War God Supreme

Chapter 1641: Breakthrough (4)

Without waiting for them to finish their horror, the ruined Shenyu was bombarded without sky. [For more exciting novels, please visit]

The entire Heaven Tribulation is divine power, which completely surpasses any existence of Shenwu Continent.

This powerful catastrophe was not known to the powerful people of Shenwu Continent.

However, with the advent of the Heavenly Tribulation, countless strongmen were directly crushed and destroyed, and Chunyang Square was almost destroyed. There were few remaining pseudo-shenzhen strongmen, and even a few semi-shenzhen strongmen fell.


With a roaring sound, Li Lingtian resembled a fierce beast, erupting into a world-destroying pure power, and the pure power bombarded towards the Sky Tribulation.

Because he knew that Xuanyuan Yingying and others were injured in the third Heaven Tribulation, and now there is no response at all. If he does not suffer this Heaven Tribulation, Xuanyuan Yingying will disappear.

Such a thing, he would rather die than see.



The power of destruction, the power of terror, hit hard together.

The sky and earth dimmed, and then everything went into darkness.

The entire Chunyang Square, Chunyang Mountain Range, Chunyang Palace, this world has entered into darkness, silent darkness, no sound, the silence is frightening.

Tang Qingyue and others, the expression on his face kept changing, did not know the life and death of Li Lingtian, but did not dare to disturb.


A blood-spraying sound broke the silence of the Divine Medicine Palace and gave a glimmer of hope to this terrifying world, because this blood-spraying sound came from Li Lingtian.

Such a voice shows that Li Lingtian has not fallen.

The sky gradually became brighter, and the whole world seemed to go from dark to dawn, from dawn to day.

This world has returned to normal, coercion, divinity, and destruction, all this has nothing to do with this world.

Everything is as if in a dream.

If it weren’t for the traces of destruction in front of you, you would think that all this is just a nightmare, and now the nightmare is awake.

Above the square, there is no change except for more than two hundred destroyers.

The semi-god realm and the pseudo-god realm are directly destroyed by coercion. Needless to say, the horror of this sky-tribulation is obvious, and all the surviving strong men have a happy face.

Now, they can be sure that no one broke through this sky-tribulation, because no one will break through such a horrible sky-tribulation. These sky-tribulation may be inside the pure Yang Palace.

However, on the quiet square, the faces of several superpowers in the mid- and mid-realm phases slowly looked difficult.

Dongyue Baiyu, Gongsun Long, and Zhao Yanyun, all couldn't help but tremble.

Because the seemingly calm sky is brewing stronger and more terrible destruction.

"Everything is destroyed!"

Li Lingtian looked at the void helplessly, and a cold voice sounded.

Now, he has no real element at all. When he breaks through, he can't use Ni Tian Dan, which will only hurt himself.

Seeing the air, Li Lingtian said to herself, but also reminded Xuanyuan Yingying and others.

This Heavenly Tribulation can make them disappear and disappear from the Shenwu Continent.

"Everything is extinct, and the mind becomes transformed."

"Quietness is the same, it is invisible."

Li Lingtian's voice was dull, Nangong Mingyue and others were sitting cross-legged. The whole person entered the realm of emptiness, the consciousness separated from the body, gradually transformed into the air, and finally merged with Li Lingtian's consciousness.

The anti-celestial horror of God's consciousness turned into the sky and the sky greeted the sky.

Fighting with God in the sky is almost death, but in the present situation, even if you don’t do it, you will be strangled by the sky’s sky-robbery. Rather than passive destruction, it is better to take the initiative to attack.

Fifth Heaven Tribulation, All Things Silence Tribulation!

Invisible Heavenly Tribulation, but it is the most terrifying Heavenly Tribulation. If it can't resist, the whole person will die invisible.


The air twisted, the world was torn apart, and the divine power above the sky was crushed.

This situation is almost the same as the halo before the arrival of the Heavenly Tribulation. Countless powerful people have been invisiblely destroyed. The pseudo-spiritual powers have basically fallen completely, and even half of the gods have fallen by hundreds.

Each Sky Tribulation is stronger than the previous one. Even if the current Tribulation of All Things is dead, it seems to have no power, but it is more terrifying and overbearing than the previous Sky Tribulation.

This catastrophe is almost everywhere, there is no place to hide.



Blood spewed out constantly, and the eyes, nasal cavity, and ears all overflowed with blood slowly, and they looked terrible.

The bombardment of Divine Consciousness caused him to suffer the disaster of extinction.

Xuanyuan Yingying and others, although also extremely tragic, but most of the power was resisted by Li Lingtian.


Finally, the strangeness and repression in the sky disappeared, a bright flash of light, the space was torn to a long rift, the world was quiet, the fifth heavenly disaster disappeared.

Li Lingtian also fell down to resist, and blood constantly overflowed from the Qiqiao.

The pressure in the air subsided, and everyone felt a little uncomfortable.

The strong man in the square sat on the ground with one butt, looked at the void weakly, and more despair on his face.

"When is this going to happen?"

"What year and month is this head."

"Abominable Heavenly Tribulation, this is killing people."

"Pure Yang Palace, the deity never wants to come again."

"I didn't expect such horror in Chunyang Palace, there was such a catastrophe, no matter how powerful the powerful person had to disappear, I still don't know what horrible things will happen later."


The strong man in the square is only three hundred.

All the false **** realms have fallen, leaving only some top demigod powerhouses, either the top of the demigod realm in the early stage, or the demise of the mid-demand realm in the middle, or the strong man with the anti-celestial treasure.

Otherwise, the strong man lying on the ground is their end.

Can face powerful enemies, can face unknown dangers, can face powerful monsters and beasts, all of which have a chance to defeat.

However, in the face of such a catastrophe, it is simply passively beaten, and you still want to fight with heaven.

Most of the places inside the Divine Medicine Palace are in disarray. Only the side next to the palace has little effect. The blood of the mouth of Huangfu Yuyan and others, the exercises work, and the expression on his face is worried.

However, Tang Qingyue and Huangfu Yuyan and others felt that Li Lingtian and Xuanyuan Yingying did not fall, but their breath was extremely weak. Seeing this situation, they thought that there was a sky-tribulation behind them. They were all worried.

If this goes on, Li Lingtian and others will be destroyed by the arrival of the sixth Heaven Tribulation.



Time, one second and one second.

The sky began to change. Seeing the changes in the sky, all the strong people subconsciously tense up, and quickly ran the exercises, holding the element and keeping oneself, to ensure that they would not be destroyed.

As everyone knows, the martial arts disaster in the front was terrifying, and they almost disappeared.

Now there is a prelude to the Heavenly Tribulation, which is definitely stronger than the previous ones.

At this time, Li Lingtian, feeling the arrival of the Heaven Tribulation, also sat up helplessly, without the slightest blood on his face, and subconsciously turned the True Element to watch the changes in the void.

However, when he saw the changes in the air, his face was shocked.

Because the sky is full of destructive power, and this power is still familiar to you, that is, you got the nine-day power in the nine-day shrine. The horror of the nine-day power, he knows better than anyone, and he did not expect that nine days appeared when the heavenly disaster appeared. Divine power.

Nine Heavens Divine Power bombarded him from the sky, this is not a human life.

The void torn by the Nine Heavens Divine Power formed vortexes, just like cyclones. The whirlpool of the Nine Heavens Divine Power over the sky, and this powerful pressure alone, could crush and destroy any powerful person.

Chunyang Palace, Chunyang Mountain Range, and Chunyang Square shake at this time.

There were loud noises everywhere, as if they were going to be destroyed at any time. In the void, huge cyclones bombarded in the sky.

This is the real world destruction, the space is pierced by these huge cyclone pillars, and the sun, moon and stars change color.

The Shenwu Continent, the deciduous waters of the Pure Yang Empire, and the sky-high water column soared into the sky.

The empire did not know how many miles there were, but at this time, the original cloudless sky exploded with a blast of destruction, the entire space continued to tear, the earth collapsed, and the sea subverted.

Countless strong men, countless creatures are destroyed at this time.

More than ten heavenly cities such as Longyue Heavenly City, Stormy Heavenly City, Baiyu Heavenly City, etc. are in destruction. Countless strong men escaped and quickly left the Heavenly City. The whole world seems to be destroyed.

"How is this going?"

"What's in the sky?"

"What a terrifying power and divine power."

"Could it be that the mighty God punishes Shenwu Continent?"

"Good pure power, this is the power of the powerful."

"This Shenwu Continent is over."


Looking at the chaos in the world, countless superpowers are horrified.

In the sky, the endless destruction of divine power landed, more than ten heavenly cities were continuously destroyed, and countless powerful people fled.

Some super powers, looking at the changes in the sky, are shocked, just like knowing that Shenwu Continent is going to change.

All the super powers are quietly gathering their powers ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so as to avoid any changes.

When there is a vision, there must be a demon. This Shenwu Continent is no longer as peaceful as it used to be, but a terrifying accident will happen.

The signs of the Chunyang Empire soon spread throughout the major sky cities of the Chunyang Empire. Even other empires knew about the changes that occurred in the Chunyang Empire, and even the paradise of loose repairs knew these changes.

Suddenly, the storms in the entire Shenwu Continent saw this accident as a natural change.

Countless insidious forces have also begun to act, all taking advantage of this opportunity to rise, some super forces have also secretly contested, and the entire Shenwu Continent has become strange.

A prelude to the world's chaos has arrived. The seemingly calm Shenwu Continent is now truly broken.

I don’t know. It’s all caused by one person, that is, the myth of Shenwu Continent, the first Divine Pill Master, the first day array division Li Lingtian.

It was Li Lingtian's breakthrough that led to the destruction of more than ten heavenly cities in the Chunyang Empire.


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