War God Supreme

Chapter 1521: Yunfeng Island

"This is easy to handle. When we find a place suitable for cultivation, we will repair it to a breakthrough in strength and then erase the Xuanyin Temple. Hey, interesting college Baidu interesting college."

"It's better that Xuanyin Temple doesn't oppose us, but this is already impossible, because they have angered us."

Tang Zimeng's view of Li Lingtian has always been that Li Lingtian couldn't do it, just the length of time. With Li Lingtian's strength and talent, even the most powerful enemy can wipe it out.

Even if she heard that Li Lingtian said that there were ten half gods in the outer hall of Xuanyin Temple, she thought so.

Because Li Lingtian's current cultivation practice has reached the peak of the pseudo-realm consummation, even if the strong man in front of the semi-realm super early stage, he can still escape.

What's more, Li Lingtian doesn't want to say that he will deal with Xuanyin Palace immediately.

"Now take a break first, you choose your own room."

"Although I only lived for a while, but it is really not easy to find a place suitable for cultivation."

Li Lingtian smiled and stretched his hand to pull Tang Zimeng. Tang Zimeng also leaned on Li Lingtian's arms, without any worries at all, because here are his own sisters.

Besides, she is Li Lingtian's wife, so the intimacy is normal.

Next, Li Lingtian and others temporarily lived in the mansion purchased by Hou Yu in Xuelietiancheng.

As time passed, Hou Yu found Li Lingtian.

"Sir Ling Tian, ​​we searched for a period of time near Xuanyin Temple. We searched all the places around Xuanyin Temple. There are two suitable places for cultivation, but the cost is too high."

"One is Yunfeng Island in East Tomorrow City, and the other is Earth Shafeng in Xuelietian City."

"East Tomorrow City Yunfeng Island is 300,000 miles from the edge, and the island is 10,000 miles in size, but East Tomorrow City has a price of ten trillion yuan for the next grade of Lingshi."

"The ground peak of Xuelie Tiancheng is 60,000 miles away from Tiancheng, the area is about 30,000 miles in size, and the required price is 8 trillion."

Hou Yu told the news that his Hou family had inquired during this period. During this period, the strong people of the Hou family mainly searched for places suitable for cultivation. Generally, they were ignored by Dongfu because such caves were not suitable for Li Lingtian. Alchemy.

It is also easy to expose Li Lingtian's identity, so the strong men of the Hou family are looking for some remote places, and the spirit of the fairy is also very strong, and the surrounding population is scarce.

Finally, after confirming, the two places of Dongming Tomorrow City and Xuelietian City are more suitable, but the price almost makes people collapse. Even the Hou family can't get so many spirit stones.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Li Lingtian, not knowing what Li Lingtian had instructed.

More is to know whether Li Lingtian can buy these two places. After all, these are trillions of spirit stones. The Hou family is also a big family, but he also feels speechless in front of trillions of spirit stones.

"How far away is Yunfeng Island from tomorrow tomorrow city."

After listening to Li Lingtian, he was satisfied with Yunfeng Island.

Although he didn't care about the name, he was surrounded by girls. If he lived in a dire peak, it was indeed a bit inappropriate and affected the mood of cultivation, and this place was too close to Xuelietiancheng.

In Yunfeng Island, it is at least 300,000 miles from the edge, so even if it is alchemy, not many people find his identity.

And living in the island is more convenient for defense.

Regardless of which aspect, Yunfeng Island is several times better than Earth Peak.

"The distance between Yunfeng Island and Xuanyin Temple is farther than Earth Shafeng, but for the Pseudo-Shenjing Powerhouse, this distance is only an hour."

Hou Yu heard Li Lingtian directly asking Yunfeng Island, and the look on his face was plain, and he was shocked.

The Divine Pill Master is the Divine Pill Master. It has absolutely nothing to do with trillions of spirit stones, and also chooses Yunfeng Island, which is expensive.

Then the approximate distance between Yunfeng Island and Xuanyin Temple was mentioned, and then compared with Dishafeng.

"Well, let's go to Yunfeng Island."

"You go to deal with it, just a few days to move over here."

"You take this spirit stone."

Li Lingtian moved his mind and took out a storage bag, which was full of storage bags.

Hou Yu knew that there was a spirit stone in it, and when Li Lingtian gave him the storage bag, he suddenly felt stunned, but his face showed a happy look. Li Lingtian was able to give him 10 trillion spirit stones to deal with, which is also right. It is indeed an honor for him to be trusted by the First Divine Pill Master of Shenwu Continent.

Subsequently, Hou Yu retreated with a spirit stone.

But after going back, after finding the spirit stone in the storage bag, the whole person could not calm down.

Because there are storage bags inside the storage bag, count them, there are a lot of storage bags inside, and they are full of spirit stones.

There are a total of fifteen trillion inferior spirit stones, and Yunfeng Island only needs ten trillion spirit stones, but Li Lingtian now gives him fifteen trillion spirit stones, which is obviously to compensate them for the spirit stones consumed by the Hou family during this period.

Seeing such a situation, the look on Hou Yu's face changed constantly.

This Divine Pill Master really is the first evil against the continent of Shenwu Continent. Dealing never gives people a little talk, never taking advantage of others, but if he wants to get it, he will get it no matter what means, but that is Will not take advantage easily.

Looking at so many spirit stones, Hou Yu divided ten trillion yuan, and then took out five trillion inferior spirit stones, and after discussing with the family's strongmen, they were divided, which was regarded as the funds for dealing with Xianyu in the future.

Li Lingtian naturally does not care about these spirit stones. With his ability, even if it is not alchemy, the spirit stones are inexhaustible.

Because of each great battle, he will reap countless wealth, and a little spirit stone will be nothing.

It hasn't been counted for a long time, and the last time he sorted out, he had reached as much as three trillion yuan for the inferior spirit stone alone, and nearly two million for the highest grade spirit stone.

During this period of time, there have been several wars, and the harvested storage bags are many, and they are all powerful in pseudo-deity and demise.


The sea area of ​​Tianhan is vast and boundless. This area belongs to the site of East Tomorrow City of Chunyang Empire. East Tomorrow City does not know how many billions of miles it is. This sea area also belongs to East Tomorrow City.

Almost one-third of the East Tomorrow City's strongmen survived on the sea of ​​Tianhan.

Tianhan sea is rich in resources, even in the entire fairy field, it is also one of the most famous sea areas.

In the same way, the strength of East Tomorrow City also depends on the sea of ​​Tianhan.

At a distance of 300,000 miles from the edge of the sea, this place is called the devil's area, because the weather here is bad, the wind and clouds are changing and invisible, even the strong people dare not go to this place to hunt easily, this place is the legendary Yunfeng Island .

Yunfeng Island is about a thousand miles in size, and there are four peaks in the island. The peaks are not large, but they are thousands of meters high.

If you look at the island outside it, you can't see it at all.

Because hundreds of thousands of miles around Yunfeng Island are full of dense fog, if there is no fixed teleportation array, the island cannot be found unless it is luck.

The origin of the name Yunfeng Island is also mostly because of the thick fog here. The dense fog covers the hundreds of thousands of miles, and four mountain peaks are called Yunfeng Island.

That is to say, within these hundreds of thousands of miles, almost all are the forbidden places of the strong. No one dared to enter the fog. As the matter grows, the sea beasts here are also extremely powerful, and there are powerful sea beasts everywhere.

No one has come here all the year round, plus the strong fairy spirit in Shanghai itself, the richness of this fairy spirit in Yunfeng Island has surpassed countless heavens.

On this day, a huge spaceship flew fast in the air, and finally stopped steadily in front of the dense fog area.

A young man in white is standing on the spaceship. Behind the young man in white is a dozen powerful people with pseudo-real world consummation. These strong men have a respectful expression on their faces and do not dare to say anything.

"Sir Lingtian, this is the area of ​​Yunfeng Island, and Yunfeng Island is in this cloud."

"The cloud is more concentrated toward the center. The whole cloud is nearly a million miles in size. No strong man dares to enter this cloud and there are countless powerful sea beasts in the cloud area."

"I heard that there are mysterious and powerful cloud beasts and cloud spirits in the cloud and mist. Even if the great consummate enters, there will be no return."

Hou Yu stepped forward and said to Li Lingtian respectfully.

As he spoke, his eyes looked at Yunwu, and the expression on his face was constantly changing.

Even if he practiced at the pinnacle of his pseudo-real world peak, he was trembling in the face of this cloud and fog, because in this cloud and fog, there are countless powerful sea beasts, there are cloud beasts in the middle, and there are cloud spirits on the top, and they enter, It's like entering a maze, losing a sense of direction, and never going out.

"Yun Jing? Yun Beast?"

Li Lingtian was also shocked. These things are all treasures of strange animals, and they are also treasure materials of alchemy. It is extremely difficult to find them.

The general strongmen have never heard of it, let alone seen it. I did not expect to have such a thing in such a sea area. I was immediately curious. Although it is only a legend, this legend is also in this cloud.

"Yes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are powerful people who have obtained Yun Beast and Yun Jing before."

"It's just that the price paid is too high. It is said that there are hundreds of pseudo-spiritual powerhouses, and only one person goes out. After going out, the injury is serious, and the repair is almost scrapped."

Hou Yu said conscientiously, standing on the side after speaking, waiting for Li Lingtian to order.

"Go back."

"Come here again if there is important news. I will find you if something happens to you."

Li Lingtian pondered for a while, then waved his hand, beckoning Hou Yu and others to leave, he went into the cloud alone.

Although the cloud is rich, the spirit of fairy spirits is very strong. The fairy gas above the sea slowly comes towards this place, as if there is something that absorbs the spirit of gathering fairy spirits.

With his strength as a cultivation base, and the cultivation of the battle against the sky, it is also very simple to find Yunfeng Island in this place. ()

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