War God Supreme

Chapter 1616: Canyon meets enemy

c_t; Soon, Huangfu Yuyan and others have already arranged it. [Almost all the books I want to read are more stable and faster than the average site. It’s quicker to update. There are no ads in full text. ]

In the front, the four men and sisters of Tianyue Princess led the way, followed by Li Lingtian and Ji Yi, and after the break of the four people Xiaobai and Liu Yiyi, the others flew in the middle, and collected good medicines.

In this way, they are almost indestructible, even if they meet the super strong, the four sisters and sisters can also protect themselves, and behind them are Du Gu Zi Yin and Xuanyuan Qingqing, and Qingping, they can experience as long as they don’t meet When they reach the peak of the semi-god realm, they can use them to practice.

In case of loss, there are also Princess Tianyue and Tang Qingyue, and Li Lingtian and Ji Yi are the last killers.



Inside the canyon, Li Lingtian and his team flew quickly, and didn't encounter a fork in a moment.

The medicinal materials encountered in the middle were only cherished and thousands of years old, and were collected into the storage bag.

The time passed by one second, three hours passed, and the pedestrians were tired.

Not many turnouts were encountered midway, and there were not many turnouts, but none of them found that this place is a maze world.

However, they can be sure that it is not only Li Lingtian who was sent here in this labyrinth, but countless formers have been sent here.

Because halfway through, they met a lot of fake **** realm strongmen, and even half **** realm strongmen encountered several.

More than twenty pseudo-realms, six or seven half-realms, were killed by them.

Li Lingtian didn't even move his hands to kill these powerful men, all of them were solved by Du Gu Zi Yin.

This is also why Li Lingtian didn't see the top and mid-term powerhouses in the early half-spiritual realm, otherwise he would have to shoot.

After all, the gap between the realm is too large, and the magical means and treasures cannot be made up. When he meets the strongman above the peak of the early half-realm, only he can solve it.

"Little brother, shall we find a place to rest first."

Tianyue Princess stopped and looked at Li Lingtian and asked.

After three hours of continuous flight, I was indeed a little tired, and after so many battles in the middle of the battle, I didn’t take a break, and spent a lot of energy and energy. [Qiwu eBook]

Now that I haven't met a strong man, I can just find a place to rest. Only after a good rest can I use the peak state to deal with the strong men in the back.

"it is good."

"We find a cave to rest."

Li Lingtian nodded. Although there is no prohibition on flying in this place, the gravity in the canyon is powerful and terrifying, and it is exhausting to fly for a long time. This place consumes more real energy and energy than other places.



Just as Li Lingtian's figure fell, there was a sound of breaking the sky behind him, and there was a blast of destruction.

This sound is terrifying, and the speed is extremely fast. What's more important is that the sound of breaking the sky and the popping sound are reads flying towards them.

Discovering this situation, Li Lingtian and others were a bit shocked. It was such a surprise that two figures had appeared in the canyon, and the atmosphere of terror and destruction broke out on the figure.

Both figures are middle-aged strong men in the mid-half of the gods.

And the two are fighting endlessly, completely like a never-ending look.

When Li Lingtian and others found two middle-aged strong men, the two middle-aged middle-aged strong men also found Li Lingtian and others. When they saw Li Lingtian and others, they stopped, and the two men's battle also stopped at this time. .

Seeing a group of peerless girls and a young man, there was an evil smile on the faces of the two half-magic mid-strong men.

Here, any one of Huangfu Yuyan and others is a peerless beauty that is rare in Shenwu Continent, not to mention that there are so many at once, it is strange to not make people crazy.

Moreover, these girls are only the cultivation of pseudo-realm, the talent is extremely beautiful, the temperament is dusty, and the two mid-powers of the half-realm feel that they have come to the fairyland in general.

As for Li Lingtian, he was completely neglected, and the young man in front of him was simply the most terrifying figure in Shenwu Continent.

"Brother Mu Hao, you have three ten great results in your old age. I only need one."

"Here, how do we divide equally?"

Yun Chen's eyes were full of evil, and his heart was already full of imagination. A gurgling sound in his throat sounded, and then he turned to another mid-term strongman who was not far away.

It's totally like the following twenty girls as their own products.

Even the treasures on his opponents would rather score less, showing how greedy I am towards the women below.

"Okay, I'll give you ten absolute results."

"Here, we share equally."

Yun Chen also smiled on his face, and said in a yin.

When the two were talking, there was no evasion at all. It was like reading the following people as flowers and grass in their back garden.

Indeed, the mid-level powerhouse of the semi-deity, and the powerhouse in the face of pseudo-realm, are totally irrelevant.

Not to mention that the people below are all false gods, even if they are all in the early stage of demigods, they will not take them seriously.

Besides, there are so many beautiful women like peerless goddesses, one is enough to make people tremble, not to mention a large group.

"Self-divide yourself, otherwise the smoke will disappear."

"Male, self-discipline!"

Mu Hao looked at Huangfu Yuyan and others. When his eyes turned to Li Lingtian, the whole person erupted in a terrible cold breath, and his voice was extremely cold.

"court death!"

The expression on Li Lingtian's face became more and more full-bodied, and whispers of rumors spread to the ears of Huangfu Yuyan and others.

In a blink of an eye, Huangfu Yuyan and others have already been arranged.

Let Huangfu Yuyan and others hold down a half-god powerhouse, Xiaobai and Ji Yi secretly shot, but he was one of them.

After making arrangements, said coldly.

The voice was cold, and the terrifying coldness of his body also broke out, and the ice power slowly filled the canyon.

Dare to ignore him so much, coveting his woman in front of him is simply looking for death.

In Shenwu Continent, no matter how powerful the strong man is, he dare not look down upon him so much.

Now, encountering such a mid-term strongman is the first time, but he also, these two half-god mid-term strongmen do not have his identity, otherwise it will not be so easy.

In the same way, Li Lingtian's heart is solemn, and he can still deal with it at the beginning of the semi-deity.

But the mid-demand realm mid-level strongman is in trouble. With his strength as a cultivation base, there is little hope for dealing with the mid-magic realm mid-term, let alone two mid-magic realm mid-level strongman reads.


"Ignorant young people think they are still in their own family."

"This place is the Pure Yang Palace, and it is impossible for a strong man from your family to rescue you."

When Mu Hao heard Li Lingtian's words, he was startled.

A young man with a false **** realm is still so arrogant in the face of the mid-two strong men of two half **** realm, it must be a spoiled family.

Between the words, the ice-cold power of the destruction of the whole body pressed against Li Lingtian.

In the air, the ruinous icy air was crushed relentlessly, and he bombarded Li Lingtian. Wherever the icy air passed, the space was frozen.

I can imagine how strong this ice-cold air is. At the same time, Li Lingtian and others can see that this Mu Hao is the soul of the ice soul and the magical power of the ice system.


Li Lingtian watched Mu Haoshi exhibiting ice magical powers, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

With a wave of one hand, the ice system's magical power burst out, and the ice system's magical power continued to condense, and finally formed a ruined light group. The light group rotated, and the space formed a vortex, which bombarded Mu Mu straight away.

"What a terrifying ice force!"

Yun Chen and Mu Hao exclaimed at the same time.

Both of them are super powerhouses in the middle of the half-divine realm. With the existence of natural divine power, they also cultivated divine power, but they did not have much divine power to cultivate.

But seeing Li Lingtian's pure and terrifying divine power erupted, both were shocked.

A young man with a false **** realm, even with such a pure divine power, is simply against the sky. This divine power is completely beyond the control of the false **** realm. Even a semi-god powerhouse cannot cultivate such a pure divine power.

They naturally do not have Li Lingtian's divine power as Jiutian divine power, which is the divine power in the Jiutian shrine, and surpasses the divine power of all powerful and powerful people above the true god.

Even if there is not much control, the pure intensity is definitely not comparable to the demigod and the true god.

When the two were shocked, Li Lingtian's ice power had bombarded Mu Hao's icy air.



Two crisp sounds sounded, and the ice magical power directly engulfed the cold air.

"Bing Soul God Needle!"

While the ice power engulfed the imprisoned ice and cold air, Li Lingtian's face showed a strange smile, and he began to drink lightly, and suddenly a breath of death and extinction broke out in the space.


Mu Hao felt a threat of death and suddenly became furious.

The half-magnificent realm in the mid-terms was calculated in front of a pseudo-realm youth.

Between the two hands constantly waving to gather power, in an instant, a fist-sized pure power light group was formed~www.wuxiaspot.com~The body continued to retreat towards the back, in front of the power light group was a subtle power needle .

If this subtle **** needle is not his semi-godly strong man, he can't see this **** needle at all.

At this time, the young man in front of Mu Hao was not so simple.

In the middle of his half divine realm, the cold energy was offset by the attack of a young junior, and was threatened by a mysterious horror needle. Although he didn’t have any power, he could think of it. In the acupuncture of the gods, even if the semi-divine realm is fixed to immortality, it will be seriously injured.

When this **** needle was discovered, the ruined true element worked, and the **** needle was resisted with the true element cultivated in the mid-semi-realm.

"Dare to dare to die in front of this seat, to death!"

Li Lingtian said coldly that the true element of the whole body is running, and the power of the five-star element **** burst out at this time.

The look on his face was so extreme that space suddenly shivered.


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