War God Supreme

Chapter 1547: Demon Eye

Just after everyone was farther away from Li Lingtian, the power of the Thousand Absolute Strikes and the attack of the ruinous wind and cloud broke together.

Both of them exhibited sword awns, and Li Lingtian had the unique ancient artifact Tianjiba King Sword.

Jiu Gongzi also exhibited the blade of Xiaotian, a rare ancient artifact.

The strong showdown, the pinnacle of lore, is revealed in this devastating blow.




The space is constantly torn apart, the power of silence is destroyed, and the power of a thousand powers is also domineering.

The two strongest attacks bombarded together, and the air blasted continuously.

The light of destruction drowned both Jiu Gongzi and Li Lingtian, and everyone could only hear the sound of destruction and tearing, and felt the distortion and oppression of space.

"The wind and thunder destroy the god, destroy the storm!"

At this time, Li Lingtian's voice rang again at the ruined Daomang Center.

The voice was full of breath and there was no sign of injury.

When he heard this voice, Huangfu Yuyan and others were relieved, and the three and a half gods were also a lot easier, but their eyes were fixed on the elder, and the worried elder fled at this time.

Xiaobai also uses her consciousness to lock the elders. As long as the elders run away or have any movements, she will act on the big dragon immediately.

Ji Yi's whole person's mind was also vigilant, and the consciousness locked the nine sons in the war. If the nine sons threatened Li Lingtian's life, her Xuantian Divine Arrow would send a devastating blow.

Li Lingtian's ruin is overwhelming, and he resists the might of the thousand.

The power of Qianjue began to collide with Wanjian Guizong, and the attack of Li Lingtian was bombarded again. The power of Qianjue finally couldn't support the destruction and collapse.

The look on Jiu Gongzi's face was pale and ugly.

A mouthful of blood spurted out and his eyes were blood red, just like a monster that was about to be eaten by others.

At this moment, Li Lingtian has unfolded more powerful magical treasures.

This is Li Lingtian's talent and habit. There will be no interruption between every magical power. Instant is his skill. In the face of the nine sons, he will not have the slightest slack, let alone show some ordinary magical powers and treasures.

The unique ancient artifact wind thunder destroys the sacred sacrifice, and the space trembles.

The ruined ray of the sword and mansions also disappeared at this time. The shapes of Li Lingtian and Jiujiongzi also showed in everyone's eyes. When Jiujiong was injured, the three elders and Lou Feng were shocked.

In such a battle, Li Lingtian exhibited his previous ordinary supernatural powers and treasures. Even so, Li Lingtian also wounded the nine sons.

At this time, instead of shocking Jiu Gongzi too much, he looked at Li Lingtian's rare ancient artifact, which showed a terrifying power.

I saw a domineering sword with a length of four feet in Li Lingtian's hand, and the pressure of the unique ancient artifact broke out at this time.

This is the wind and thunder killing, a thousand-meter-long light attack erupted on the wind and thunder killing Zhang, the light with the power of a storm of millions of miles, and the power of the center of the storm of millions of miles compressed together.

Heaven and earth, at this time, it seemed to spin up with this light.

The light of destruction continues to rotate, you know, this light, which is only a thousand kilometers long, is compressed by a storm of a size of one million miles, and the power of a blow is countless times stronger than that of a storm of one million miles.

Looking at Li Lingtian's devastating attack, they were all shocked, this is the magical power.


The look on Jiu Gongzi's face was constantly changing. He fought against Li Lingtian several times. He was beaten and beaten, and the treasures displayed by the other party were the same as him, and his magical powers were almost the same.

But Li Lingtian's pseudo-realm was almost the same as his semi-realm, but he wanted to fight like this, feeling depressed and irritable in his heart.

Looking at the sky-destroying light attack, the whole person shivered, and he no longer hesitated, the blade of Xiaotian waved, and an equally powerful pure force bombarded Li Lingtian.

At the same time, Jiu Gongzi's eyebrows burst into a black light, consciously transformed, and bombarded Li Lingtian.

The coercion of Semi-Divine Realm is not Li Lingtian’s opponent, and the supernatural powers are not Li Lingtian’s opponents. The nine sons feel helpless, and display the terrible demise of the Semi-Divine Realm after exerting the ultimate power of destruction.

And this consciousness is not a simple consciousness, but a powerful secret technique.

"court death!"

"God transforms!"

"Eye of the Demon."

"Eye of the Demon!"

Of course, the spiritual attack carried out by Jiugongzi was also discovered by Li Lingtian and other powerful men.

When they saw this black consciousness, they all exclaimed. The three people who leaked the wind recognized the mystery of this consciousness called the eye of the demon. Li Lingtian heard the name, and also thought of this horrible venom.

Seeing this situation, the wind and thunder slashing in his hand bombarded it, and the light of destruction with a million miles of storm compression power cut like a son of nine sons.

With a sharp corner of the mouth, the cold words were spoken, and no other actions were done at all.

The demon eye's supernatural attack attacked Li Lingtian in disregard of the speed of space distance. At this time, the wind and thunder attack and the power of destruction were bombarded together.


The roar sounded and the entire space was continuously destroyed.

However, at this time, everyone was shocked by two devastating attacks, and at the same time it was a powerful secret technique that horrified the demon eye of Jiu Gongzi and the deity of the demon eye.

The demigod powerhouses deal with the false **** realm, only the consciousness is enough to defeat the false **** realm, not to mention the evil demon eye.

Under the attack of the demon eye’s consciousness, no one can resist, unless it is the strong consciousness who fights against the opponent’s consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness, devouring the opponent’s consciousness, or else only the opponent’s **** The consciousness is suppressed, and the consciousness is attacked, and there will be a short period of disappointment.

If you lose consciousness and reaction at a critical moment, you will undoubtedly die.

Moreover, Li Lingtian who attacked the false **** realm with a demon eye stronger than the consciousness in the semi-god realm was shocked. If Li Lingtian was attacked by the demon eye, Li Lingtian was definitely killed by the other party.

At this time, there was a breath of death in the air.

When the breath of death appeared, the same strange gray light appeared. This gray light just hit the black breath of the demon eye.

"Eye of death!"



Nine sons exclaimed, his face showing despair, followed by a scream.

The whole person is distracted, there is no slight resistance to the outside attack, the devastating attack bombards Jiu Gongzi, the consciousness is defeated, and under the brief distraction, he also has no slight defense, in front of the devastating wind and thunder, the nine The son disappeared.

This situation, the three Lou Feng and the elders were terrified, did not expect Li Lingtian to reverse in front of the demon eye.

When Jiu Gongzi was destroyed, several people saw a pet not far from Li Lingtian. The pet did not have a strong breath, but there was one more eye and the third eye.

Yes, this is the eye of death, the eye of death mounts the eye of death.

In this world, those who crushed Li Lingtian with coercion were all crushed, and those who attacked Li Lingtian with consciousness all fell first.

The coercion has nine gods, the consciousness has the eyes of the soul, and there are pets like the eyes of death.

It turned out that Li Lingtian saw Jiu Gongzi playing the eye of the demon, and used his consciousness to summon the eye of death. The speed of the eye of death came out extremely fast. After coming out, he used his talent to destroy the eye of the demon.

Quiet in the air.

Nine sons of Xuanyin Hall's half **** realm, fell!


Li Lingtian spoke lightly, his figure flashed strangely, and came to Huangfu Yuyan and others.

He originally wanted to use some ordinary magical powers and treasures to fight against Nine Young Masters, so that he could check how far he was from the Semi-God Realm, but Nine Young Masters used the eye of the demon at a critical moment, he had no choice but to Use the eye of death.

This is also the death of Jiu Gongzi himself. If you don't need the eye of the demon, it is not so easy for Li Lingtian to kill him. At least Li Lingtian can also display some supernatural powers.

It's a pity that Nine Young Master cast a demon eye and let him fall into the desperation of death.

In front of the eye of death, the eye of the demon is self-defeating.

"It's really a pity that if this nine sons don't cast the eye of the demon, Brother Ling Tian can show more magical powers."

"Now he is dead, just take this big elder to practice his hands."

Xuanyuan Yingying and others naturally knew what pity Li Lingtian meant, that is, it was a pity that this half-god realm fell, and he was not allowed to show his strength as a strength.

When speaking, Xuanyuan Yingying looked at the horrified elder on one side.

At this moment, the look on the elder's face was ashamed, and Li Lingtian had just seen the means he had learned. He also understood that these supernatural powers were the most basic, but he only practiced with Jiujiongzi.

The ordinary attack alone killed the Nine Sons. His strength is almost the same as that of the Nine Sons. It is even worse than the Nine Sons. Even the Nine Sons have fallen. He is even hopeless now.

A Li Lingtian is so terrifying, there is also a terrifying pet, and three half gods strong eyes.

"Forget it."

"This seat is getting lazy."

"The three of you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ solved him, and my seat looks unsightly."

Li Lingtian shook his head and looked at the three Lou Feng, the three strong men in the early stage of the semi-real world, if the elders of a Xuanyin Temple could not be solved, what use would they come.

After speaking, he stopped talking and his eyes were taken back from the three.

"Subordinates obey."

Lou Feng and the three people naturally knew what Li Lingtian meant. They just saw Li Lingtian’s horror method. This method is just a little bit of Li Lingtian’s fur. They did not see Li Lingtian’s real killer, but this method is already against the sky. It is not comparable to them anyway.

Now Li Lingtian has handed them the task. If the first task is not done well, they will have little value.

Not to mention that three people deal with one person, if the three elders can’t solve the elders of the Xuanyin Temple, they have no face to stay in the Xiaoyao dynasty, their voices fall, their bodies flash, and the three are surrounded by the elders. live.


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