War God Supreme

Chapter 1594: Destroy 1 blow

The black-pressed World of Warcraft, countless demons strong, after the command of the demon king, at the same time will display the devastating attack. phone-reading

These strongmen and Warcraft, which did not start with Li Lingtian and others at first, were worried about disturbing the statue of the demon awakening the devil emperor. Now they do not have to worry about these.

For a time, the space was distorted, like a broken mirror.




Above the island, the attack of the powerful attacked, and the roar of Warcraft, the island was completely destroyed.

Countless Mozu strongmen and endless Warcraft, all attacks are locked on more than 30 strong men and Li Lingtian. They also know that these strongmen cannot be found in the falling strongman and they want to kill Li Lingtian. Kill.

However, Li Lingtian’s terrifying defense and physique, coupled with a strong defense, the attacks of Demi-realm Demon and Warcraft could not hurt him at all, and at this time, he did not dare to focus on these Demon and Warcraft Body.

Instead, they must focus all their attention on the devil and the statue, and find a chance to escape.

At the same time, it is necessary to resist the attacks of these demons, and let other powerful people find Bao Yuan Dan. The strong people who got Bao Yuan Dan in the auction are also the initial peaks. However, they have no chance to take Bao Yuan Dan, but they have disappeared in the war. Too.

It is not so simple to find Bao Yuan Dan, not to mention the endless bombardment of powerful men.

"Ah, ah!"

A scream screamed, and more than thirty and a half **** powers fell to more than a dozen, and the rest were only twenty, and they were constantly injured and falling in the attack of destruction.

"Dark God Ring-Hades Blade!"

Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian's face changed, and if he didn't take action, these powerful men would all fall away. Not only was his panacea wasted, but he also lost his last chance.

There is no way, Pluto Blade is displayed. This is the first time he has repeatedly performed a supernatural power on the same battlefield.

Only the power of Pluto Blade can deal with the Demon Race and Warcraft here.

For a time, the devastating Pluto Blade attack was like a rainstorm bombarding the Demon Powerhouse and Warcraft, so as to reduce the pressure of the Powerhouse below.

"The black dragon comes out."

After exerting the Pluto Blade, Li Lingtian did not pause at all. His mind moved, and the Dragon Ring opened.

With a soft drink, there was a twist in the air, and a strong breath suddenly appeared in the air.

I saw a thousand-meter-long, 100-meter-long gray giant dragon appearing in the air, terrifying dragon power ravaged the space, and the strength of the mid-semi-realm was cultivated, which shocked countless Warcraft and Demon in the air.

This is the Black Dragon King, who got the body and ideas of the evil dragon, and the powerful evil dragon Nedan, which makes its cultivation reach the middle of the semi-divine realm, and the power is terrifying.

This time when I came to Gufeng Dark Sea Auction, I brought Bei Mingxue, Xiaobai and Ji Yi, but Xiaobai and Ji Yi were both false gods. Under such circumstances, there was no slight advantage.

Only the mid-level strength of the Black Dragon King's semi-divine realm, coupled with the horror physique of the Black Dragon, can help him.

If he wants to exert a powerful magical power, he must have a powerful help to guard him and let him perform super magical power with peace of mind.

After the Black Dragon King came out, the destroyed Longwei was filled with void, and the huge body resisted all attacks outside, so that Li Lingtian would not be attacked in the slightest.

"The Lord."

Huge eyes glanced at all the demons and Warcraft in the air. The Black Dragon King was full of violent power. As long as Li Lingtian said, it would destroy everything here. Even if it could not be destroyed, try to destroy it as much as possible.

After he began to enter the Dragon Ring, Beimingxue had already notified it and made it ready. Now he came out and exhibited terrifying strength and defense.

"You protect the law."

"Here comes to deal with him."

Li Lingtian said coldly, in a simple sentence, after finishing speaking, the true element of the whole body worked.

With the Black Dragon King around, he was absolutely assured.

This place is where the devil is the culmination of the mid-god realm. The other strong men are in the early half-god realm. Now that several human superpowers have fallen, no one can threaten the black dragon king.

The Demon King can't even deal with him now, because there is a statue of the Devil Emperor to wake up.

But Li Lingtian did not dare to run away at this time, because the statue of the Devil Emperor was so terrifying. He felt that as soon as he left this island, he would suffer a ruinous lore. Strength, do not dare to imagine.

Now, all he has to do is to destroy the devil, and wipe out the devil, the statue of the devil cannot be activated by awakening.

Sword Intention, Sword Intention!

Sword intention erupted, the five-star primordial gods turned around, and the power of horror suddenly showed.

"Nine Heavens Excalibur!"

"Destroy Sky Sword Formation!"

"Nine Nine Sky Sword Formation!"

Li Lingtian Zhenyuan reached an extreme, the consciousness was running, the Jiutian Excalibur was exhibited, the Jiutian Excalibur came from the Jiutian Temple, and the Jiujian inferior congenital artifact, but after reaching the realm of the sword domain, the Jiujian Shidai inferior congenital sword also merged in Together they reached the level of the middle class congenital artifact.

The nine-handed middle-class congenital artifacts are on display, and nine-color congenital swords revolve around Li Lingtian.

Reaching the realm of the sword realm, he has long been integrated with the Jiutian Excalibur. He is the Jiutian Excalibur, and the Jiutian Excalibur is also him. The appearance of the Jiutian Excalibur is convenient for him to form one body, reaching an ultimate tacit understanding.

The ruined Jianmang erupted at this time. Both Jianmang are sword domain sword power and sword intention.

The space is constantly torn apart, within a hundred miles of Li Lingtian, the sword field flashes, and the golden awn of the gold field flashes.

The Warcraft Demon Powerhouses on the island and the remaining dozens of Semi-God Powerhouses stopped at this time, staring at Li Lingtian in horror, watching the two realms around Li Lingtian and the nine-handed Innate Excalibur .

In the Shenwu Continent, the demigod powerhouse also wanted to get a congenital artifact. Even in this auction venue, there were two congenital artifacts.

But I never thought that the treasures exhibited by Li Lingtian were both innate artifacts and unique ancient artifacts.

From the beginning of the war, I can’t remember how many pieces of congenital artifacts Li Lingtian displayed, and now there are nine handles of congenital artifacts. It is obvious that these nine handles of congenital artifacts are a set of treasures or a sword array against the sky.

The Demon Powerhouse and Warcraft were stunned by Li Lingtian's power.

The strong man found the Yuan Yuan Dan to stop, and each strong person was divided into a Yuan Yuan Dan. After Li Lingtian's blow, he swallowed the Yuan Yuan Dan to destroy the demon here and escape from the island.

For a time, everyone turned their attention to Li Lingtian.

The look on Lord Mojun's face also changed, becoming dignified, and even showing fear and fear in his eyes.

Things that can make him fear and fear are rarely seen in this Shenwu Continent, but I did not expect to face the fear and fear of a pseudo-real world youth when he was absolutely superior.


In the air, the Jiutian Excalibur burst out of the sky, and the swordsman's spin turned to stir the void.

The void was stirred into pieces, and the whole world was like to be destroyed in front of the Nine Heavens Sword.

Gradually, the nine ruined swords slowly merged.

The look on Li Lingtian's face is also distorted. It seems that it is very difficult to perform this attack. True Yuan consumes sharply, sword intention, sword potential, sword domain, and constantly becomes violent in the air.

The magic energy in this island is constantly being cut, and the thunder and arc of Jiuxiao is coming, which is completely a picture of the end of the world.

"Fire Demon Burns Tissot!"

"Taiwan Demon Moon Slash!"

The look on Lord Mojun's face is getting more and more ugly, because at this time, the statue of the Devil Emperor has come to the final juncture, and only a little time will be able to revive the Demon Emperor.

But the abominable human in front of him, although he caught the time, chose this time to attack.

Let him face a dilemma, if he gave up the resurrection of the Devil Emperor, he would give up his achievements.

If the statue of the Devil Emperor was resurrected by force, he would be attacked by destruction. At that time, the smoke might disappear, and for a time, the Demon King did not know what to do.

However, Li Lingtian didn't give him the opportunity to think about it. When he saw the swords of the Jiutian Excalibur merged together, he didn't dare to hesitate any more.

The Divine Consciousness controls the Heavenly Demon Crystal, and with both hands, the evil spirit that destroys terror explodes at this time.

At the same time, a black long shuttle appeared in the air. The long shuttle was like a heavenly book coming through time and space, but the long shuttle carried a trembling devil qi and a flame devil qi.

Heaven and earth, burned in the face of the flame of destruction, everything was demonized, or burned to ashes.

Long Shuo bombarded Li Lingtian with unmatched magic power, and the sky marked a broken channel.

When the long shuttle appeared, another exquisite magic moon slash appeared in the hands of the demon king. Under the blessing of magic qi, the magic moon slash instantly became a kilometer.

Holding Taikoo Moyue in both hands and slashing down towards Li Lingtian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Two devastating attacks between heaven and earth suddenly bombarded Li Lingtian.

Looking at the two attacks in the air, all the Devil Powers and Warcraft, as well as the remaining human powers, are shocked, because these two treasures are the Devil's innate artifacts, comparable to the existence of innate artifacts .

Even more horrible is the Archaic Demon Moon Slash. Such treasures are extremely rare even in the Demon Race.

Unexpectedly, at this time, in order to deal with Li Lingtian, he displayed two congenital magic devices, but it is conceivable that Mo Jun hated Li Lingtian in his heart, and he will not stop swearing to kill Li Lingtian.


At this time, Li Lingtian's Nine Heavens Excalibur also merged the nine sword swords.

I saw a nine-color sword mansions sweeping the heaven and earth fairy spirit with the destruction of the sword field light, all the way to destroy the space and bombarded the demon king.

For a time, the three devastating attacks of space shattered the world. All the powerful and the Demon Warcraft continued to be endlessly destroyed. More than a dozen semi-divine realm strongmen swallowed the Yuan Yuan Dan, and the realm was raised. Resist the power of destruction. ()

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