War God Supreme

Chapter 1596: Fusion Sacred Dragon...

To deal with the demon, you should use the devil's skills.

The terrifying magical energy was revealed, which immediately shocked all the Demon Powerhouses and Warcraft. The look on the Demon King's face was also constantly changing. He knew that Li Lingtian had practiced the Demon Clan skills, but he did not expect that Li Lingtian's magic power had reached Such a degree of horror.



The holy demon's true solution is running, and the true demon's energy in the body erupts.

The true solution of the Holy Devil has reached his level, and the true devil qi given to him by the light dance has made his magic skills reach a terrifying point, and there is a silky divine in the true devil qi. Devil's Air.

The true devil qi is the royal blood of the demon clan. Only the demon supreme can cultivate the true devil qi.

The Qi of the Holy Devil, even the supremacy of the Devil Clan, could not be known. He had never heard of the Qi of the Holy Devil, and since he hadn’t heard of it, he would never have seen it.

However, Li Lingtian controlled the cultivation of the true solution of the Holy Devil.

In other words, among the demons, there is only one person who has truly practiced the true solution of the holy demon, that is, the demon who created the true solution of the holy demon. The second one is him Li Lingtian.

Compared with the true demon qi, the divine qi does not know how many times it is ten thousand times stronger, and the two are not at the same level.

In other words, the qi of the holy demon is the ancestor of the qi of the real demon, and also the ancestor of the devil.

"What a pure magical energy."

"True demon gas?"

"I didn't think of a human being, so I practiced the skills of my devil to such a degree."

Demon King looked at Li Lingtian's pure and overbearing demon qi, and his face showed horror.

His cultivation base is the devil who has reached the peak of the mid-semi-real world. Needless to say, he also knows a lot about the secrets of the devil. The higher the standing, the more you know. Similarly, the more you know, the more pressure you have. The bigger.

The older the rivers and lakes, the smaller the courage.

I was shocked to see the magical energy exhibited by Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian's magic energy may not be as powerful as him, but he is absolutely not comparable to pureness and power. He has to admit this.

He is already a devil, standing above the middle level of the demon clan, and can be more pure than his devil qi, only the legendary true devil qi of the royal family.

I didn't expect a human being to cultivate the spirit of the demon royal true devil.

For a time, he had a slight suspicion, wondering whether Li Lingtian was a demon race, or a clan race, or a Phoenix race, or a dragon race. All this made him feel puzzled and confused.

"The Decepticons kill!"

Seeing such a situation, the look on Li Lingtian's face was calm, and his heart gradually calmed down.

As long as you can delay for a while, the Devil Emperor Statue will become a statue completely. At that time, you can safely leave without being mysteriously locked by the statue.

The true solution of the Holy Demon was exhibited. His purpose was to shock the demon clan present and shock these demon clan, so that they could delay for a little longer, and now the goal has been achieved.

However, he did not dare to have the slightest care, the true demonic energy of the whole body was operating, and the magic power of the demon race was displayed.

In the true solution of the Holy Devil, there are nine magical powers.

The first three gates are heavenly supernatural powers, the middle three gates are peerless supernatural powers, and the last three gates are extinct supernatural powers. The power of each kind of supernatural power differs by 180,000 miles, and the two are not a grade at all.

He cultivated and controlled the true solution of the Holy Devil, but he did not touch the three peerless supernatural powers of Zhongsanmen, or the three heavenly supernatural powers he had previously controlled.

Now Xiu Wei has reached the pinnacle of pseudo-real world consummation. Any moves that he exhibits can be transformed into magic, not to mention the use of true demon gas to display heavenly supernatural powers, which is enough to turn against the sky.

The terrifying true demonic gas exploded, and the demon dragons displayed their magical powers, and suddenly thousands of devastating demonic qis turned into magical dragons. Each magical qi was a magical dragon. Wherever the dragon has passed, countless Warcraft and Demon Powerhouses have vanished.




Suddenly, the sound of screaming continued, the roaring sound shook the sky, the sound of destruction resounded through the world, the entire island was flooded with destruction, Li Lingtian exhibited the demon dragon killing power, against the sky, but could not shake the semi-divine realm of destruction Demon races, can not shake the devil.

But the powerhouses and Warcraft below Demi-realm are all like ashes.

"True Demon Kills the Palm!"

"Nine Yintian Demon Finger."

Li Zhantian didn't pause at all for the display of the tyrannical demon dragon killing, and the magic powers of the two demons were displayed again.

For a time, the Demon King and the Demon Strong were shocked, because these supernatural powers can only be accessed by the Devil Super Powers. Even the Demon King has only heard of it and has not seen it, let alone used it.

Destroying the demonic supernatural powers, a human strongman uses the magical supernatural powers to destroy the demonic superpowers and Warcraft, which is undoubtedly an insult to the demons.

However, in front of the magic powers of the Demon Race, they were all suppressed.

The demon was also confused at this time. Li Lingtian's magical powers and controlled exercises really puzzled him, and he gradually thought that Li Lingtian was a powerful demon.

"This seat is gone first."

After the completion of the three moves of the Demon Magical Power, Li Lingtian watched the Devil Emperor Statue almost become a statue, and the breath above gradually disappeared. Seeing this situation, there is no chance to escape again.

The figure flashed quickly and flew away outside the island.

"Want to go like this?"

"is it possible?"

"Incarnate into Heavenly Demon, Heavenly Demon is born."

"Burning the flames of the Devil, destroying everything in the world!"

Watching Li Lingtian flee, the demon awakened, and his body was so angry.

At this time, he also understood that Li Lingtian was deliberately delaying time to find an opportunity to escape. If Li Lingtian was really a demon, he would not use the demon supernatural powers to destroy the demon's warcraft and powerful.

He had seen Li Lingtian's body style. If he exhibited space magic powers against the sky, it would be impossible to chase after that.

Now no matter what, Li Lingtian cannot escape. Otherwise, the Demon Race of Shenwu Continent will be completely finished, and the look of the Devil Emperor Statue will be completely transformed into a statue, and the look on the Demon King's face becomes extremely determined.

Then he shouted loudly, and the devil qi of the ruined sky rose to the sky, and the magic qi on the whole island was twisted.

Suddenly the space became sluggish, Li Lingtian's idea of ​​teleportation was also interrupted, his body style was much slower, and the demonic energy of destruction quickly surrounded Li Lingtian.

All the devil qi has the devil's breath. The devil qi of the whole island is like the realm of the devil.

The voice of the Devil's roar fell, and countless Demon Powers displayed their devil qi at the same time. It was completely burning their lives to perform the mystery of the sky. In this case, Li Lingtian will not kill him.

For a time, the devil qi on the island completely turned into flame devil qi, and Li Lingtian's body seemed to be imprisoned again.

"Sky wand!"

Seeing this situation, the look on Li Lingtian's face couldn't help but change dramatically, and his consciousness moved, and the Heavenly Wand sacrificed.

The three-foot-long wand was held in one hand and waved with one hand, the devastating spirit trembling, the whole person was like a demon supreme at the moment, and the flame demon's qi continued to tear and tremble in front of the sky wand. It's like encountering a nemesis, or a ruler of a demon race.



In the void, thunder and lightning arcs are vertical and horizontal, and bursts of arc and thunder tear the space.

All World of Warcraft, countless demons, and at the moment when the magic wand came out, they worshipped, and they couldn't help worshipping, as if they saw the ruler of the demons.

"Sky wand!"

"Sky wand!"

Countless Mozu strongmen exclaimed, and the body shivered at this time.

An invisible pressure crushed these powerful demon.

Li Lingtian is like a demon supreme suspended in the air.

His eyes glanced at the countless Demon Powerhouses and Warcraft below, and his cold eyes were like a scrutiny.

"Destroy it!"

Without any hesitation, waving with one hand, the sky wand gathers the destructive qi, and bombards the demon king and the demon who burns life. There is a sky wand in the hand, and there is no need for luck, because the sky wand controls all the demon. Devil qi.

The destructive qi that was suddenly destroyed was pressed towards the demon king, and the demon king and the demon strong were under endless pressure.

The body is under the pressure of the demonic qi of destruction, and the heart is under the suppression of the magic wand. For a time, it almost collapsed the demon strong and the devil.


On the island, the magic qi is vertical and horizontal, thunder is rolling, and the arc flashes.

Countless demonic strongmen and demons teamed up to attack, and at this time they collided with the power of the sky wand in Li Lingtian's hands.



The impact of the destruction, Li Lingtian flew out of the body, a spit of blood spurted out.

At the same time, the devil is also a mouthful of blood spurting out, and countless demon powerhouses disappear.

Mo Ling's mouth was stained with blood, and Li Lingtian's face was pale.

The Sky Wand resisted the attacks of the Demon King and the Demon Strong, but his mind was shaken violently, almost destroying him completely.

"Holy Dragon Blade."

"Heart of the Sacred Dragon Blade, merge!"

Li Lingtian's heart was ruthless and his mind moved.

The Sacred Dragon Blade was displayed, and at the same time a delicate black blade appeared in front of it.

When he wants to come, he wants to leave now, it is simply impossible, as soon as he escapes ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he will expose himself to the attack of the devil, and there are endless Warcraft and Demon Strong .

There is a dilemma now. Instead of consuming it like this, it is better to go all out.

The real solution of the holy demon runs to the extreme, the air of the real demon wraps around, and the air of the divine demon flows in the air of the real demon.

Sacred Dragon Blade and Sacred Dragon Blade Heart appear in front of you. At this time, as long as the Sacred Dragon Blade and Sacred Dragon Blade Heart are merged, the power of Sacred Dragon Blade can be exerted to a greater extent.

This Sacred Dragon Blade has been available for several decades, but it has not found the heart of the Sacred Dragon Blade and cannot exert the power of the Sacred Dragon Blade.

Moreover, in the past few decades, he rarely performed magic skills, nor did he pay attention to this matter.

But I did not expect to encounter the Sacred Dragon Blade Heart in the auction this time. This is something he never thought of. Now that I have found the Sacred Dragon Blade Heart, it is also a chance. If it can be merged, then The power of the Sacred Dragon Blade can be exerted, and there is greater hope for solving the immediate problem.


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