find it.

The only thing is to kill these dead beasts and join hands to kill them. Only by killing the dead beasts will you have the opportunity to leave here and get the treasures here.

Even the strongest demigod is powerful, but in the face of so many death beasts, there is no way at all.

"it is good."

"Get together."

"At the same time attack one of them."

Dongfang Shengtian heard Gong Yangfeng's words and answered.

Then a few semi-godly strong men quickly gathered together, back-to-back attacks.

Three people attack a death beast at the same time. The attack of the demigod powerhouse is earth-shattering. Every blow is a power of destruction.




Suddenly, with a burst of destruction, the half-divine realm teamed up, even if the death beast was powerful, but there was no defense. Under the joint of the half-divine realm, the death beasts fell one by one.

Originally, the human half **** realm was stronger than the death beast. At first, they were chased and killed by the death beast. They did not join forces and could only escape.

Now after joining forces, the power will destroy the world, and every blow will destroy a death beast.

However, each attack consumes powerful and terrifying real elements.

Moreover, although the death beast was destroyed, the attack was terrifying to the extreme. For a time, the death beast fell, and the half **** realm was injured.




A loud bang, a scream, and a sound of destruction.

The screams and the sound of death fuse together, resounding throughout the fifth floor of the crystal palace.

The death beasts disappeared, but the demigods were constantly injured, and the injury was getting worse.

Although the death beast quickly died, but a few semi-godly strong men were not happy at all.

Because after being killed for so long, although the death beasts have mostly died, they also suffered heavy injuries themselves, destroying the enemy by one thousand and injuring 800.

Moreover, the six death beasts in the center of the crystal steps haven't moved for a while, but they exude a powerful sense of death, and their **** eyes stare at the six and a half gods.

Seeing this, Dongsheng Shengtian and others gradually grew desperate.

Another thing is Li Lingtian.

At first I thought Li Lingtian fell, but now it seems absolutely not so simple.

With the help of a celestial division, he won't be killed in seconds, it must be hidden.

After hiding, these death beasts. Leave it to them, wait until the critical moment to destroy them, and kill them. Thinking of this, several strong men are more and more afraid.

But even so, they dare not stop, as soon as they stop, they will be swallowed by the dead beast.



"Oh, ah!"

"Roar, roar!"


The shocking thunder, the horrible screams, the death beast did not stop because of the companion's fall, but became cruel.

At this time, the six dead beasts that had not been moving were moving, and one of them died roaring. This roaring life was like a horn during the war.

The roaring sound aroused the remaining death beasts, and all the death beast attacks were even more desperate, completely suicidal attacks.



Dongfang Shengtian's expression on his face became paler and paler day by day, and the truth on his body gradually ran out.

Every time you take a shot, your strength is very different from the start.

Now, the attack is just instinctive, subconscious attack, there is no chance at all.

One was undefended, and the three dead beasts rushed towards one of the half-death powerhouses, and the power of destruction bombarded this half-death powerhouse.

A bit of blood spurted out from the half **** realm strong, and then a scream was made, and the half **** realm strong was destroyed.

Seeing the destruction of their companions, the remaining five half-divine powerhouses bombarded the devastating attack towards the death beast, and the three death beasts disappeared.

One of the six and a half **** realm has been killed, and now there are only the East Shengtian, Chengting River, Gongyang Peak, Huyan Yunxiao and Heavenly Demon Saint King.



Over time, the five and a half gods have no strength.

The look on his face became extremely ugly. As the last muffled noise fell, Dongsheng Shengtian spurted blood, and the last death beast disappeared.

The five of them are sitting on the ground with one buttocks. Now, there is no real element at all, and the eyes are full of despair and unwillingness.

Although general

Hundreds of death beasts were killed, but one of the six and a half gods has been killed, and the remaining five have no effort at all. Moreover, the six death beasts in the center of the crystal steps have not been so far. A little hands-on look.

What kind of existence they are, naturally know that the six death beasts are the leaders of other death beasts, and the remaining six death beasts are obviously much stronger than the others.

Even if they fight alone, they are not necessarily opponents of the six dead beasts.

At present, there are only five semi-divine realms, and they are all so badly injured that they can no longer be serious. The six death beasts have not moved a bit, and the strength on both sides need not be known.


At this time, the six dead beasts stood up and a roaring sound rang.

The whole momentum is like that the soldiers fell and the general was dispatched.

In other words, the bigger and smaller, the older will come out.

This is how it looks now. Six huge death beasts stood up, and the terrible death gas burst out of their bodies. No matter the body or the momentum, they were not comparable to those death beasts.

The terrifying momentum and the spirit of death pressed hard against the East Shengtian and others.

This prestige and breath is completely crushed, constantly crushing Dongfang Shengtian and others.

Crushed by the power of terror and the gas of death, the expressions on the faces of Dongfang Shengtian and others are constantly changing. What kind of existence they are is that they crush others by themselves, and no one has ever crushed them.

Now, they were crushed by the power of several dead beasts, and they were crushed so that they had no strength to resist, and could only be crushed by the air of death.


In the face of the power of the six dead beasts, the breath of destruction made a few people in Dongfang Shengtian spit blood.

This is not over yet. After the six dead beasts stood up, the gas of death in the body continued to compress, and I saw six death rays in front of the six dead beasts, and the rays finally merged together.

After the six death rays merged together, the entire crystal palace shivered, the space was torn, and the air was twisted, as if it were about to be destroyed.

"The last blow."

When Hu Yanyunxiao saw the six death beasts exhibiting the same spirit of death at the same time, he immediately understood that these death beasts were trained and started their attacks to consume their strength.

Now that they had no power to fight back, they carried out the most terrifying attack to kill them.

Seeing this, the look on the faces of several people was ugly.

"Don't wait."

"Do it, otherwise it will be too late to regret."

Cheng Tinghe said loudly, the expression on his face was solemn.

His eyes looked at several other strong men. After he finished speaking, the exercises started. The original elements that had been used up were recovered strangely. Although not all of them were recovered, they were recovered for half.

Moreover, the body's momentum also skyrocketed, and the whole person's spirit was extremely good, and the breath of destruction exploded on him.

At the same time, Dongfang Shengtian and Huyan Yunxiao, etc., also operated the exercises strangely at this time.

Suddenly, the original five weak half-god powerhouses all recovered a small half of their true unit at this time, and the power of terror was much stronger than at the beginning, just like taking a stimulant.

"Half God Forbidden Curse, the world's vitality is coming!"

"Forbidden Power~www.wuxiaspot.com~The Power of Destruction!"

Dongfang Shengtian and others, watching the death beasts join forces to display the terrifying air of death, did not dare to hesitate and reserve at this time.

At the same time, the last killer skill of the semi-god realm is displayed, and the use of this killer skill, although powerful, destroys the world, but the price paid is not affordable to the average person. Even the strong man of the semi-god realm does not dare to easily cast this semi-god ban. curse.

Every time a half-god forbidden spell is cast, it will consume horrible Shou Yuan and cultivation behavior, and cultivation cultivation needs to fall a large amount, and it cannot cast a powerful true element within a certain time.

Risking this is to resist the destruction of the death beast. If you do not carry out such an attack, by the time the death beast is destroyed, there will be no chance of regret.

Suddenly, the five half-magic powerhouses exhibited the most terrifying killer imprisonment.

The entire crystal palace seemed to shake, the space was constantly torn, and the air was twisted.


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