War God Supreme

Chapter 1589: Array of Divine Light

Li Lingtian was shouted by someone and broke his identity and whereabouts, revealing a trace of murder in his heart.

But the look on his face was very calm. He had hated Zhong Yuntang in his bones now, but there was no chance to cook Zhong Yuntang at this time.

Because of the current situation, he was simply not allowed to deal with Zhong Yuntang.

Eyes, coldly looking at the Demon Powerhouse and Endless Warcraft outside the light mask, as well as the six peak human powerhouses at the beginning of the divine realm.

The spirit of the first Divine Practitioner of the First Divine Master was revealed, and the breath of the king was everywhere. The terrifying true elements formed a strong defensive shield and resisted the compression force of the mask.

As the first division of Shenwu Continent, he is the most relaxed in this formation.

At the beginning, his identity was not exposed. He could only hide, and he did not want to show his full strength, but now there is no chance to hide.

On the front, he never put anyone in his eyes.

Even though the horrible imprisoned array is mysterious in front of him, he still sees the flaws. As long as there are flaws, he can break the array. Now, of course, he is sure to break this array, but it takes some effort. .

"Sir Ling Tian, ​​I'm sorry."

"You are the Sky Array Master. If there is no way for you in this place, we will be even worse."

Zhong Yuntang naturally heard the coldness in Li Lingtian's tone and knew that Li Lingtian had already killed him.

Seeing this situation, I grieved in my heart, what kind of people are not easy to provoke, but I have to come to heat this young man, I always thought it was impossible to provoke this young man, but I did not expect to provoke it under such circumstances.

However, in the present situation, if you can escape, even if you provoke Li Lingtian, there is a chance of salvation. After all, Li Lingtian is a strong man, not a ruthless slaughter like the Demon Race.


"It is best not to let you see you in the future."

Li Lingtian's eyes didn't go to Zhong Yuntang at all, but put the whole heart on Master Demon King.

In this place, Lord Demon is the most terrifying. Even if the horror of the mid-peak half-god is present, even if you are against the sky, you cannot be the opponent of Lord Monk in the mid-peak half-god.

And there are countless demonic powerhouses and Warcraft, as well as six peak human powerhouses at the beginning of the semi-deity.

The only thing he wants now is to get away from here quickly and ignore the things that the Demon Clan rules over the world. If he is trapped here, the Demon Clan does not rule the Shenwu Continent and he has nothing to do with it.

The tone was dull, and this voice listened to the hearts of the other strong men, and suddenly raised a glimmer of hope.

Because when they saw Li Lingtian talking, they were sure of leaving, and they naturally had a glimmer of hope. If even Tian Ling, such as Li Lingtian, could not leave, they would only stay here.

"Li Lingtian didn't expect to see it for decades, but it reached this level."

"Even if you don't wake up to Lord Devil Emperor today, this Demon King will wipe you out."

"It is impossible to leave here."

Lord Demon’s blood-red eyes looked at Li Lingtian, Li Lingtian’s things, he naturally knew that because Li Lingtian had become the No. 1 enemy of the Demon Race, not because of Li Lingtian’s cultivation behavior, but because of Li Lingtian’s luck and talent, plus the cultivation of the sky Speed ​​has become a threat to the Demon Race.

"Then give it a try."

"Every formation also wants to trap this seat, delusional delusions!"

"If you want to leave this formation, then come out with all your strength."

Li Lingtian sneered disdainfully, and looked at Master Demon King coldly, with a trace of discomfort in his heart.

Because he was trapped in the square by the formation, and Lord Demon was above the reticle, there was a feeling of being high, which really made him feel bad.

The voice fell, and his eyes glanced at the other strong men. The voice was still cold, without any emotion, and more with a commanded tone.

At this time, he did not regard these demigods as demigods at all, because he was the master in the formation.

No one in this place is more professional than him, because he is a celestial division master.

"As long as it is to break the formation, Lord Ling Tian please command."

Seeing Li Lingtian's command tone, the strong demigods present all felt the illusion for a while, just like Li Lingtian was demigod, and they were false gods.

But it quickly reacted, because only Li Lingtian shot, can hope to break the array.

If you want to escape from here, you can only break the formation first.

Although they are not used to it, they can only hold back. When they speak, they also explained that as long as they are in a breakout class, they may be awaiting dispatch. If they have nothing to do with breakouts, they will not listen to Li Lingtian.

Suddenly, all the strong men nodded.

"It's enough to help this seat resist the attack."

The expression on Li Lingtian's face was calm. After he finished speaking, without any hesitation, the consciousness moved, the heavenly roulette appeared in front of him, and immediately the breath of the powerful heavenly heaven radiated out. Bumped up.

After the appearance of Tiandao Roulette, Li Lingtian waved his hands without any pause, and the look on his face was very focused.




A series of mysterious dharma decisions were exhibited, and the air was constantly twisted.

The dark mask of magical energy trembles in front of this spell. Although Li Lingtian was trapped on the square by the formation, when he cast a powerful formation, the sky and earth changed rapidly.

Jiu Xiao was furious, the sky shivered, and the magic energy in the void constantly twisted.

For a time, the devil qi and the air of heaven and the air continued to fight.

Seeing this situation, everyone was shocked. This is the method of the Sky Array Master.

"Sky array master, this demon king will see what you have skills."

"Do it, kill all."

Lord Mojun saw the situation after Li Lingtian shot, and the look on his face changed a bit, and the blood-red eyes became more terrifying, just like eating humans.

With one hand waving, all the powerful demons will display the horrible magic energy, and the magic energy will be pressed towards the formation.

Lord Demon also cast a mysterious dharma show. The magic of the Demon Race continued to press against the black mask. For a time, the space above the entire square continued to tear.

The mask trembles, and the attacks of countless Demon Powers and Warcraft have also penetrated the formation and bombarded the Powers inside.



"Boom, boom."


The explosion and destruction between heaven and earth, countless human powerhouses continue to fall, and several pseudo-godly powerhouses have long disappeared.

The semi-godly powerhouses also continue to fall. The essence blood and the true Yuan Shouyuan have become the blood pool and energy light group.

All the attacks of Demon Strong and Warcraft are mainly aimed at Li Lingtian.

Because Lord Mojun has already mentioned the importance of Li Lingtian, even if you are not awakening Lord Demon Emperor, you must wipe out Li Lingtian. You can think of the hatred and fear of the Mozu against Li Lingtian.

Moreover, Lord Mojun’s decision is also directed against Li Lingtian. You must know that Li Lingtian is the first division of the Shenwu Continent. The strength is terrifying. If Li Lingtian breaks the formation, this time the Devil’s plan will be ruined, and will The news leaked, and the Demon Race would be thrown into a place of nowhere.

So, no matter what, all the strongmen on the island must be killed.




Inside the dark magic gas mask, the strong men fell one by one. At this time, the life of the half **** realm is also very weak, and it fell every moment.

However, Li Lingtian continued to display the law, and all the strongmen blocked all the attacks in front of Li Lingtian, so as not to affect Li Lingtian's breakout. Now the only hope is to fall on Li Lingtian.

The devastating attack collided, the mask shivered, and all the demigods were desperately resisted.

The look on Li Lingtian's face was also dignified, because in the face of a devastating attack, one accidentally vanished, and now he gave his life to the powerful demigods around him, which could only be used to resist.

Before the last resort, it will not be easy to display killer skills.

"Heaven is Yongchang, everything is bright."

"The array of divine light destroys the heavens and demons!"

With the launch of the heavenly roulette, the terrifying heavenly breath radiated continuously, and a truly mysterious radiance appeared on Li Lingtian. This radiance appeared incomparably bright in front of the terrifying dark magic energy, just like a trace of dawn in the night. .

Moreover, this brilliance is becoming more and more powerful. The brilliance changes from one to two, two to four, four to eight, and endlessly, and finally turns into billions of radiance, and the radiance forms a powerful light .

Suddenly, the brilliance and the dark magic blasted against each other.




The shocking sound of the sky, the attacks of all the demon powerhouses and Warcraft ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ are completely ignored, and the attacks of human powerhouses cannot leave the formation.

For a time, the world shook like the end of the world.

The look on Lord Demon's face changed and became angry.

Because the originally stronger and stronger Devil Emperor's breath in the formation has become weaker, if this continues, the Demon Crystal will lose its effect and cannot revive Devil Emperor Master.

What made him more shocked was that Li Lingtian had cracked his formation so easily. To know that this formation is the Demon's horror formation, only the super powers of the Demon can be exhibited, and it needs a strong lineup and terror. The price can only be arranged. I never thought Li Lingtian could see the magic array at a glance.

Although Li Lingtian’s Divine Martial Array Master on the first day of the continent, he should not control the formation of the Demon Clan. He naturally did not know that Li Lingtian not only cultivated the Demon’s skills, but also cultivated the supreme sacred code of the Demon Clan and controlled the Demon Clan. Everything supreme.

To get rid of this magic array, as long as it is helpful, it is as easy as a palm.


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