War God Supreme

Chapter 1552: logic

"This seat is the one who killed your Xuanyin Temple."

"This seat also killed your son."

"What about then? Isn't it okay?"

The look on Li Lingtian's face was dull. The more angry the other party was, the calmer he was, completely opposite to the other party.

A half-godly strong man was furious in front of him. In the eyes of other strong men, this half-godly strong man became a clown, and Li Lingtian was naturally happy to see such a situation.

After Shi Tiancheng finished speaking, Li Lingtian said flatly.

The above words make all the strong people feel bad, and they are also puzzled. With Li Lingtian's wisdom, Shi Tiancheng should not be fooled. It is obvious that Shi Tiancheng is calculating Li Lingtian, and Li Lingtian is also fooled. Everyone is puzzled.

Shi Tiancheng was also shocked, but his face showed a faint joy, as long as Li Ling was fooled, no matter what the situation was.

However, after hearing Li Lingtian's words, all the strong were shocked.

I did not expect Li Lingtian to use such domineering to anger Shi Tiancheng under such circumstances, which is simply unimaginable.

In a simple sentence, it has already interpreted arrogance and domineering to the extreme, and deduced domineering to the point of reaching the peak. This kind of domineering is unstoppable.

Shi Tiancheng was so popular that he almost vomited blood, and the look on his face was constantly changing.

The other powerful players in Xuanyin Temple are also extremely furious.

On the spaceship, there are two hundred pseudo-godly great perfect powerhouses, and more than ten half-godly powerhouses. These powerhouses look coldly at Li Lingtian, and the horror of their bodies erupts, just like Crush Li Lingtian into ashes.

"The people who killed my Xuanyin Temple are still so arrogant."

"Everyone saw it, this is the first Divine Pill Master of Shenwu Continent."

"I don't look at the strong people in the world at all. Today, the deity will let you pay for the people who fell in the Temple of Xuanyin today."

The real element of Shi Tiancheng's whole body is running, and suddenly the space is torn apart. Around him, the space is completely fragmented, just like a field, and the power of the strong man in the mid-semi-real world is revealed at this time.

Under the power of such a true element, all the strong people of false **** realm felt trembling.

Feeling a powerful threat, all the false **** realms will display their defenses, and the Wushen Realm strongman will quickly retreat and leave Shi Tiancheng far away.

"The seat is in the heavens, you take the people in the seat."

"Why don't you catch me, the fairy field is so big, this seat will know your Xuanyin Temple? This seat will kill your Xuanyin Temple?"

"After your Xuanyin Temple rescued people, this seat did not do anything with your Xuanyin Temple, and your Xuanyin Temple sent seven and a half gods and hundreds of false gods to make trouble in this place."

"Is this seat waiting for you to kill and not fight back?"

"If this is the case, there is nothing to say here."

Li Lingtian didn't have any intention to do anything about Shi Tiancheng's movements. The expression on his face was light and breezy, and his calm appearance made people feel admired.

Zhao Shitiancheng looked sharp, and said lightly.

All the strong people listened to Li Lingtian's words, they were stunned. It turned out that Li Lingtian didn't take Shi Tiancheng's fools, but was waiting for Shi Tiancheng, and counted his money.

In this way, Shi Tiancheng moved the stone and hit his own foot.

Suddenly, the look on Shi Tiancheng's face became ugly.

This matter is indeed Xuanyin Temple first provoked Li Lingtian, countless strong people know this matter, now Li Lingtian said in front of the world strong, his Xuanyin Temple is completely unreasonable.

"The deity also heard that you killed King Qianning in Heaven, and King Qianning is a disciple of the elders of the outer hall of Xuanyin Temple. If you don’t kill the king of Ganing, the elders of the outer hall will catch you. ?"

The look on Shi Tiancheng's face gradually calmed down.

Feeling angry in his heart, he was the main lord of Xuanyin Temple, although he was only the second lord, but he was in control of the power of Xuanyin Tiancheng, and he was still a mid-level powerhouse in the semi-divine realm. Now he is angry and faked in front of a false **** realm. Powerful gods are playing around.

Suddenly thought of Li Lingtian's extermination and killing of the King of King Ning, a trace of joy appeared on his face.

"Every king."

"Is this seat free to provoke a king?"

"I really don't have anything to do in this seat. If that guy doesn't provoke this seat, this seat is going to kill him?"

"The upper beam is not right, the lower beam is crooked, so is the Xuanyin Temple, and so are the people below."

"Actually, you have too much nonsense."

"Speaking so much, isn't it just being a bitch. Do you want to set up a torii."

"Want to find a reason to deal with this seat, this seat is not in vain, since you Xuanyin Temple and this seat are not satisfied, this seat is next, draw down the road, is this seat afraid that you will not succeed."

Li Lingtian laughed aloud, and a strong man with a pseudo-real world laughed unscrupulously in front of more than a hundred thousand strong men.

Then he said lightly, speaking of the back, the body's momentum slowly climbed up.

The look in his eyes was plain, and the whole person was completely fused with this world and became a member of this world.

The consummation practice of the pinnacle of the realm of pseudo-realm peak shows the power and true element beyond the realm of pseudo-realm, the tremors of space burst, the power is almost the same as that of Shi Tiancheng.

The expressions on the faces of all the strong men changed, and after so long, it turned out that Li Lingtian was playing the role of Shi Tiancheng.

From the time Shi Tiancheng pressed Li Lingtian with reason, Li Lingtian has been opposing Shi Tiancheng, and finally Xuanyin Temple was crushed to death. Anyway, no matter what Xuanyin Temple said, it was just making excuses and reasons for himself, just like Li Lingtian. As I said, I did a bitch. The son has to set up a memorial arch.

Looking at Li Lingtian's appearance, it is completely to make a conclusion with Xuanyin Temple.

The peak of the false **** realm is perfect, and it is really shocking to dare to fight against the strong man in the middle of the half **** realm.

"Master Ling Tian really wants to fight Shi Tiancheng?"

"Middle war between pseudo-realm and demigod realm? Is this really okay?"

"It is shameless to challenge a false **** realm in the middle of the half **** realm."

"Xuanyin Temple said respectfully to Lord Lingtian, but what we heard was the name Xuanyindian called Lord Lingtian. Even if Xuanyindian is powerful, it should not be disrespectful to Lord Lingtian."

"I have to watch this time."

"I don't know what trick Xuanyin Temple wants to play."


For a time, all the powerful people were in discussion, shocked by Li Lingtian's words and shocked Li Lingtian's actions.

At the same time, I was also curious about Xuanyin Hall's means. I don't know whether Xuanyin Hall was fighting with Li Lingtian or fighting alone.

However, all the strong men are hundreds of miles away from Li Lingtian and Shi Tian, ​​fearing that they will suffer from the fish pond.

"Since that is the case, let's do it."

"Look at how powerful Li Lingtian is."

Shi Tiancheng was choked with death in his heart, and was playing with it for a long time, but now Xuanyin Temple still did not get the benefit.

After Li Lingtian's words were finished, he didn't say how to fight.

But look at Li Lingtian, because no matter how you do it, Xuanyin Temple will kill Li Lingtian.

Otherwise, this trip came in vain. Now, the hatred between Xuanyin Temple and Li Lingtian is growing, and there is no way to save it. Only you die, so you will not care about others.

"This seat can only say two words to Xuanyin Temple: Shameless!"

"Everyone, today is the grudge between this seat and Xuanyin Temple. I hope you will not interfere."

"Isn't it the Xuanyin Palace? If it doesn't fall today, the Xuanyin Palace is destined to disappear in the Pure Yang Empire."

"Xuanyin Hall, how many come, how many seats have been taken."

Li Lingtian spoke, a disdainful look on his face.

In the presence of the powerful in the world, his purpose is to give everyone a chance to dismount.

Let the world know that Li Lingtian is not irritating.

A few days ago, I got the news that Xuanyin Hall challenged him, and then discussed with Huangfu Yuyan and others, and finally decided to come forward to solve Xuanyin Hall. Xuanyin Hall's strength is strong, and he has to face it.

Fighting on the edge of the sea is always more than fighting on Yunfeng Island.

Even if you can't beat Xuanyin Temple, you can leave at any time and enter Yunfeng Island. With Yunfeng Island's formation, there must be no problem to escape.

After the decision, he took Huangfu Yuyan and others to control the Emperor Chariot.

Xuanyuan Yingying was able to control this Emperor Chariot, but they couldn't control it completely. Xuanyuan Yingying and Qingping were specifically responsible for the Emperor Chariot. If they failed, they could escape in the first place.

"Domineering, it really deserves to be the first conqueror of Shenwu Continent."

"Powerful, this is the style of the first Divine Practitioner of Shenwu Continent."

"The Divine Pill Master is the Divine Pill Master."

"That is Lord Lingtian, in this Shenwu Continent, who can compare with Lord Lingtian?"

"This is the strong, the real strong."


Looking at Li Lingtian's appearance and listening to Li Lingtian's words, all the strong men were shocked and shocked, and their faces changed dramatically.

No one is a fool, and naturally sees that Li Lingtian will not let go of Xuanyin Temple.

And now that Li Lingtian has to deal with Xuanyin Hall with his false **** realm, it is indeed beyond everyone's imagination. What's more important is to let other people not intervene. This is undoubtedly blocking some people who want to help him.

"it is good."

"Just let you see the power of the half **** realm."

Shi Tiancheng waved with one hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ More than 200 pseudo-God Powers flew out of the spacecraft, these powers lined up, forming a weird formation, it was to kill Li Lingtian and others completely it's here.

At the same time, more than a dozen half-magic strongmen unfolded their bodies, and the horror real elements broke out.

Sixteen semi-goddess early strong players, plus Shi Tiancheng's mid-goddess mid-player, such a lineup, even if all the semi-godoo strong players present join forces, it is impossible to be the opponent of Xuanyin Temple, let alone deal with a pseudo Li Lingtian in Divine Realm.




In the air, continuous tearing and shocking, the whole space shattered like a broken mirror.

The strong winds of destruction raged, all the strong men were retreating, and the Emperor's chariot was also retreating a hundred miles, but Li Lingtian was suspended in the original place, and his eyes looked at the distant Xuanyin Hall strong man, his face was dull, and the corners of his mouth With a faint smile.


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