War God Supreme

Chapter 1656: Late half god

"That is of course. [Starting]"

Huang Fu Yuyan and others saw Li Lingtian's compliment, his face suddenly showed an excited smile.

After reaching the semi-divine state of cultivation, the consciousness is many times stronger than when it was a pseudo-real state, and it has been clearly discovered when the two powerful breaths are thousands of miles away.


When Li Lingtian and others came to the top of the mountain, the two strong men had already appeared.

Everyone looked at the two powerful men in the air, and the look on their faces was shocked.

I saw the two strong men in the air, exuding a strong breath. Within a few weeks of the two, they were all breath of destruction, and the space has also become fragments. Obviously, the pseudo realm has reached an extreme, almost different from the realm. Very few.

The peak of the mid-semireal world is only one step away from the late stage.

Both of them are mid-term peaks, and they also give a sense of horror threat, which is obviously stronger than those of the same rank.

Seeing such a strong man, Li Lingtian could not help but be more careful.

"Sir Lingtian, in the lower east, she doesn't want to be an enemy with her."

"Master Ling Tian is the Supreme Divine Pill Master, and is the myth of Shenwu Continent. Similarly, Lord Ling Tian is also a businessman and wants to make a deal with Lord Ling Tian outside."

"I wonder if Mr. Ling Tian is willing?"

When Dong Shaotian saw the people around Li Lingtian, there were seven girls who had reached the early stage of semi-divine realm.

This is completely inconsistent with the information received. The news all said that the people around Li Lingtian were the pinnacle of the realm of pseudo-realm, and there was no half-god. This matter, the whole fairyland is aware of it.

I didn't expect that the girl next to Li Lingtian had become part of the demigod, and things changed a little bit.

Although it was only in the early stage of Semi-Divine Realm, it did not affect him, but things changed, and I felt a little bad in my heart.

The only thing that made him feel comfortable was that Li Lingtian was still a false **** realm. If Li Lingtian also reached the semi-god realm, then leave here quickly, otherwise it would be death.

Everyone knows Li Lingtian’s horror, and the false **** realm can kill the strong men in the mid-peak peak of the semi-god realm.


"The deal of immortality medicine and medicinal materials is welcome in this seat, but if it is other transactions, this seat is not interested."

"Let's talk, what is the deal you want to see?"

Li Lingtian smiled and said lightly.

He did not expect that the other party would deal with him, but he immediately thought that the transaction the other party was doing should not be a panacea. If it were a panacea, it would not have this momentum.

Besides, the powerful people in this world know that although Li Lingtian is the first magician, he never makes a deal. Even if he takes out the medicine, it is free.

Dealing with him must be something other than immortality.

Faintly, he felt that the other party wanted to trade, and this thing, he would never trade.

"I heard Lord Lingtian got two godheads."

"You need a gold godhead in the next time. Lord Lingtian can make a price, and the price is easy to say."

Dong Shaotian opened his mouth and said cautiously. While talking, he kept looking at Li Lingtian's face, wondering how Li Lingtian reacted.

But, let him down.

Because the look on Li Lingtian's face was calm, there was no slight change, and there was no slight change in his expression.

In the air, an uneasy breath slowly emanated, and the atmosphere was strangely suppressed, making Dong Shaotian and Mutianyu both feel a powerful force of oppression. Where did this force come from? Both of them did not know .

"You guys, you can go."

"This seat is in a good mood now, and if you are in a bad mood, it is impossible for you to leave."

After a moment, Li Lingtian said slowly.

When speaking, the tone is calm, without the slightest emotional fluctuations.

Sure enough, as he thought, it was for the treasures on his body, if he traded other treasures, he would definitely consider one or two, but if the other party wants to trade the treasures he uses and the treasures he needs, it is a dream.

The mid-peak of the two half gods, he is not easy to deal with. Even if he can deal with one, the other will cause trouble for Huangfu Yuyan and others. In less than a last resort, he does not want to start.

First, I didn't want to expose my cultivation behavior, but I didn't want to be in danger.

The voice fell, and the folding fan in his hand waved, signaling the two to leave.

But the two did not mean to leave at all, but wanted to persuade Li Lingtian.

"Sir Ling Tian, ​​the golden divine personality is not useful to you, as long as you take out the divine personality, you can give you any conditions underneath."

"Furthermore, this golden personality is also someone else who asked us to come and trade with Lord Lingtian."

"I believe that the price offered by Master Ling Tian can be achieved."

Mutianyu clenched his fists at Li Lingtian and said with a smile on his face.

Although it is not what they need to say that this golden deity is, it does not say who the strong man who needs the golden deity is.

"Since it is not that you need a divine personality, you can go."

"Besides, this Godhead will not be sold."

The smile on Li Lingtian's face was more and more intense, and there was a trace of murderous intention on his body.

This killing intention was suddenly caught by Dong Shaotian and the two, and he felt a trembling inexplicably.


Just as the two were about to speak again, two powerful breaths in the air broke through. In a blink of an eye, the two breaths came to Yu Dingfeng and saw the coming two figures, Dong Suitian and Mutianyu The look on his face changed.

Because of the two coming, they couldn't be more familiar.

The president and vice-president of Yuding Tiancheng of Danshi Association, the two presidents came here at this time, it was really bad.

"Chen Xiaotian."

"Zhao Yunmin."

Dong Shaotian and Mutianyu saw the two presidents, and the look on their faces changed and they shouted to Chen Xiaotian.

Now, the two presidents are also mid-peak peak semi-god powerhouses, and the two of them are also mid-peak mid-peak peaks, and the four have almost no difference in strength.

But in terms of identity, the two presidents can be the branch presidents of the three major guilds, and their status is detached. They are not comparable to the strongmen of the same rank. Even if their backstage is strong, they dare not easily provoke the Danshi Guild. Chapter President.

"East broken sky, Mutianyu."

"Come to Yuding Tiancheng, the president welcomes you."

"But if you are going to make trouble here, the president will not welcome it. Master Ling Tian said, he doesn't want to trade, do the two have no long eyes or long ears?"

Zhao Yunmin's temper is the most popular in the Danshi Guild. In the mid-term of the semi-divine state, the vice president of the Danshi Guild. Now that he dares to see someone dare to cast his wildest on the character he admires most, he suddenly feels uncomfortable.

Speaking, there is absolutely no politeness, and the eyes are also coldly looking at Dong Suitian and Mutianyu.

In the Xianyu Chunyang Empire, although there are countless powerhouses in the semi-divine realm, there are not so many powerhouses that reach the mid-term of the half-realm. These powerhouses have basically dealt with each other and they can easily be recognized.

"The two presidents, you are important figures in the Danshi Guild, do you have to fight against us?"

"This is our deal with Master Ling Tian, ​​you two can't control it."

The expression on Dong Shaotian's face changed several times, and he said lightly.

The current situation is completely a dilemma. If you retreat, you will not feel good about your face. If you stay, you will not be the opponent of the two Danshi Guild Presidents.

Moreover, there is a change like Li Lingtian who is staring around at him, maybe one loses by accident.

"Both are the mid-peak peaks of the half-god."

"The chairman is really curious and really wants to know how to cultivate the IQ of the two to the middle of the semi-god realm."

"Adult Ling Tian is the Supreme Divine Pill Master, the myth of the Dan Dao, the predecessor of the Ten Thousand Pill Masters worshipped by the Shenwu Continent, and the myth of our Dan Shi Association. Is it impossible for the two to disperse my Dan Shi Association?"

When Chen Xiaotian spoke, the true elements of the whole body burst out, suddenly the space trembles, the air twists and tears, the war is triggered at once, and the situation is endangered.

He is the last person who wants to say that Danshi Guild has nothing to do with Li Lingtian.

Not only him, but also the three major guilds, the key of which is clear.

Now I have heard Dong Shaotian saying that Danshi Association has nothing to do with Li Lingtian's affairs, and I can't help it anymore.



The sounds were muffled, the space was turbulent, and the four half-magic mid-term powerhouses looked at each other. Under their eyes, it seemed that the power of destruction was rubbing.

At the same time, the powerful people near the Yunlong Mountain Range have seen a scene in the air, and countless powerful people outside Yuding Peak have also felt the suppression and momentum of air horror.

Hearing that Chen Xiaotian, the president of the Danshi Guild, scolded people for not wearing dirty words, he almost couldn't help but laughed.


In the mid-term of the four half-god powerhouses, the air once again sounded the sound of breaking the sky.

The sound of breaking the sky came with the power of destruction, and the power directly bombarded Li Lingtian's location. It was extremely fast, and came to Li Lingtian in the blink of an eye. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

At the same time, a destructive supernatural power rushed towards Li Lingtian.

The terrifying breath and powerful power, even Chen Xiaotian and Zhao Yunmin, who were at the peak of the mid-semireal world, shivered. This was an overwhelming coercion and power crush.

"The late half **** state!"

"The late half **** state!"

Both Chen Xiaotian and Zhao Yunmin exclaimed at the same time, only to be able to have such terrifying coercion and power, only in the late stage of the semi-real world.

I did not expect this place to come to the late half **** realm.

Li Lingtian was also shocked. His eyes looked at the coercion and supernatural power of the destruction of the void. The true elemental divine power of the whole body did not dare to hide in the slightest, and the divine power of destruction exploded.

If the strong man below the mid-god realm is really not afraid, but he meets the strong man above the mid-god half-god realm, he will have to take it seriously.


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