War God Supreme

Chapter 1663: Return to Chunyang Island

The spaceship shuttled through the clouds like an arrow. For ten days, the pure Yang Island of the Cassia Sea area appeared in sight.

The changes of the Chunyang Palace have destroyed more than ten heavenly cities of the Chunyang Empire. However, this Chunyang Island has not been affected drastically. It seems that there is no change from the past, and there are countless powerful practitioners on it.

Li Lingtian looked at the island, a faint smile appeared on his face, and then his body flashed, and the whole person disappeared into the air as a virtual image, and the spacecraft disappeared from the sky.

Lord Chunyang has already gone through customs. A few years ago, Li Lingtian, the first Divine Pill Master of the Shenwu Continent, came to Chunyang Island to enter Chunyang Palace. Finally, Master Yang Yang let Li Lingtian enter Chunyang Palace.

Thousands of supers entered into the Pure Sun Palace, but few came out.

The countless treasures in the Chunyang Palace were almost taken away by Li Lingtian, and it also caused the Chunyang Palace to change its hexagram, which destroyed the more than ten heavenly cities of the Chunyang Empire. This shocked Master Yang.

What shocked Master Yang Yang even more was that Li Lingtian got the Zijin Pillar on the top of Chunyang Palace Square. The Zijin Pillar had hidden two gods and a blood-red sword. This is a peerless treasure.

However, Li Lingtian could not have imagined that after a few years of hiding, he became the Supreme Divine Pill Master, and became a semi-divine powerhouse, so that countless powerful people fell into the hands of Li Lingtian. He wanted to find Li Lingtian and could not escape.

Besides, Li Lingtian has reached the early stage of Semi-Divine Realm, and his power is extremely terrifying. Even if the strong man in the late Semi-Divine Realm is also killed by him, then no later than ten later half-Divine Realm fell into Li Lingtian's hands.

With his strength as a cultivation base, he didn't have much hope for Li Lingtian.


"Why are you restless? Is there something that can't happen?"

On this day, Master Chunyang was meditating and practicing, and suddenly his eyes opened and his face was puzzled.

A brow, Zou, suddenly practiced well, and suddenly felt restless, which made him feel uneasy for a while, and the strong man in the late stage of the divine state, there will be such a situation, there must be something to happen.

This is the mysterious induction of the strong, and the illusory induction is totally unfounded, but very accurate.

He didn't know what exactly could affect his Chunyang Island, which was what he was curious about, and what was going to happen.

"Master Chunyang, long time no see!"

At this moment, there was a dull voice around him, and there was no hostility in the voice, as if a good friend was saying hello.

But the whole person of Chunyang was horrified as if he had seen ghosts, and his figure was like an electric shock. He left the seat and flew away in the distance, far away from the place where he originally meditated.

Because this person speaks beside him, he doesn’t even know when this person came, and if this person doesn’t speak, he certainly doesn’t know the person’s existence, and if this person does something to him, he will not die. Seriously injured.

Such a horrible situation happened to him in front of a strong man in the late semi-real world. Besides, this place is Chunyang Island, which is the site of Lord Chunyang. He knows all the trees and trees here.

No one can come here except him, but now an outsider has come here and he has not discovered at all.

What made him feel slightly relieved was that this person had no slightest hostility, and when he flashed his body and left, this person did not follow him, nor did he have any intention of starting.

Turning around, I looked at the place where the voice was. When I saw the speaker, the look on my face changed. I couldn't believe it was true.

I saw this speaker, he was very familiar with it, and he also had a connection.

"Sir Ling Tian!"

"I didn't expect Lord Lingtian to ride on Chunyang Island, Chunyang would be far away, and hope Lord Lingtian would forgive sins."

Seeing the person who spoke, the expression on Master Chunyang's face was constantly changing. After forcibly stabilizing the mood, he began to speak, and his heart still thumped.

He never imagined that the character who appeared was Li Lingtian. Although he was powerful in the early stage of Demigod Realm, it was definitely a ant in front of him in the later period.

But this Li Lingtian appeared quietly behind him, and he didn't even find the slightest discovery. If Li Lingtian did not speak, he must have never been able to notice Li Lingtian.

The legendary Li Lingtian is powerful against the sky, and now it seems to be true. This cultivation practice and space supernatural power are not comparable to him.

"Good to say."

"This seat comes, there is indeed something to find Master Chunyang."

"Offended Master Chunyang, I also hope that Master Chunyang will forgive me."

Li Lingtian said faintly, with a faint smile on his face, and the breath on his body slowly showed up, beginning to be exactly the same as the air, and still integrated into the space of this space, with no slight fluctuations and no breath.

Looking at Li Lingtian's mysterious and strange breath, the look on Master Chunyang's face changed constantly.

"I don't know what Master Ling Tian came from afar, what's the matter with Chunyang."

"As long as Chunyang can do it, he will never quit."

Lord Chunyang looked at Li Lingtian, and the expression on his face became dignified. I don't know what happened to Li Lingtian's coming to Chunyang Island. This Li Lingtian came to him. Most of the time, there was nothing good about him.

I thought so in my heart, but I didn't dare say that.

"It does matter."

"Adult Chunyang should know the Chunyang Empire in front of him."

"Someone needs your help, and I hope that Mr. Chunyang will not refuse."

Li Lingtian came step by step to Master Chunyang and stopped. He said lightly. When he spoke, he kept looking at Master Yang, as if he wanted to see him through.

Indeed, he wants Chunyang to help Li Zhengyang, but also to ensure that Chunyang will not affect Li Zhengyang because of some things, or to ensure that Chunyang will not betray Li Zhengyang.

"Master Ling Tian, ​​please say."

"I don't know who needs help."

When Master Yang heard this, he immediately felt bad, and the bad things came to him.

But in the face of Li Lingtian, he really didn't know how to refuse it. After all, Li Lingtian was not easy to provoke. Everyone in this world can provoke, but he couldn't provoke Li Lingtian.

"Li Zhengyang."

"Li Zhengyang, the prince of Chunyang Empire."

The smile on Li Lingtian's face was even more intense. He said Li Zhengyang's name. As long as he said the name, he could let Master Chunyang know everything about it.

Because the situation of the Chunyang Empire is not good now, if Li Zhengyang comes out, some things can be solved.

"I don't know how Master Ling Tian is going to help?"

"With the strength of Master Ling Tian, ​​it is naturally not a problem to help His Royal Highness the Prince, why should he come forward?"

The look on Master Chunyang’s face was shocked. The last time he heard Li Lingtian said about Li Zhengyang, the body of Li Zhengyang’s pure Yang, Li Lingtian entered Chunyang Palace to find out the pure Yang exercises. He hadn’t been in Li Lingtian for so long. I know whether Li Lingtian got the pure Yang Gong.

Now I heard that Li Lingtian asked him to help Li Zhengyang.

At the same time, Master Chunyang was also shocked and excited, because he understood that as long as Li Zhengyang became the emperor of the emperor, he would be 10,000 people under one person, and he might also receive countless benefits.

But there are still many things that are troublesome, and he does not know how Li Lingtian wants him to help.

"Now the pure Yang Empire is in chaos, internal and external troubles, Li Zhengyang comes forward, you have to ensure his safety."

"As for whether the Pure Yang Empire can resist this robbery, it depends on Li Zhengyang's own ability. Although this seat has the opportunity to help him, this seat does not want to shoot."

"After all, the position and identity of this seat are here, it is not easy to participate in the war between the empire, less than a last resort, it will not participate in the war of the empire."

"For this reason, Master Chunyang is naturally clearer than this seat. I don't know what Master Chunyang thinks."

Li Lingtian said nonchalantly, his face relaxed, without any worries.

After talking, he looked at Master Chunyang.

"These things will naturally know a little bit."

"Helping Li Zhengyang is the responsibility of the people of the Pure Yang Empire. Similarly, helping Li Zhengyang is also helping his own empire, and will naturally not be pushed away."

"Sir Ling Tian is looking for this matter?"

Lord Chunyang was happy, but if it was just these things, he would naturally have nothing to say.

With the presence of Li Lingtian, helping Li Zhengyang is also helping himself, and can also have some relationships with Li Lingtian. You must know that Li Lingtian is the supreme Divine Pill Master of the Shenwu Continent. There are three major guilds behind him and the strength against the sky.

"Of course, does Master Chunyang want to come here to discuss with you?"

"Exactly, there is nothing wrong now, and you can all exchange ideas with Master Chunyang for one or two."

Li Lingtian laughed and said angrily.

After finishing speaking, the true element of the whole body is running. At first glance, it looks like a hands-on look. Although there is no killing, it gives a terrifying oppressive force.

Lord Chunyang saw Li Lingtian's appearance and quickly waved her hand, with a wry smile on her face.

"Sir Ling Tian still doesn't want to go down~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ can still live for hundreds of years under it, and don't want to die so soon."

"Study with Master Ling Tian, ​​it's a itchy skin."

Master Yang Yang waved his hand and said aloud.

He didn’t dare to discuss with Li Lingtian. It was a last resort. He didn’t want to do it with Li Lingtian. Even if he was even more powerful, he wouldn’t be much stronger than the other late semi-real world powerhouses. In fact, this is not luck, nor accident, but the real power of terror.

Afterwards, the two discussed the next thing roughly.

But basically all the adults of Chunyang are talking, Li Lingtian just nodded, because these things Li Lingtian will not participate in, and the people who are going to implement are adults Chunyang and Li Zhengyang.

He now hands Li Zhengyang to Master Chunyang, and basically will not care about Li Zhengyang in the future, and he has nothing to do with the Chunyang Empire, unless he has to do otherwise, otherwise he will not help Li Zhengyang.

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