War God Supreme

Chapter 1573: Strong and domineering

Inside the chamber, the atmosphere is very strange.

A dozen or so powerful gods looked like a young enemy at the beginning of a false **** like an enemy.

Watching the young man in white walk in step by step, the distance between them is getting closer and closer, and a dozen or so powerful gods inexplicably feel a strange depression. This inexplicable depression almost makes them collapse.

It's really shocking to see such a depression in front of a false **** realm.

Moreover, this young man has not exerted any means at all, and there is no slight fluctuation in his breath, but this is how an innate coercion shocked their hearts.

The kung fu in the blink of an eye is like a century in the past.

The young man in white came to the center of the conference hall, within a hundred meters of a dozen or so strong gods. This time it stopped. When the young man in white stopped, the kind of depression in the heart of a dozen or so strong men Reduced a lot.

"I have talked about this seat for so long, and I don't know who this seat is. Do you feel sorry for you?"

"This seat is the dying person in your mouth."

With a faint smile on Li Lingtian's face, his eyes glanced past a dozen or so gods' faces.

Where the eyes passed, a dozen or so powerful gods felt a burst of pressure and could not help but shift their eyes, daring not to look into Li Lingtian's eyes.

Yes, the youth in white is Li Lingtian.

After entering the formation, he walked directly towards the center and finally came out of this chamber.

By virtue of his cultivation practice, the strong within tens of thousands of miles can not escape his consciousness.

Seeing these strong men gather here, naturally come here directly.

After coming to the outside of the meeting room, I heard these powerful people discussing things. Naturally, these things were also stopped in his ears.

"You are the one who bid four trillion yuan?"

"You are the one with the best photos?"

Hearing Li Lingtian’s words, more than a dozen half-magic strongmen were shocked.

The young man in front of him was the one who bid for 4 trillion yuan. They did not expect that this man came to this place. They did not know how this young man came in.

This question, Li Lingtian did not answer them, they could not think of how Li Lingtian came here.

Seeing that Li Lingtian was the young man who bid for four trillion yuan, he was curious for a while.

"Not bad."

"This seat wants to know, where do the ten flowers come from?"

Li Lingtian nodded, his hands folded behind his back, the whole person was extremely relaxed.

For a time, the whole situation was reversed, just as Li Lingtian was a semi-deity and they were pseudo-deities.

In a weird scene, more than a dozen and a half gods could be seen, but they could not change this situation.

"Your Excellency, this place is an important place for auctions, and outsiders cannot enter."

"Please also say how you came in. The auction house will treat you lightly according to your situation, otherwise don't blame the auction house for being polite."

After Zhong Yuntang stabilized his mood, he said coldly.

This place is an important place for the Haoxuan Tiancheng auction house. There is a powerful formation outside, and now it has been entered by a pseudo-spiritual strongman, letting them lose their faces.

The formation here will fluctuate even if the people in or out of the auction house fluctuate. Everyone knows, but this young man came in and didn’t even fluctuate in the formation. This is what shocked them.

No matter how powerful a false **** realm is, it is only a false **** realm. Maybe some treasures were used here. If this false **** realm is not punished, then Hao Xuan Tiancheng's face will be put there.

"No entry, this seat is also available."

"Is it still impossible to stop this broken place?"

"Haoxuan Tiancheng is so strong and powerful that you really don't need you to be polite. Many people are not polite to this seat, unfortunately..."

The smile on Li Lingtian's face remained the same, his expression calm, and his eyes were deliberately or unintentionally looked at in the Chamber.

The formation method, if you want to block other strong players, naturally there is no problem.

But in front of him, the area array method was completely ignored.

If he was afraid of a few half gods, he would not come here.

"court death!"

When Zhong Yuntang heard Li Lingtian's words, he was suddenly furious, the true element of his body was running to the extreme, and the terrible coercion broke out.

The coercion pressed hard against Li Lingtian, and the space continued to tremble.

A young man with a false **** realm confronted him in front of all the strong men.

And he also saw that this young man was obviously here to find fault. If he hadn't learned a lesson, Haoxuan Tiancheng would lose face.

More than a dozen half-divine powerhouses were shocked when they saw Zhong Yuntang's display of coercion. The coercion of the strongest peak powerhouses in the early stage of the half-goddom is not comparable to that of ordinary half-deity.

Even if they were such terrible coercion, they might not be able to resist it, let alone a young man in the early days of false gods.

Suddenly, in the hearts of a dozen or so gods, this arrogant young man was suppressed in front of coercion and finally killed by Zhong Yuntang.

However, this is not the case.


Zhong Yuntang's horrible coercion rolled towards Li Lingtian. The look on Li Lingtian's face was still plain, a pair of clouds was light and windy, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

However, Zhenyuan has been in operation, and Jiutian Shenwei has exploded, but the current Jiutian Shenwei is not so overwhelming, but condensed together and aimed at Zhong Yuntang alone.

The ruined Jiutian Shenwei crushed Zhong Yuntang's coercion fiercely, and finally tossed Zhong Yuntang away. Zhong Yuntang's body was thrown away into the distance like a broken kite. When he fell on the ground, he made a muffled noise.

In this scene, a dozen or so powerful gods were stunned, and their faces looked horrified and frightened.

Immediately rubbed his eyes, and did not believe that this scene was true, as if he had looked at his eyes, how could a pseudo-deity young man use depressing power to strengthen the demi-real world in the face of the coercion of the strong demi-real world? Those who defeated Fei Fei, all of this completely exceeded the scope of martial arts.

The coercion of the semi-deity, overwhelming the low-level strong, did not expect the lower-level pseudo-deity to defeat the semi-deity.


Zhong Yuntang spurted out blood, and only then did he react.

He didn’t accept this fact until he was injured. He didn’t expect that he was crushed by a pseudo-spiritual youth with coercion. He was the person who suffered from Jiutian Shenwei. He knew the strength of Jiutian Shenwei most powerfully. The half-god powerhouse sees countless times more horror.

"who are you?"

Zhong Yuntang's eyes were full of fear, and when he saw Li Lingtian, it was like seeing the devil.

A young man with a false **** realm, completely crushed him with coercion, completely beyond his imagination. Such a thing is too terrifying. In this world, there are such terrible strong people in a false **** realm. ?

"This seat can tell you."

"But if what this seat wants to achieve does not achieve its purpose, you will imagine the consequences yourself."

"Listen, Li Lingtian."

Li Lingtian's cold eyes glanced at a dozen or so powerful gods, and finally his eyes fell on Zhong Yuntang.

With a wide mouth, he spoke slowly, and said his identity.

No matter how powerful he is, he may not be able to get the news he wants. The only thing is to come up with an identity. With this identity, these powerful people dare not defy the slightest.

"Li Lingtian?"

"Li Lingtian!"

"Shenwu Continent's First Divine Pill Master, First Divine Pill Master Ling Tian!"

"You are Lord Lingtian!"

Suddenly, more than a dozen semi-godly strong men frowned, and they were familiar with the name in their hearts, but they couldn't imagine who it was.

But then someone thought of a horrible existence, an existence that made all the powerful people of Shenwu Continent look up to.

When I think of this person, I am shocked. The look of each strong man's face changes constantly.

Although I haven't seen this legendary character, the name is famous.

Some time ago, this legendary character battled with the strong man of Xuanyin Temple in the city of East Tomorrow. One person killed dozens of semi-divine realms in the end, and finally the Shitian Chengdu, the second hall master in the middle of the semi-divine realm, was killed.

Such a horrible character is simply scary.

They never imagined that this mythical legend, this myth of the martial continent, appeared in front of them. If it appeared on other occasions, it would be anxious, but now this situation is not what they want.

"What do you want to know, do you still need to say the second time?"

The look on Li Lingtian's face was still the same, but the voice was much colder than it started.

From his arrival to the present, the time is only a moment. In such a little time, a dozen or so semi-god powerhouses and the attitude of the beginning completely changed 360 degrees. This change was only because Zhong Yuntang's coercion crushed Li Lingtian. Anti-crushed.

In the meeting room, the atmosphere is very strange. More than a dozen semi-god powerhouses are restrained in front of a pseudo-god youth, and there is a trace of fear and fear on his face.

"Sir Ling Tian, ​​this is the rule of the auction house."

"If it is said, it is against the rules of the auction house."

Zhong Yuntang didn't have a hint of hatred for Li Lingtian's bruising him with coercion. He wanted to let this horrible character leave, rather than provoke him.

However, the news that Li Lingtian needs is the rules of the auction house. If he tells Li Lingtian, the rules of the auction house will be destroyed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For a time, the whole person hesitated and looked at the other. The demigod powerhouse.

"Brother Zhong, still tell Master Ling Tian."

"Yeah, what Master Ling Tian wants to know is not a rule."

Suddenly, other powerful demigods spoke to Zhong Yuntang.

They all knew that Zhong Yuntang wanted them to speak, so that he was not alone in breaking the rules.

Moreover, they dare not talk about the news that Li Lingtian wants to know.

Even if the rules were broken, no one dared to say anything, because it was Li Lingtian who needed the news. Li Lingtian was a myth of the Shenwu Continent and a legend of the Shenwu Continent. The rules were not rules in front of him at all.

Besides, Li Lingtian was originally a character who broke the rules and regulations. This is no longer a secret, but something everyone in Shenwu Continent agrees with.


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