War God Supreme

Chapter 1545: Fight 9 sons

The air attack finally stopped, and the elders and the nine sons were relieved. network

If Li Lingtian didn’t speak well, they could only admit it was unlucky.

After suffering the devastating attack for so long, the two were also injured, and after the attack stopped, the two almost collapsed.

His eyes were all looking at Li Lingtian and others, and stopped Li Lingtian's attack. He felt a gap in his heart, that is, the gap of the strong, and he killed and killed his fellows in order to survive.

Opponents speak words, this is what the real strong can do, because Li Lingtian does not take them seriously.

"Later, I don't want to see this happen."

"If something like this happens, the first one in this seat will not let him go."

"Even if you die, you will all die. If you want to come back, you will all come back to this seat."

Li Lingtian didn't go to see the elders and the nine sons at all, but turned his eyes to Long Da and the three and a half gods, and said lightly, with a serious look on his face.

Although the voice is quiet, it exudes a majesty that cannot be violated.

At the same time, I also felt Li Lingtian's aversion to the fellows of the same family. If such a thing happened to the Xiaoyao dynasty, they believed that Li Lingtian would definitely crush those who were in the same family.

"Subordinates obey."

Long Da and the three half-magic powerhouses respectfully saluted the answer.

I admire Li Lingtian's words from the bottom of my heart, and at the same time I am happy with Li Lingtian's order, because self-killing is the most hated thing of a force. If you are in the same door, this force will not have complete trust and core.

Only when they are united with each other can they exert powerful forces, and such forces have a future.

"Xiao Bai, you are staring at Jiugong."

"Ji Yi, you stare at the elder."

Li Lingtian said softly to Xiaobai and Ji Yi. After that, with one hand, a crack appeared in the mask.

The photomask opens, Li Lingtian and others leave the photomask and come out of the island.

Long Da and the three half-real powerhouses also followed quickly.

The three half gods are Chengming Pavilion, Lou Feng and Dongyun.

"Li Lingtian, you finally came out."

"My son thought you wouldn't dare to come out of hiding. If you have the skill, you will compete with your son."

Seeing Li Lingtian and others coming out, the look on Jiu Gongzi's face changed several times. He was jealous of Li Lingtian, but he was not a fool.

The super powerhouses in the early stage of Semi-God Realm now see that there are three Half-God Powerhouses next to Li Lingtian, and these three Half-God Powerhouses are not easy to deal with, let alone one Li Lingtian.

Now, he has no idea of ​​defeating Li Lingtian, but has to find a way to leave here.

If you don't leave here, you will be killed by Li Lingtian and others, and even killed by the formation here.

"I believe Xuanyin Palace will not be all ignorance like you."

"If it were so, then this seat had to admire the luck of Xuanyin Temple."

"This seat will give you a chance to see how capable you are."

With a faint smile on his face, Li Lingtian glanced at Jiugongzi. This Jiugongzi grew up to be a talented person, and his cultivation ability is also very profound. In the Shenwu Continent, it is also a top character.

Moreover, the cultivation behavior of the nine sons is also the deepest one he has encountered. Naturally, he will not let this opportunity pass.

"it is good."

"It is rumored that your false **** realm can fight against the half **** realm, and today the son shows you the real strength of the half **** realm."

Jiujiu heard Li Lingtian's words, and felt relieved.

In his eyes, even if Li Lingtian was rumored to be even more powerful, it was only a false **** realm. The false **** realm can never cross the limits of the realm. He was a super powerhouse in the early stage of the semi-divine realm. He had to deal with a false **** realm. It's easy.

Although Li Lingtian's position is strong, if he really fights against him, there is no chance at all. Once he finds an opportunity, he seizes Li Lingtian and then uses Li Lingtian to threaten other strong men.

Thinking of this, Jiugongzi slowly relaxed in his heart.

When the sound falls, the true element of the whole body works, and the terrible coercion erupts at this time.

In the early stage of the semi-god realm, the pressure of the strong men came to Li Lingtian like a storm. The high-level strong men habitually used the coercion against the lower-level opponents.

One level higher, the coercion of the first level of power is an overwhelming attack.

In the face of such coercion, the low-level powerhouse was only crushed by coercion.

The same is true for Jiugongzi, who also wants to crush Li Lingtian with his violent demigod.


"Do not control yourself!"

Li Lingtian saw Jiu Gongzi crushing him with coercion, and there was a trace of disdain on his face.

He has seen such strong men. The strong men who fought against him are basically cultivated much higher than him. They all want to use coercion to crush him, but they are often crushed by their coercion to their opponents. Too.

When the divine consciousness moved, the Nine Heavens Divine Prestige was in operation, and a terrifying Divine Prestige went directly against the Nine Princes.

Divine prestige, the coercion that only powerful people above the true **** can have, such coercion is called divine prestige.

Nine Heavens Divine Prestige, which is beyond the countless powerful powers of the True God. Nine Heavens Divine Prestige is almost the most powerful and mysterious among the powerful powers above the True God.

Moreover, Jiutian Shenwei is the divine power that condenses Jiutian Shencheng, a divine power of Jiutian Shencheng, and its power can be imagined.

The ruined Jiutian Shenwei has been controlled by Li Lingtian to the point of becoming a master. Even if he meets a strong man who is a few higher than him, he can use Jiutian Shenwei to resist or even crush the opponent's authority.

Dacheng’s Nine Heavens Divine Prestige is extremely terrifying. If Li Lingtian’s cultivation reaches the real God, the Nine Heavens Divine Prestige is even more powerful. After all, Li Lingtian is only a false god, not even a half-divine. The true power of it.

Now, even if he is a false **** realm, it is enough to use Jiutian Shenwei to deal with the half **** realm.




In the air, coercion and divinity are tearing constantly.

In a blink of an eye, Jiutian Shenwei came first and hit **** the pressure of Jiujiu.

Suddenly the space was twisted, and the two terrifying pressures were like two meteors colliding together.

Just as Jiu Tian Shenwei was crushed on the pressure of Jiu Gongzi, the expressions on the faces of Jiu Gongzi and the elders changed. I never thought that Li Lingtian had such terrible coercion. With the divine power that makes the demigods feel trembling.

Although the semi-divine realm did not cultivate divine power, they had already contacted divine power and cultivated a little divine power, and naturally knew the existence of divine power, but they never expected Li Lingtian to carry divine power in the pressure of a false divine realm.


They naturally didn't know that Li Lingtian's coercion was Shenwei, and they still surpassed the ordinary power of nine gods.

In front of Jiutian Shenwei, Jiu Gongzi's coercion was like a paper tiger, which was directly crushed and torn. Instead of being crushed to Li Lingtian, he was strongly crushed by Li Lingtian's Jiu Tianshenwei.

The expression on his face was pale, and a spit of blood spurted out, and his body flew back fiercely.

In the battle of the strong, the chances of winning and losing are fleeting.

Li Lingtian is a strong man and a strong man. Naturally knowing this truth, he has a great deal of support, but no matter when, the war will do his utmost to achieve the spirit of fighting the rabbit.

Jiu Tian Shenwei is his killer and the blind spot of his opponents. His opponents often lose money without knowing Li Lingtian's coercion, and finally let Li Lingtian take the lead.

As soon as Nine Heavens Divine Power appeared, he was ready to attack.

This is faith, strong faith, and confidence in one's own divine power.

Because he knew that in the Shenwu Continent, no one could resist the crushing of Jiutian Shenwei.

Moreover, his five-element sacred body has five primordial spirits, which are multi-purpose and can display five supernatural powers at the same time. This is the benefit and power of the five primordial spirits.

When the Nine Heavens Divine Prestige was being used, he was brewing a powerful supernatural supernatural power at the same time, and his supernatural powers were instantaneous. He didn't need to brew at all, he only needed to figure out what kind of supernatural power to use, and all the subsequent attacks were step by step After calculating, what kind of reaction and injury the opponent is after using one kind of supernatural power, the second kind of supernatural power comes out.

The strong man does not rely solely on the supernatural powers to crush his opponents, but a careful calculation step by step. Such a calculation requires not only a strong cultivation for strength, but also a powerful computing ability to control the entire situation.

"Dageng Excalibur, Jianxiaotiandi!"

A light smile appeared on Li Lingtian's face. The Five Elements and the Golden Essence in it were running. The Golden Essence sublimated into the realm of gold. A golden light with a size of a hundred meters round flashed around Li Lingtian.

The power of the realm of gold is destruction and destruction, the main attack.

In this realm, all gold attacks have to follow his realm of gold.

The realm of gold appeared, deep in one hand, a streamer flashed in the eyebrows, and when the streamer fell, a long sword of golden streamer appeared in Li Lingtian's hands.

The terrifying pressure of the terrifying innate artifacts constantly tears the space ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Dageng sword, yes, it is the Dageng sword.

The middle-grade congenital artifact Dageng sword, the intimidation of the congenital artifact is extremely terrifying, even if it is not as powerful as the Nine Heavens, it is sharper and more horrible than the Nine Heavens.

Dageng's Divine Sword was on display, shaking with one hand, and the ruined sword intention rose into the sky, the sword intention Lingran.

For a moment, the air was torn by the breath of the realm of gold and the pressure of the innate artifact Dageng Sword, as well as the terrifying sword.

Li Lingtian stood proudly in the air like a peerless sharp sword. Without any hesitation, Dageng's Excalibur was swung out, and a ruined Jianmang bombarded the nine sons.

In the instant of the whole process, in front of Jianmang of Jianxiao Heaven and Earth, the space was directly bored into a fragmented hollow.

Feeling the pressure of the innate artifact of Dageng Sword, bearing the destruction of the terrifying sword intention and the realm of gold, looking at the overbearing swordmans, the look on Jiu Gongzi's face changed dramatically, and he felt the threat of death for the first time. R1148


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