War God Supreme

Chapter 1578: Rootless fruit

Hearing Li Lingtian's words, the strong players present could not help but stunned.

A false **** realm, came here, not only did not have the slightest restraint, but was so comfortable, and suddenly made all the powerful people feel a little curious.

The middle-aged strongman said nothing, nodded respectfully towards Li Lingtian.

Going to another place, he moved the chair and placed it next to Li Lingtian.

After finishing, he respectfully paid a courtesy to Li Lingtian and finally left the square with his maid.

Seeing this scene, the powerful people present also regarded Li Lingtian as a second-generation ancestor of great power. When meeting such a person, they could not say anything, as long as the second-generation ancestor did not come to provoke them.

"Now the people are here, and we can start now."

"If you have anything to prevent, take out the conditions and open them up."

"Being talented, I am willing to throw bricks to attract jade. This is a yin and yang **** stone, which needs to be exchanged for equivalent items.

After the middle-aged strongman left with his maid, the free trade began.

The person speaking was an old man. Although his appearance seemed to be old, he was full of energy and was not comparable to that of the average young man. He took out a golden box before speaking.

Looking at the old man's cautious manner, he knows that the contents in the box are very cherished.

Take out the Jin box, stand up, walk step by step toward the front, and finally open the Jin box on the crystal steps.

After hearing the old man's words, everyone looked at the crystal steps in full, waiting for the old man to open the box.

Li Lingtian is also curious. This is the first time he heard this material.

The old man did not have to be wordy. He opened the box directly, and a mysterious breath suddenly flew out. This breath made Li Lingtian startled, because this breath was like the power of life and the power of death.

If he hadn't cultivated the power of life and the power of death, he would definitely regard this breath as the power of life and the power of death.

The fusion of two mysterious breaths produces a mysterious breath.

However, this breath is somewhat similar to the power of death and the power of life, but I don't know what this so-called Yin-Yang God Stone looks like. Soon, the curiosity in my heart was released.

I saw a golden and white stone floating in the golden box. The stone showed a golden and white color, which looked very mysterious.

Seeing this golden and white stone, the strong players present were shocked, and his eyes showed surprise.

"It really is the legendary Yin Yang stone."

"I have seen this yin and yang **** stone in ancient books. It is said that this yin and yang stone is related to space and time. No one can know what it is for."

"I didn't expect that Your Excellency Chengde had obtained such a large piece of Yin and Yang Divine Stone."

The expression on Dongcheng Ling's face changed several times, and he immediately said.

Obviously, he knew about the Yin-Yang God Stone. A dozen of the people present had heard of the Yin-Yang God Stone alone. This Yin-Yang God Stone is indeed rare, and even most of the semi-godly strong people do not know it.

"Your Lord Dongcheng is well-informed. This yin and yang **** stone is indeed related to time. As long as the yin and yang **** stone is placed next to you to practice, you can twist the time and change it. The time that you slip away during cultivation is much slower than normal time. "

"And this Yin-Yang God Stone has many other effects, but it will not be discovered for a while."

A light smile appeared on Chengde's face. In fact, he didn't know the use of this Yin-Yang Shenshi. It can be said that in Shenwu Continent, no one knew the purpose of Yin-Yang Shenshi.

For him, the Yin-Yang God Stone is a tasteless, optional.

He just wanted to use this Yin-Yang Shenshi in exchange for some precious materials, but did not expect that some functions and power of this Yin-Yang Shenshi were revealed by Dongcheng.

This is just right, he doesn't need to explain at all.

After speaking, he stepped back and returned to the seat. The yin and yang **** stones were placed on the crystal steps, waiting for someone to exchange items.

However, after a while, no one wants to talk about this yin and yang **** stone.

What is useless, naturally, no one has exchanged for precious materials and treasures.

Seeing such a situation, the look on Chengde's face was constantly changing.

"I have a rootless fruit here, more than 500,000 years old."

"If the user needs this rootless fruit, exchange it with more than eight grades of medicine, or other treasures and items of the same level as the rootless fruit."

The only young man with a false realm at the scene spoke at this time. When he spoke, he took out a blue fruit the size of a fist, and the halo of halo was wrapped around the fruit.

There are no traces of roots, no traces of roots.

And after the fruit is suspended, it continues to absorb the spirit of fairy spirits, as if it is absorbing nutrients, it is growing.

Seeing this miraculous scene, all the strong are shocked.

I did not expect that there are really rootless fruits in this world, and there are such amazing fruits.

They were shocked, but it was not them who were more shocked, but Bei Mingxue and Li Lingtian. The expression on Bei Mingxue's face was constantly changing, and there was a look of surprise and excitement in his eyes.

Although Li Lingtian was shocked in his heart, the look on his face was calm, only with a trace of surprise.

Reaching his cultivation state and horror strength, the shock of the incident remains unchanged, and the shock is not written on the face for this rootless fruit.

He really did not expect that he came here tonight for the ten must-have flowers, but encountered unrooted fruit in this place. Things in this world are really unpredictable.

If he staggered the time, he would pass by Wu Guoguo.

In such a free trade situation, the treasures of the transaction are rarely circulated, and naturally no one knows what kind of treasures appear on the island.

It is beyond his expectation to be able to meet the rootless fruit like this.

I am very excited in my heart. This rootless fruit must be obtained in my hand.

"Sir, we can talk about it."

The time passed by one second and one minute later, but no one was tempted by the rootless fruit. Li Lingtian's face showed a smile, and he spoke to the pseudo-spiritual youth.

In this place, it is natural to be free to trade and be careful when trading. He said that other strong people do not care at all.

Moreover, no one is bidding and interested in this rootless fruit, and it is time for him to speak.

"Your Excellency needs this rootless fruit"

When the young strongman saw Li Lingtian's mouth opening, a trace of surprise appeared on his face.

He thought that these demigod powerhouses would need unrooted fruit, but he did not expect an unremarkable pseudo-realm to need the unrooted fruit. He also doubted whether Li Lingtian could take out the exchanged items.

"of course."

"If you don't need this rootless fruit, wouldn't you still be able to play with this rootless fruit?"

Li Lingtian smiled and looked at the youth, then stood up and walked to the side of the square, completely ignoring whether the youth pseudo-realm would follow.

However, when he got up and left, the young pseudo-realm really walked in the direction of Li Lingtian with rootless fruit.

Bei Mingxue has been by Li Lingtian's side, and she is very excited to encounter this rootless fruit.

After Li Lingtian and the youth left, the other strong men continued to trade.

Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue came to the edge of the square and waved with one hand, a simple prohibition appeared in front of them.

Entering the prohibition, the youth followed.

This simple prohibition is nothing more than sound insulation to prevent the peeping of other powerful minds.

"What kind of thing do you intend to exchange for the rootless fruit underneath?"

"If you can't come up with something you like next, this rootless fruit can't be traded with you."

The young man looked at Li Lingtian, with a disdainful look in his eyes.

What he needs is not an ordinary item, but a cherished panacea or a cherished treasure of genius, or don’t want to replace the rootless fruit.

"Good to say."

"This rootless fruit, this seat is to be determined."

"However, this seat needs to know the origin of this rootless fruit. If you know the origin of this rootless fruit, this seat will give you unexpected exchange conditions. Please consider it."

Li Lingtian said lightly that he didn't care about the eyes of the young pseudo-realm in front of him.

The world is like this. The strong respects the strong and the strong look down on the weak. This is the rule of the world.

Now, he not only needs unrooted fruit, but also wants to know where the unrooted fruit comes from. The materials he used to make the panacea this time are basically several kinds.

It is like ten flowers and ten fruits, which are inseparable.

Seeing the unrooted fruit, I thought of the unrooted flower. If I could find the unrooted flower, the Feathering Dan was one step closer to him.

"Haha, haha!"

"Your Excellency has not come up with an exchange condition that will satisfy you, and you still have to ask where the rootless fruit is."

"If you can come up with a satisfactory exchange condition, you can tell the origin of the rootless fruit."

The look on the face of the young pseudo-jingjing changed, but the look was quickly disguised, and even Li Lingtian did not notice the change in the look of the youth. At this time, he wanted the rootless fruit and the origin of the rootless fruit.


"This lord should be satisfied."

Li Lingtian's Divine Consciousness~www.wuxiaspot.com~ An unrivaled magical pill appeared in front of him.

The fragrant fragrance of powerful medicine spread into the nose of the youth pseudo-shenjing, which instantly refreshed the spirit of the youth pseudo-shenjing, and looked at the panacea in front of Li Lingtian in surprise.

When I saw this immortality, the look on my face changed, there was excitement, shock, more horror.

"Peerless Divine Pill!"

"You are Lord Lingtian, the first Divine Pill Master of Shenwu Continent."

The young pseudo-realm looked at the elixir, and his face changed. The power of this elixir was beyond his imagination.

In the Shenwu Continent, such a panacea can be refined. In addition to the mythical character, no second person can be found. The panacea in front of me is the unparalleled magical pill, which is Shenwu. The panacea made by Li Lingtian, known as the first pill master of the mainland.

Unexpectedly, this immortality appeared in front of him. When he saw immortality, he thought of the legendary figure.


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