War God Supreme

Chapter 1609: Chunyang Island

c_t; "This seat doesn't like to look up. [Almost all the books I want to read are ah, they are more stable and updated than ordinary stations, and they are faster. There are no ads in full text.]"

"I don't like people talking on this seat and die for this seat."

Li Lingtian looked at the spaceship in the air, a slight smile overflowed at the corner of his mouth, the smile was more and more full-bodied, the corner of his mouth grinned and said aloud.

He was all on the ground, even though there were people who dared to stand high in front of him, and looked down at him with a look down, it was just to death.

Since the other party is not polite, there is no need to be polite.

In this world, the strongest is respected. Only when the strength is strong will others respect you. Without strength, they will only be trampled by others.

When speaking, the voice is like a dragon, Zhengzheng is in the whole space, and the sky is also buzzed by this sound, and the strong people near the island are clearly heard.

Hearing that some people are so arrogant, they are still so arrogant to the people of Chunyang Island, it is beyond the imagination of the strong people on the island. For a time, I wonder who this newly arrived character is.

The strong man in the airship was fooled by Li Lingtian's words and began to think that he had misheard.

But seeing other companions is also in this puzzled state, and understands that there are people who are looking for death below, and they come to Chunyang Island to wilderness.

"Just go to Chunyang Island to find death, then you will be fulfilled."

In the early stage of the false **** realm headed, the strong man showed anger on his face. For hundreds of years on Chunyang Island, he has been receiving foreign strong men, which has also developed his superior posture, but he has never encountered such arrogance. People, immediately aroused the anger in my heart.

With one wave of one hand, the strong man above the spacecraft simultaneously exhibited a destructive attack. The destructive attack tore the space and went straight to Li Lingtian, as if to tear Li Lingtian.



In the air, the devastating attack came like a violent storm, and the attack enveloped Li Lingtian and the three, so that they did not retreat in the slightest.

Dozens of attacks by the powers of the false **** realm are extremely terrifying.

Seeing that the following three people are going to be destroyed by their own attacks, the strong men on the spacecraft all show a cruel smile.

However, at this time, weird things appeared. I saw dozens of attacks came to Li Lingtian and was imprisoned. At the same time, I saw Li Lingtian waved with one hand, a horrible light burst out, dark blue The ray of light counteracts dozens of attacks.

At the same time, the deep blue light flickered, just like a gossip light and shadow roulette, bombarded towards the spaceship.

Seeing this situation, the strong man on the spaceship showed a horrified look on his face, and did not have time to dodge and resist, the spaceship turned to ashes, and the terrible dark blue attack directly bombarded the strongman on the spaceship.


A series of muffled noises, all the powerful people on the spacecraft fell to the ground fiercely, and they fell into a mess, and they looked very ugly.

The dozen or so strong men had no resistance at all, so they fell on the ground so fiercely, their faces showing a horrified look, looking at the youth in front of them in horror.

It was at this time that he kicked himself on the iron plate. The young man in front of him is not something he can cause.

There was a trace of terror in my heart, but when I thought of the pure Yangdao here, I felt a little relieved.

"What are you doing, Chunyang Island here?"

"Don't you take Chunyang Island in your eyes?"

The head of the pseudo-shenjing strongman slowly climbed up, looked at Li Lingtian with three eyes, and said.

At this time, I was terribly fearful, and I could only lift Chunyang Island out of the youth in front of me. The strength of Chunyang Island is well known, and even the most powerful people would not dare to fight Chunyang Island.

"Extremely stupid."

"He Li Lingtian, came to Chunyang Island to find Lord Chunyang."

"Tell me a word! I'm really anxious for your IQ."

Li Lingtian shook his head, and was really speechless to these false gods. He would threaten him at this time. He just wanted to die. Fortunately, he didn’t want to kill the people of Chunyang Island. He didn’t want to turn his face with Chunyang Island. The threat just now is enough for these powerful men to die thousands of times.

What kind of identity is he?

Speaking his name directly, if it really makes him angry, then more than a dozen pseudo-spiritual strongmen will stay here.

"Li Lingtian?"

"Sir Ling Tian!"

"Are you the Master Divine Master Ling Tian?"

"There are no eyes underneath, hope Lord Lingtian forgive sins."

"Here, I will send a message to Master Chunyang. Lord Lingtian, please go to Chunyang Pavilion first, because it may take a few days for Master Chunyang to get out of the customs."

The head of the false **** realm called Nalan Lingfeng, the peak of the early false **** realm.

For hundreds of years in Chunyang Island, it has been receiving foreign strongmen. With the strongman of Chunyang Island, he has developed the bad habits of his superiors. The strongman here, even if he is strong, he must be afraid of pureness. Master Yang, it's not easy to worry about the people of Chunyang Island.

But did not expect to meet Li Lingtian this time, Li Lingtian's overbearing shocked him.

Now the young man in front of him, Ling Tian, ​​who is indeed the first **** pill master of the Shenwu Continent, shivered suddenly. Although this young man was only a pseudo-god, but his identity was not simple, even Chunyang Island did not dare to offend easily.

Because he offended Li Lingtian, he could not afford to sin, hurry and respectfully salute Li Lingtian.

Such a character can only be resolved by the adults of Chunyang on Chunyang Island.

It's a pity that Master Yang only needs to let Li Lingtian go to Chunyang Island to rest, so that at least the current crisis can be resolved, and Chunyang Island and Li Lingtian will not be in conflict.

In Shenwu Continent, unless there is a last resort, no one would like to offend the First Divine Pill Master of Shenwu Continent by their own forces.

"lead the way."

Li Lingtian did not say anything, simply said two words.

Qianglong does not suppress the head snake. This is the constant rule of Henggu. If it is not necessary, it will not offend Chunyang Island. After all, he still has to rely on Chunyang Island to do something.

"Sir Ling Tian please!"

"Two fairies please!"

Nalan Lingfeng made a gesture of reverence, flew up immediately, and took Li Lingtian and three people into Chunyang Island.

Li Lingtian and Tang Qingyue flew into the sky, and in a blink of an eye, a dozen strong men and Li Lingtian disappeared into the sky and flew deep into Chunyang Island.

What happened just now was clearly seen in the distance by the strong people nearby. They were extremely admired for Li Lingtian's strength and domineering. They were also blinded by Nalan Lingfeng of Chunyang Island, but they did not dare to offend Nalan Ling. Feng, now Li Lingtian has taught Nalan Lingfeng a lesson. They are all very happy, and the evil in his heart is also relieved.

I was shocked by Li Lingtian's power and respected Li Lingtian's identity.

The news that Li Lingtian came to Chunyang Island quickly spread.

For a time, countless powerful people were shocked, because such characters as Li Lingtian would not easily appear in a place, and there must be something on the island to come to this place.

Even characters like Li Lingtian came, and the suspicions of some strong men were dispelled.

Now I’m looking forward to it. I look forward to the legend that Chunyang Island is true.


In less than half an hour, the group finally arrived at the center of Chunyang Island.

Along the way, Li Lingtian and the three also had some understanding of Chunyang Island. This Chunyang Island is full of birds and flowers, and there is a strong spirit of fairy everywhere.

And on this island, there are countless large and small peaks, although the peaks are not large, but many.

In the center of Chunyang Island, some palaces were seen from time to time.

The place where Li Lingtian and others stopped was surrounded by nine mountain peaks. The center was a huge square with hundreds of miles to thousands of miles. The square was all made of sapphire.

There is a mysterious halo above it, which looks very solid.

The nine peaks are definitely the tallest and largest peaks on the island. With Li Ling’s cultivation practice and knowledge, I can see at a glance that there are mysterious connections between the nine peaks, which is a powerful natural formation.

And this powerful lineup didn't exist for a while, but it is certain that this lineup has something to do with Chunyang Palace.

"Sir Ling Tian, ​​here is the Chunyang Pavilion reads;"

"Yunming, take Master Lingtian to rest, I will go to Master Yang's place."

Nalan Lingfeng saluted Li Lingtian and said.

Immediately, a pseudo-realm around him took Li Lingtian and three people to rest, and he himself informed Master Yang.

After speaking, he retired to Li Lingtian once again. The pseudo-real powerhouse known as Yunming took Li Lingtian and the three men to a pavilion on the edge of the square.

Immediately, a token was handed to Li Lingtian, and after leaving for Li Lingtian, he quit.

The three of Li Lingtian entered the pavilion and took a break at this place temporarily.

The pavilion is not small, it is a location. Such a pavilion is also dedicated to the strong. It is the best place to practice. There are a total of six or seven rooms with three floors.

There are several small gardens around, and three people live in it, which is indeed enough.

Li Lingtian waved several times with one hand and cast a few simple formations to show his peace of mind.

Since I came to Chunyang Island~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I am not embarrassed to accept Lan Lingfeng and others, after all, this is the site of others, and Master Yang is practicing, and I forcibly see Master Yang, and I will definitely make the other party uncomfortable, saying There may be another war.

By virtue of his cultivation behavior, he was not even an opponent of Master Yang, and it was naturally not something he could do.

It doesn’t matter if I live here for a few days.

"People of Chunyang Island, don't fool us."

"We just packed them up just now, will it make us wait here in vain because of this?"

After settling down, Tang Zimeng snuggled beside Li Lingtian and said seriously.

After Tang Zimeng finished speaking, Li Lingtian suddenly smiled.

Tang Qingyue also laughed. When she saw Li Lingtian and her sister laughed at her, Tang Zimeng was suddenly puzzled. She looked anxiously at Li Lingtian and kankan Tang Qingyue.


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