War God Supreme

Chapter 1592: War devil



All the magical energy merged together to form a huge dragon. Cell phone reading cell phone reading

The dragon has a length of one thousand meters and a size of one hundred meters. It looks terrible.

The huge body swings in the air, and the space is constantly torn out of countless cracks, and the endless gang wind drifts out of the cracks, drawing the void into endless mouths.

The power of the destructive dragon is crushing the world. At the time of the appearance of the dragon, all the strong human beings, all the strong demon races, and all the warcraft are trembling constantly, shaking in front of the power of the dragon.


When the magic dragon appeared, the statue of the devil on the square was completely displayed on the ground of the square.

The demonic qi of destruction torn the space, and a real muffled sound was heard in the air.

Moreover, at this time, the Sky Demon Crystal has absorbed all the essential blood, Shou Yuan and True Element, and the Sky Demon Crystal exudes a rich and spiritual evil atmosphere, just like a horrible demon turning in the air.

Seeing this situation, all Mozu strong and Warcraft are shocked and excited.

All World of Warcraft worshipped, just like welcoming the Devil Emperor.

The expression on Lord Mojun's face was excited, and the terrifying demon qi attracted the dragon, and roared fiercely towards Li Lingtian. The space where the dragon had passed was torn into a terrifying mouth.

Before Linglong bombarded him, Li Lingtian felt the power of destruction.

Pure magic energy and the power of destruction are combined, and the dragon at the peak of the mid-demireal stage will destroy the power of the mid-demithical stage.

Watching the magic dragon roar, Li Lingtian's heart shivered.

"Sword Domain!"


The look on Li Lingtian's face changed drastically, and the true element in his hand continued to extend, using the power of ten thousand yuan to resist the flame.

At the same time, a ruined sword meaning broke out all over the body. The sword meaning Ling Ran, Li Lingtian was like a sword standing proudly between heaven and earth.

The ruined sword meaning is full of space, the sword meaning becomes sword power, the sword power sublimates into the sword territory, and suddenly the sky is constantly torn by the sword territory.

A field of swords, a world of swords, and a world of sharp destruction were completely formed around Li Lingtian.

Seeing the magic dragon roaring, Li Lingtian's consciousness moved, and the three ruined sword domain sword bursts out. The three ruined sword bursts are hundreds of meters long. The breath of destruction, with the ancient vicissitudes, just It seems to come across the space and time with an ancient atmosphere.

The three swordsmen's swordmans spin around Li Lingtian, and the swordmansmans from the ancient time and space bombard the demon dragon fiercely, and the three swordsmans swordsmans seem to be separated, but they are actually together and bombarded at the same time. On the magic dragon.




Jianyu Jianmang fell across the ancient time and landed on the magic dragon, and three explosions of destruction appeared at the same time.


A screaming roar of the magic dragon sounded. In front of the ruined sword domain sword mansions, even the magic dragon's strong body and defense were also bombarded and injured by the sword domain sword mansions. The severe pain caused the dragon to roar in the air.

Li Lingtian's body was also rebounded and flew straight away.

With the power of tossing away, Li Lingtian fled with a flick of his figure, a thousand miles away.


When Li Lingtian fled, he saw that he had escaped thousands of miles away, but a mysterious pulling force of destruction appeared on the square to stop him.

This mysterious and terrifying force directly twisted the space, ignoring the distance of the space, and pulled Li Lingtian back. When the horror's teleportation speed was suddenly pulled back, this kind of recoil force shocked Li Lingtian's heart and spurted blood out.

This is not his most terrifying. The most terrifying thing is that he controls the space magical power of the heaven and the dead, and controls the space, but at this time it seems so weak.

When he returned to the square, the look on his face changed drastically, because there were more than 30 superpowers at the beginning of the square that were originally on the square, and now they are all imprisoned and suspended in the air.

And it is the statue of the Devil Emperor that imprisoned more than thirty and a half gods.

The current Devil Emperor Statue, although still only a statue, but with a trace of vitality, and the eyes also turned, **** eyes as if they could penetrate the human mind.

The tall statue of Devil Emperor, a blood-red ray appeared on the eyebrows, the sky demon crystal and the blood-red ray were connected together, and the two slowly merged together. Thirty strong men were suspended in the air, and their body blood and true Yuanshou Yuan's continuous loss, all entered the statue of the Devil Emperor.

"Ah, ah!"

"Ah, ah!"

"Master Ling Tian save me."

In the air, the thirty-and-a-half of the imprisoned superpowers in the imprisoned face looked desperate, without any trace of blood, and the body did not know whether it was shaking because of fear or discomfort.

Looking at the strong men of the same kind who have been ruthlessly squeezed, it is now their turn to know that their lives are losing a little bit, and it will become a corpse in a short time.

Moreover, his own blood and life are still the key to activating the Devil Emperor, and it will harm the Shenwu Continent.

We all know that as long as the Heavenly Demon Crystal and the Devil Emperor Statue are fully fused, the Devil Emperor will wake up.

After seeing Li Lingtian fleeing and being pulled back again, they thought Li Lingtian came back to rescue them. They didn’t know that Li Lingtian was also pulled back by the mysterious power of the Devil Emperor Statue. Without this mysterious power, the fool would come back here.

"Li Lingtian, want to escape, is it possible?"

"Haha, haha."

"Look at how you escape today."

All the Demon Clan Powers and Warcraft are worshipped on the ground. Only Lord Demon is suspended in the air, and the hands show the pure devil qi to stabilize the Heavenly Demon Crystal, so that the Heavenly Demon Crystal and the Devil Emperor Statue merge.

Originally watching Li Lingtian escape, he had no way at all, because at this time, he had no way to do anything at all. He had to use his magic energy to stabilize the Heavenly Demon Crystal, and he could only watch Li Lingtian escape.

I regret it in my heart. If I don’t start teasing Li Lingtian, I will directly kill Li Lingtian with a killer weapon, and I won’t let Li Lingtian escape. Naturally, the island’s secrets will not be revealed. The fact that the tribe came to the Gufeng Dark Sea Island tells the powerful of Shenwu Continent.

The demon awakening will also spread throughout the Shenwu Continent, which will be extremely detrimental to the Devil Race.

If the Devil Emperor Statue had the power of the Devil Emperor after he was awakened, he did not worry about the powerful of the Shenwu Continent at all, but it would take some time for the Devil Emperor Statue to resume its cultivation.

During this time, if attacked by the powerful of Shenwu Continent, the Demon Race will be over.

But seeing the power of the Devil Emperor Statue holding more than thirty strong men, and pulling Li Lingtian back, Lord Demon King was immediately surprised, and looked coldly at Li Lingtian, said coldly.

"Even if you destroy this seat, this seat will pull you back."

"Heaven is gone, space is magic, tear!"

Li Lingtian looked at the changes in the statue of the Devil Emperor, and at the situation of Lord Demon King, and then understood that the Devil Emperor was about to wake up. It was only a matter of time. If the Devil Emperor woke up, he would not control the Shenwu Continent. Immediately fell here.

Feeling the power of destruction imprisonment, and the tearing magical energy, it made him want to collapse.

I was horrified by the horror of the devil emperor. This statue of the devil emperor is just a statue of the devil emperor, or a devil emperor imprisoned. It is still so scary. If it is awake, it will not be terrifying.

The Devil Emperor is also a powerful existence in the Demon Race, which is equivalent to the powerful and powerful person above the true **** of mankind.

How powerful the True God is, he dare not imagine it, and he has not been in contact with the True God.

But now there is a Devil Emperor comparable to the True God in front of him. The Demon Emperor's horror is beyond imagination. It is absolutely impossible to let the Devil Emperor wake up easily, or he must find a way to escape before the Devil Emperor wakes up.

Being imprisoned, there is no resistance at all, just like a person is trapped in his hands and feet.

The strong man was imprisoned and could not move his fingers, not even the consciousness and the true element.

Li Lingtian did not like this feeling.

As soon as the consciousness moved, the heavenly stillness vanished, the body of the **** phoenix unfolded, and the destroyed space magical power was displayed.

The statue of the Devil Emperor controlled his true unit, but he did not know that he was not only a human being, but also controlled the Five Elements Great Consummation, and controlled various physiques and talents against the sky.

The true element cannot be used, the body of Shenfeng is unfolded, and the power of the destructive Phoenix is ​​exploded.

The whole person turned into a **** phoenix, and the huge claws scratched fiercely in front, making a tear, and then tearing apart fiercely, and suddenly the space was torn to a crack of a few miles in size.

The power of imprisonment was also torn apart, and Li Lingtian regained the power of the movement and was no longer under the control of imprisonment.

Countless fragments were torn from the space, and more than 30 imprisoned demigods were also affected.


A series of muffled sounds, thirty-and-a-half of the powerful gods fell to the ground, but there was no real element in the whole body, too much blood was lost, and Shouyuan had little left.

Heavenly Demon Crystal shook, and the blood-red light in the eyebrow of the Devil Emperor's statue ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The connection with Heavenly Demon Crystal was also affected.

Seeing this situation, Lord Monarch was very angry. He never thought that after Li Lingtian was brought back and imprisoned, he displayed the magical power of the Shenfeng family, turning the true yuan into the power of the Shenfeng, and then torn the space and turned the Devil Emperor. The imprisonment of the statue is cracked.


The look on Lord Mojun's face changed, but he didn't dare to give up at this time. If he gave up, it would be a delusion to reawaken Devil Emperor.

As he spoke, the law in his hand waved, once again securing the Heavenly Demon Crystal, and slowly connecting with the Devil Emperor Statue.

At the same time, he looked at the six strong human beings not far away.

This look, the six strong men can no longer be clear, it is natural to ask them to kill Li Lingtian.

As long as Li Lingtian is killed, there will be no impact. He also wants to see humans kill each other.

There was no slight change in feelings on the faces of the six and a half gods. They looked at each other, flashed their bodies, and shot at Li Lingtian. The devastating attack landed like a storm. ()

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