War God Supreme

Chapter 1585: Bao Yuan Dan

"Lord Tian, ​​we meet again."

A few Wu Zunqiang saw Li Lingtian coming out and stood up to say hello.

Ye Lantian, also a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi brought back last time by Master Yuan Yuan Sheng Dan, is now also the owner of the Ye family.

At the time of the Yejia Square battle, I also saw Li Lingtian's power. A martial emperor, who had such strength, was shocked.

But in the past few days, after hearing the horror in the rumors of countless strong men, he was even more shocked. Within a month, he broke through the third order, and he took a second to kill Xiu Xing.

I learned from Li Fengkou that Li Lingtian was powerful. Now I come to Li Lingtian's mansion with the Lan family. I also want to get help from Li Lingtian.

The Ye family has been overtaken by others, and they have to be recaptured. However, it is the Tang family of the ten major families that dominates the Ye family, and their power is also very powerful. Now several Wu Zuns of the Ye family naturally have no strength to retake Ye Home, the only thing is to ask Li Lingtian.

"Ha ha."

"Please sit down, four, it's better to be casual in my house."

Li Lingtian smiled faintly, waved at the four Wu Zun, and finally sat down on his own.

A Emperor Wu, who can be so casual in front of several Wu Zuns, is really not a blow, and he even more believes in Li Lingtian's strength.

It was not the most powerful Wu Zun who came to Li Lingtian’s mansion, but the people who had met Li Lingtian, because in this way, they communicated better with each other.

They understand that even if the family's quadruple Tian Wuzun arrives, Li Lingtian won't buy it. After all, Li Lingtian hits the spike to repair Xiu Ming. This powerful strength is simply not something the two can provoke.

"Lord Tian's strength has also been heard below, which is beyond our imagination."

"Don't think about turning around and turning around. I found Your Excellency Ling Tian this time. I would like to ask Your Excellency Ling Tian for help."

"Yejia's current situation, I believe that Mr. Ling Tian also knows that as long as he helps the Ye family recapture the Ye family, the Ye family is willing to use the Ye family's ancestral heaven-level supernatural power as a gift of thanks."

After Ye Lantian sat down, the servants of the Li family presented fragrant tea, tasted it lightly, and then directly expressed their intentions.

He knew that a strong man like Li Lingtian did not want spirit stones and other treasures at all. What's more, Li Lingtian was a holy panda master, the only holy panda master in Cangzhou.

If there is nothing to be lacked, the only thing you can get out of your Ye family is a supernatural power of the heavens. Perhaps you can impress Li Lingtian. If you cannot impress Li Lingtian even with the supernatural skills, then you can't think of other methods.

After he finished speaking, he took out a box of jade boxes. A jade jade was lying inside. The jade jade exudes a simple atmosphere, but there is a trace of destruction in it.

"Ba Dao Jue."

Li Lingtian swept the mind, although he couldn't get inside, but the name of this skill was known.

I was stunned. It was actually the sword skill. Although I didn't know the power of the sword, I heard that the other party said that this is a supernatural skill. Anyway, it is also a supernatural skill.

Your own Sword of Heavenly Sovereign King just happens to lack skills. If you have a skill like Sword, you can definitely increase the power of Sword of Heavenly Sword King countless times.

Just by exerting a trace of Tianji Ba Emperor Sword's demeanor, you can make Wu Zun's strong man fall. If you add the power of Tianji Ba Emperor Sword to your skills, the power cannot be imagined.

"Yes, no one in the Ye family can practice this skill, because the disciples who practice the Ye family are mainly wood-based martial spirits, and even if they are gold-based martial spirits, no one cultivates the sword."

"Among the 31 Wu Zuns of the Ye family, there are three Wu Zun's golden martial souls, and none of them can practice this heavenly supernatural power. They can only look at the treasures and cannot use them."

Ye Lantian nodded and looked at Li Lingtian. The look on Li Lingtian's face was calm. He could not see what Li Lingtian was thinking.

"I have accepted this skill, but this son is not helping you in vain."

"First, I help you, mainly on his face."

"Second, this son has to deal with some things over a period of time. Your Ye family must help the son of three Wu Zun unconditionally."

Li Lingtian pondered for a while, then he collected the jade jade and spoke his own conditions. When he spoke, he pointed to Ye Feng.

Ye Lantian was also stunned. He didn't expect Li Lingtian to be so refreshing, but he understood that even if Li Lingtian didn't help the Ye family, the skill of this hegemony could not be recovered.

In my heart, I started to calculate, to see if the Ye family could withstand such conditions.

After a while, I also decided to nod and agreed.

"Okay, this matter can be promised as long as the Ye family can take back their family."

Ye Lantian said, as long as the Ye family’s site was taken back, Li Lingtian started. Other families also know the relationship between the Ye family and Li Lingtian. This relationship has brought many benefits to the Ye family. Such a transaction can do.

"Remember what I said today, my son doesn't want to repeat the topic."

Li Lingtian said coldly, as long as he decides what he decides, no one can regret it. If someone goes back, then there is nothing to be polite.

Ye Lantian looked at Li Lingtian's overbearing attitude. Although he was unhappy, he understood that the strong had the character of the strong, and the Ye family asked him for help, so he nodded and said yes.

"Now Brother Ye's matter is resolved, let's just say it in the next. Your Excellency Ling Tian helps solve the immediate crisis. The Lan family has a burst of Yuan Dan, and there is no side effect to enhance the state of Wuhuang.

"Looking below, Lord Ling Tian is the Emperor Wu Realm, and also the Lord Saint Master. Naturally know the power of this medicine, but this Danfang Shenwu Continent has never existed, that is, the Ye family has a bottle of Yuan Yuan Dan, and now only the last One."

Lan Xiaoyao took out a jade bottle, and there was a trace of reluctance on his face.

But thinking of the situation of the Lan family, he had to take out this immortality medicine. The emperor's immortality medicine was nothing to Wu Zun.

"Break Yuan Yuan."

"Qingzhou Lanjia, do you know?"

Li Lingtian suddenly thought of something. When he was in the Tang family, he seemed to have heard of the explosion of Yuan Dan. This explosion of Yuan Dan seemed to belong to the Lan family.

Is it true that the two blue families are not the same, and there is a blue screen in his small jade carving tower, which is the same as the name of Tang Zimeng's mother, which was a bit awkward at the time.

"Qingzhou Lanjia?"

"I know, Qingzhou Lanjia and our Lanjia are both branches of the Lanjia. Thirty years ago, our two families met together."

"At that time, there was a little girl named Lan Ping, who had the same name as my daughter. They are still of the same generation in terms of their seniority, but the age between them has more than doubled."

Lan Xiaoyao heard that Li Lingtian did not answer his own words, but spoke of the Lan family in Qingzhou, and immediately thought of things that happened thirty years ago.

So he said it lightly. He didn't know Li Lingtian asked what these did, but he didn't hide it.

"This is also fate, well, my son will help you once."

"The conditions are the same."

Li Lingtian didn't say it, but felt that the world was very small. Although the two blue families were not together, the two blue families were both branches and counted as one family.

The Qingzhou Lan family is a relative of Tang Zimeng, and it is also his own relative. The Lan family is very good to himself. Now that he has encountered this matter, he can help.

Moreover, there is not much debt, and there is not much of one thing. Anyway, it is in Qinglan City.

"Thank you, Mr. Ling Tian first."

Lan Xiaoyao didn't ask much, because he understood that Li Lingtian didn't want to say anything, and asked himself. The other party will not say it, but may be counterproductive.

However, he felt that Li Lingtian must have a relationship with the Qingzhou Lan family, and it was also a very good relationship, otherwise it would not be said that it was fate.

If he is against Qingzhou Lanjia, he will not help his Lanjia.

Li Lingtian received the panacea, and several people began to talk about it, and then the two elaborated on the problems in front of them.

The opponent of the Ye family is the Tang family, the opponent of the Lan family is the Qin family, and both are top ten families.

But Li Lingtian didn't look at it in the slightest. Don't provoke yourself, irritate yourself. Your own sword and a few powerful skills and magical powers directly destroy the two.

Wu Zunqiang, as long as he is not more than five heavy days, he will not be afraid.

Moreover, now that you have this explosive Yuandan, you can upgrade a realm, and when you refine the Wuxing Lingguo into the Wuxing Coagulation Pill, you can also upgrade one level.

With Promise Daoguo and Wuxinglingguo, two anti-heaven fruits, two of your own two immortals, you can quickly improve your strength.

This is also the capital of his dare to go to the Emperor Shijia in a short time, otherwise he would not dare to go to Emperor Shijia.

"This matter is resolved by your son."

"Three days later, you Ye family, go to the Lan family to fight, wait for the Lan family's affairs to be resolved, and then return to the Ye family, the two things will be solved together."

"But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Today you go back and let the words out. It's better not to let the boy do it, lest there is any bleeding, I can't control it."

After Li Lingtian finished speaking, he waved his hand and signaled that several Wu Zun could leave.

The four Wu Zun also left with fists. Although they felt that Li Lingtian was a little arrogant, they knew that it was the capital of others, and that was the case with strength.

Hearing Li Lingtian's arrangement, Ye Lantian and Lan Xiaoyao were also depressed, why didn't they think of this layer.

Immediately reacted, even if I thought of it, I dare not do it, after all, I need to face the risk of powerful destruction.

Li Lingtian watched the four leave, with a faint smile on his face.

With the Dao Dao Jue, your killer skills are even more powerful.

Moreover, Bao Yuan Dan can add a realm of cultivation, which is not expected by anyone. With this Bao Yuan Dan, he can reach Wuhuang Tier 5 or even Tier 6 before he goes to Emperor Shijia. .

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